Monday 9/30 – Beaver  – If there was ever a day to get to work on the things that you’re passionate about, today would be it. Roll up your sleeves and dig into the projects that you’ve been dreaming about. No matter how big or lofty your goals are, the best way to achieve them is to simply get started. And be sure to reach out to others in your community for support if needed. You may find that you have more resources at your disposal than you realized.

Tuesday 10/1 – Frog - Frog medicine is that of cleansing and this can take place on a variety of different levels. Perhaps it’s time to clean up your diet or to detox your body via saunas or a sweaty gym session. Maybe a deep clean of your home would feel most beneficial. You might even consider looking around at the people that surround you or the messages you’re taking in through media and taking a big step back from anyone or anything that depletes you or leaves you feeling dysregulated. Take some time today to figure out what parts of your life could use a revamp and take action to clear away what no longer serves in order to make space for what will. 

Wednesday 10/2 – Whale Reversed – Each and everyone of us has a unique voice and message to share. It’s part of our personal medicines and today your task is to find and remove anything that impedes your ability to speak your truth. Limiting belief systems, habits that dim your light, and people who encourage you to stay small can no longer take up space in your life. Let it all go with love, hone in on what kind of impact you want to make on your communities and the world at large, and then get to work sharing your gifts.

Thursday 10/3 – Black Panther Reversed – The only way your Shadow is going to trip you up is if you refuse to acknowledge it. It’s time to pull the rug back and look directly at everything you’ve been sweeping under there. Once you have fully embraced and integrated all parts of  you, you’ll not only free yourself from shame but you’ll also be more able to see the gifts in even the most challenging parts of your experience. 

Friday 10/4 – Spider  – Creativity is one of the most powerful healers and a wonderful tool for transmuting your struggles into something beautiful. Paint. Dance. Write. Sing. Work with clay or plants. There’s really no wrong way to express yourself as long as you’re doing something that feels authentic. The more vulnerable and honest you can be in the process, the more you’ll receive from the experience, and the more likely it is that whatever you create will support others as well. Don’t overthink it. Simply open up and let whatever wants to come through you flow. 

Saturday 10/5 – Ant – Patience is a virtue but one that so many of us struggle to embody. Do your best to trust in divine timing today and if you find yourself feeling like you’re getting stuck or stalled out in a way that is frustrating, ask yourself what gifts are to be found in the present. Whether it’s a lesson that you have yet to fully receive, protection from taking on too much too quickly, or simply a rare opportunity to stop and smell the roses, you wouldn’t be experiencing the slow down unless there was a little more juice in your current phase so stop trying to skip ahead and just enjoy every last drop of this moment. 

Sunday 10/6 – Hummingbird Reversed – When we find ourselves becoming short and irritable over the tiniest things, it’s time to take a step back and a very deep breath. Play isn’t only for children; in fact, it’s vital to our wellbeing. Spend time around people that make you laugh. Do something silly, just for the sheer joy of it. Drop into curiosity, wonder and awe. Even just a few moments of good, clean fun can be incredibly refreshing to the spirit, body, and mind, so carve out some time to let your hair down and de-stress. You’ll have more energy, creativity, and patience in the week ahead if you prioritize filling your own cup up today.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!
