Monday 12/23 – Crow  – We may officially be moving towards longer, brighter days, but we are still in the midst of winter and a season of shadow. This is the time to go inward, to explore the parts of yourself that usually stay tucked away. If you’re not sure where to start, begin by looking at the things that most trigger you, whether that shows up in the form of deep rage, overwhelming grief, or intense judgement. If none of that sounds like a walk in the park, you’re right; shadowwork rarely feels warm and fuzzy. But this is where some of the most powerful growth and healing lies. So roll up your sleeves, take a deep breath, and take those first courageous steps towards deepening your own self-awareness.

Tuesday 12/24 – Raven Reversed - Have you forgotten to see the magic in the world around you and also within yourself? It’s time to remember. To notice the synchronicities that are constantly guiding you. To honor the power you have to create what you wish to in the world. If you’ve been feeling overburdened and find yourself dropping into a sense of helplessness, resist! Even the most challenging experiences in our lives can be channeled and transmuted into something wonderful. It’s all about how you choose to use what’s at your fingertips. 

Wednesday 12/25 – Swan Reversed – It can be oh so tempting to try to tweak and adjust ourselves so that we just might fit into the very narrow boxes that society gives us regarding how we should look and be in the world, but I promise you, it’s a trap and you’re never going to receive any true sense of belonging this way. Not to mention that it’s an absolute energy drain. Instead of trying to fit in, fully embrace the very things that make you different. After all, if you don’t allow your freak flag to fly, how are your fellow freaks going to find you? Go ahead, be the very most authentic version of yourself you can possibly be and you’ll be amazed at the perfect-for-you doors that start flying open.

Thursday 12/26 – Snake Reversed  – There’s no sugar-coating it--sometimes life gives us shit. And when that happens, we have two options; we can stand there feeling awful and disgusted by the pile of shit we’re holding or we can plant some seeds and slap that fertilizer on top and then watch beautiful things grow. This is the power of transmutation and it’s always available to you. You simply have to choose to find the opportunities in your challenges, the beauty in your pain, and then get to work creating something wonderful. You’ve got this. Now get to it.

Friday 12/27 – Alligator Reversed  – We’re almost at the end of the year (and the decade!) and in order to glean all the gifts and lessons from the seasons past, it’s absolutely vital that we slow down and take some time to integrate our experiences. Review the past year (or ten) and be sure to both celebrate your successes as well as learn from your struggles. Doing so will only help you enter this new era a little bit wiser and a whole lot clearer about what direction you want to go next. 

Saturday 12/28 – Beaver Reversed – Even though it might seem counterintuitive, the key to being productive and meeting your goals today is to avoid burning yourself out. While keeping your nose to the grindstone might sound like the best way to get a lot done, it also often drops us into tunnel vision and keeps us from picking up on important cues from our body and environment, so much so that we could end up injuring ourselves on the job or working in entirely the wrong direction. Slow, steady, and mindful is the name of the game today and will take you much farther than the fast-and-furious approach will. 

Sunday 12/29 – Prairie Dog Reversed – Feeling run down is not a sign of weakness and definitely not a signal to push harder. Read that again if you need to. Your spirit may be limitless but your human body is not. Take good care of it and listen to what it’s telling you. Rest is an absolutely vital part of any basic self care practice so set aside some time for a nap, a long hot bath, or any other restorative activities that will help you feel refreshed and replenished. A little downtime today could make all the difference in the week ahead.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!
