Monday 11/18 – Ant Reversed – We’re in the tail end of the retrograde so it’s very likely that we’re still experiencing delays and setbacks at the beginning of the week. Don’t fret and definitely don’t try to force things to move along any faster. Patience isn’t just a virtue, it can also be a practice in searching for opportunities in the in-between times, the redirections, and the stall outs. If you’re stuck in one place, it most likely means that there’s a gift there that you haven’t discovered yet. Instead of working yourself into a frustrated frenzy, try approaching the present moment with curiosity and wonder. Sometimes divine timing shows up in disguise and what initially felt like a scheduling disaster turns out to be a blessing.
Tuesday 11/19 – Alligator Reversed - Slow down and take some time to take stock of both where you are and where you’ve been. When we speed through life we miss the beauty of the landscape flying by. We also miss the lessons that come from intentionally integrating our experiences. Wisdom doesn’t come from the number of years we’ve been here in this body; it comes from sitting with our successes and our failures, being honest with ourselves about our gifts and our struggles, and continuously reorienting with the help of our internal compass. This requires moments of stillness and also the courage to be with ourselves, but the more we actively undertake our own growth, the gentler the lessons tend to be as time goes on.
Wednesday 11/20 – Antelope – The questions to ask yourself (as many times as you need to) today are: What is the next right step? What most serves? Me? My community? The world? And then allow the answers to guide you into inspired action. If the answers don’t arrive, make the move that you feel in your heart to be right, and then check in. Rinse and repeat. Today is not a day for sitting in indecision and sometimes the only way to know whether something is a fit or not is to simply try it. Let go of any need for perfection. Be willing to make mistakes and humbly recalibrate as necessary. No venture can ever be a failure so long as you learn something from it.
Thursday 11/21 – Elk Reversed – Don’t underestimate the importance of pace. Too fast and furious and we burn ourselves out before we ever make it to the finish line. Too slow and the result is essentially the same, though we may have saved ourselves some energy. Balance is the key. Figure out what’s most important to you, clear away or deprioritize everything else, and then make a plan that allows for consistent and sustainable efforts towards your goals. It’s a surefire recipe for success.
Friday 11/22 – Buffalo – The point of prayer is not to receive everything we ask for exactly the way we want it; it’s to humble ourselves in a way that opens us up to the abundance that already surrounds us. Find the places within where you’re gripping so very tightly and then slowly surrender. Sometimes when we let go of what we thought we wanted, we get what we actually needed, and often in the most unexpected of ways. Leave room for Spirit to surprise you and you may just experience magic.
Saturday 11/23 – Opossum Reversed – There are times when it makes sense to “play dead” so to speak, but it’s important that we don’t begin to believe our own act. If we hide out or stay inactive too long we can find ourselves tangled up in the tendrils of inertia, wondering why nothing is moving forward in our lives. Where have you been asleep for too long? Our dreams are meant to inspire us into action upon waking, so open your eyes and get to creating the life you envision. No more waiting. The time is now.
Sunday 10/24 – Frog Reversed – Cleansing our lives of toxins, on all levels, is most certainly important, but if we do so from a place of fear we’re only trading one pollutant for another. Stress is just as toxic to the body as chemicals or processed foods and sometimes the most healing thing we can do is to simply cut ourselves a little slack. Let your hair down today and maybe even indulge a little. Focus on letting go of guilt and the “shoulds” and embrace a carefree spirit. You might even find that the energy with which you consume certain things you once thought were toxic was actually more the culprit than the thing you were avoiding. Either way, a little lightheartedness and pleasure can go a long way today, so gift yourself a little bit of both.