Monday 2/17 – Opossum – If a storm seems to sweep into your day today in the form of an antagonistic person, just let it/them roll on by. Stay connected to your own center. Remind yourself that their actions are a reflection of their internal state and most likely have nothing to do with you. And give them space to work it out on their own. This may mean simply refraining from responding to little quips or biting remarks or it could mean removing yourself from their presence altogether. Whatever you do, don’t engage. Your energy is far too precious to let it get tainted by someone else’s misguided attempts at managing their own struggles.
Tuesday 2/18 – Squirrel - The message for today is all about resetting and reorganizing our lives and with Mercury retrograde in full swing, this couldn’t make more sense. Look around at both the physical and energetic spaces in your life and figure out what could use a little tweaking, readjusting, cleaning up, or even purging. Keep your vision for the season ahead in mind as you revamp and create a strong, stable foundation for the life you wish to create. Once the retrograde is over, you’ll be ready to hit the ground running.
Wednesday 2/19 – Black Panther Reversed – There are moments where we are asked to push at the edge of our ability to trust, in life, in divine timing, and more than anything, in ourselves. This is one of those moments. Support yourself today with self care practices that help you maintain groundedness and support your ability to meet whatever comes your way with courage and maybe even a cheeky twinkle in your eye. Don’t forget the possibility that things could turn out to be even more magical than you ever could have imagined.
Thursday 2/20 – Otter Reversed – Soften, soften, soften, and then soften a little more. That is the medicine today. In order to open up to connection, creativity, and the flow of universal energy, we have to open our hearts, release our rigidity, and embrace the vulnerability that comes with being a human meant to experience life alongside other humans. Tune into your heart center today. Notice the way that tender organ inside your chest beats for you day after day. Without demanding anything in return. Allow yourself to feel how very fleeting this life can be, and then, rather than closing in fear, surrender to wonder and gratitude.
Friday 2/21 – Dragonfly Reversed – Question your own perspective today and hold space for the possibility that there are other versions of reality that are equally as valid. Of course, your experience is true for you, but it is not the only truth, and opening up to other ways of seeing the world and your circumstances may actually be the key to finding creative solutions to issues that you’ve been circling for some time now.
Saturday 2/22 – Ant Reversed – If you catch yourself struggling with impatience today, drop into sensual pleasure practices to reconnect with the beauty held within the present moment. This could be something as simple as feeling warm sunlight on your skin or the sensation of a cool breeze; it could be intentionally taking in and appreciating a beautiful view or sinking into a hot bath. The goal here is to seek out the gifts that are here, right now, in this very moment. Take this on as a challenge today. It just might help you release the need to be anywhere but right here, right now.
Sunday 2/23 – Turkey – Every single one of us has some area of our lives where we experience abundance. Whether that’s in material resources, social capital, or simply our own resilience and strength of spirit. Today, find a way to pay it forward. If you feel called to donate to a cause that’s meaningful to you, then do that. If you are more drawn to volunteering your time, energy, and expertise, then go for it. Even something as simple as holding space for a dear friend or supporting someone in your circle who you know could use a little extra help could make a far bigger impact than you could imagine. Don’t underestimate your ability to create positive shifts in the world around you. Just pick a corner that you think could use a little extra love and then give of yourself joyfully and generously.