Monday 10/14 – Opossum – Sometimes when we’re experiencing a lot of resistance, whether that’s in a relationship dynamic or a passion project, the best thing we can do is to take a big step back. Instead of using more force, try giving the situation some space and stay open to the possibility that the issue could resolve without you actively engaging. Even if further attention from you is required, you’ll be much more able to access creative solutions once you’ve had a chance to outlet any charge around the situation and come back to your center.
Tuesday 10/15 – Spider - Creativity is a powerful healer, whether you choose to share your creations with the world or not. The act of expressing ourselves authentically and transmuting our intangible experiences into something that can be seen, felt, or heard, if only by our own senses, allows us to move through the world in a more empowered way and also more gently. So don’t hold anything in today. Pour it out onto a canvas, into song, into movement, or any other format that feels true for you. Don’t worry about the product. What’s most important is your own catharsis.
Wednesday 10/16 – Owl – Just because something can’t be seen doesn’t mean it isn’t real. Listen closely to your more subtle senses. The chills that show up on your skin. The hairs that raise on your arm. That feeling in your gut or your chest. The vision that flashes through your mind momentarily. It’s not about needing to know exactly what these things mean in a literal way, but more about noticing that your intuition is speaking to you through your body and cultivating a relationship with these capacities. The more deeply you listen, the more you’ll come to understand your own unique intuitive gifts.
Thursday 10/17 – Black Panther – Knowing that you actually have control over very little in your life can either be stress-inducing or a deep relief--the choice is up to you, but you’re much more likely to enjoy the ride if you surrender and allow the uncertainty to be exhilarating. In fact, you could even decide to treat your entire day like a game, approaching obstacles as challenges designed to keep you engaged and inspire creativity. If you’re having a hard time finding the fun in the detours, at the very least try your best to trust that they’re guiding you to the exact place you’re meant to be.
Friday 10/18 – Crow – If you’ve been stuck in a loop with certain habits or behaviors that you know aren’t serving you, the key to breaking the cycle might be a little more compassion for yourself. It sounds counterintuitive but beating ourselves up rarely creates lasting shift. Instead of trying to use shame as an agent of change, get curious about the motivations beneath your actions. Once you can find the gift in the experience, you’ll be able to redirect and find what it is you’re truly seeking through healthier channels.
Saturday 10/19 – Eagle Reversed – When we start to feel disconnected or lost, that’s a sign that it’s time to invest in our relationship with Spirit. What that looks like will be unique to each person. For some it might mean prayer. For others, time out in nature or connecting with uplifting community. Whatever you need to do to remind yourself that you are here for a reason and that you are not alone, go do it. We all need a little infusion of love and hope from time to time and it’s up to us to get out there and find what we need.
Sunday 10/20 – Raven – Magic is everywhere. Whether or not we see it is really a matter of perspective. Remember the things that brought you the most excitement and joy as a child. More often than not, it’s the simplest experiences that are the most nourishing. Open yourself up to beauty and awe today. And don’t forget that your words are magic, too. Be mindful of what spells you cast when you speak. What you say, both out loud and internally, has the power to shape your world. Make sure that you’re creating something that lights you up.