
Weekly Forecast Monday December 2nd, 2019

Monday 12/2 – Weasel  – The week opens up with a call to bring our energy fields in more tightly around us so that we may move through the world and whatever circumstances are coming up in our lives currently without making big waves. This can be especially useful in complicated social situations that we don’t wish to get tangled up in, but still offer opportunities for learning and growth. The key here is to focus on maintaining a grounded connection to our own energy while observing what’s happening around us with as little attachment to the outcome as possible. This allows heightened perception and clarity and can help us see through any confusion and into the truth of the matters at hand.

Tuesday 12/3 – Bat - Embrace this period of rebirth and start setting your sights on what you wish to step into in the season ahead. This may involve some shedding and possibly some growing pains or contractions as well, but trust that this is a natural part of the process and stay committed to your higher visions and goals. Ask yourself where you can more fully embody authenticity and a grounded sense of empowerment and then roll up your sleeves. Growth isn’t always linear so be gentle with yourself as you navigate your way into a new way of being or offering your gifts to the world.  

Wednesday 12/4 – Deer – The message of deer is a simple but profound one: Love will always be the most powerful force. Like water against rocks, it can soften and smooth even the most jagged energies, and often does so more gracefully than the force of fear or anger. Whether you’re dealing with yourself or others, the best approach today is gentleness. This may look like compassionate boundary-setting, dropping into self-care practices, or simply reconnecting with your heart-center and making choices based on the wisdom that emanates from within. 

Thursday 12/5 – Lizard – Your dreams are the wellspring of your ability to create a life that feels truly nourishing to you, which is why it’s so very important to set aside space for both waking visions and those that come to us when we sleep. Carve out a little time today to dream, whether that means daydreaming, actively brainstorming about what you’d like to manifest and ways to invest in those desires, sitting in meditation, or simply catching some much-needed rest and allowing messages to come through your subconscious. Make sure to stay open to invitations from Spirit as well. Sometimes our destinies are even more magical than we could ever design with our logical minds. 

Friday 12/6 – Otter  – Say yes to any opportunities for partaking in healing, heart-centered gatherings today. It can be easy to slip into the hustle bustle of the season or to lean into over-indulgence and escapism at this time of year, but there’s a special medicine to be found in being present and intentional in our connections with loved ones. If you haven’t received any invites, take the initiative and host a collection of your nearest and dearest in a way that encourages you and yours to slow down, to savor the moments you have with one another, and to do your best to lift each other up. These gifts are far more nourishing than anything that can be wrapped up in paper and a bow.

Saturday 12/7 – Lynx – If you feel called to name something you see in another person, especially if it has the potential to feel like a call-out, pause and ask yourself if what you wish to say will truly serve. It is totally possible to honor your truth and knowing without speaking it out loud. If you feel that what you have to say will actually support the best interests and healing of all involved, then make sure that you share what’s on your heart with as much love and compassion as possible. If, after reflection, you realize that naming it aloud is unnecessary or likely to prove unproductive, you can still release the energy by writing your words down and then burning or burying them. Sometimes these simple rituals can provide powerful shifts within us that ultimately impact everything around us as well.

Sunday 12/8 – Eagle – It is always a good time to come back to our connection with Spirit and with our heart, but today there is a particular call to do so. If you’ve found yourself getting caught up in frenetic holiday energy or the stress of shopping/traveling/over-extending yourself, grounding back in to your values and what truly matters most to you in this life will pave the way for more peace and joy. How you do this will be as unique as your own fingerprint. It could mean time out in nature, gathering with a spiritual community, or a simple ritual that helps you feel connected to something greater than yourself. Whatever you do, make sure that your practice feels authentic and truly nourishing to your soul.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday November 25th, 2019

Monday 11/25 – Alligator  – We’re cruising into the last month of not only the year but the decade! Take some time out today to look back on the seasons you’ve come through, and honor the experiences that have brought you to today. Both the challenges and the victories have contributed to the development of your soul and by reflecting on the gifts in each, we can deepen our wisdom, expand our perspective, and cultivate a more grounded sense of peace around who we are and who we’ve been, as well as clarity around who we wish to become. 

Tuesday 11/26 – Otter Reversed - If you feel yourself getting wrapped up in jealousy or competitive tendencies today, take a beat. We are so much more interconnected than we usually realize and it’s important to remember that the success and well-being of one really does support the wellbeing of all. When we are able to see this, we can truly feel that celebrating and supporting those around us will always ultimately create a positive energy loop that comes back around to elevate us as well. Also, don’t forget to notice what triggers envy inside of you and use that as information about where you are feeling unexpressed. You don’t need to take away from someone else, but you can and should get to work creating your own unique version. You may just end up adding some much-needed light to the world in the process!

Wednesday 11/27 – Wolf – Keep your eyes open for teachers today and know that they don’t always come in the form we expect! You may have an experience with a wise soul that offers you some sage advice or guidance, but your teachers can also come in the form of challenging characters in your life, personal experiences, triggers or intense emotional responses that rise up to show us where we have healing to do, and, of course, nature in all of its intricacy and beauty. The more you can view each experience as a powerful opportunity to learn, the more you’ll grow and expand, and the less you’ll find yourself getting caught up in frustration when things don’t go exactly your way. When we drop into curiosity and wonder, judgement and fear have a tendency to take a backseat. What greater gift could you give yourself? 

Thursday 11/28 – Mouse Reversed – Speaking of judgement, it’s important today to make the distinction between judgement and discernment. We can decide that something is not right for us or no longer serves our vision for our life without making that thing “bad” or “wrong”, whether it’s a job, a person, or simply a way of being. Letting go of things with love in our hearts is a skill and one that is worth developing. Blame and shame only serve to cover over our own shadows and blindspots and self-righteousness has a way of putting us atop a very tall pedestal--with only one way to go from there. Do yourself the favor of remaining rooted in compassion as you make choices about what you wish to clear from your life. Any endings that need to take place will feel much cleaner energetically and you’ll be more able to focus on what’s ahead rather than continuing to invest negative energy into something that’s no longer meant for you anyhow. 

Friday 11/29 – Buffalo Reversed  – If you’ve got a little bit of the post-holiday blues today, bring it back to the simple pleasures. It’s usually not the big, flashy things that actually bring us the most joy and the experience of gratitude is much more about tapping into the warm and often humbling feeling we receive when we truly connect with the ways we are blessed. If your gratitude is happening mostly in your head or involves a lot of “shoulds”, it’s time to shift your approach. Focus on one or two tiny things that actually drop you into your heart space. It could be as small as the feeling of sunlight on your skin or a moment of connection with a loved one. Allow yourself to memorize that feeling and come back to it as often as you need to. 

Saturday 11/30 – Wild Boar – If there’s an issue you’ve been side-stepping, either with yourself or another person, it’s time to address it head on. You don’t have to be aggressive, and honestly, it’s probably best if you’re not, but being direct and clear is absolutely called for today. It might be scary or uncomfortable at first to name the tension that’s been present, but once you’ve broken through that initial resistance, you’ll feel so much freer. So say what you need to say; just make sure it’s said from a place of love.

Sunday 12/1 – Squirrel – Squirrel medicine is all about gathering and preparedness and today offers a wonderful opportunity to take some time to assess what your resources are and what you’ll need to close out this year feeling your best. This may be a matter of doing some financial planning or maybe it’s more about figuring out how to take care of your energy reserves during a very busy time of the year. Either way, a little planning today can go a long way towards supporting your wellbeing in the season ahead so get in touch with your inner nerd, dig into your calendars and spreadsheets, and consider it an investment in yourself, because it absolutely is.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday November 18th, 2019

Monday 11/18 – Ant Reversed  – We’re in the tail end of the retrograde so it’s very likely that we’re still experiencing delays and setbacks at the beginning of the week. Don’t fret and definitely don’t try to force things to move along any faster. Patience isn’t just a virtue, it can also be a practice in searching for opportunities in the in-between times, the redirections, and the stall outs. If you’re stuck in one place, it most likely means that there’s a gift there that you haven’t discovered yet. Instead of working yourself into a frustrated frenzy, try approaching the present moment with curiosity and wonder. Sometimes divine timing shows up in disguise and what initially felt like a scheduling disaster turns out to be a blessing.

Tuesday 11/19 – Alligator Reversed - Slow down and take some time to take stock of both where you are and where you’ve been. When we speed through life we miss the beauty of the landscape flying by. We also miss the lessons that come from intentionally integrating our experiences. Wisdom doesn’t come from the number of years we’ve been here in this body; it comes from sitting with our successes and our failures, being honest with ourselves about our gifts and our struggles, and continuously reorienting with the help of our internal compass. This requires moments of stillness and also the courage to be with ourselves, but the more we actively undertake our own growth, the gentler the lessons tend to be as time goes on. 

Wednesday 11/20 – Antelope – The questions to ask yourself (as many times as you need to) today are: What is the next right step? What most serves? Me? My community? The world? And then allow the answers to guide you into inspired action. If the answers don’t arrive, make the move that you feel in your heart to be right, and then check in. Rinse and repeat. Today is not a day for sitting in indecision and sometimes the only way to know whether something is a fit or not is to simply try it. Let go of any need for perfection. Be willing to make mistakes and humbly recalibrate as necessary. No venture can ever be a failure so long as you learn something from it.

Thursday 11/21 – Elk Reversed – Don’t underestimate the importance of pace. Too fast and furious and we burn ourselves out before we ever make it to the finish line. Too slow and the result is essentially the same, though we may have saved ourselves some energy. Balance is the key. Figure out what’s most important to you, clear away or deprioritize everything else, and then make a plan that allows for consistent and sustainable efforts towards your goals. It’s a surefire recipe for success.

Friday 11/22 – Buffalo  – The point of prayer is not to receive everything we ask for exactly the way we want it; it’s to humble ourselves in a way that opens us up to the abundance that already surrounds us. Find the places within where you’re gripping so very tightly and then slowly surrender. Sometimes when we let go of what we thought we wanted, we get what we actually needed, and often in the most unexpected of ways. Leave room for Spirit to surprise you and you may just experience magic. 

Saturday 11/23 – Opossum Reversed – There are times when it makes sense to “play dead” so to speak, but it’s important that we don’t begin to believe our own act. If we hide out or stay inactive too long we can find ourselves tangled up in the tendrils of inertia, wondering why nothing is moving forward in our lives. Where have you been asleep for too long? Our dreams are meant to inspire us into action upon waking, so open your eyes and get to creating the life you envision. No more waiting. The time is now. 

Sunday 10/24 – Frog Reversed – Cleansing our lives of toxins, on all levels, is most certainly important, but if we do so from a place of fear we’re only trading one pollutant for another. Stress is just as toxic to the body as chemicals or processed foods and sometimes the most healing thing we can do is to simply cut ourselves a little slack. Let your hair down today and maybe even indulge a little. Focus on letting go of guilt and the “shoulds” and embrace a carefree spirit. You might even find that the energy with which you consume certain things you once thought were toxic was actually more the culprit than the thing you were avoiding. Either way, a little lightheartedness and pleasure can go a long way today, so gift yourself a little bit of both.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday November 4th, 2019

Monday 11/4 – Weasel Reversed  – The week begins with a message from Weasel asking us to be more mindful of what lies beneath our words and our actions. Even subtle forms of manipulation can lead into karmic cycles in which we’ve made an agreement without realizing it. Transparency and remaining rooted in integrity are the keys to avoiding energetic entanglements and misunderstandings. Being direct about your intentions with others honors their free will and is a powerful practice of vulnerable authenticity.

Tuesday 11/5 – Turtle - Turtle showed up in last week’s spread as well and it appears that we’re still in a period of needing extra grounding, and if possible, time spent specifically connecting with nature. This makes sense, in particular, with Mercury currently in retrograde, heightening the potential for miscommunications and mishaps. If you don’t have the opportunity to spend time outside, connect with an indoor plant or sunlight coming through your windows. And of course don’t forget that you are a part of nature, too. Your own breath can connect you to the rhythm of all of life. Tune into that frequency and allow it to simultaneously ground and expand you.

Wednesday 11/6 – Blue Heron – The call to center ourselves continues into the middle of the week as Blue Heron asks us to practice stillness. Meditation, mindfulness practices, and time spent unplugged and away from unnecessary stimulation can support a much deeper drop into our inner spaces and bring clarity around the state of our hearts and spirits. Even just taking time during the first few moments after waking to simply be present with yourself, before the hustle begins, can go a long way towards cultivating a more intimate relationship with yourself and empowering you to move through the hours and days ahead with more self-awareness and peace. 

Thursday 11/7 – Spider – Creative expression is one of the most potent healers and today is a beautiful time to pour your heart and soul into a project. It could be an impromptu art session or some dedicated space in your day to flesh out a venture you’ve already been working on, so long as you are being truly lit up by the experience. Stay present and curious, release any expectations, and simply allow whatever wishes to come forth to flow. You might even be surprised by what makes its way through.

Friday 11/8 – Prairie Dog Reversed  – You may find that you are feeling depleted or run down today, and as tempting as it might be to push through a little bit more work or to show up for social engagements, listen to your body and take a break. Our spirits may be infinite but our bodies have their limitations and it’s important that we honor them. Do your best to carve out time to rest today or this evening so that you can continue to show up and say yes to the things that matter most to you.

Saturday 11/9 – Mountain Lion – What is your relationship with the concept of leadership? Does it inspire and excite you? Or do you find yourself recoiling at the thought of being sought out for guidance and support? It’s important to remember that leadership doesn’t always look the same. Sometimes it’s standing up, taking charge, and creating organization amidst chaos, but more often than not, it’s more subtle. Seeing and encouraging people’s gifts, elevating the community around you by being a living example of integrity, and making sacrifices for the good of the whole are all marks of an exceptional leader. Where in your life do you already show up as a model for those around you? Where is there room for you to step further into your own power in order to empower others? These are the questions to ask yourself today.

Sunday 10/10 – Rabbit Reversed – The task for today is to find balance in the way that we hold our fears. Neither denying them completely nor steeping ourselves in terror is healthy. The middle way of acknowledging, attending to, and ultimately releasing our fears is what will create the most freedom and expansion in our lives. If you need to create a practice to support yourself then do so! Writing your fears down on paper to burn, blowing them into flowers, sticks, or stones and offering them up to a stream or the ocean to be carried away, or simply transmuting your worries into art are all beautiful ways of surrendering to the magic and mystery of life. Release what’s not serving you as many times as you need until you can once again breathe with ease.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday October 28th, 2019

Monday 10/28 – Lynx  – Pay close attention to your visions, subtle senses, and gut feelings today. Trust your inner knowing and allow it to guide you, particularly if you are navigating a challenging or delicate situation. If you find yourself receiving strong intuitive messages about someone else, there’s no need to point fingers or call anyone out, but certainly honor the truth of what you feel and take care of yourself accordingly. 

Tuesday 10/29 – Dog Reversed - Every relationship has an exchange dynamic that ebbs and flows across time. Today offers a ripe opportunity to examine how your relationships are feeling and whether or not the energy is flowing evenly and in a way that supports all parties. Have you been giving to the point of depletion? Or have you been receiving abundantly from those around you and now find yourself in a position to give back? Don’t forget to include your relationship with yourself in this review as well! Honoring your own needs, boundaries, and gifts are a vital part of developing your ability to do the same for others, so make sure that your relationship with yourself is a good model for the types of relationships you’d like to invite into your life!

Wednesday 10/30 – Elk Reversed – Feeling like you’re stretched a bit too thin? Or that you’ve been running, running, running yourself right into the ground? It’s always important to check in with our bodies and spirits to see how our pace is impacting our wellbeing, but it’s particularly important at this time of year when so many of us have a tendency to burn the candle at both ends. There’s no need to bring everything to a halt, but it is important to make sure that your lifestyle is one that is sustainable and supports your ability to be healthy on all levels. It’s hard to enjoy crossing a finish line if you’re completely broken down when you get there so make any adjustments necessary, whether that’s shuffling your schedule or letting go of a few commitments, to ensure that you can not only have enough steam to meet your goals, but to be happy and healthy before/during/after as well!

Thursday 10/31 – Turtle – Take some time to ground today. With Scorpio season in full effect, the new moon energies from Sunday still lingering, and the thinning of the veil, it’s extra important that we keep our feet on the ground, even if our spirits are soaring about. Nature is your ally always, but today especially. Put your bare feet on the earth, work with plants or clay, let the sunlight kiss your skin, lay in a soft patch of grass. The more you tap into your connection with the elements, the easier it will be to navigate the waves of emotion that often rise and fall during this time of year. 

Friday 11/1 – Wild Boar  – No more shying away from the issues that matter! Whether it’s an challenge cropping up in a relationship dynamic with someone else or something that is between you and yourself, it’s time to confront things head on. Face your fears. Speak your truth. And do it all with a spirit of love and compassion. If you’re concerned that the interaction could get explosive, be sure to release any charge around the issue through writing, movement, or sound before addressing it. And remember that being honest will never cause you to lose something that was truly yours.

Saturday 11/2 – Blue Heron Reversed – Self-reflection is incredibly valuable but, like anything in life, it must be undertaken with a balanced approach. There’s no point in sitting endlessly on the meditation cushion if we never apply our insights to our day to day experiences. Don’t get so caught up in trying to attain perfection or enlightenment that you become too paralyzed to take action for fear of making a mistake. Even so-called “failure” gives the gift of growth, wisdom, and deeper compassion. Live a fully embodied life and let every experience offer a lesson.

Sunday 10/27 – Snake Reversed – It’s time to stop keeping your gifts all bottled up inside. Not only will it lead to stuck or stagnant energy in your own physical and energetic bodies, it does a disservice to the world around you. You were put here on this earth at the particular time in history because you have something unique to offer that is needed and no one else can give your gifts to the world except you. Share who you are authentically, bravely, and without apology. The world needs more people shining their light and living from the truth of their heart. Be one of those people.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday October 21st, 2019

Monday 10/21 – Coyote  – Watch out for a tendency to take yourself too seriously today. Sooner or later, we all trip over our own feet, and the more we can carry ourselves with humility and a sense of humor, the easier it will be to not only recover from our missteps, but to grow from them as well. So take a deep breath and laugh at your own humanness. You may even notice that when you drop the defensiveness and self-importance, people actually respect you more.

Tuesday 10/22 – Raven - Magic is always available to you if you only choose to tap into it, but we’re currently moving through a season where the veil is especially thin. This doesn’t have to be seen as a spooky phenomenon, but instead a very special opportunity to connect with those that are no longer with us. Maybe that means asking for support and guidance from a loved one who has passed. Perhaps it looks like connecting with your lineage and ancestors that you may have never even met. It could be as simple as intentionally opening up to messages from spirit guides. Don’t be afraid to connect with the other side. As long as your intentions are pure and loving, the energies you call in will be as well.

Wednesday 10/23 – Elk Reversed – Take some time today to check in with your energy levels and your commitments. Do you have enough reserves to navigate the season ahead without running yourself into the ground? If not, you might consider shifting things in your calendar around or even removing some tasks altogether. You’ll be much more able to back out of or rearrange a commitment gracefully if you do so with fair notice and most people will respect your honesty and consideration. For anyone who doesn’t, just remind yourself that you’re modeling healthy boundaries by taking care of your wellbeing.

Thursday 10/24 – Frog – When Frog shows up in the spread it’s always a reminder of the importance of periodic cleansing. This could mean a review and revamp of your diet, your media habits, thought patterns, or even the people you surround yourself with. Notice what elevates your body and spirit, what tends to leave you feeling drained, and make the appropriate adjustments accordingly. Little shifts can lead to powerfully positive changes so don’t be afraid to step away from anything that isn’t helping you become the very best version of yourself. 

Friday 10/25 – Eagle  – Spirit can speak to you in so many different ways. Open yourself up today to receive signs--from strangers, through synchronicities, from nature, and even subtle feelings or visions. Ask for guidance and then notice what happens next. The more you listen for and honor the messages that show up, the more you’ll notice that absolutely everything is conspiring to support you.

Saturday 10/26 – Mouse – Discernment and paying attention to the details is the name of the game today. Review all the fine print and tune into your spidey senses. If something feels off, hold on making any decisions until you feel confident that you have full awareness of what’s at stake. Also, don’t be afraid to pass up any opportunities that don’t feel fully in alignment with your values and visions. Trying to force a fit often leads to regret down the line so be patient and trust that when it’s right, you’ll know. 

Sunday 10/27 – Spider Reversed – You may find yourself getting mired in jealousy or drama as the weekend comes to a close. If you notice these impulses coming up today, dig a little deeper and find out what is asking to be expressed. Are there parts of yourself that you’ve been keeping small? Is there a project or dream that you’ve been too afraid to undertake? Envy simply holds a mirror up to our unmet needs and desires, so use these signals as information and then get to work on your own healing by creating something that is authentic and uniquely yours.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday October 14th, 2019

Monday 10/14 – Opossum  – Sometimes when we’re experiencing a lot of resistance, whether that’s in a relationship dynamic or a passion project, the best thing we can do is to take a big step back. Instead of using more force, try giving the situation some space and stay open to the possibility that the issue could resolve without you actively engaging. Even if further attention from you is required, you’ll be much more able to access creative solutions once you’ve had a chance to outlet any charge around the situation and come back to your center. 

Tuesday 10/15 – Spider - Creativity is a powerful healer, whether you choose to share your creations with the world or not. The act of expressing ourselves authentically and transmuting our intangible experiences into something that can be seen, felt, or heard, if only by our own senses, allows us to move through the world in a more empowered way and also more gently. So don’t hold anything in today. Pour it out onto a canvas, into song, into movement, or any other format that feels true for you. Don’t worry about the product. What’s most important is your own catharsis.

Wednesday 10/16 – Owl – Just because something can’t be seen doesn’t mean it isn’t real. Listen closely to your more subtle senses. The chills that show up on your skin. The hairs that raise on your arm. That feeling in your gut or your chest. The vision that flashes through your mind momentarily. It’s not about needing to know exactly what these things mean in a literal way, but more about noticing that your intuition is speaking to you through your body and cultivating a relationship with these capacities. The more deeply you listen, the more you’ll come to understand your own unique intuitive gifts. 

Thursday 10/17 – Black Panther – Knowing that you actually have control over very little in your life can either be stress-inducing or a deep relief--the choice is up to you, but you’re much more likely to enjoy the ride if you surrender and allow the uncertainty to be exhilarating. In fact, you could even decide to treat your entire day like a game, approaching obstacles as challenges designed to keep you engaged and inspire creativity. If you’re having a hard time finding the fun in the detours, at the very least try your best to trust that they’re guiding you to the exact place you’re meant to be.

Friday 10/18 – Crow  – If you’ve been stuck in a loop with certain habits or behaviors that you know aren’t serving you, the key to breaking the cycle might be a little more compassion for yourself. It sounds counterintuitive but beating ourselves up rarely creates lasting shift. Instead of trying to use shame as an agent of change, get curious about the motivations beneath your actions. Once you can find the gift in the experience, you’ll be able to redirect and find what it is you’re truly seeking through healthier channels. 

Saturday 10/19 – Eagle Reversed – When we start to feel disconnected or lost, that’s a sign that it’s time to invest in our relationship with Spirit. What that looks like will be unique to each person. For some it might mean prayer. For others, time out in nature or connecting with uplifting community. Whatever you need to do to remind yourself that you are here for a reason and that you are not alone, go do it. We all need a little infusion of love and hope from time to time and it’s up to us to get out there and find what we need.

Sunday 10/20 – Raven – Magic is everywhere. Whether or not we see it is really a matter of perspective. Remember the things that brought you the most excitement and joy as a child. More often than not, it’s the simplest experiences that are the most nourishing. Open yourself up to beauty and awe today. And don’t forget that your words are magic, too. Be mindful of what spells you cast when you speak. What you say, both out loud and internally, has the power to shape your world. Make sure that you’re creating something that lights you up.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday October 7th, 2019

Monday 10/7 – Wolf  – If you open your eyes and heart to receive, absolutely everything can be your teacher today. From wise souls that cross your path, even for the briefest of moments, to challenging experiences and relationship dynamics. Approach everything with the curiosity of a child today and mine each moment for soul nourishment and growth. 

Tuesday 10/8 – Moose - Don’t be afraid to toot your own horn today. Better yet, be bold and celebrate your strengths and accomplishments with enthusiasm. Not only is it important for your own sense of self esteem, it will also remind others around you that it’s more than okay to let your light shine as brightly as it will. Just keep your feet on the ground and humility in your heart and your grounded confidence and self-love will lift everyone else right up with you.

Wednesday 10/9 – Bat – You’re moving into a new phase today in the way you feel about and approach life and the opportunities it brings you. This is a beautiful day to embrace changes, both external and internal, and to shed shed shed anything that’s been holding you back from becoming who you’ve always wanted to be. Letting go doesn’t always have to be a mournful experience. Sometimes it feels like freedom. Spread your wings fully today and soar.

Thursday 10/10 – Prairie Dog – We all need the occasional rest day here and there and today is a day to honor your body’s need to recharge. Curl up with blankets and a good book. Sip some soothing herbal teas. Take a nap or maybe two! Especially as we move through the height of cold season, taking time to have moments of external stillness allows our body’s internal healing processes to do their job and a little downtime today could be just the  support you need to stay on your A-game, physically and otherwise.

Friday 10/11 – Grouse  – It can be easy to take it for granted sometimes, but simply living in a human body is such a gift. Remind yourself of that today by really dropping into your sensory experience in whatever way feels good for you. Maybe that means taking in some beautiful sights or visual art. Perhaps it’s lying in a sun puddle or stopping to smell every fragrant flower you come across. For some of us, it looks like listening to music and letting the vibrations inspire movement, internally or externally. It doesn’t really matter how you do it, but make sure to celebrate the unique gifts your vessel offers you and allow those experiences to nourish your spirit on the deepest levels. 

Saturday 10/12 – Dog – Loyalty to our dearest ones is important, but it always has to begin with the ability to be loyal to ourselves. How can you more fully honor your heart today? Where can you listen more closely to your intuition and subtle senses and follow their requests? Is there an area of your life where there’s room to be even more authentic and true to yourself? These are the questions to ask today. It’s not about reaching some endpoint, but instead continuously checking in with that quiet inner voice and finding ways to show it that we are listening and that we care about its murmurings. 

Sunday 10/13 – Buffalo Reversed – If you’ve been feeling a sense of lack, ask Spirit to show you the beauty in your own life. We all go through times where we feel disconnected or struggle to feel gratitude. There’s no need to judge yourself for this, but letting these experiences crack us open is the path to reconnecting with the goodness that is present. Sometimes prayer is as simple as saying “guide me” and then waiting and doing your best to trust, even in your own uncertainty, that none of this is random. These moments, humbling as they can be, often bring us the greatest gifts of our lives. Don’t be afraid to let it all in.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday September 30th, 2019

Monday 9/30 – Beaver  – If there was ever a day to get to work on the things that you’re passionate about, today would be it. Roll up your sleeves and dig into the projects that you’ve been dreaming about. No matter how big or lofty your goals are, the best way to achieve them is to simply get started. And be sure to reach out to others in your community for support if needed. You may find that you have more resources at your disposal than you realized.

Tuesday 10/1 – Frog - Frog medicine is that of cleansing and this can take place on a variety of different levels. Perhaps it’s time to clean up your diet or to detox your body via saunas or a sweaty gym session. Maybe a deep clean of your home would feel most beneficial. You might even consider looking around at the people that surround you or the messages you’re taking in through media and taking a big step back from anyone or anything that depletes you or leaves you feeling dysregulated. Take some time today to figure out what parts of your life could use a revamp and take action to clear away what no longer serves in order to make space for what will. 

Wednesday 10/2 – Whale Reversed – Each and everyone of us has a unique voice and message to share. It’s part of our personal medicines and today your task is to find and remove anything that impedes your ability to speak your truth. Limiting belief systems, habits that dim your light, and people who encourage you to stay small can no longer take up space in your life. Let it all go with love, hone in on what kind of impact you want to make on your communities and the world at large, and then get to work sharing your gifts.

Thursday 10/3 – Black Panther Reversed – The only way your Shadow is going to trip you up is if you refuse to acknowledge it. It’s time to pull the rug back and look directly at everything you’ve been sweeping under there. Once you have fully embraced and integrated all parts of  you, you’ll not only free yourself from shame but you’ll also be more able to see the gifts in even the most challenging parts of your experience. 

Friday 10/4 – Spider  – Creativity is one of the most powerful healers and a wonderful tool for transmuting your struggles into something beautiful. Paint. Dance. Write. Sing. Work with clay or plants. There’s really no wrong way to express yourself as long as you’re doing something that feels authentic. The more vulnerable and honest you can be in the process, the more you’ll receive from the experience, and the more likely it is that whatever you create will support others as well. Don’t overthink it. Simply open up and let whatever wants to come through you flow. 

Saturday 10/5 – Ant – Patience is a virtue but one that so many of us struggle to embody. Do your best to trust in divine timing today and if you find yourself feeling like you’re getting stuck or stalled out in a way that is frustrating, ask yourself what gifts are to be found in the present. Whether it’s a lesson that you have yet to fully receive, protection from taking on too much too quickly, or simply a rare opportunity to stop and smell the roses, you wouldn’t be experiencing the slow down unless there was a little more juice in your current phase so stop trying to skip ahead and just enjoy every last drop of this moment. 

Sunday 10/6 – Hummingbird Reversed – When we find ourselves becoming short and irritable over the tiniest things, it’s time to take a step back and a very deep breath. Play isn’t only for children; in fact, it’s vital to our wellbeing. Spend time around people that make you laugh. Do something silly, just for the sheer joy of it. Drop into curiosity, wonder and awe. Even just a few moments of good, clean fun can be incredibly refreshing to the spirit, body, and mind, so carve out some time to let your hair down and de-stress. You’ll have more energy, creativity, and patience in the week ahead if you prioritize filling your own cup up today.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday September 23rd, 2019

Monday 9/23 – Skunk Reversed  – We can say and do all the “right” things and there may still be someone out there who finds a reason to criticize us. If we live in the reflection of other’s eyes we give all of our power away and spend our days chasing external validation. Let go of your concerns about what others think of you and focus more on what you think of yourself. As long as you are living in alignment with your own values, that’s all that matters. 

Tuesday 9/24 – Crow Reversed - The darkest parts of our souls don’t have to trip us up, but the keys to allowing them to inform our behavior rather than control it are awareness and integration. Take time today to explore the parts of yourself that you feel shame around. Search for the gift within that experience and find ways to channel those energies into something positive. You may find that the very parts of your being that you’ve been running from could turn out to be directly linked to some of your most potent gifts. 

Wednesday 9/25 – Eagle Reversed – If you’re feeling disconnected from yourself or from Spirit, it’s time to slow down, tune in, and ask what is needed. Perhaps some time in nature or dropping into service. Maybe a ritual or simply prayer. Our relationships with ourselves and with something greater than us are deeply personal and only you will know what is needed to cultivate and nurture that connection. It may take some time to figure out what most supports you in feeling both grounded and expansive, but it will be one of the best investments you could ever make.

Thursday 9/26 – Salmon Reversed – We all feel lost from time to time and the temptation to give the reins to someone else can be so very real, but the truth is that no one can tell you which path is yours. Listen closely to your body. Notice the visions that pass through your mind. Honor the feelings in your gut. These are truly the best guidance systems you will ever find in your life and the more you practice working with them, the more fine-tuned they will become. It’s also worth noting that resistance doesn’t always mean that we’re going in the wrong direction. Salmon swim against the rushing river currents year after year to return to their birthplace and the place in which they will create new life. It’s not an easy trek, but they are pulled by the call of their instincts. It’s time to reconnect with your own inner knowing and follow it wherever it may lead. 

Friday 9/27 – Mouse  – Discernment isn’t about judgment or labeling anything as “bad” or “wrong”; it’s simply the process of deciding if something is or is not for us in this moment and it’s a vital part of healthy boundary-setting, both with others and with ourselves. Take time to notice today what supports your visions and dreams and what either detracts from them or is simply taking up space in your life. Don’t be afraid to release anything that is no longer serving you. It is, after all, the season of shedding, so let go and trust that something beautiful will bloom in the place of everything that falls away.

Saturday 9/28 – Coyote – You may be met with some contrarian energy today and you’re best bet is to soften rather than stiffen against it. In fact, laughing at yourself and all of the ways our egos can convince us that our way is the right way may be just what the doctor ordered today. Remember that we are all operating from different frameworks constructed from layers upon layers of experience. There’s no need to invalidate someone else’s perspective just because it doesn’t align with yours. If you need to create more distance between yourself and someone who is triggering challenging feelings within you then do so, but don’t forget to look at what is coming up for you and where you may have some healing to do around that.

Sunday 9/29 – Horse – The weekend ends on an uplifting note with Horse reminding us of our own power and agency. This is a grounded energy that is ideal for creating real and lasting change. What do you want your life to look like? What about the world around you? Your visions will come through clearly today and it’s up to you to do the work to bring them to life. You’ve have everything you need within you. Consistent effort will take you where you want to go.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday September 16th, 2019

Monday 9/16 – Armadillo Reversed  – When we talk about healthy boundaries, we are so often focused on concerns of boundaries not being strong or clear enough, but the opposite extreme can be just as unhealthy. Are there places in your life where you keep people at a distance by being rigid? Perhaps there’s somewhere you could be just a touch more flexible in a way that creates more space for connection. The lines are drawn in the sand so that we can adjust them as we shift and change. Make sure that you’re checking in regularly to see what is right for the moment at hand.

Tuesday 9/17 – Raccoon Reversed - Helping others out is a beautiful thing, but when you start running around trying to save the day, especially for those who didn’t ask for support, you’re most likely veering into martyrdom territory and that rarely ends well. Try bringing the focus back to your own life and pour all of that loving energy on yourself. If someone does actually ask for your support, make sure that you’re showing up in a way that empowers rather than encourages dependency. This will keep resentments at bay on both sides and creates a circular energy exchange that is mutually enriching rather than depleting. 

Wednesday 9/18 – Horse Reversed – We’re all entitled go deep into our feels from time to time, but watch out today for a tendency to get sucked into a pity party. Wallowing in what’s not going right or pointing fingers will never get you to the place you want to be. Instead, look within. Find the places in your life where you have agency to create positive changes and get to work making shift happen. If you find that you’ve been the architect of your own unhappiness, there’s no need to beat yourself up about it either. Becoming aware of our own self-sabatoging habits is at least half of the battle. Once you know better, you can not only do better, but enjoy the rewards of creating a life that truly feels joyous to you.

Thursday 9/19 – Otter – It’s easy to forget that we humans are really just animals after all. It’s even easier to forget that we come from lineages of communal creatures that spend a lot of time engaged in bonding and connection behaviors. Our modern day society isn’t always set up to encourage lots of community time or deep intimacy, so it’s vital to the wellbeing of all of us that we set aside time just for that. If you don’t feel that there are communities around you that gather or connect in ways that feel supportive and inclusive then seize the opportunity to be the one to create that space. We all need places where we can feel seen and accepted and creating those spaces is a special kind of service that will create so much nourishment for not only those around you, but for yourself as well. 

Friday 9/20 – Owl  – Open to the possibility of learning something new about yourself today. You may have gifts that you haven’t even discovered yet, just waiting to be tapped. Maybe it’s an artistic skill. Perhaps it’s an intuitive capacity. It could even be a passion or dream that you’ve kept hidden away, even from yourself, for some reason. Just because you’ve lived with yourself your whole life doesn’t mean you know everything there is to know about you. Stay curious. Try new things just to see what sticks. You never know what you might find and the ways, both big  and small, in which your life could shift.

Saturday 9/21 – Dragonfly – The self-discovery continues on today as Dragonfly calls us to release our illusions and to clean the lens through which we view the world. What limiting beliefs are you ready to leave behind? What fears no longer hold any power over you, and how high can you soar once you no longer carry the weight of self-doubt and judgement? You’re entire experience of the world can change in an instant; all you have to do is choose to shift your perspective. 

Sunday 9/22 – Lizard – The unconscious mind is so incredibly powerful and holds the keys to our deepest desires and gifts. Notice where you go, both when you dream during sleep and when your mind wanders during the day. Don’t write off your dreams as too big/too small/too silly/ etc. It’s time to give yourself permission to invest in your heart’s quiet callings. Even if that only means speaking them aloud or writing a vision in your journal, it’s a start. The more you create an exchange with your dreamlife, which is so intimately connected to your intuition, the more you will find that life aligns to support you in some truly miraculous ways. Take a chance. What do you have to lose?

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday September 9th, 2019

Monday 9/9 – Crow Reversed  – The week kicks off with an appearance from Crow in the reversed position, reminding us to check in with our hearts and spirits about how we show up in the world. It can be easy to justify certain behaviors or ways of being but deep down we always know the truth. Where in your life have you been playing mind games with yourself in order to mold your morals around what is convenient or easy? No need to be hard on yourself, but it’s time to get honest with yourself and make any adjustments necessary to clear out any incongruence between what you know to be right and how you’re actually showing up.

Tuesday 9/10 – Lynx - We don’t always have to name what we know and today is a day where it might be in everyone’s best interest to just keep your observations to yourself. Timing is everything. If you feel an overwhelming urge to name something, ask yourself where that is coming from. It may be something that you’d do just as well to process and release on your own. Besides, information is often better received when it isn’t accompanied with a heavy charge. There may come a time when it feels truly right to share, but until then, mum’s the word.

Wednesday 9/11 – Jaguar – Integrity is all about walking your talk and it’s something worth checking in with on a regular basis. We all have blind spots but there are always tells that give away the places where we have work to do. Where are you defensive? What would you prefer for others not to see? What parts of your life do you find yourself making excuses for? Sometimes the subtlest shifts can bring us back into alignment. The key is to be both brave and compassionate as we approach our self-inquiry.

Thursday 9/12 – Buffalo – Prayer doesn’t have to look like folded hands and kneeling to be powerful. Maybe it’s writing down a vision that fills your heart up with hope. Perhaps it’s releasing your worries in the form of flowers getting carried down a stream. It could be a dance that embodies gratitude for all that you have. However you choose to offer up your joys and fears, give them over to Spirit today. You were never meant to carry the weight of this human existence all on your own, but it’s up to you to find a way to lighten your load that feels true to you.

Friday 9/13 – Black Panther Reversed  – The unknown can be terrifying or exciting; it’s really all a matter of perspective. For many of us, it comes down to programming and formative experiences around change and uncertainty, but we always have the opportunity to shift the way we relate to the world around us. Save yourself the unnecessary energy drain and choose wonder over worry today.

Saturday 9/14 – Eagle Reversed – It’s important to remember that your breakdowns can lead to breakthroughs. The moments in which we are most humbled and vulnerable are often the ones in which we have the ability to be most open to grace and receiving support from Spirit. This can come in the form of a kind stranger, a moment of potent connection with nature, or an infusion of strength or courage that we didn’t think we had within us. Stay open today, even if it feels uncomfortable. Your challenges are not here to crush you. They are here to strengthen you and open you up. Let them.

Sunday 9/15 – Grouse – It’s been a big week full of some powerful shifts, but the week ends with a call to step into a lighter, more carefree way of being. Set aside your troubles and worries, if only for a matter of hours today, and dance, play outside, savor a delicious meal, or bask in warm sunlight. Allow yourself to remember that even in the hardest of times, life is a blessing. It may seem counter-intuitive or awkward at first, but sometimes simply going through the motions of play triggers a shift from the outside in. Allow yourself to exhale deeply today and you may even find that you experience a perspective shift that makes your challenges feel a bit more manageable.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday September 2nd, 2019

Monday 9/2 – Prairie Dog Reversed  – It  seems that last week’s theme of slowing down and taking time to drop into deeply restorative states is continuing into this week. The medicine of Prairie Dog is retreat and the call today is to rest. Sleep in, schedule an appointment for some bodywork, or lounge around in a pool or bath. Whatever you do, make sure that you are stepping away from any unnecessary sources of stimulation and allowing yourself to be deeply nourished in mind, body, and spirit. Even just a little time out for a meditation or lying on the earth to ground can go a long way towards refreshing your being.

Tuesday 9/3 – Wolf Reversed - Be extra mindful today in the ways that you seek guidance. A little support or another perspective can be helpful from time to time, but at the end of that day, are you coming back to your own inner knowing? No one else has more authority over what your life should look like than you. Make sure you honor that. Besides, putting others up on pedestals is always a set up for disillusionment and the truth is that it’s not fair to anyone involved. 

Wednesday 9/4 – Snake – No matter what comes your way today, use it in service to your own healing and that of the world. Let the abundance of beauty you encounter overflow into the quality of your presence with others. Mine your challenges for gifts and opportunities to create positive change in your communities. Every experience offers you a chance to learn, grow, and deepen your capacity for compassion and connection--what will you create today?

Thursday 9/5 – Raccoon – Every one of us has some sort of gift in this life, whether that’s a loving, grounded family, material abundance, wisdom beyond your years, a natural talent, or powerful embodiment of a certain virtue. Your task today is to find the areas in which you’ve been blessed and then to share those blessings with those around you who may not have been as fortunate. This is, after all, how any one of us is nurtured into greatness in this life and paying it forward is an investment in our elevation as a collective community. 

Friday 9/6 – Badger Reversed  – There are times when bringing an intensity to our pursuits can be beneficial, maybe even vital, but today we would be much better served by staying soft. This doesn’t mean you can’t be determined or driven, but do so in a way that keeps you connected to your heart and steeped in kindness. You may find that you get better results this way and spend less of your own energy in the process, too.

Saturday 9/7 – Turtle Reversed – The antidote to feeling disconnected is to open your eyes, mind, and heart to the world around you. Notice the beauty that surrounds you, sometimes even in the most unexpected places. Soak up the gifts of nature in any way you can. Stare deeply into the sky. Inhale the fragrance of plant life. Let your body be warmed by the sun. Remember that you are just as vital to this complex universe as every rock, blade of grass, and drop of water and let that knowing instill a sense of belonging in you. If this is feeling particularly challenging, find a way to steward the natural world. Volunteer to clean up a beach, put out a dish of water for thirsty bees, or donate to organizations that protect wildlife. Owning your impact can not only bring more meaning and purpose to your life, but can nourish your soul as well.  

Sunday 9/8 – Black Panther – The unknown can be scary, but it is also the birthplace of possibility. Rather than getting wrapped up in your fears, focus on curiosity. Let yourself be drawn towards the things that light you up. Your comfort zone might be cozy, but it’s not where you’re going to find growth or expansion, so take a leap today, big or small, and trust that you will be able to catch yourself.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday August 26th, 2019

Monday 8/26 – Moose  – Don’t be afraid to shine brightly today. If you’ve been dimming your light or holding back from sharing your gifts with the world for fear of making others feel small, it’s time to let those stories go. When you celebrate your strengths, you give permission for others to do the same.

Tuesday 8/27 – Owl - Pay extra close attention to any gut feelings you have today. If you feel like something is off, trust that. You may not be seeing the full picture but the body always knows. Take a beat, ask any clarifying questions that you need to, and hold off on making any major moves until you feel certain that you know the motives of everyone involved, including yourself. 

Wednesday 8/28 – Antelope Reversed  – Analysis paralysis is real, especially during Virgo season when perfectionist tendencies often kick into overdrive. The antidote to getting stuck in inertia is to simply act. Take one step, no matter how small, in the direction of what you want. Remember, you can always reroute if necessary, but the longer you wait, the less likely it is that you’ll ever make a move, so no more stalling. 

Thursday 8/29 – Fox – Fox medicine is all about blending in and moving through the world without drawing too much attention to yourself and if that’s not a skill you’ve already mastered, today’s the day to start cultivating that skill. This isn’t about trying to hide your gifts or an inability to show up due to a lack of self-worth; it’s about noticing what happens when you don’t interject your own energy into a situation. Sometimes we can get a much clearer picture when we sit back and observe from the sidelines and from there, we can decide if and how much we want to engage.

Friday 8/30 – Bear  – Take some time out to go inward today, and all the better if that time can also involve some solitude. Meditate. Take a walk alone. Journal. Whatever helps you get in touch with your inner world, do that. We’re in the midst of a seasonal shift and it’s a perfect moment to take stock of what you’ve moved through over the last handful of months, the lessons you’ve learned, and what your visions are as you move forward. 

Saturday 8/31 – Prairie Dog Reversed – Your body may be sending you some powerful signals today that it’s time to slow down and rest. Listen! We are incredible beings with capacities far beyond what most of us even know, but our bodies still have limitations. Don’t risk your wellbeing, physically, mentally, or emotionally, by trying to push beyond what is humanly possible. Sleep. Eat nourishing foods. Stretch and hydrate. These seem like simple things but they so often get pushed aside when we get overwhelmed or even just have a hard time saying no. Put your wellness first today. Everything else can wait until you’ve had a chance to fill your own cup back up. 

Sunday 9/1 – Elk – Whether you’re working on a big work venture, trying to hit health goals, or trying to get a passion project off the ground, the key to success is pacing yourself. Spend some time today sitting with your priorities and making a realistic plan of how you are going to manage the tasks at hand. Slow and steady is the name of the game. Stick to step-wise progress and you’ll not only be hitting milestones before you know it, you’ll have the strength and energy to enjoy your accomplishments as well. 

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday August 19th, 2019

Monday 8/19 – Grouse  – The mind is powerful but living life constantly in your head keeps you from enjoying the beautiful gift that is your physical experience. Each of our bodies is unique so what you most celebrate and cherish will be individual to you, but find a way today to drop into your body and really be present with your senses in a way that feels truly nourishing.

Tuesday 8/20 – Opossum - No matter how hard someone tries to antagonize you or loop you into a conflict, do not take the bait. You’ll reach a much happier resolution to whatever is at hand if you take some space and allow any charge around the issue to subside. If you’re struggling to walk away, ask yourself why and if it is really worth losing your peace over. 

Wednesday 8/21 – Salmon Reversed  – When we’re feeling uncertain or perhaps even as though we can’t trust ourselves, it can be tempting to try to seek out the answers in others, but at the end of the day, you’re the only one who can determine which path is yours. Tune deeply into your own intuition for guidance instead. Ask whatever questions you need to ask and then listen closely to the cues from your body and mind and honor their wisdom. These senses are often more subtle than the five that we usually notice so creating enough stillness to really notice and receive them will be a vital part of honing your intuitive capacities. 

Thursday 8/22 – Skunk Reversed – We are all responsible for our own energetic states and also for the impact we have on those around us. Particularly when we don’t receive the responses we want or find ourselves entangled in a less than desirable interpersonal dynamic, it can be easy to point fingers in every direction but our own. We become empowered however when we seek out the ways that we have contributed to the circumstances around us. Be extra mindful today of how you’re showing up with others, not just in overt actions, but also energetically. Ask yourself if you are carrying yourself with full integrity and if the answer is no, make the appropriate shifts necessary. Anything that you put out into the universe will eventually return to you in one form or another so if you want to get good, make sure you’re giving good. 

Friday 8/23 – Lizard Reversed  – Get out of your own way today by clearing away fears, limiting beliefs, bad habits, and anything else that is keeping you from being a clear channel for visions and dreams. This could mean letting go of people that tend to leave you doubting yourself, any “shoulds” that keep you from pursuing what you truly want, or an addiction to busyness that keeps you from being able to connect to your inner world and creativity. The faster you release anything that is clouding your vision, the sooner you’ll find yourself on a path that feels full of authentic joy and meaning.   

Saturday 8/24 – Snake Reversed – Don’t let yourself get swallowed up by your own emotions today. Yes, it’s important to feel your feelings, but that doesn’t mean you have to allow them to tear you apart as they move through you. No matter how challenging your current circumstances are or how deep your pain is, you can always choose to seek out the gift within all of it. There’s also nothing more healing than finding ways to support others who are navigating similar struggles so do your best to broaden your perspective and channel all of your energies towards creating something positive out of whatever hand you’ve been dealt. 

Sunday 8/25 – Swan – Grace comes in the most unexpected moments. A kind gesture from a stranger. Finding ourselves in the presence of something truly beautiful. A quiet moment in which we receive an infusion of faith or power, from seemingly nowhere at all. These things can take place at any time but we must first be open to receiving the blessing. See if you can lean just a little further into trust. It’s often when we are on the verge of giving up that we turn a corner and find ourselves face to face with an incredible opportunity. Keep your head up and your eyes, heart, and mind open.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday August 12th, 2019

Monday 8/12 – Otter Reversed  – It can be frustrating when we can’t see eye to eye with someone we love or even someone we just need to be in contact with, whether that’s a coworker or co-parent, but forcing our worldview on others is not only ineffective, it can be destructive to trust and connection. Try to see if you can hold space for the other person’s point of view, even if you don’t understand it. Accepting people as they are, even when they fall short of our own expectations is a practice of compassion and one we can all stand to lean more fully into. Sometimes simply considering what it feels like to walk in another’s shoes can rekindle connection, but if you find that the chasm is too deep to be bridged, make sure that you release the attachment with love in your heart.

Tuesday 8/13 – Badger Reversed - Temper any tendencies towards aggressive or coercive behavior today, especially when it comes to trying to complete projects or doing any self-healing work. Today calls for a softer approach that takes regular, measured steps towards the desired outcome. Rushing and being forceful often leads to overshooting and sometimes even results in big mistakes. Slow and steady wins the race today.

Wednesday 8/14 – Turkey  – What gifts do you have to offer the world today? Really, that’s a wonderful question to ask ourselves everyday but today, in particular, calls for each of us to look through the lens of abundance and to search for the ways in which we can share from the overflow in our lives. Looks for ways, big or small, you can show up in a spirit of service. That could mean donating money or time, peppering your day with random acts of kindness, or finding a way to use your talents to help others. You may find that the experience is just as nourishing for you as it is for those you support and that you gain some powerful perspective along the way. 

Thursday 8/15 – Skunk – We don’t have control over much in this life, but the one thing we do get to choose is our own vibration, the energy with which we move through the world, and the impact we have along the way--if we’re conscious of it that is. We all have blind spots around how we show up, but relationships are powerful mirrors that offer clues about the places that we might have more work to do. If you notice certain patterns cropping up again and again in relationships around you, do some personal inquiry around how you might be feeding into that dynamic, even in subtle ways. The more you take responsibility for the energy you put out into the world, the more empowered you’ll be with regard to creating the life you truly desire.

Friday 8/16 – Dolphin Reversed  – If you’re feeling overwhelmed, weighed dowd, or simply disconnected from yourself and/or the world around you, it might be time to press pause and get still. If you can spend some time connecting with your own breath, do that. If that doesn’t feel accessible to you, then do something that pulls you out of your mind and back into your sensory perception--watch the branches of a tree sway in the breeze, soak in cold or hot water depending on your preference, put your face in the most fragrant rose blossom and inhale deeply...whatever you do, make sure that you find a way to remember what a gift this life is, and then repeat that as many times as needed.  

Saturday 8/17 – Whale – Don’t hold back. If there’s something you need to say, then say it, even if that means you write it on a piece of paper only to burn it. The point is to get it out, to move the energy, and to release anything that keeps you from fully authentic self-expression. If you feel like you’re in need of a little extra support in this area, practice simply humming or singing to yourself as a way to open up the throat chakra and become more familiar with your own voice and the power of using it. Before you know it, you may find that speaking your truth becomes easier and there are few things more freeing. 

Sunday 8/18 – Salmon – Trust your inner compass above all else today. No one else can tell you what path is yours or how to navigate it, as much as we might wish for that to be so at times. The good news is that the more you connect with your own intuitive capacities, the more fine-tuned your inner guidance system will become. One of the simplest ways to do this is to simply ask for guidance and then listen. The response may come in the form of physical sensations, visions, or a strong sense of knowing. However it appears, do your best to honor it and then notice the magic that happens as you align your actions with your deepest desires.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday August 5th, 2019

Monday 8/5 – Deer – Fighting fire with fire rarely yields positive results, but today especially, lean into a more gentle approach if you encounter any friction with others. Focus on being compassionate and remember that people act out when they are wounded. That doesn’t mean you have to tolerate abusive behavior. If you need to remove yourself from any circumstances that feel unsafe, then most definitely do, but do so with a focus on practicing self-love rather than falling into the desire to punish or retaliate. Staying soft is the most powerful thing you can do when someone else is pulling for you to react in a way that isn’t truly in integrity or alignment with your highest self.

Tuesday 8/6 – Raven Reversed - Pragmatism and logic are most definitely valuable, but don’t underestimate the importance of magic, awe, and wonder. These are the birthplaces of creativity, opportunity, and healing. If you’ve found yourself feeling weighed down, stuck in a rut, or uninspired then it’s time to shift your perspective and seek beauty all around you. This doesn’t have to be a solely visual exercise either. Perhaps it’s kindness between strangers, the sound of the breeze rustling through grass, or the feeling of water running over your skin. Tune in. Look closely. Just for today, forget about practical concerns and allow yourself to be absorbed in the gifts of each moment. 

Wednesday 8/7 – Rabbit Reversed  – Your words have tremendous creative potential so be mindful today about what you’re calling in as you speak. If fears have been plaguing you, honor what’s coming up but don’t feed into it. It’s a subtle distinction but an important one as the way we speak to ourselves, both internally and out loud, directly impacts our perception and physiology. If images of what could go wrong keep running through your mind, try reframing by naming your hopes and highest visions. If you can control the outcome, then get to work creating what you want. If you can’t then all you can do is accept what comes and do your best to roll with the punches. Either way, worrying is only a waste of your precious energy. 

Thursday 8/8 – Otter Reversed – Spend time today leaning into community connection. Check in on your friends. Attend a gathering or perhaps even host one. Especially if you’ve found yourself isolating a bit more recently, it’s time to come out of your shell and allow yourself to be seen. If this brings up discomfort then it might be worth digging into the beliefs that have kept you from embracing the vulnerability that comes along with interdependence. Are you afraid of being either too much or not enough for others? Have you been hesitant to trust the people around you for fear of being disappointed? Relationships are some of the richest growth experiences we can have in this human life, so challenge yourself to take the risk of reaching out. 

Friday 8/9 – Crow – How fully do you embrace all of who you are? Today is a ripe opportunity to explore that question and to work at the edges of the answer. Most, if not all, of us have parts of ourselves that we’d rather not show to the outside world, but the energetic toll of hiding bits and pieces of who we are can really add up. Free yourself from the burden of shame by owning your shadows. Find healthy ways of expressing them and test out the possibility that they might not be as awful as you’ve imagined them to be. You are, after all, human. Acknowledge that. Allow yourself the deep exhale that comes when you no longer live in fear of rejection and instead show up with total authenticity and full trust that you will be received by those that are meant to join you on the journey, and that those who don’t are simply not meant to be part of your story at this time. 

Saturday 8/10 – Dragonfly – It’s difficult to see situations and people for what and who they actually are when our vision is clouded by intense desire. Watch out today for a tendency to project your wishes onto reality by being really honest with yourself about what you want and how that could be impacting your perspective. In particular, if something feels a bit off or things aren’t quite adding up, be sure not to override your intuition. This is definitely a time to listen closely to your gut and it’s much easier to do that when we loosen the grip on our attachments.

Sunday 8/4 – Hummingbird Reversed – Your task for today is simple: Play! If that sounds like a challenge then you may even need a double dose. Whatever it takes for you to release stress, reconnect with joy, and drop into some deep belly laughter, do that! Nothing replenishes the spirit quite like allowing yourself some downtime in which you can be truly carefree, even if you have to block it into your schedule. Besides, you know what they say about a Sunday well-spent. Take time to nourish yourself today and you might be surprised at what a boost it gives you in the week ahead.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday July 29th, 2019

Monday 7/29 – Skunk Reversed  – Your ego might get a little test today in the form of people saying things about you that feel unfair, untrue, or are simply a misunderstanding of who you are. Do your best not to get too tangled up in concerns about your reputation and instead focus on who you know yourself to be. If something that was said has a particularly sharp sting, it might be worth investigating whether or not there is a kernel of truth in it; if it’s completely baseless then distance yourself from the noise by burying yourself in something you’re passionate about. The truth always comes out eventually so just keep doing your thing and let your actions speak louder than others’ words. 

Tuesday 7/30 – Spider - We all accumulate stress every single day, in ways big and small. One of the biggest differences between people who fall under the weight of life’s pressures and those who seem to thrive no matter what comes their way is how the stress is managed, and more specifically, if and how it’s released. Creativity is one of the most powerful ways to shift, move, and clear stuck or stagnant energy, and that doesn’t have to mean “art” in any traditional sense of the word. Of course, if painting or writing speaks to you then by all means utilize that as an outlet, but flailing your body around on the floor and vocalizing with raw abandon is just as much of a creative act and if that’s what you need to do release pressure, do it! The important thing is to let your expression be authentic and to be present with the process rather than focused on any specific outcome. Make this a daily practice and don’t be surprised if you find yourself feeling lighter, more alive, and more connected to your mind, body, and spirit.

Wednesday 7/31 – Swan Reversed  – Your uniqueness and yes, even your flaws, hold the keys to your gifts. Embrace all of who you are and let go of the belief that you need to fit in or become anyone other than who you are. Notice the places where you compare yourself to others and tell yourself that you don’t measure up somehow. If you wouldn’t speak that way to someone you love then it’s time to hold your self-talk to that same standard. Focus less on striving for a mythical state of perfection and more on celebrating the wabi-sabi, perfectly imperfect beauty of life and the ways in which you embody that. 

Thursday 8/1 – Rabbit – Confronting our fears seems to be a never-ending part of this life journey, so getting comfortable with the process can go a long way towards bringing more peace and ease into our days. The key is finding the balance between total avoidance and bullying ourselves into facing something, and then learning how to work at the edge compassionately. What is one thing that you can do to expand your comfort zone today? Saying yes to a group event? Promoting your work or sharing an idea? Dropping into a deeper level of vulnerability with a loved one? You know where you have room for growth. Go there. Dig in slowly if you need to. But do dig in. The more you work through your own shadows the more freedom you grant yourself. 

Friday 8/2 – Whale Reversed  – One of the biggest lies we tell ourselves is that we don’t have anything to contribute to the world, no special gift to share, no message of any importance. It’s simply not true. Not ever. And while some people seem to come into this world knowing what their mission is, it’s more common that we don’t know at first and that much of our journey is about finding where our passions lie and what kind of legacy we most wish to leave behind. Don’t be afraid to explore your creativity; follow your intuition towards things that spark curiosity or light you up, no matter how random they may seem. You never know where the path may lead, what you’ll discover along the way, or who might benefit from the wisdom you’ll gain. Stay open. 

Saturday 8/3 – Mouse – Discernment is your friend today. Simplify your life by regularly pausing to ask yourself, “Does this serve me? Does this bring me closer to my vision or farther from it? Is this a true ‘yes’ for me?” Notice the answers that come through your body and mind and then honor them fully. Rinse and repeat. 

Sunday 8/4 – Dolphin Reversed – The very best antidote to feeling disconnected from yourself and Spirit is play. Do something today for the sheer joy of the experience, however fleeting it may be. Move your body. Connect with loved ones. Laugh. Put yourself in the presence of beauty. Seek magic in even the most mundane experiences. Dropping back into the innocence and wonder that was so natural to us as children is one of the most deeply healing practices and can help us remember what lights us up and why we are here in this life.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday July 22nd, 2019

Monday 7/22 – Grouse  – Spend some time today dropping into your body and your senses. How often do you really celebrate all the blessings your physical form brings you? Gratitude is an active practice and one of the best ways to honor a gift is to be fully present with it. Bring mindfulness to your sensory experiences of taste, touch, hearing, sight, and smell. If you catch yourself getting tangled up in judgement, shift your focus to curiosity and wonder and notice the difference in how you feel. If you’re really struggling to get out of your head then it’s time to play. Dance. Run through the hills. Jump into the ocean. Whatever you need to do to remind yourself that you are alive in this moment in time that you will never experience again. Be here now. Enjoy it.

Tuesday 7/23 – Owl Reversed - It’s time to come clean. What have you been hiding from yourself? What have you been trying to convince yourself of even though you know better? We can want something to be true with all our hearts but that won’t make it so. Stop trying to fit square pegs into round holes and get honest with yourself. Once you let go of what you thought should have been, you open yourself up to a whole world of possibility.

Wednesday 7/24 – Wolf Reversed  – When we put people up on pedestals we set both them and ourselves up for a big fall. It’s time to pluck the stars from your own eyes and remember that everyone, no matter how gifted or wise, is still human, makes mistakes, and can only speak from their own experience. Whatever magic you’re seeking in others is only a sign that it’s time to acknowledge your own gifts and power. The greatest guides you will ever have in your life is your own heart and spirit. Trust their wisdom.

Thursday 7/25 – Turtle – Don’t underestimate the healing power of connection with nature today. Whether you have five minutes to tend to some houseplants or snuggle with a pet or a full afternoon to spend outside, make sure to carve out a little time to drop back into the rhythms of the natural world. Slow down. Let your tensions fall away. Allow yourself to feel the way that you are a vital, albeit tiny, part of an intricate and beautiful universe. Let the magic of that fill your heart and spill out into everything you do.

Friday 7/26 – Elk  – Do your best to pace yourself today. If you’ve got a lot on the agenda, work out a plan of attack that accounts for regular breaks. You can get everything you need to do done, but not all at once and not at the expense of your wellbeing. Making sure that your body is properly cared for as you move through your day will help you keep balanced energy levels and you’re less likely to make careless mistakes from being hangry or rushed. Slowing it down a little may actually save you time in the long run, so take those deep breaths and maybe a few stretch breaks here and there if needed.

Saturday 7/27 – Deer – Be extra gentle with yourself today. Sometimes we need to push ourselves a little but today is more about nurturing and tenderness. Self-care and self-love are less about doing elaborate rituals and more about being attuned to your needs. Listen closely to what your body is asking for today and tend to its requests as lovingly as you can. 

Sunday 7/28 – Racoon Reversed – If you find yourself tempted to play savior today, don’t do it! You may have the best of intentions, but fixing other people’s problems doesn’t allow them to navigate the journey that will help them find their own power and agency. Ask yourself if the person or people in question actually need your help or if you are simply looking for a way to feel valuable or perhaps even distract from your own inner work. If neither of those things are true, then ask if and how you can best support the person. The key to avoiding codependent dynamics is to make sure that, however you choose to support, you’re empowering the other party to find their own solutions rather than just swooping in with a magic wand. 

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday July 15th, 2019

Monday 7/15 – Moose  – So often we run around trying to draw a sense of worthiness from the people around us, from accomplishments, and from pretty much everywhere but within. Today it’s time to come back to the truth of your intrinsic value. You don’t need to do anything special or be anyone other than who you are. You were born as a manifestation of love and divinity. You continue to be just that, even in the moments in which you feel you’ve strayed from that truth. Come back to it. As many times as you need to today.

Tuesday 7/16 – Elk Reversed - It’s time to simplify and take some items off of your plate today. What is most important or actually needs attention right now? Focus on that and bump the remainder of the tasks on your to-do list to another day, or maybe even cross them out altogether. It can be tempting to try to get everything done all at once but, more often than not, that approach results in sloppy errors and burn out. Pace yourself. And if you find yourself having a hard time figuring out what to let go of, come back to your values and your vision for your life. Keep what supports that and eliminate or at least shelf the rest. 

Wednesday 7/17 – Lynx Reversed  – We all have our blindspots and while others can sometimes shine a light on the parts of ourselves that are difficult to see, we have to be ready to receive that insight for it to actually be helpful or healing. Keep this in mind if you’re considering approaching someone with feedback or a reflection today. Just because it may not be the right time at this very moment to share what you notice doesn’t mean that the time will never come. Usually, when people are ready to hear your perspective, they will ask. In the meantime, stay in your own lane by making the choices that best serve you and letting others make the choices that they feel serve them. 

Thursday 7/18 – Frog – A little detox is in order today! Whether you choose to clean up your nutrition, your timeline, your inner dialogue, or your social circle, practice extra mindfulness today around the energies that you take on or consume. Ask yourself what serves your wellbeing and what seems to detract from your ability to be vibrant, joyful, and aligned with your truth. Once you have those sorted, you know what to do. If you have to make shifts little by little, then do it, just so long as you’re creating more space for what lifts you up and less for anything that doesn’t. 

Friday 7/19 – Ant Reversed  – If you’re someone who struggles with patience and are feeling extra pushed today in that area, try shifting your perspective. What if the delays you’re experiencing are actually for your benefit? This life is so very complex and sometimes only a matter of seconds can determine whether or not you find yourself in the right place at the right time. Lean into that mystery today and trust that you are going to land exactly where you are meant to be, and not a moment sooner or later than you’re meant to be there. And in the meantime, see if there might be some extra juice in the present moment. Even if it’s not where you thought you were supposed to be, there’s no reason why you can’t draw every bit of magic and growth out of what’s in front of you right now. 

Saturday 7/20 – Rabbit – Facing your fears is a process of balance of pushing at the edge of your comfort zone and then holding yourself there as gently as possible. Figure out where you could stand to show up for this work today. Is there an area of your life that you know you’re holding yourself back? If so, it’s time to start approaching it with curiosity and courage. And it’s worth mentioning that courage doesn’t mean fearlessness or recklessness with our hearts and spirits. It’s about stepping into vulnerability with a heart that is wide open to the possibilities and a willingness to explore your own limits. You find out how far you can go by starting with a single step. 

Sunday 7/21 – Grouse Reversed – Life can get so heavy sometimes that it’s easy to forget how much a gift it is to simply be here, getting to experience this world through the sensations of our own bodies. Take time today to remember by dropping into your senses. Sight. Smell. Taste. Sound. And Touch. Each one can be a form of nourishment if you choose to receive it as such. It’s all about how you direct your attention. Focus on the simple pleasures today. Maybe that’s dancing to a song you love with total abandon. Maybe it’s feeling the warm sunlight on your skin or reveling in the flavors of the sweetest summer fruit. Perhaps you simply watch the dust particles float through a beam of afternoon light. Whatever you do, soak it up. Let it be a celebration. Even if it’s only the tiniest quietest moment. You’re here for it and that’s nothing short of miraculous.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!
