Monday 1/13 – Prairie Dog Reversed  – This week begins with a cautionary note about letting ourselves get run down and the tendency to blame our lack of self-care on others. It’s no one else’s responsibility but our own to take care of our needs and, if we find ourselves feeling irritated because we’re overtired, hungry, cold, or overstimulated, it’s up to us to grab the reins and put our wellness first. If that means we need to take a big pause and rearrange some things in our life to make room for ourselves, then that’s exactly what needs to happen. No pointing fingers today. Roll up your sleeves and get to work taking care of you.

Tuesday 1/14 – Snake - When you find yourself met with challenging circumstances, you can resist them and fall into despair, or you can embrace what life is bringing you and find a way to make something meaningful out of it. While the second route isn’t always easy, it is the path that ultimately leads to less suffering and a much cleaner healing process. Channel any difficult feelings today into art, into movement, or into a passion project. So much the better if it’s something that can lift others up along the way, too. Life is so shaped by the perspective you choose. Choose to look for the beauty, and when you have trouble finding it, be the one to create it.

Wednesday 1/15 – Spider Reversed – The messages around creating continue today with Spider encouraging us to use expression as a means of healing. Particularly if you’ve been feeling jealous of others or find yourself inclined to lash out at those around you, it’s important to be intentional about how you work with your own energy. If making art doesn’t speak to you, you can practice channeling the energy in more abstract ways such as intuitive movement or vocalizing. Whatever you do, just make sure you discharge the heavy energy so that it doesn’t end up eating you up from the inside out.

Thursday 1/16 – Rabbit  – If fears start to crop up today, hold them gently. Honor the validity of your experience, but also question whether or not the stories that are playing through your mind are true with a capital T. We have control over so very little in this lifetime, and while that awareness can be disconcerting, it can also be exciting if we allow it to be. Stay rooted in the present and open to the infinite possibilities that the future holds. Things may even turn out to be much more magical than you could have ever imagined. 

Friday 1/17 – Dolphin Reversed  – With some of the heavier energies that seem to be moving through during this week, working with the breath can serve as a powerful practice for grounding and healing. Ujjayi breath in particular, which involves breathing in and out through the nose with a slightly constricted throat to make a sound like ocean waves, can both calm the mind and soothe the nervous system. If that feels unapproachable for any reason, simply practicing breath awareness can support a deeper connection between mind, body, and spirit, and help you regain a sense of centeredness and clarity. 

Saturday 1/18 – Bat  – Change is in the air and the shifts that are taking place are feeling exciting today. Embracing this new phase may mean allowing anything that’s no longer serving to fall away. That’s okay. Better things are ahead and sometimes stepping into our full power means letting go of anything that has kept us small. This can include relationship dynamics that drain us, habits that disempower us, or ways of thinking that limit our sense of possibility. Trust that, for everything that leaves your life at this time, something wonderful will come pouring in.

Sunday 1/19 – Opossum Reversed – If you burrowed into a hole because you were feeling attacked or overwhelmed, it might be time to take a peek above ground again. Defense mechanisms are not meant to be a permanent solution, but rather a strategy to be employed until a threat passes. No more playing dead or hiding out in your life. Whether that means in relationships, your work life, or simply with the way you show up for yourself. If you have to step back in slowly, then do so, but step back in.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!
