Monday 12/2 – Weasel – The week opens up with a call to bring our energy fields in more tightly around us so that we may move through the world and whatever circumstances are coming up in our lives currently without making big waves. This can be especially useful in complicated social situations that we don’t wish to get tangled up in, but still offer opportunities for learning and growth. The key here is to focus on maintaining a grounded connection to our own energy while observing what’s happening around us with as little attachment to the outcome as possible. This allows heightened perception and clarity and can help us see through any confusion and into the truth of the matters at hand.
Tuesday 12/3 – Bat - Embrace this period of rebirth and start setting your sights on what you wish to step into in the season ahead. This may involve some shedding and possibly some growing pains or contractions as well, but trust that this is a natural part of the process and stay committed to your higher visions and goals. Ask yourself where you can more fully embody authenticity and a grounded sense of empowerment and then roll up your sleeves. Growth isn’t always linear so be gentle with yourself as you navigate your way into a new way of being or offering your gifts to the world.
Wednesday 12/4 – Deer – The message of deer is a simple but profound one: Love will always be the most powerful force. Like water against rocks, it can soften and smooth even the most jagged energies, and often does so more gracefully than the force of fear or anger. Whether you’re dealing with yourself or others, the best approach today is gentleness. This may look like compassionate boundary-setting, dropping into self-care practices, or simply reconnecting with your heart-center and making choices based on the wisdom that emanates from within.
Thursday 12/5 – Lizard – Your dreams are the wellspring of your ability to create a life that feels truly nourishing to you, which is why it’s so very important to set aside space for both waking visions and those that come to us when we sleep. Carve out a little time today to dream, whether that means daydreaming, actively brainstorming about what you’d like to manifest and ways to invest in those desires, sitting in meditation, or simply catching some much-needed rest and allowing messages to come through your subconscious. Make sure to stay open to invitations from Spirit as well. Sometimes our destinies are even more magical than we could ever design with our logical minds.
Friday 12/6 – Otter – Say yes to any opportunities for partaking in healing, heart-centered gatherings today. It can be easy to slip into the hustle bustle of the season or to lean into over-indulgence and escapism at this time of year, but there’s a special medicine to be found in being present and intentional in our connections with loved ones. If you haven’t received any invites, take the initiative and host a collection of your nearest and dearest in a way that encourages you and yours to slow down, to savor the moments you have with one another, and to do your best to lift each other up. These gifts are far more nourishing than anything that can be wrapped up in paper and a bow.
Saturday 12/7 – Lynx – If you feel called to name something you see in another person, especially if it has the potential to feel like a call-out, pause and ask yourself if what you wish to say will truly serve. It is totally possible to honor your truth and knowing without speaking it out loud. If you feel that what you have to say will actually support the best interests and healing of all involved, then make sure that you share what’s on your heart with as much love and compassion as possible. If, after reflection, you realize that naming it aloud is unnecessary or likely to prove unproductive, you can still release the energy by writing your words down and then burning or burying them. Sometimes these simple rituals can provide powerful shifts within us that ultimately impact everything around us as well.
Sunday 12/8 – Eagle – It is always a good time to come back to our connection with Spirit and with our heart, but today there is a particular call to do so. If you’ve found yourself getting caught up in frenetic holiday energy or the stress of shopping/traveling/over-extending yourself, grounding back in to your values and what truly matters most to you in this life will pave the way for more peace and joy. How you do this will be as unique as your own fingerprint. It could mean time out in nature, gathering with a spiritual community, or a simple ritual that helps you feel connected to something greater than yourself. Whatever you do, make sure that your practice feels authentic and truly nourishing to your soul.