Monday 10/28 – Lynx  – Pay close attention to your visions, subtle senses, and gut feelings today. Trust your inner knowing and allow it to guide you, particularly if you are navigating a challenging or delicate situation. If you find yourself receiving strong intuitive messages about someone else, there’s no need to point fingers or call anyone out, but certainly honor the truth of what you feel and take care of yourself accordingly. 

Tuesday 10/29 – Dog Reversed - Every relationship has an exchange dynamic that ebbs and flows across time. Today offers a ripe opportunity to examine how your relationships are feeling and whether or not the energy is flowing evenly and in a way that supports all parties. Have you been giving to the point of depletion? Or have you been receiving abundantly from those around you and now find yourself in a position to give back? Don’t forget to include your relationship with yourself in this review as well! Honoring your own needs, boundaries, and gifts are a vital part of developing your ability to do the same for others, so make sure that your relationship with yourself is a good model for the types of relationships you’d like to invite into your life!

Wednesday 10/30 – Elk Reversed – Feeling like you’re stretched a bit too thin? Or that you’ve been running, running, running yourself right into the ground? It’s always important to check in with our bodies and spirits to see how our pace is impacting our wellbeing, but it’s particularly important at this time of year when so many of us have a tendency to burn the candle at both ends. There’s no need to bring everything to a halt, but it is important to make sure that your lifestyle is one that is sustainable and supports your ability to be healthy on all levels. It’s hard to enjoy crossing a finish line if you’re completely broken down when you get there so make any adjustments necessary, whether that’s shuffling your schedule or letting go of a few commitments, to ensure that you can not only have enough steam to meet your goals, but to be happy and healthy before/during/after as well!

Thursday 10/31 – Turtle – Take some time to ground today. With Scorpio season in full effect, the new moon energies from Sunday still lingering, and the thinning of the veil, it’s extra important that we keep our feet on the ground, even if our spirits are soaring about. Nature is your ally always, but today especially. Put your bare feet on the earth, work with plants or clay, let the sunlight kiss your skin, lay in a soft patch of grass. The more you tap into your connection with the elements, the easier it will be to navigate the waves of emotion that often rise and fall during this time of year. 

Friday 11/1 – Wild Boar  – No more shying away from the issues that matter! Whether it’s an challenge cropping up in a relationship dynamic with someone else or something that is between you and yourself, it’s time to confront things head on. Face your fears. Speak your truth. And do it all with a spirit of love and compassion. If you’re concerned that the interaction could get explosive, be sure to release any charge around the issue through writing, movement, or sound before addressing it. And remember that being honest will never cause you to lose something that was truly yours.

Saturday 11/2 – Blue Heron Reversed – Self-reflection is incredibly valuable but, like anything in life, it must be undertaken with a balanced approach. There’s no point in sitting endlessly on the meditation cushion if we never apply our insights to our day to day experiences. Don’t get so caught up in trying to attain perfection or enlightenment that you become too paralyzed to take action for fear of making a mistake. Even so-called “failure” gives the gift of growth, wisdom, and deeper compassion. Live a fully embodied life and let every experience offer a lesson.

Sunday 10/27 – Snake Reversed – It’s time to stop keeping your gifts all bottled up inside. Not only will it lead to stuck or stagnant energy in your own physical and energetic bodies, it does a disservice to the world around you. You were put here on this earth at the particular time in history because you have something unique to offer that is needed and no one else can give your gifts to the world except you. Share who you are authentically, bravely, and without apology. The world needs more people shining their light and living from the truth of their heart. Be one of those people.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!
