Monday 4/20 – Fox – Fox is the master of camouflage and today we are being asked to follow his lead by doing our best to blend in. This skill can come in handy when we are faced with antagonistic energies, either internally or externally, or if we simply wish to go unnoticed while we observe a situation to determine if and how we would like to engage. While foxes have coats that change with seasons and allow them to blend with their surroundings, our practice is in shifting our energy fields. If you’ve always been a natural wallflower, then this will most likely come very easily to you, but if you are someone who tends to have a big presence, then this is your opportunity to learn how to bring your energy field in when you wish to go under the radar. Turn your focus inward, stay on the outskirts of any activity, and don’t engage until you feel that it is safe to do so.
Tuesday 4/21 – Frog Reversed - So many of us are stuck at home and while the downtime might be welcome in a certain way, it’s important to make sure that we aren’t allowing stagnant energy to build up during this time. Intentional release practices like breathwork and intuitive movement can help us let go of any heavy energies that we’ve been storing. It doesn’t have to look pretty or graceful. In fact, allowing yourself space to let the rawness come up and out is exactly what’s called for right now. So dance, yell, sing, cry, sweat. Do whatever you need to in order to free yourself from anything that’s been weighing you down.
Wednesday 4/22 – Wild Boar Reversed – If you intended to share your truth with someone, but ended up doing so more harshly than you meant to, be gentle with yourself. Most of us have been there at one point or another and what’s most important is that you learn from the experience. Spend some time exploring any unmet needs or boundaries that were not being honored so that you can avoid unnecessary fallout in the future and then do your best to make amends. An heartfelt apology paired with changed behavior can go a long way towards healing.
Thursday 4/23 – Swan – Swan swoops in today to remind us that it is our differences and the very things that makes us unique that hold our most potent gifts. Rather than trying to fit in or follow the crowd, nurture and cultivate the parts of yourself that make you stand out. You may just find that the more authentic you are, the more magnetic you’ll become and both people and opportunities that light you up will flow more easily into your life.
Friday 4/24 – Otter Reversed – Sometimes the medicine we most need is the one we want the least. Today we are being called to resist any urges to isolate or create separation by reaching out with open, vulnerable hearts. If you’ve been dealing with feelings of jealousy or competitiveness, try doing something incredibly counter-intuitive and offer support to the very person who you are feeling triggered by. Once you realize that they’re just as human as you are, the tendency to compare and place people on pedestals is likely to dissolve.
Saturday 4/25 – Jaguar Reversed – Are there places in your life where you haven’t been walking your talk? Do you say you believe one thing, but contradict that in your actions and choices? No need to be hard on yourself. Maintaining alignment is a dynamic and never-ending process. Take some time today to assess your own integrity and make shifts as needed. Sometimes the tiniest tweaks can make a world of difference.
Sunday 4/26 – Crow – There’s never been a better time to peer into the depths of our own shadows. The collective pause and the time it’s allowed for stillness and reflection offers us a ripe opportunity for sitting with the parts of ourselves that we’d generally prefer to keep tucked away. Go ahead. Open up that box, sift through its contents, and see if you can find the gifts within the bits and pieces you’ve left in the dark. The key here is to look at all of it through a compassionate lens. Even our most troubling qualities have supported us in some way or another. Honor that. Forgive yourself and others, if necessary. Truly embracing all of yourself is what allows for integration and healing.