Monday 2/24 – Mountain Lion Reversed – Today we’re being asked to sit with our relationship to the idea of leadership, and more specifically, how we feel about our own ability to step into that role. Do you think of yourself as a leader? And, if so, what kind of leader are you or do you wish to be? Are you approaching your role as a leader from a place of heart and service or are you getting tripped up in ego and a desire to be exalted or admired? If the idea of leadership repels you, it might be a good time to ask yourself why and consider working at the edge of your comfort zone in this area. Not all leaders have to be front and center. What gifts do you have to offer the world? In what ways do you feel called to serve your community? The answer to these questions are the keys to uncovering your own unique opportunities for stepping into leadership and empowering not only yourself but those around you as well.
Tuesday 2/25 – Snake Reversed - The quickest way to shift from victim mindset into a more empowered state is to ask yourself how your current problems could be turned into purpose. Whether you’re dealing with deep struggle or a simple frustration, see if you can find the opportunity within your current circumstances today. Maybe that means creating a tool or organizational structure that could make life easier for both you and others. Perhaps it means starting a support group for people who might be navigating similar challenges or making art that inspires the people around you to channel their pain into creative outlets. Either way, uplifting others can be one of the most potent ways to activate your own healing.
Wednesday 2/26 – Mouse Reversed – Pay very close attention today to all of the little details and exercise discernment, particularly when it comes to making agreements, signing contracts, or starting any new venture. Read the fine print. Ask all the questions. And definitely listen to your gut if it’s telling you that something’s amiss. We are in the midst of a mercury retrograde period right now, which means that the risk of miscommunications and technological snafus is heightened, so take a little extra time and caution in all of your ventures today.
Thursday 2/27 – Eagle Reversed – Eagle swoops in today to remind us that there is sacredness in all things. Allow this truth to infuse your every movement today. The goal isn’t to be perfect in every interaction, but to simply come back, again and again, to the awareness that everything we do has an impact and that we can consciously choose what kind of impact we wish to make. How would you treat the person ringing you up at the grocery store, your child, or the stranger in the car next to you if you knew they were god or divinity incarnate? Act as if this were the case. Notice the way your experience of life shifts.
Friday 2/28 – Antelope Reversed – If you’ve been feeling stuck in analysis paralysis and indecision, it’s time to let go of the belief that there is “one right way” to go and to trust that your destiny is yours and can’t be missed. Take a step. Any step. Even if it doesn’t lead you to where you want to be, you will learn something along the way and you can always choose to reroute. Allow yourself more room to be lighthearted as you move through life. Making mistakes is always going to be part of the process. Once you embrace imperfection, you’ll have so much more freedom to explore which route you want to take.
Saturday 2/29 – Jaguar Reversed – The call today is to look closely at our values and our actions and to notice the places where the two may not be in alignment. Are there places in your life where you aren’t practicing what you preach? Where can you be more honest with yourself about how you’re showing up? Again, this isn’t about perfection or being hard on ourselves, but rather about getting curious and gently refining the areas that need a little attention.
Sunday 3/1 – Skunk – Often the relationships in our lives follow certain patterns and noticing this can provide some excellent clues into our part in what shows up for us. This isn’t to say that we’re necessarily “asking for” everything that comes our way, but if we keep having the same experiences in relationships again and again, it’s important to note that we are the common denominator and that we may be unconsciously leaving the door open for certain types of dynamics. If this rings true for you, there’s no need to beat yourself up or shame yourself. Instead, seize the opportunity to take your power back by taking responsibility for what you allow into your life. Your relationship with yourself will set the tone for how others treat you, so start there and work outwards. Sometimes even the smallest shifts can have far-reaching impacts.