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Weekly Forecasts


Weekly Forecast Monday September 30th, 2019

Monday 9/30 – Beaver  – If there was ever a day to get to work on the things that you’re passionate about, today would be it. Roll up your sleeves and dig into the projects that you’ve been dreaming about. No matter how big or lofty your goals are, the best way to achieve them is to simply get started. And be sure to reach out to others in your community for support if needed. You may find that you have more resources at your disposal than you realized.

Tuesday 10/1 – Frog - Frog medicine is that of cleansing and this can take place on a variety of different levels. Perhaps it’s time to clean up your diet or to detox your body via saunas or a sweaty gym session. Maybe a deep clean of your home would feel most beneficial. You might even consider looking around at the people that surround you or the messages you’re taking in through media and taking a big step back from anyone or anything that depletes you or leaves you feeling dysregulated. Take some time today to figure out what parts of your life could use a revamp and take action to clear away what no longer serves in order to make space for what will. 

Wednesday 10/2 – Whale Reversed – Each and everyone of us has a unique voice and message to share. It’s part of our personal medicines and today your task is to find and remove anything that impedes your ability to speak your truth. Limiting belief systems, habits that dim your light, and people who encourage you to stay small can no longer take up space in your life. Let it all go with love, hone in on what kind of impact you want to make on your communities and the world at large, and then get to work sharing your gifts.

Thursday 10/3 – Black Panther Reversed – The only way your Shadow is going to trip you up is if you refuse to acknowledge it. It’s time to pull the rug back and look directly at everything you’ve been sweeping under there. Once you have fully embraced and integrated all parts of  you, you’ll not only free yourself from shame but you’ll also be more able to see the gifts in even the most challenging parts of your experience. 

Friday 10/4 – Spider  – Creativity is one of the most powerful healers and a wonderful tool for transmuting your struggles into something beautiful. Paint. Dance. Write. Sing. Work with clay or plants. There’s really no wrong way to express yourself as long as you’re doing something that feels authentic. The more vulnerable and honest you can be in the process, the more you’ll receive from the experience, and the more likely it is that whatever you create will support others as well. Don’t overthink it. Simply open up and let whatever wants to come through you flow. 

Saturday 10/5 – Ant – Patience is a virtue but one that so many of us struggle to embody. Do your best to trust in divine timing today and if you find yourself feeling like you’re getting stuck or stalled out in a way that is frustrating, ask yourself what gifts are to be found in the present. Whether it’s a lesson that you have yet to fully receive, protection from taking on too much too quickly, or simply a rare opportunity to stop and smell the roses, you wouldn’t be experiencing the slow down unless there was a little more juice in your current phase so stop trying to skip ahead and just enjoy every last drop of this moment. 

Sunday 10/6 – Hummingbird Reversed – When we find ourselves becoming short and irritable over the tiniest things, it’s time to take a step back and a very deep breath. Play isn’t only for children; in fact, it’s vital to our wellbeing. Spend time around people that make you laugh. Do something silly, just for the sheer joy of it. Drop into curiosity, wonder and awe. Even just a few moments of good, clean fun can be incredibly refreshing to the spirit, body, and mind, so carve out some time to let your hair down and de-stress. You’ll have more energy, creativity, and patience in the week ahead if you prioritize filling your own cup up today.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday September 23rd, 2019

Monday 9/23 – Skunk Reversed  – We can say and do all the “right” things and there may still be someone out there who finds a reason to criticize us. If we live in the reflection of other’s eyes we give all of our power away and spend our days chasing external validation. Let go of your concerns about what others think of you and focus more on what you think of yourself. As long as you are living in alignment with your own values, that’s all that matters. 

Tuesday 9/24 – Crow Reversed - The darkest parts of our souls don’t have to trip us up, but the keys to allowing them to inform our behavior rather than control it are awareness and integration. Take time today to explore the parts of yourself that you feel shame around. Search for the gift within that experience and find ways to channel those energies into something positive. You may find that the very parts of your being that you’ve been running from could turn out to be directly linked to some of your most potent gifts. 

Wednesday 9/25 – Eagle Reversed – If you’re feeling disconnected from yourself or from Spirit, it’s time to slow down, tune in, and ask what is needed. Perhaps some time in nature or dropping into service. Maybe a ritual or simply prayer. Our relationships with ourselves and with something greater than us are deeply personal and only you will know what is needed to cultivate and nurture that connection. It may take some time to figure out what most supports you in feeling both grounded and expansive, but it will be one of the best investments you could ever make.

Thursday 9/26 – Salmon Reversed – We all feel lost from time to time and the temptation to give the reins to someone else can be so very real, but the truth is that no one can tell you which path is yours. Listen closely to your body. Notice the visions that pass through your mind. Honor the feelings in your gut. These are truly the best guidance systems you will ever find in your life and the more you practice working with them, the more fine-tuned they will become. It’s also worth noting that resistance doesn’t always mean that we’re going in the wrong direction. Salmon swim against the rushing river currents year after year to return to their birthplace and the place in which they will create new life. It’s not an easy trek, but they are pulled by the call of their instincts. It’s time to reconnect with your own inner knowing and follow it wherever it may lead. 

Friday 9/27 – Mouse  – Discernment isn’t about judgment or labeling anything as “bad” or “wrong”; it’s simply the process of deciding if something is or is not for us in this moment and it’s a vital part of healthy boundary-setting, both with others and with ourselves. Take time to notice today what supports your visions and dreams and what either detracts from them or is simply taking up space in your life. Don’t be afraid to release anything that is no longer serving you. It is, after all, the season of shedding, so let go and trust that something beautiful will bloom in the place of everything that falls away.

Saturday 9/28 – Coyote – You may be met with some contrarian energy today and you’re best bet is to soften rather than stiffen against it. In fact, laughing at yourself and all of the ways our egos can convince us that our way is the right way may be just what the doctor ordered today. Remember that we are all operating from different frameworks constructed from layers upon layers of experience. There’s no need to invalidate someone else’s perspective just because it doesn’t align with yours. If you need to create more distance between yourself and someone who is triggering challenging feelings within you then do so, but don’t forget to look at what is coming up for you and where you may have some healing to do around that.

Sunday 9/29 – Horse – The weekend ends on an uplifting note with Horse reminding us of our own power and agency. This is a grounded energy that is ideal for creating real and lasting change. What do you want your life to look like? What about the world around you? Your visions will come through clearly today and it’s up to you to do the work to bring them to life. You’ve have everything you need within you. Consistent effort will take you where you want to go.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday September 16th, 2019

Monday 9/16 – Armadillo Reversed  – When we talk about healthy boundaries, we are so often focused on concerns of boundaries not being strong or clear enough, but the opposite extreme can be just as unhealthy. Are there places in your life where you keep people at a distance by being rigid? Perhaps there’s somewhere you could be just a touch more flexible in a way that creates more space for connection. The lines are drawn in the sand so that we can adjust them as we shift and change. Make sure that you’re checking in regularly to see what is right for the moment at hand.

Tuesday 9/17 – Raccoon Reversed - Helping others out is a beautiful thing, but when you start running around trying to save the day, especially for those who didn’t ask for support, you’re most likely veering into martyrdom territory and that rarely ends well. Try bringing the focus back to your own life and pour all of that loving energy on yourself. If someone does actually ask for your support, make sure that you’re showing up in a way that empowers rather than encourages dependency. This will keep resentments at bay on both sides and creates a circular energy exchange that is mutually enriching rather than depleting. 

Wednesday 9/18 – Horse Reversed – We’re all entitled go deep into our feels from time to time, but watch out today for a tendency to get sucked into a pity party. Wallowing in what’s not going right or pointing fingers will never get you to the place you want to be. Instead, look within. Find the places in your life where you have agency to create positive changes and get to work making shift happen. If you find that you’ve been the architect of your own unhappiness, there’s no need to beat yourself up about it either. Becoming aware of our own self-sabatoging habits is at least half of the battle. Once you know better, you can not only do better, but enjoy the rewards of creating a life that truly feels joyous to you.

Thursday 9/19 – Otter – It’s easy to forget that we humans are really just animals after all. It’s even easier to forget that we come from lineages of communal creatures that spend a lot of time engaged in bonding and connection behaviors. Our modern day society isn’t always set up to encourage lots of community time or deep intimacy, so it’s vital to the wellbeing of all of us that we set aside time just for that. If you don’t feel that there are communities around you that gather or connect in ways that feel supportive and inclusive then seize the opportunity to be the one to create that space. We all need places where we can feel seen and accepted and creating those spaces is a special kind of service that will create so much nourishment for not only those around you, but for yourself as well. 

Friday 9/20 – Owl  – Open to the possibility of learning something new about yourself today. You may have gifts that you haven’t even discovered yet, just waiting to be tapped. Maybe it’s an artistic skill. Perhaps it’s an intuitive capacity. It could even be a passion or dream that you’ve kept hidden away, even from yourself, for some reason. Just because you’ve lived with yourself your whole life doesn’t mean you know everything there is to know about you. Stay curious. Try new things just to see what sticks. You never know what you might find and the ways, both big  and small, in which your life could shift.

Saturday 9/21 – Dragonfly – The self-discovery continues on today as Dragonfly calls us to release our illusions and to clean the lens through which we view the world. What limiting beliefs are you ready to leave behind? What fears no longer hold any power over you, and how high can you soar once you no longer carry the weight of self-doubt and judgement? You’re entire experience of the world can change in an instant; all you have to do is choose to shift your perspective. 

Sunday 9/22 – Lizard – The unconscious mind is so incredibly powerful and holds the keys to our deepest desires and gifts. Notice where you go, both when you dream during sleep and when your mind wanders during the day. Don’t write off your dreams as too big/too small/too silly/ etc. It’s time to give yourself permission to invest in your heart’s quiet callings. Even if that only means speaking them aloud or writing a vision in your journal, it’s a start. The more you create an exchange with your dreamlife, which is so intimately connected to your intuition, the more you will find that life aligns to support you in some truly miraculous ways. Take a chance. What do you have to lose?

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday September 9th, 2019

Monday 9/9 – Crow Reversed  – The week kicks off with an appearance from Crow in the reversed position, reminding us to check in with our hearts and spirits about how we show up in the world. It can be easy to justify certain behaviors or ways of being but deep down we always know the truth. Where in your life have you been playing mind games with yourself in order to mold your morals around what is convenient or easy? No need to be hard on yourself, but it’s time to get honest with yourself and make any adjustments necessary to clear out any incongruence between what you know to be right and how you’re actually showing up.

Tuesday 9/10 – Lynx - We don’t always have to name what we know and today is a day where it might be in everyone’s best interest to just keep your observations to yourself. Timing is everything. If you feel an overwhelming urge to name something, ask yourself where that is coming from. It may be something that you’d do just as well to process and release on your own. Besides, information is often better received when it isn’t accompanied with a heavy charge. There may come a time when it feels truly right to share, but until then, mum’s the word.

Wednesday 9/11 – Jaguar – Integrity is all about walking your talk and it’s something worth checking in with on a regular basis. We all have blind spots but there are always tells that give away the places where we have work to do. Where are you defensive? What would you prefer for others not to see? What parts of your life do you find yourself making excuses for? Sometimes the subtlest shifts can bring us back into alignment. The key is to be both brave and compassionate as we approach our self-inquiry.

Thursday 9/12 – Buffalo – Prayer doesn’t have to look like folded hands and kneeling to be powerful. Maybe it’s writing down a vision that fills your heart up with hope. Perhaps it’s releasing your worries in the form of flowers getting carried down a stream. It could be a dance that embodies gratitude for all that you have. However you choose to offer up your joys and fears, give them over to Spirit today. You were never meant to carry the weight of this human existence all on your own, but it’s up to you to find a way to lighten your load that feels true to you.

Friday 9/13 – Black Panther Reversed  – The unknown can be terrifying or exciting; it’s really all a matter of perspective. For many of us, it comes down to programming and formative experiences around change and uncertainty, but we always have the opportunity to shift the way we relate to the world around us. Save yourself the unnecessary energy drain and choose wonder over worry today.

Saturday 9/14 – Eagle Reversed – It’s important to remember that your breakdowns can lead to breakthroughs. The moments in which we are most humbled and vulnerable are often the ones in which we have the ability to be most open to grace and receiving support from Spirit. This can come in the form of a kind stranger, a moment of potent connection with nature, or an infusion of strength or courage that we didn’t think we had within us. Stay open today, even if it feels uncomfortable. Your challenges are not here to crush you. They are here to strengthen you and open you up. Let them.

Sunday 9/15 – Grouse – It’s been a big week full of some powerful shifts, but the week ends with a call to step into a lighter, more carefree way of being. Set aside your troubles and worries, if only for a matter of hours today, and dance, play outside, savor a delicious meal, or bask in warm sunlight. Allow yourself to remember that even in the hardest of times, life is a blessing. It may seem counter-intuitive or awkward at first, but sometimes simply going through the motions of play triggers a shift from the outside in. Allow yourself to exhale deeply today and you may even find that you experience a perspective shift that makes your challenges feel a bit more manageable.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday September 2nd, 2019

Monday 9/2 – Prairie Dog Reversed  – It  seems that last week’s theme of slowing down and taking time to drop into deeply restorative states is continuing into this week. The medicine of Prairie Dog is retreat and the call today is to rest. Sleep in, schedule an appointment for some bodywork, or lounge around in a pool or bath. Whatever you do, make sure that you are stepping away from any unnecessary sources of stimulation and allowing yourself to be deeply nourished in mind, body, and spirit. Even just a little time out for a meditation or lying on the earth to ground can go a long way towards refreshing your being.

Tuesday 9/3 – Wolf Reversed - Be extra mindful today in the ways that you seek guidance. A little support or another perspective can be helpful from time to time, but at the end of that day, are you coming back to your own inner knowing? No one else has more authority over what your life should look like than you. Make sure you honor that. Besides, putting others up on pedestals is always a set up for disillusionment and the truth is that it’s not fair to anyone involved. 

Wednesday 9/4 – Snake – No matter what comes your way today, use it in service to your own healing and that of the world. Let the abundance of beauty you encounter overflow into the quality of your presence with others. Mine your challenges for gifts and opportunities to create positive change in your communities. Every experience offers you a chance to learn, grow, and deepen your capacity for compassion and connection--what will you create today?

Thursday 9/5 – Raccoon – Every one of us has some sort of gift in this life, whether that’s a loving, grounded family, material abundance, wisdom beyond your years, a natural talent, or powerful embodiment of a certain virtue. Your task today is to find the areas in which you’ve been blessed and then to share those blessings with those around you who may not have been as fortunate. This is, after all, how any one of us is nurtured into greatness in this life and paying it forward is an investment in our elevation as a collective community. 

Friday 9/6 – Badger Reversed  – There are times when bringing an intensity to our pursuits can be beneficial, maybe even vital, but today we would be much better served by staying soft. This doesn’t mean you can’t be determined or driven, but do so in a way that keeps you connected to your heart and steeped in kindness. You may find that you get better results this way and spend less of your own energy in the process, too.

Saturday 9/7 – Turtle Reversed – The antidote to feeling disconnected is to open your eyes, mind, and heart to the world around you. Notice the beauty that surrounds you, sometimes even in the most unexpected places. Soak up the gifts of nature in any way you can. Stare deeply into the sky. Inhale the fragrance of plant life. Let your body be warmed by the sun. Remember that you are just as vital to this complex universe as every rock, blade of grass, and drop of water and let that knowing instill a sense of belonging in you. If this is feeling particularly challenging, find a way to steward the natural world. Volunteer to clean up a beach, put out a dish of water for thirsty bees, or donate to organizations that protect wildlife. Owning your impact can not only bring more meaning and purpose to your life, but can nourish your soul as well.  

Sunday 9/8 – Black Panther – The unknown can be scary, but it is also the birthplace of possibility. Rather than getting wrapped up in your fears, focus on curiosity. Let yourself be drawn towards the things that light you up. Your comfort zone might be cozy, but it’s not where you’re going to find growth or expansion, so take a leap today, big or small, and trust that you will be able to catch yourself.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday August 26th, 2019

Monday 8/26 – Moose  – Don’t be afraid to shine brightly today. If you’ve been dimming your light or holding back from sharing your gifts with the world for fear of making others feel small, it’s time to let those stories go. When you celebrate your strengths, you give permission for others to do the same.

Tuesday 8/27 – Owl - Pay extra close attention to any gut feelings you have today. If you feel like something is off, trust that. You may not be seeing the full picture but the body always knows. Take a beat, ask any clarifying questions that you need to, and hold off on making any major moves until you feel certain that you know the motives of everyone involved, including yourself. 

Wednesday 8/28 – Antelope Reversed  – Analysis paralysis is real, especially during Virgo season when perfectionist tendencies often kick into overdrive. The antidote to getting stuck in inertia is to simply act. Take one step, no matter how small, in the direction of what you want. Remember, you can always reroute if necessary, but the longer you wait, the less likely it is that you’ll ever make a move, so no more stalling. 

Thursday 8/29 – Fox – Fox medicine is all about blending in and moving through the world without drawing too much attention to yourself and if that’s not a skill you’ve already mastered, today’s the day to start cultivating that skill. This isn’t about trying to hide your gifts or an inability to show up due to a lack of self-worth; it’s about noticing what happens when you don’t interject your own energy into a situation. Sometimes we can get a much clearer picture when we sit back and observe from the sidelines and from there, we can decide if and how much we want to engage.

Friday 8/30 – Bear  – Take some time out to go inward today, and all the better if that time can also involve some solitude. Meditate. Take a walk alone. Journal. Whatever helps you get in touch with your inner world, do that. We’re in the midst of a seasonal shift and it’s a perfect moment to take stock of what you’ve moved through over the last handful of months, the lessons you’ve learned, and what your visions are as you move forward. 

Saturday 8/31 – Prairie Dog Reversed – Your body may be sending you some powerful signals today that it’s time to slow down and rest. Listen! We are incredible beings with capacities far beyond what most of us even know, but our bodies still have limitations. Don’t risk your wellbeing, physically, mentally, or emotionally, by trying to push beyond what is humanly possible. Sleep. Eat nourishing foods. Stretch and hydrate. These seem like simple things but they so often get pushed aside when we get overwhelmed or even just have a hard time saying no. Put your wellness first today. Everything else can wait until you’ve had a chance to fill your own cup back up. 

Sunday 9/1 – Elk – Whether you’re working on a big work venture, trying to hit health goals, or trying to get a passion project off the ground, the key to success is pacing yourself. Spend some time today sitting with your priorities and making a realistic plan of how you are going to manage the tasks at hand. Slow and steady is the name of the game. Stick to step-wise progress and you’ll not only be hitting milestones before you know it, you’ll have the strength and energy to enjoy your accomplishments as well. 

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday August 19th, 2019

Monday 8/19 – Grouse  – The mind is powerful but living life constantly in your head keeps you from enjoying the beautiful gift that is your physical experience. Each of our bodies is unique so what you most celebrate and cherish will be individual to you, but find a way today to drop into your body and really be present with your senses in a way that feels truly nourishing.

Tuesday 8/20 – Opossum - No matter how hard someone tries to antagonize you or loop you into a conflict, do not take the bait. You’ll reach a much happier resolution to whatever is at hand if you take some space and allow any charge around the issue to subside. If you’re struggling to walk away, ask yourself why and if it is really worth losing your peace over. 

Wednesday 8/21 – Salmon Reversed  – When we’re feeling uncertain or perhaps even as though we can’t trust ourselves, it can be tempting to try to seek out the answers in others, but at the end of the day, you’re the only one who can determine which path is yours. Tune deeply into your own intuition for guidance instead. Ask whatever questions you need to ask and then listen closely to the cues from your body and mind and honor their wisdom. These senses are often more subtle than the five that we usually notice so creating enough stillness to really notice and receive them will be a vital part of honing your intuitive capacities. 

Thursday 8/22 – Skunk Reversed – We are all responsible for our own energetic states and also for the impact we have on those around us. Particularly when we don’t receive the responses we want or find ourselves entangled in a less than desirable interpersonal dynamic, it can be easy to point fingers in every direction but our own. We become empowered however when we seek out the ways that we have contributed to the circumstances around us. Be extra mindful today of how you’re showing up with others, not just in overt actions, but also energetically. Ask yourself if you are carrying yourself with full integrity and if the answer is no, make the appropriate shifts necessary. Anything that you put out into the universe will eventually return to you in one form or another so if you want to get good, make sure you’re giving good. 

Friday 8/23 – Lizard Reversed  – Get out of your own way today by clearing away fears, limiting beliefs, bad habits, and anything else that is keeping you from being a clear channel for visions and dreams. This could mean letting go of people that tend to leave you doubting yourself, any “shoulds” that keep you from pursuing what you truly want, or an addiction to busyness that keeps you from being able to connect to your inner world and creativity. The faster you release anything that is clouding your vision, the sooner you’ll find yourself on a path that feels full of authentic joy and meaning.   

Saturday 8/24 – Snake Reversed – Don’t let yourself get swallowed up by your own emotions today. Yes, it’s important to feel your feelings, but that doesn’t mean you have to allow them to tear you apart as they move through you. No matter how challenging your current circumstances are or how deep your pain is, you can always choose to seek out the gift within all of it. There’s also nothing more healing than finding ways to support others who are navigating similar struggles so do your best to broaden your perspective and channel all of your energies towards creating something positive out of whatever hand you’ve been dealt. 

Sunday 8/25 – Swan – Grace comes in the most unexpected moments. A kind gesture from a stranger. Finding ourselves in the presence of something truly beautiful. A quiet moment in which we receive an infusion of faith or power, from seemingly nowhere at all. These things can take place at any time but we must first be open to receiving the blessing. See if you can lean just a little further into trust. It’s often when we are on the verge of giving up that we turn a corner and find ourselves face to face with an incredible opportunity. Keep your head up and your eyes, heart, and mind open.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday August 12th, 2019

Monday 8/12 – Otter Reversed  – It can be frustrating when we can’t see eye to eye with someone we love or even someone we just need to be in contact with, whether that’s a coworker or co-parent, but forcing our worldview on others is not only ineffective, it can be destructive to trust and connection. Try to see if you can hold space for the other person’s point of view, even if you don’t understand it. Accepting people as they are, even when they fall short of our own expectations is a practice of compassion and one we can all stand to lean more fully into. Sometimes simply considering what it feels like to walk in another’s shoes can rekindle connection, but if you find that the chasm is too deep to be bridged, make sure that you release the attachment with love in your heart.

Tuesday 8/13 – Badger Reversed - Temper any tendencies towards aggressive or coercive behavior today, especially when it comes to trying to complete projects or doing any self-healing work. Today calls for a softer approach that takes regular, measured steps towards the desired outcome. Rushing and being forceful often leads to overshooting and sometimes even results in big mistakes. Slow and steady wins the race today.

Wednesday 8/14 – Turkey  – What gifts do you have to offer the world today? Really, that’s a wonderful question to ask ourselves everyday but today, in particular, calls for each of us to look through the lens of abundance and to search for the ways in which we can share from the overflow in our lives. Looks for ways, big or small, you can show up in a spirit of service. That could mean donating money or time, peppering your day with random acts of kindness, or finding a way to use your talents to help others. You may find that the experience is just as nourishing for you as it is for those you support and that you gain some powerful perspective along the way. 

Thursday 8/15 – Skunk – We don’t have control over much in this life, but the one thing we do get to choose is our own vibration, the energy with which we move through the world, and the impact we have along the way--if we’re conscious of it that is. We all have blind spots around how we show up, but relationships are powerful mirrors that offer clues about the places that we might have more work to do. If you notice certain patterns cropping up again and again in relationships around you, do some personal inquiry around how you might be feeding into that dynamic, even in subtle ways. The more you take responsibility for the energy you put out into the world, the more empowered you’ll be with regard to creating the life you truly desire.

Friday 8/16 – Dolphin Reversed  – If you’re feeling overwhelmed, weighed dowd, or simply disconnected from yourself and/or the world around you, it might be time to press pause and get still. If you can spend some time connecting with your own breath, do that. If that doesn’t feel accessible to you, then do something that pulls you out of your mind and back into your sensory perception--watch the branches of a tree sway in the breeze, soak in cold or hot water depending on your preference, put your face in the most fragrant rose blossom and inhale deeply...whatever you do, make sure that you find a way to remember what a gift this life is, and then repeat that as many times as needed.  

Saturday 8/17 – Whale – Don’t hold back. If there’s something you need to say, then say it, even if that means you write it on a piece of paper only to burn it. The point is to get it out, to move the energy, and to release anything that keeps you from fully authentic self-expression. If you feel like you’re in need of a little extra support in this area, practice simply humming or singing to yourself as a way to open up the throat chakra and become more familiar with your own voice and the power of using it. Before you know it, you may find that speaking your truth becomes easier and there are few things more freeing. 

Sunday 8/18 – Salmon – Trust your inner compass above all else today. No one else can tell you what path is yours or how to navigate it, as much as we might wish for that to be so at times. The good news is that the more you connect with your own intuitive capacities, the more fine-tuned your inner guidance system will become. One of the simplest ways to do this is to simply ask for guidance and then listen. The response may come in the form of physical sensations, visions, or a strong sense of knowing. However it appears, do your best to honor it and then notice the magic that happens as you align your actions with your deepest desires.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday August 5th, 2019

Monday 8/5 – Deer – Fighting fire with fire rarely yields positive results, but today especially, lean into a more gentle approach if you encounter any friction with others. Focus on being compassionate and remember that people act out when they are wounded. That doesn’t mean you have to tolerate abusive behavior. If you need to remove yourself from any circumstances that feel unsafe, then most definitely do, but do so with a focus on practicing self-love rather than falling into the desire to punish or retaliate. Staying soft is the most powerful thing you can do when someone else is pulling for you to react in a way that isn’t truly in integrity or alignment with your highest self.

Tuesday 8/6 – Raven Reversed - Pragmatism and logic are most definitely valuable, but don’t underestimate the importance of magic, awe, and wonder. These are the birthplaces of creativity, opportunity, and healing. If you’ve found yourself feeling weighed down, stuck in a rut, or uninspired then it’s time to shift your perspective and seek beauty all around you. This doesn’t have to be a solely visual exercise either. Perhaps it’s kindness between strangers, the sound of the breeze rustling through grass, or the feeling of water running over your skin. Tune in. Look closely. Just for today, forget about practical concerns and allow yourself to be absorbed in the gifts of each moment. 

Wednesday 8/7 – Rabbit Reversed  – Your words have tremendous creative potential so be mindful today about what you’re calling in as you speak. If fears have been plaguing you, honor what’s coming up but don’t feed into it. It’s a subtle distinction but an important one as the way we speak to ourselves, both internally and out loud, directly impacts our perception and physiology. If images of what could go wrong keep running through your mind, try reframing by naming your hopes and highest visions. If you can control the outcome, then get to work creating what you want. If you can’t then all you can do is accept what comes and do your best to roll with the punches. Either way, worrying is only a waste of your precious energy. 

Thursday 8/8 – Otter Reversed – Spend time today leaning into community connection. Check in on your friends. Attend a gathering or perhaps even host one. Especially if you’ve found yourself isolating a bit more recently, it’s time to come out of your shell and allow yourself to be seen. If this brings up discomfort then it might be worth digging into the beliefs that have kept you from embracing the vulnerability that comes along with interdependence. Are you afraid of being either too much or not enough for others? Have you been hesitant to trust the people around you for fear of being disappointed? Relationships are some of the richest growth experiences we can have in this human life, so challenge yourself to take the risk of reaching out. 

Friday 8/9 – Crow – How fully do you embrace all of who you are? Today is a ripe opportunity to explore that question and to work at the edges of the answer. Most, if not all, of us have parts of ourselves that we’d rather not show to the outside world, but the energetic toll of hiding bits and pieces of who we are can really add up. Free yourself from the burden of shame by owning your shadows. Find healthy ways of expressing them and test out the possibility that they might not be as awful as you’ve imagined them to be. You are, after all, human. Acknowledge that. Allow yourself the deep exhale that comes when you no longer live in fear of rejection and instead show up with total authenticity and full trust that you will be received by those that are meant to join you on the journey, and that those who don’t are simply not meant to be part of your story at this time. 

Saturday 8/10 – Dragonfly – It’s difficult to see situations and people for what and who they actually are when our vision is clouded by intense desire. Watch out today for a tendency to project your wishes onto reality by being really honest with yourself about what you want and how that could be impacting your perspective. In particular, if something feels a bit off or things aren’t quite adding up, be sure not to override your intuition. This is definitely a time to listen closely to your gut and it’s much easier to do that when we loosen the grip on our attachments.

Sunday 8/4 – Hummingbird Reversed – Your task for today is simple: Play! If that sounds like a challenge then you may even need a double dose. Whatever it takes for you to release stress, reconnect with joy, and drop into some deep belly laughter, do that! Nothing replenishes the spirit quite like allowing yourself some downtime in which you can be truly carefree, even if you have to block it into your schedule. Besides, you know what they say about a Sunday well-spent. Take time to nourish yourself today and you might be surprised at what a boost it gives you in the week ahead.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday July 29th, 2019

Monday 7/29 – Skunk Reversed  – Your ego might get a little test today in the form of people saying things about you that feel unfair, untrue, or are simply a misunderstanding of who you are. Do your best not to get too tangled up in concerns about your reputation and instead focus on who you know yourself to be. If something that was said has a particularly sharp sting, it might be worth investigating whether or not there is a kernel of truth in it; if it’s completely baseless then distance yourself from the noise by burying yourself in something you’re passionate about. The truth always comes out eventually so just keep doing your thing and let your actions speak louder than others’ words. 

Tuesday 7/30 – Spider - We all accumulate stress every single day, in ways big and small. One of the biggest differences between people who fall under the weight of life’s pressures and those who seem to thrive no matter what comes their way is how the stress is managed, and more specifically, if and how it’s released. Creativity is one of the most powerful ways to shift, move, and clear stuck or stagnant energy, and that doesn’t have to mean “art” in any traditional sense of the word. Of course, if painting or writing speaks to you then by all means utilize that as an outlet, but flailing your body around on the floor and vocalizing with raw abandon is just as much of a creative act and if that’s what you need to do release pressure, do it! The important thing is to let your expression be authentic and to be present with the process rather than focused on any specific outcome. Make this a daily practice and don’t be surprised if you find yourself feeling lighter, more alive, and more connected to your mind, body, and spirit.

Wednesday 7/31 – Swan Reversed  – Your uniqueness and yes, even your flaws, hold the keys to your gifts. Embrace all of who you are and let go of the belief that you need to fit in or become anyone other than who you are. Notice the places where you compare yourself to others and tell yourself that you don’t measure up somehow. If you wouldn’t speak that way to someone you love then it’s time to hold your self-talk to that same standard. Focus less on striving for a mythical state of perfection and more on celebrating the wabi-sabi, perfectly imperfect beauty of life and the ways in which you embody that. 

Thursday 8/1 – Rabbit – Confronting our fears seems to be a never-ending part of this life journey, so getting comfortable with the process can go a long way towards bringing more peace and ease into our days. The key is finding the balance between total avoidance and bullying ourselves into facing something, and then learning how to work at the edge compassionately. What is one thing that you can do to expand your comfort zone today? Saying yes to a group event? Promoting your work or sharing an idea? Dropping into a deeper level of vulnerability with a loved one? You know where you have room for growth. Go there. Dig in slowly if you need to. But do dig in. The more you work through your own shadows the more freedom you grant yourself. 

Friday 8/2 – Whale Reversed  – One of the biggest lies we tell ourselves is that we don’t have anything to contribute to the world, no special gift to share, no message of any importance. It’s simply not true. Not ever. And while some people seem to come into this world knowing what their mission is, it’s more common that we don’t know at first and that much of our journey is about finding where our passions lie and what kind of legacy we most wish to leave behind. Don’t be afraid to explore your creativity; follow your intuition towards things that spark curiosity or light you up, no matter how random they may seem. You never know where the path may lead, what you’ll discover along the way, or who might benefit from the wisdom you’ll gain. Stay open. 

Saturday 8/3 – Mouse – Discernment is your friend today. Simplify your life by regularly pausing to ask yourself, “Does this serve me? Does this bring me closer to my vision or farther from it? Is this a true ‘yes’ for me?” Notice the answers that come through your body and mind and then honor them fully. Rinse and repeat. 

Sunday 8/4 – Dolphin Reversed – The very best antidote to feeling disconnected from yourself and Spirit is play. Do something today for the sheer joy of the experience, however fleeting it may be. Move your body. Connect with loved ones. Laugh. Put yourself in the presence of beauty. Seek magic in even the most mundane experiences. Dropping back into the innocence and wonder that was so natural to us as children is one of the most deeply healing practices and can help us remember what lights us up and why we are here in this life.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday July 22nd, 2019

Monday 7/22 – Grouse  – Spend some time today dropping into your body and your senses. How often do you really celebrate all the blessings your physical form brings you? Gratitude is an active practice and one of the best ways to honor a gift is to be fully present with it. Bring mindfulness to your sensory experiences of taste, touch, hearing, sight, and smell. If you catch yourself getting tangled up in judgement, shift your focus to curiosity and wonder and notice the difference in how you feel. If you’re really struggling to get out of your head then it’s time to play. Dance. Run through the hills. Jump into the ocean. Whatever you need to do to remind yourself that you are alive in this moment in time that you will never experience again. Be here now. Enjoy it.

Tuesday 7/23 – Owl Reversed - It’s time to come clean. What have you been hiding from yourself? What have you been trying to convince yourself of even though you know better? We can want something to be true with all our hearts but that won’t make it so. Stop trying to fit square pegs into round holes and get honest with yourself. Once you let go of what you thought should have been, you open yourself up to a whole world of possibility.

Wednesday 7/24 – Wolf Reversed  – When we put people up on pedestals we set both them and ourselves up for a big fall. It’s time to pluck the stars from your own eyes and remember that everyone, no matter how gifted or wise, is still human, makes mistakes, and can only speak from their own experience. Whatever magic you’re seeking in others is only a sign that it’s time to acknowledge your own gifts and power. The greatest guides you will ever have in your life is your own heart and spirit. Trust their wisdom.

Thursday 7/25 – Turtle – Don’t underestimate the healing power of connection with nature today. Whether you have five minutes to tend to some houseplants or snuggle with a pet or a full afternoon to spend outside, make sure to carve out a little time to drop back into the rhythms of the natural world. Slow down. Let your tensions fall away. Allow yourself to feel the way that you are a vital, albeit tiny, part of an intricate and beautiful universe. Let the magic of that fill your heart and spill out into everything you do.

Friday 7/26 – Elk  – Do your best to pace yourself today. If you’ve got a lot on the agenda, work out a plan of attack that accounts for regular breaks. You can get everything you need to do done, but not all at once and not at the expense of your wellbeing. Making sure that your body is properly cared for as you move through your day will help you keep balanced energy levels and you’re less likely to make careless mistakes from being hangry or rushed. Slowing it down a little may actually save you time in the long run, so take those deep breaths and maybe a few stretch breaks here and there if needed.

Saturday 7/27 – Deer – Be extra gentle with yourself today. Sometimes we need to push ourselves a little but today is more about nurturing and tenderness. Self-care and self-love are less about doing elaborate rituals and more about being attuned to your needs. Listen closely to what your body is asking for today and tend to its requests as lovingly as you can. 

Sunday 7/28 – Racoon Reversed – If you find yourself tempted to play savior today, don’t do it! You may have the best of intentions, but fixing other people’s problems doesn’t allow them to navigate the journey that will help them find their own power and agency. Ask yourself if the person or people in question actually need your help or if you are simply looking for a way to feel valuable or perhaps even distract from your own inner work. If neither of those things are true, then ask if and how you can best support the person. The key to avoiding codependent dynamics is to make sure that, however you choose to support, you’re empowering the other party to find their own solutions rather than just swooping in with a magic wand. 

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday July 15th, 2019

Monday 7/15 – Moose  – So often we run around trying to draw a sense of worthiness from the people around us, from accomplishments, and from pretty much everywhere but within. Today it’s time to come back to the truth of your intrinsic value. You don’t need to do anything special or be anyone other than who you are. You were born as a manifestation of love and divinity. You continue to be just that, even in the moments in which you feel you’ve strayed from that truth. Come back to it. As many times as you need to today.

Tuesday 7/16 – Elk Reversed - It’s time to simplify and take some items off of your plate today. What is most important or actually needs attention right now? Focus on that and bump the remainder of the tasks on your to-do list to another day, or maybe even cross them out altogether. It can be tempting to try to get everything done all at once but, more often than not, that approach results in sloppy errors and burn out. Pace yourself. And if you find yourself having a hard time figuring out what to let go of, come back to your values and your vision for your life. Keep what supports that and eliminate or at least shelf the rest. 

Wednesday 7/17 – Lynx Reversed  – We all have our blindspots and while others can sometimes shine a light on the parts of ourselves that are difficult to see, we have to be ready to receive that insight for it to actually be helpful or healing. Keep this in mind if you’re considering approaching someone with feedback or a reflection today. Just because it may not be the right time at this very moment to share what you notice doesn’t mean that the time will never come. Usually, when people are ready to hear your perspective, they will ask. In the meantime, stay in your own lane by making the choices that best serve you and letting others make the choices that they feel serve them. 

Thursday 7/18 – Frog – A little detox is in order today! Whether you choose to clean up your nutrition, your timeline, your inner dialogue, or your social circle, practice extra mindfulness today around the energies that you take on or consume. Ask yourself what serves your wellbeing and what seems to detract from your ability to be vibrant, joyful, and aligned with your truth. Once you have those sorted, you know what to do. If you have to make shifts little by little, then do it, just so long as you’re creating more space for what lifts you up and less for anything that doesn’t. 

Friday 7/19 – Ant Reversed  – If you’re someone who struggles with patience and are feeling extra pushed today in that area, try shifting your perspective. What if the delays you’re experiencing are actually for your benefit? This life is so very complex and sometimes only a matter of seconds can determine whether or not you find yourself in the right place at the right time. Lean into that mystery today and trust that you are going to land exactly where you are meant to be, and not a moment sooner or later than you’re meant to be there. And in the meantime, see if there might be some extra juice in the present moment. Even if it’s not where you thought you were supposed to be, there’s no reason why you can’t draw every bit of magic and growth out of what’s in front of you right now. 

Saturday 7/20 – Rabbit – Facing your fears is a process of balance of pushing at the edge of your comfort zone and then holding yourself there as gently as possible. Figure out where you could stand to show up for this work today. Is there an area of your life that you know you’re holding yourself back? If so, it’s time to start approaching it with curiosity and courage. And it’s worth mentioning that courage doesn’t mean fearlessness or recklessness with our hearts and spirits. It’s about stepping into vulnerability with a heart that is wide open to the possibilities and a willingness to explore your own limits. You find out how far you can go by starting with a single step. 

Sunday 7/21 – Grouse Reversed – Life can get so heavy sometimes that it’s easy to forget how much a gift it is to simply be here, getting to experience this world through the sensations of our own bodies. Take time today to remember by dropping into your senses. Sight. Smell. Taste. Sound. And Touch. Each one can be a form of nourishment if you choose to receive it as such. It’s all about how you direct your attention. Focus on the simple pleasures today. Maybe that’s dancing to a song you love with total abandon. Maybe it’s feeling the warm sunlight on your skin or reveling in the flavors of the sweetest summer fruit. Perhaps you simply watch the dust particles float through a beam of afternoon light. Whatever you do, soak it up. Let it be a celebration. Even if it’s only the tiniest quietest moment. You’re here for it and that’s nothing short of miraculous.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday July 8th, 2019

Monday 7/8 – Crow  – The call for today is to question everything. Our belief systems. The culture we were born into. The things we think we know about others and even ourselves. Ask yourself what resonates as true from deep within the caverns of your being and what may have been something that you simply accepted without giving it a second thought. You may find, upon closer inspection, that there are certain ways of being and thinking that no longer (or perhaps never did) align with your heart and spirit. Let go of what doesn’t feel like yours, and reconnect with the truth that lives within. 

Tuesday 7/9 – Blue Heron - Get still today. Whether it’s for five minutes, half an hour, or the full day, taking some time to step away from the bustle of every day life and the many sources of stimulation that we are so often immersed in can offer a powerful opportunity to tune into parts of ourselves that often go unnoticed and unattended to. It’s in this space that we often find the answers we’ve been seeking and the wisdom that will guide us to our next right step. It’s simple, but not always easy, so be gentle with yourself and start small if you need to. Even simply pausing and placing your hand on your heart to feel the rise and fall of your chest for a few moments can make a big difference in how you move through the rest of your day.

Wednesday 7/10 – Opossum  – If you’ve been finding yourself repeatedly running into a wall, either in conflict with someone else or in dealing with a problem you’re trying to solve on your own, your best bet right now is to step away and give the issue some breathing room. If you can manage to go do something fun that makes you laugh and really takes your mind off of anything that’s troubling you--even better. It’s possible that the issue will resolve on its own while you’re doing other things and even if it doesn’t, a fresh and more relaxed perspective will help you address whatever comes up from a much more calm and grounded place.

Thursday 7/11 – Mouse – Today’s a wonderful day for you to practice and hone your discernment skills. Approach everything that comes your way with a sense of curiosity and take the time to really feel into whether the opportunities that show up are truly in alignment with your values and personal vision. And don’t be afraid to ask questions! Whether you’re interviewing for a new job, searching for a new home, or considering bringing a new personal connection into your life, exploring whether it truly feels like a fit in the beginning will potentially save you a lot of frustration down the line.

Friday 7/12 – Turkey – When you’re feeling stuck or down about your current circumstances, one of the very best things you can do to shift the energy in your life is to step into service. Utilizing your unique skills and gifts to support others will remind you of your purpose in the world and may even open the door to some exciting new opportunities. Just make sure that whatever you do, you do it with heart. True service never comes from a place of “should” but from a place of love and generosity. Figure out where you have abundance in your life, and let that overflow lift up those around you. 

Saturday 7/13 – Salmon Reversed – What lights you up? What brings meaning to your life? If these are questions that you don’t have answers for then it’s time to reconnect with your heart and your intuition. Who did you want to be before the world told you who you “should” be? What kind of life would you create for yourself if you took everyone else’s judgements and expectations out of the equation? Spend time today tuning into that inner voice and allow it to guide you through your days. 

Sunday 7/14 – Dog Reversed – Radical authenticity and self-acceptance are the keys today. And every day really. It is only through showing up as our full selves that we are able to see with clarity what is meant for us and what is not. Yes, this is a vulnerable process that absolutely requires courage, but the rewards of living from a place of deep honesty are so sweet—the kind of true belonging and connection that can only come from unapologetic openness and honesty about who we are and what we are seeking out of life. So dig deep today and take the risk of sharing who you are with the world around you. Let anything that wants to go, go, and know that any losses only create space for more beauty to come pouring in.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday July 1st, 2019

Monday 7/1 – Turtle Reversed  – It is so easy to take the mother and home we have in our planet for granted; we’ve only ever known life here and it’s hard to imagine it not being viable any longer, but the impacts human societies are having on the ecosystems that nurture and support us are becoming impossible to ignore. Take time to connect with nature today, in whatever way you can, and remember that you are not separate from the world that you were born into. Investigate ways in which you can be a proponent for positive change, both in big and small ways, so that the generations that come after us can also know the joy of fresh air, clean waters, and vibrant natural spaces full of plant and animal life. Little changes in your life can add up and build momentum towards impactful lifestyle shifts, so find the way that feels right and do-able for you, whether that’s ditching plastic, eating more plant-based meals, or advocating for ecologically-sound industrial practices. Love is also a verb so put your love for the planet into action today.

Tuesday 7/2 – Dog - We all crave connection, community, and a sense of belonging. We are wired for it; so much so that we are sometimes tempted to compromise or hide who we are in order to feel accepted. But the key to finding true belonging actually requires the vulnerability of deep authenticity. When we allow people to see all of who we are, with all of our gifts and all of our flaws, only then can we know who is truly for us and who is not meant to join us on our journey, for at least this moment anyway. The call today is to be even truer to ourselves and more open with those around us so that we may develop connections based on honesty and mutual love and respect. 

Wednesday 7/3 – Coyote  – Laughter truly is the best medicine and sometimes there’s really nothing else that can be done when things are simply not going our way. If you’re feeling frustrated today, take a deep breath, acknowledge that you actually have control over very little in your life, and then do your best to let whatever is troubling you go. Stepping away to do something playful and even a bit silly can be a powerful antidote to any built up negative charge. Enlist a friend if you need to and remind yourself that life doesn’t always have to be so serious.

Thursday 7/4 – Butterfly Reversed – Where you are at right now, at this very moment in your life, has so much to offer you, even if you feel like you’re in limbo or don’t know what you’re doing or would prefer to fast-forward through this particular period. You would not be going through the things that you are if there weren’t lessons and gifts and opportunities for you to expand in the exact ways that most serve you embedded in the experiences at hand. So do your best to embrace this moment. It will be gone before you know it. Make sure you get every bit of juice out of it that you can. 

Friday 7/5 – Horse Reversed – If you find yourself tripping over your own feet or getting caught up in disempowered thoughts today, invite Spirit in to guide you. Release the ego’s concerns about what other people will think and replace them with a commitment to being of service as best you can in each moment. When we focus on how to support those around us, we drop into a frequency of love and inspired action, which is one of the most powerful ways to dispel fear and self-doubt. 

Saturday 7/6 – Bat Reversed – Growth is and should be a constant across our lives. Sometimes the pace is slower and others it feels like we’re evolving at warp-speed, but consistent, forward movement is vital to avoid stagnation and atrophy. This isn’t always easy and there are certainly times when it would be oh so tempting to stay in our comfort zones. In these moments, the way we speak to ourselves can make all the difference. Be a gentle encourager of your own growth, the way you might encourage a small child to join a new group of friends on the playground. Hold the fears that come up gently and remind yourself that you are so much more capable than you might feel in this moment. Continue to work at the edge and take as many baby steps as you need to. You’ll get there in time and you’ll have gained so much inner strength along the way. 

Sunday 7/7 – Beaver Reversed – When we repeatedly sabotage our attempts to meet a goal, we need to stop and ask ourselves if what we are seeking is truly in alignment with our hearts and spirits. If the answer is no, then it’s time to get back to the drawing board and get clear about what we truly want our lives to look like and what we are willing to do to create that. If the answer is yes, however, then some inner work, particularly in the arena of self-worth and self-love, is in order. Only you can know what is true for you so get honest with yourself and then do your best to build a life that reflects your true desires and gifts, rather than who you think you “should” be.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday June 24th, 2019

Monday 6/24 – Snake Reversed  – So often we move through our days on auto-pilot, missing moment after moment that offers the opportunity to connect with the divine nature of our own existence and that of everything around us. The call here is to shift into a more intentional way of being, to acknowledge the sacred in even the most mundane experiences, and to choose to be present with the beauty in each moment. If you struggle with this, a simple place to start is by creating a ritual out of something you already do. You might choose to bless your food with loving, healing energy as you prepare it. Perhaps you cleanse your energy field along with your body during your shower or bath, releasing any stored experiences that feel heavy or no longer serve you. Even simply taking a few extra minutes in bed in the morning to be present with your breath and your spirit before you begin your day can have a profound impact on your life. Your practices don’t need to be flashy; what matters most is that they are carried out with genuine intention and heart.

Tuesday 6/25 – Crow - Bring extra attention today to your impact. Ask yourself if how you’re showing up in the world is truly in alignment with your values and the legacy you wish to leave when you’re no longer here in physical form. This isn’t about what everyone else things is “good” or “good enough”; it’s about knowing in your heart that the choices you make, from your habits as a consumer to the way you interact with others to the ways that you speak to yourself internally, are truly serving your wellbeing as well as that of the world around you. We are so much more interconnected with everything around us than we will likely ever know and when we keep that in mind, it becomes much clearer that moving through the world kindly and gently creates peace both within and without.

Wednesday 6/26 – Badger  – There are times when we meet resistance and it’s a sign that we should back off, but this is not the message for today. Today calls for a relentless spirit and digging deep. The night is always darkest right before the dawn and you may be on the verge of a breakthrough. Ultimately, trust yourself and your inner knowing about if and when you should pull the plug, but if your heart is really in a goal and you’re questioning whether to continue on or to turn back, considering continuing to feel into your edge just a bit more, as gently as you need to. This will ensure that, no matter what you choose, you can know that you gave it your all.

Thursday 6/27 – Armadillo Reversed – If you find yourself struggling to set clear boundaries with others today or you’re feeling tempted to minimize your needs in order to avoid disappointing or upsetting someone else, remember that by honoring yourself, you implicitly give others permission to do the same. You may even be modeling a form of self-care that is entirely new to them and what a gift that could be, so don’t be afraid to set firm, but kind boundaries and let other people take care of themselves around that however they need to as well.

Friday 6/28 – Alligator – When was the last time you really celebrated yourself? So many of us hold conscious or unconscious beliefs around acknowledging and honoring our own accomplishments as signifying vanity or self-absorption and nothing could be further from the truth. Taking time to reflect on and celebrate challenges we’ve overcome and  goals we’ve met offers a beautiful opportunity to integrate all of the learning and growth that came out of these experiences so that we can carry it forward and share it with others. It’s also only when we allow ourselves to fully receive acknowledgment that we are able to truly offer it to others. So take some time today to reflect on all the ways you’re proud of yourself and be as generous with the self love as you would if you were lavishing that love on someone else.

Saturday 6/29 – Butterfly Reversed – Healthy growth requires a willingness to be present with what is. If we are holding on to the past or clinging to our comfort zones we can’t move forward. If we are trying to skip ahead into a future that hasn’t come to be yet, we miss the steps that prepare us to be able to navigate and sustain our own expansion. Embrace what is present for you in this very moment, both the good and the bad, as if you wouldn’t wish to be anywhere else. Once you’re able to do that, you’ll receive exactly what you need to step into the next phase.

Sunday 6/30 – Horse – Each and every one of us is a living, breathing embodiment of Spirit with massive creative potential. Being aware of this is the essence of empowerment and reminds us of the importance of being intentional about how we choose to channel and direct our precious life force energy. If you knew you could create anything, what would you create? Let the answer to that question inspire and guide your choices today, and if the answer isn’t immediately clear, don’t be afraid to ask Spirit/the cosmos/God/Goddess or whatever name you give to the source of all life to send you a clear message about your purpose. You existence is not an accident. Your work is to find out what gift you have to share with the world and then to share it as generously as possible.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday June 17th, 2019

Monday 6/17 – Bear  – We can seek out teacher after teacher and pour over texts searching for insight and wisdom, but the greatest enlightenment is always found through the journey inward. Take time today to explore the deepest caverns of your inner world. Hold what you find gently. And when it’s time to re-emerge, remember that your vulnerability and trust is a privilege to receive, so be discerning about who you choose to share it with.

Tuesday 6/18 – Armadillo Reversed - If our boundaries are too soft then we risk abandoning our needs, but if they are too rigid, we block ourselves from connection with others and the growth that can come from being in relationship. The key is to find the sweet spot in between and to stay flexible enough to pivot and shift as needed since our boundaries should be as dynamic as both our own growth processes and our ever-evolving relationships. Check in with yourself today. Are there places you can give a little? Or are there places where you need to draw clearer lines? And don’t forget that these questions apply just as much to your relationship with yourself as they do to your relationships with others.

Wednesday 6/19 – Rabbit  – How we relate to our fears also benefits from a balanced approach. Completely disregarding our experience when something triggers overwhelm, worry, or anxiety is a recipe for trouble. Often, our bodies will speak to us in louder and more exaggerated ways until we listen, so it’s best not to wait until we have health issues, physical or mental, before we respond. On the other hand, when we let fear run the show we lose our ability to see and respond to what’s coming up with clarity and groundedness. To release your fears you must hold them with compassion, honor the child within, and encourage him or her to move forward, at their own pace, with loving support.

Thursday 6/20 – Elk – Be very mindful about the commitments you make today, particularly if you know you’re prone to overextending yourself. Your “yes” is only valuable  when you are fully capable of saying “no” to things that are not in alignment with you, and this includes things that you simply don’t have the energy or time for at this moment. Take the time to be honest with yourself about whether or not you can and/or want to do something and then let that awareness guide your choices.

Friday 6/21 – Alligator Reversed – When we react impulsively, we give up our ability to make intentional choices. When we create space to pause, take in our external circumstances as well as our internal experiences, and then respond according to our values and who we wish to be in the world, we empower ourselves. No matter how tempted you are to offer a snap reaction to something today, take a beat, and maybe a deep breath or two, and get clear about what is most important to you. You may even find that no response is the best response for now.

Saturday 6/22 – Beaver Reversed – It doesn’t matter how hard you work towards something if you’re engaging in behaviors that counter all of your efforts. Take a good look at your goals today as well as any ways that you might be “leaking energy” or working against your best interests. If you see a strong pattern of self-sabotage, it might be worth doing some inner work to see if there are underlying self-worth issues at play or if your goals are perhaps not in true alignment with your heart’s deepest desires. If they’re driven by ego, then consider letting them go and setting your sights on a vision that feels more true to you. If you know, however, that your goals truly light you up, a little (tough) self-love in the form of discipline might be in order.

Sunday 6/23 – Weasel Reversed – Every relationship involves some form of exchange, and in healthy relationships, agreements about what that exchange looks like for both parties are clear, even if they aren’t spoken. When we manipulate or operate with ulterior motives, we open the door to unnecessary miscommunication, disappointment, and issues around trust. Save yourself the trouble and be transparent about what you’re seeking from others today. If someone can’t meet you where you’d like them to, wish them well and let them continue on with their journey. You’ll find whatever it is that you’re looking for in another more aligned soul or maybe even within yourself.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book! 

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday June 10th, 2019

Monday 6/10 – Bat Reversed  – If you feel like you’re being pushed out of certain circumstances or ways of being, the best thing you can do is embrace the shift. Trust that any shedding that is happening right now is only serving your growth. Grieve if you must, but let go willingly so that you can open yourself up to new and more aligned opportunities. If you’re really struggling, dig more deeply into your self-care practices and take time to honor any feelings of loss through ritual or release practices. Better things are coming. Welcome them in with open arms.

Tuesday 6/11 – Lynx Reversed - We are all intuitive and this is absolutely a blessing, but it’s so very important that we practice discernment in the way we use our gifts. Not every vision or message we receive is meant to be taken literally or shared for that matter. Practice balance in the way you honor your intuition by making a personal note of the messages you receive, exploring how they are reflected in the world around you, and then only sharing them with others if and when you have explicit permission to do so.

Wednesday 6/12 – Jaguar Reversed  – Today we’re being called to look closely at how our actions are or are not aligned with our values and who we wish to be in the world, and take action around any areas where there are discrepancies. It’s also a good time to examine whether or not we are being transparent in our interpersonal connections and honoring the free will of those around us by being very honest about who we are and what we are seeking. Even subtle forms of manipulation can muddy the waters of our relationships so make sure that you are being clear about your intentions and allowing people to choose their own destinies for themselves.

Thursday 6/13 – Salmon Reversed – If you’ve been feeling disconnected from your own heart, even in small ways, it’s time to come back home to yourself. Over-busyness, fear mindset, and overwhelm can pull us out of our heart space and it’s so important that we intentionally ground and tune back into that inner voice that speaks loving truth. Set aside some time for stillness, even if it’s only a few moments, so that you can move forward with clarity and a deeper sense of alignment.    

Friday 6/14 – Swan – After a week that seemed to be all about deep inner work, today brings a softening and more ease. Allow yourself a deep exhale and trust that, even in the midst of intense life shifts, you are being supported. The more you show up as the most authentic version of yourself, the more you’ll find that the right people, opportunities, and support show up for you, sometimes seemingly out of nowhere. The key is being courageously vulnerable with your heart.

Saturday 6/15 – Hummingbird – So often, joy isn’t so much something that happens to us as it is something we choose. It’s a perspective of gratitude. A willingness to let ourselves become fully absorbed into the simplest pleasures. Warm sunlight. A delicious meal. Comfortable silence with a kindred spirit. Practice choosing joy today and let it nourish and heal you in mind, body, and spirit.

Sunday 6/16 – Squirrel – Most of us have so much more abundance than we usually even acknowledge. Take some time today to really notice what is going right in your life, from the big to the little things. You might also want to consider doing a little prep for the week ahead to ensure that you start out the coming week calm, collected, and with a little extra ease.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday June 3rd, 2019

Monday 6/3 – Black Panther  – If you find yourself on the precipice of a big transition or preparing to move into unknown territory in some area of your life, be extra mindful of your self-talk. The difference between excitement and nervousness is really about what we believe about what’s ahead. Envision yourself succeeding, and even if things don’t go exactly as you had imagined, you will be in a much more centered and positive mindset, which will only support your ability to meet any potential challenges with positivity and creativity. And who knows? Maybe things will be even better than you could ever have imagined.

Tuesday 6/4 – Blue Heron - Carve out some time today to engage in an introspective practice, whether that’s seated meditation, a solo walk in nature, breathwork, or some free association journaling. Our inner worlds are so incredibly vast and every so often, it’s important to journey within and explore the terrain. This isn’t about trying to “fix” anything or make assessments about what is “good” or “bad”. It’s simply to become more intimate with your own being and it’s one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself.

Wednesday 6/5 – Otter Reversed  – We all carry unique balances of masculine and feminine energy with us. This is a beautiful reflection of the duality that we see all throughout nature and should be both cherished and nurtured. If you live in a society that values the qualities of the masculine archetype such as logic, assertiveness, decisiveness, and independence, it can be particularly important to be intentional about honoring the feminine within you as well. Receptivity, creativity, intuition, and interdependent connection are all aspects of the feminine archetype. Practice cultivating these qualities in whatever way feels most aligned for you. We can only honor in others what we first honor in ourselves, so it is in the best interest of both ourselves and the world at large that we honor all aspects of the human experience.

Thursday 6/6 – Hawk Reversed – Don’t let fear and overwhelm send you spinning out today. You have everything you need to navigate what’s in front of you, but you must remember to breathe. Let go of any unnecessary distractions or sources of overstimulation. Get clear about what is actually important right now. Are you safe? Are your basic needs being met? If so, everything else is icing on the cake. Once you are able to take some of the pressure off, you might even be able to enjoy yourself. The difference between an ordeal and an adventure is perspective, after all. And the good news is that you can choose a new perspective at any time.   

Friday 6/7 – Buffalo Reversed – You have a legion of souls supporting you and offering guidance to you at every step. Can you feel them? If not, it’s time to cultivate those connections. So often, we feel that once we have lost someone’s physical presence through death that we can no longer have a relationship with them, but this simply isn’t true. Whether it is someone that you were close to during their life or an ancestor that you’ve never even met, you can always choose to invite in a connection with their spirit. Open yourself up to the possibility of their continued presence. Allow yourself to see them in strangers and animals and clouds. Feel the way you carry them in your heart and let their strength and courage fill you up in moments of hardship.

Saturday 6/8 – Eagle Reversed – When did you forget that you are a living embodiment of the Divine? The conditions and sequences of events that needed to take place for you to be here right now are nothing short of miraculous and when you really allow that knowing to penetrate the depths of your heart, you can no longer pretend that you are anything less than extraordinary. Now, the question is: What are you going to do with the miracle that is your life? What would you do with your time if your every move was an intentional expression of Spirit/Source/God? Do that.

Sunday 6/9 – Mountain Lion Reversed – What is your relationship to the idea of leadership? Do you recoil at the mere thought of being in a position for people to look to you for guidance and support? Do you crave the power of authority? Neither of these perspectives really honors the essence of true leadership, which at its core is about service. If you’ve been offered leadership roles repeatedly but shy away for fear of the responsibility or potential for failure, remember that it isn’t about you being a vision of perfection, but rather an example of someone who is doing their best to elevate those around them. Yes, you will make mistakes along the way, but how you handle those mistakes is what matters. Lead with compassion, transparency, and vulnerable authenticity and even your missteps will ultimately serve to create positive shift. If you find that you’ve been getting high off of being in control, it’s time to take a step back and ask yourself what insecurities you are trying to cover over with the facade of power. If you want to be truly empowered, share your humanity with others. Unveiling your imperfections may be humbling but it paves the way for true connection which yields more loyalty than playing to people’s fears ever will.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday May 27th, 2019

Monday 5/27 – Raven  – Keep your eyes open for synchronicities today. If you find yourself receiving repeat messages, whether that’s strikingly similar words from different sources, recurring number sequences, unusual encounters with animals, or images that seem to pop up everywhere you go, pay attention. Check in with your gut first to see if you have an intuitive sense of what the meaning behind the messages might be. If you’re not sure, don’t be afraid to ask Spirit for clarification. Sometimes guidance can come from unexpected places. You only need to open your heart and mind to receive it.

Tuesday 5/28 – Turtle Reversed  - If you’ve been feeling disconnected from yourself or a sense of belonging in this world, it’s time to reconnect with Source. Carve out some time to be present with nature today, whether that means a hike in the hills, a walk along the beach, working in your garden, or simply gazing at the sky. Allow yourself to tune into the pulse of nature and remember that the very same force that causes the flowers to open and close and the tides to ebb and flow brings life to your heart. You are not a mistake. You belong here. The question is: What impact do you wish to have in this life? What legacy do you want to leave behind when you return to the earth? Let the answers to those questions fill you with purpose and guide your days.

Wednesday 5/29 – Turkey Reversed  – A consistent gratitude practice can be a powerful way to tap into joy, but when life gets challenging or we’re experiencing pain or struggle, telling ourselves we “should” be grateful can feel inauthentic. Instead of trying to bully yourself into positive feelings, start with simple pleasures. Warm sunlight on your skin or a cool breeze. The smell of fresh flowers, coffee, or clothes right out of the dryer. A song you absolutely love. The softest T shirt. Whatever brings you a pure and uncomplicated joy--focus on that experience and let the sensations of true, visceral gratitude (as opposed to gratitude as a mental concept) fill you up. Rinse and repeat as often as necessary.

Thursday 5/30 – Badger Reversed – Check yourself before you wreck yourself (or someone else) today! Aggressive energies may show up out of nowhere and your best bet for avoiding acting out in regrettable ways is to channel that energy into something more productive. Go for a run. Dance. Make art. Write out any words that you need to express, but are better left unsaid. Scream into pillows. Do whatever you need to do to move that energy up and out in a healthy way so that it doesn’t lead to implosions or explosions. If you’ve already blown your lid, own your mistake, do your best to make amends, and then forgive yourself. We are all human after all and none of us make it out of this life without at least a few missteps. The important thing is to learn from them and make an honest effort to do better moving forward.

Friday 5/31 – Ant Reversed – If you find your patience being tested today, try redirecting your focus. A watched pot never boils as they say so stop tapping your foot and waiting for something to happen, particularly if it’s something you have no control over. Pour your energy into something else that lights you up and trust that anything that’s meant to be will be. If you’re really struggling to let go, a hard reboot in the form of a change of scenery and perspective might be necessary. It’s a big world out there. Don’t limit yourself by staying stubbornly focused on only one route or possibility.

Saturday 6/1 – Hawk – Messages will be coming through for you again today and in order for you to be able to receive them, it’s important that you take good care of your mind and body. Our intuition speaks to us in so many different ways--through the knot in our stomach, the chills that move across our skin, the vision that flashes through our mind, or that tiny voice that speaks to us from within. Making sure that we’re well-rested, nourished, and not over-stimulated will make it easier to pick up on our intuitive signals, so do your best today to tend to your vessel. If you know that your body’s needs are met but it still seems to be calling out to you, that’s something to pay attention to. Listen closely to what it’s trying to say and then honor it as best you can.  

Sunday 6/2 – Dolphin Reversed – If you’re feeling weighed down with heavy energies, it’s a sign that you’re spending too much time in your head. Take a break from your seriousness and set aside your work for a moment. Come back to your body and your breath. Connect with your community. Spend time in nature and feel that you are not separate, but a vibrant piece of this intricate and magical world. Even a little time to replenish and reconnect with your joy can allow you to return to your to-do list with more optimism, energy, and groundedness.  

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday May 20th, 2019

Monday 5/20 – Skunk Reversed  – Are you aware of what  kind of energy you are putting out in the world? In every interaction and even as you simply walk down the street, you are transmitting energy and being very conscious about the quality of that energy can make a big impact on your experience in this life. It is often the case that we get what we give, so if you’re finding yourself feeling challenged or put off by the way others seem to be responding to you, you might check in and see if they are mirroring either your behaviors or your internal state. Becoming a master of your own frequency is one of the most empowering things you can do, so observe from a place of curiosity, calibrate as needed, and and notice how things shift.

Tuesday 5/21 – Moose Reversed  - Acknowledging your strengths and gifts isn’t arrogant; it’s actually the first step in being able to discover your purpose and share your medicine with the world. If you’ve been having trouble honoring your worthiness, it’s time to dig into some self-love practices. Honor your body, your heart, your mind, and the journey that you have made. You are not here by accident and if you’ve been struggling to figure out what your unique contribution to this world could be, look into the areas where you’ve experienced the most challenge. It is often the case the we extract medicine from the very experiences that could have poisoned us. Celebrate that ways that you made it through the difficult times, even if it wasn’t a perfectly pretty process, and then find a way to turn around and help others that are going through something similar.

Wednesday 5/22 – Alligator Reversed  – It’s time to integrate the wisdom of your mind with the deep knowing of your body. You can study and spend time learning about tools for creating a happier, healthier life for yourself but nothing really deepens our understanding and connection to a concept as powerfully as embodied experience. Particularly if you’ve been on a fast-tracked growth trajectory lately, make sure you’re taking the time to fully digest and practice what you’re learning before moving on to your next retreat, workshop, or book.

Thursday 5/23 – Grouse Reversed – As we move through life, we often encounter the same lessons again and again. As frustrating as it can be to feel like you’re finding yourself coming face to face with the same issue repeatedly, it’s a sign that there is a gift for you held within the challenge. The key to unlocking this gift and releasing yourself from the cycle is presence. When we resist what life is bringing our way, we miss the opportunity to grow and expand. When we embrace what is, as if we had asked for it, we are able to engage with our experience from a much more empowered place and one that allows us to receive the lesson and, often, this disarms our trigger around this experience. So go ahead surrender to the wild, magical ride of your life, savor the joyful experiences, and mine the challenging ones for gifts. All of it is happening for you, instead of to you. 

Friday 5/24 – Buffalo – There is power in prayer and today is a wonderful day to tap into that. Ask for support. Ask to be shown the next right step. Ask for grace or strength or courage. And then wait. Look around. You might be surprised by what shows up for you. You most likely have more abundance than you even realize and resources that you weren’t even aware of in the form of relationships, personal skills and gifts, and in the natural world around you. If you are feeling like you’re caught in the struggle today, try turning the outcome over to Spirit. Let go of the need to try to control what’s happening and allow yourself to drop back into flow. Sometimes softness can be much more effective than force, and it definitely requires a whole lot less energy. Give it a try.  

Saturday 5/25 – Dog – For any relationship to be healthy, exchange is vital. This means that the energy in the relationship flows circularly, and that both parties are receiving nourishment from the connection. Take some time today to look at the relationships in your life that leave you feeling supported and lifted up--are you reciprocating the love? If not, check in with your people and ask them how you can best support them. It might be something really unexpected as each and every one of us has our own unique love languages and ways of receiving support from others. While you’re at it, you might also check in with your relationship with yourself. It’s just as important to be loyal to our own hearts and needs as it is to those of our friends and family, chosen or given, so make sure that you’re honoring and nourishing yourself, too.

Sunday 5/26 – Bat Reversed – The only constant in life is change and yet, for so many of us, change can be quite confronting and lead to resistance. We want to turn and cling to what has been, but why? How do we know that what is coming is not even better? Today, do your best to let go with grace. Surrender into the unknown possibilities and walk bravely forward. So much of our experience in this life is shaped by how we frame what we are going through. See if you can choose to simply view the shifts that are taking place as an exciting adventure. Sure, there may be some bumps and missteps along the way, but with a state of awe and curiosity, even the challenges can be met with trust and gratitude.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!
