Monday 10/21 – Coyote – Watch out for a tendency to take yourself too seriously today. Sooner or later, we all trip over our own feet, and the more we can carry ourselves with humility and a sense of humor, the easier it will be to not only recover from our missteps, but to grow from them as well. So take a deep breath and laugh at your own humanness. You may even notice that when you drop the defensiveness and self-importance, people actually respect you more.
Tuesday 10/22 – Raven - Magic is always available to you if you only choose to tap into it, but we’re currently moving through a season where the veil is especially thin. This doesn’t have to be seen as a spooky phenomenon, but instead a very special opportunity to connect with those that are no longer with us. Maybe that means asking for support and guidance from a loved one who has passed. Perhaps it looks like connecting with your lineage and ancestors that you may have never even met. It could be as simple as intentionally opening up to messages from spirit guides. Don’t be afraid to connect with the other side. As long as your intentions are pure and loving, the energies you call in will be as well.
Wednesday 10/23 – Elk Reversed – Take some time today to check in with your energy levels and your commitments. Do you have enough reserves to navigate the season ahead without running yourself into the ground? If not, you might consider shifting things in your calendar around or even removing some tasks altogether. You’ll be much more able to back out of or rearrange a commitment gracefully if you do so with fair notice and most people will respect your honesty and consideration. For anyone who doesn’t, just remind yourself that you’re modeling healthy boundaries by taking care of your wellbeing.
Thursday 10/24 – Frog – When Frog shows up in the spread it’s always a reminder of the importance of periodic cleansing. This could mean a review and revamp of your diet, your media habits, thought patterns, or even the people you surround yourself with. Notice what elevates your body and spirit, what tends to leave you feeling drained, and make the appropriate adjustments accordingly. Little shifts can lead to powerfully positive changes so don’t be afraid to step away from anything that isn’t helping you become the very best version of yourself.
Friday 10/25 – Eagle – Spirit can speak to you in so many different ways. Open yourself up today to receive signs--from strangers, through synchronicities, from nature, and even subtle feelings or visions. Ask for guidance and then notice what happens next. The more you listen for and honor the messages that show up, the more you’ll notice that absolutely everything is conspiring to support you.
Saturday 10/26 – Mouse – Discernment and paying attention to the details is the name of the game today. Review all the fine print and tune into your spidey senses. If something feels off, hold on making any decisions until you feel confident that you have full awareness of what’s at stake. Also, don’t be afraid to pass up any opportunities that don’t feel fully in alignment with your values and visions. Trying to force a fit often leads to regret down the line so be patient and trust that when it’s right, you’ll know.
Sunday 10/27 – Spider Reversed – You may find yourself getting mired in jealousy or drama as the weekend comes to a close. If you notice these impulses coming up today, dig a little deeper and find out what is asking to be expressed. Are there parts of yourself that you’ve been keeping small? Is there a project or dream that you’ve been too afraid to undertake? Envy simply holds a mirror up to our unmet needs and desires, so use these signals as information and then get to work on your own healing by creating something that is authentic and uniquely yours.