Monday 12/9 – Ant Reversed  – Patience is less about being willing to wait for something on the horizon and more about focusing on all of the gifts in the present moment. If you’re struggling with a desire to fast forward to whatever is around the corner, see if you can shift into a space of curiosity. What can you learn from your current circumstances? Sometimes the reason we can’t seem to move forward is because there’s some opportunity for growth or expansion that we need to embrace before we’re ready to meet the next phase of our life.

Tuesday 12/10 – Hummingbird Reversed - Investing time in things that bring us joy isn’t selfish or frivolous; it supports our ability to be our best selves and to share our light with the world. Remember that today, especially if you are feeling frustrated, overburdened, or simply disconnected, and do at least one thing that brings you back into a state of wonder and awe. Maybe that means putting yourself in the way of beauty by watching a sunset or spending time taking in an incredible view. Perhaps it’s being of service to others. It could be as simple as just doing something silly and carefree that makes you laugh from deep within your belly. Whatever you do, make sure that you set your troubles down for a bit and remember what a gift this life truly is.

Wednesday 12/11 – Moose Reversed – The call today is to tune into our intrinsic worth and our ability to positively impact the world with our mere presence. This isn’t about finding ways to “earn’ our place in the world but rather about touching into the truth that our existence is a tiny, but vital part of the universal ecosystem. None of us are here by accident and it’s more than okay to take up space, to celebrate yourself, and, in doing so, to give permission to others to do the same.

Thursday 12/12 – Skunk Reversed  – We can be as “perfect” as we wish and still there will be those that will misunderstand or not like us. We don’t have control over what others think about us and trying to manage other people’s perceptions is an exercise in wasting energy. At the end of the day, what is most important is that you like who you are and that begins with being clear about your values and living with integrity. Let your actions speak for themselves and trust that the ones who are meant for you will see the truth of who you are. 

Friday 12/13 – Buffalo Reversed  – If you are feeling overwhelmed or that the weight upon your shoulders is too much to bear on your own, ask for help. From friends or family. From your community. From Spirit. Reaching out can be a deeply humbling experience but it is one that cracks us open to receive and to experience abundance that we may not have even realized was present in our lives. None of us were meant to navigate this life alone. Be brave with your heart and allow yourself to be supported. 

Saturday 12/14 – Fox – Learning to expand or contract your own energy field is a powerful practice and today, in particular, is a good time to play with bringing your field in more closely. Fox’s coat changes with the seasons so it can blend into its surroundings, both for protection and for stealthiness when hunting. Whether you are trying to move through a social situation without getting tangled up in unpleasant interactions or are simply on a personal mission and don’t want to get sidelined by someone with their own agenda, try your best to stay low profile today. You might find that being able to be a wallflower (when it suits you) can have its perks.

Sunday 12/15 – Eagle – Connecting with Spirit isn’t only about staring into the skies and seeking answers from beyond. It is often about tuning deeply into our own hearts, grounding into our own experience, and cultivating trust in ourselves. We are, after all, living embodiments of the divine and therefore always have access to the love and wisdom of Source. Take some time today to really be present with yourself and listen to that quiet voice within. If it has a message to share, listen. If it makes a request, meet it, in whatever way you can. This relationship, above all others, is what will nourish and support you most throughout your days. Invest in it lovingly. 

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

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