Monday 4/13 – Coyote – Yes, the world is feeling completely topsy-turvy right now and the air is thick with fear and grief, but that does not mean that we cannot also laugh in the midst of it all. In fact, laughter may be the very medicine that is needed most today. This isn’t about minimizing the pain that exists, but rather surrendering to it as part of the human experience and allowing ourselves an opportunity to release the tension that has been building up in our bodies and spirits. Call a friend who always knows how to get a chuckle out of you. Watch a funny movie. Do something truly ridiculous just to help lighten your mood. All the real world issues will still be waiting there for you when you’re ready to meet them again. But at least this way you can do so with a heart that is just a bit lighter.
Tuesday 4/14 – Porcupine - Give extra attention to your relationships today and find ways to connect with your loved ones, near or far.. Check in on people that you know might need a little extra support right now or, if you find that you’ve been struggling, let your people know that you could use some love and tenderness right now. These gestures can feel a bit vulnerable, especially if you’re not used to being the one to reach out, but opening ourselves up to give and receive love is one of the bravest things we can do in the life and the rewards are absolutely worth the risks.
Wednesday 4/15 – Turtle Reversed – The message for today is simple: Ground. Connect with Nature. If not the nature “out there”, then the nature that lives and breathes through your own being. Lie on the ground. Work with your breath. Let the sun fall on your skin. Open a window or take a walk outside and breathe in the fresh air. Tuning into these natural rhythms, which are echoed all throughout the universe, helps remind us that we are part of a much bigger picture, that while the human world is in upheaval, nature is still moving at the same pace it always has, and that harmonizing with that frequency has the potential to offer immense healing, both for individuals and the collective.
Thursday 4/16 – Mouse – Mouse medicine is all about the details and practicing discernment. Be very observant today, particularly if you are trying to make a decision. Continue gathering information until you feel you understand all the nuances of the situation at hand. This is not a time for sudden, bold moves, but instead for staying curious, trusting your gut, and making choices that support simplicity and alignment.
Friday 4/17 – Salmon – You may not feel like a wild creature most of the time, but you still have the gift of deep instinctual knowing, of subtle senses and intuitive capacities, and of an inner wisdom that can serve as a compass for you always. The call today is to listen closely to the messages you receive and to heed the calls of your heart and spirit. No matter how illogical their guidance may seem, trust that by following the things that light you up, you will always land in the very place you are meant to be.
Saturday 4/18 – Elk Reversed – It can be tempting to try to push through, but Elk is here to remind us that this journey is a marathon, not a sprint, so it’s vital that we pace ourselves. This can apply to both physical and emotional habits and the key here is to ask ourselves if how we are living would feel sustainable for a month, 3 months, a year, and so on. Sure there will be moments in our lives when we have to dig deep and put mind over matter, but when we make that a way of life, we set ourselves up for a very big crash. Take some time today to do an honest inventory of your lifestyle and put a plan in place that allows you to care for yourself for the long haul.
Sunday 4/19 – Wild Boar – Confrontation is the name of the game today but that doesn’t mean you need to come out with guns ablazing. Instead, get clear about what is coming up for you, find a way to express your needs in a way that doesn’t involve shaming or blaming, and then share that truth as compassionately as possible. This will help minimize the possibility of resentment and major blow-ups and may even pave the way for deeper, more attuned connections. Oh, and you can do this process with yourself as well, because sometimes the person we need to get really honest with is the one we’re gazing at in themirror.