Monday 1/6 – Blue Heron – Self reflection and insight practices can make a world of difference in how we come to understand ourselves, the world around us, and what choices best serve both as we move through our days. The tricky part is creating space for them. Carve out some time today, whether that’s 5 minutes or a few hours, to allow your mind to settle. This may include stillness in the form of a seated meditation or breath practice or perhaps you find that your mind quiets best when you’re engaged in a meditative physical practice like working with clay or walking out in nature. Whatever you do, make sure you turn the volume down on everything else in your life for a little bit, so that very wise inner voice of yours can come through.
Tuesday 1/7 – Otter Reversed - Community over competition is the name of the game today. Some of our deepest healing in this life comes through relationships and we limit the depth of connection we are able to have with others if we’re constantly making others our opponents. Instead, try lifting someone else up around you. You might be surprised by how much nourishment you receive from helping someone else out. Lighting someone else’s flame will never diminish your own light, but will definitely make the world a whole lot brighter for all of us.
Wednesday 1/8 – Whale Reversed – It’s time to release any fears you have been carrying around allowing yourself to be fully seen and received by the world. You have a unique set of gifts that are meant to be shared. No, not everyone will love what you have to offer, but there will be those that will and that’s how you’ll know who your people are. No more playing wallflower. Show up as authentically as possible so that the opportunities and connections that are meant for you can find you.
Thursday 1/9 – Horse – Your work today is centered around connecting with your power sources. For most of us, this will mean working at the edges of our comfort zones to break through any self-imposed limitations and to remind ourselves that we are capable of so much more than we think. For many of us, this may also mean distancing ourselves from anything that leaves us feeling disempowered--whether that’s a relationship, a habit, or a story we’ve been telling ourselves. If you’ve been struggling with confidence and need a little extra support, try connecting with a powerful image that resonates the type of frequency you would like to emit. It could be an animal totem, a celestial body, or even a plant spirit. When you feel yourself slipping into fear and doubt, bring that image to mind and allow it to infuse you with inspiration and courage.
Friday 1/10 – Swan – The messages about connecting with our truth and power continue today with Swan encouraging us to embrace and celebrate all of who we are. Swan represents grace and nothing is more graceful than someone who moves with loving embodiment. If this is something that doesn’t come easily for you, it might be worth investing some time in practices that help you tap into your own experience as well as your gifts. Intuitive movement. Free association writing. Sensuality and pleasure practices. These are all wonderful ways of getting in touch with what feels most natural to you and learning how to express yourself without apology. Go ahead and dive in. You may just find that you fall in love with yourself along the way.
Saturday 1/11 – Dragonfly – Things are becoming clearer today and you may start seeing truths, both about your inner world and about the world around you. It is very likely that you may come to a deeper understanding of your purpose and what work you are here to do on this planet at this unique time in history. Take notes about what messages you receive today. They may serve as a very trusty roadmap as you continue to journey forward.
Sunday 1/12 – Owl Reversed – When Owl shows up in the reversed position, it’s usually a sign that we’ve been lying to ourselves on some level. These could be little white lies or major deceptions, but either way, it’s time to pull the curtain back and get really honest about how we’re showing up in the world, for others, for our purpose, and for ourselves. If you uncover a hard truth, be gentle with yourself. We are all so very human and embracing our shadows compassionately is just as vital as embracing our light. Besides, the more honest we can be with ourselves, the easier it will be to see the world around us more clearly as well.