Monday 3/23 – Weasel  – As we collectively navigate the challenges brought on by the global spread of the Corona virus, it is perhaps more important than it has ever been to consider our social impact as we move through the world both physically and energetically. Of course, this involves social distancing and doing our best to practice safe habits for ourselves and others when we are out and about, but our being mindful of our energetic presence is also just as important. While it is so very human to find ourselves experiencing fear and uncertainty, dumping that onto others will only amplify that experience for all of us. Tune into your heart center, ground, and dig into self care practices. We can and will move through this challenge, and the more each of us tends to our own energy fields in the process, the more graceful the process will be. 

Tuesday 3/24 – Grouse Reversed - If you are feeling like your body is not a safe place to be or experiencing physical challenges or limitations, self-soothing is your best ally. Stretching, self-massage or physical affection with loved ones, hot baths or showers, exposing your skin to sunlight, and dance can support you in releasing tension. Find what you can do to experience pleasure and focus on that. Even the simplest acts of self-love can be powerfully healing right now.

Wednesday 3/25 – Mountain Lion Reversed – If you find yourself feeling helpless amidst all of the issues of the world right now, the quickest way to find your power again is to be of service. Finding ways to support those around you can infuse your days with meaning, purpose, and hope, even when your life may feel like it’s been turned upside-down. Figure out what your gifts are and how you can offer them to others, and then do so generously. 

Thursday 3/26 – Crow  – Sometimes our greatest challenges are our most powerful teachers. The key is staying open to receiving the lesson that is held within our pain. Don’t be afraid to look at any discomfort or unpleasant feelings that are coming up right now. Hold your hurt gently and, instead of wondering why this is happening, ask yourself what you can learn from this experience, about yourself and about the world. Approach your experience with curiosity and compassion. When you come out on the other side of this, you’ll have gained wisdom and insight that will only support you as you move through the rest of your days. 

Friday 3/27 – Hawk – Now is the time to tune more deeply into your subtle senses. To develop a deeper relationship with your inner voice and the wisdom of your heart. In this pause, check in about what is most true, most important, and what shifts your spirit is calling for. Keep your eyes and heart open to messages from Spirit. They can come in so many forms, but we we have to be still enough to receive them. Create a little space in your day to listen to your Spirit, even if it is only in the form of placing your hand on your heart for a few moments. You might find more guidance there than you ever could have imagined. 

Saturday 3/28 – Dolphin Reversed  – Don’t forget to play. In the midst of your sadness and your fear and overwhelm, creating moments of presence, joy and laughter can be a balm for the soul and a form of self-care. What this looks like for each of us will be unique but find something that you can do that will light you up and remind you that there are still so many reasons to be grateful for this life. 

Sunday 3/29 – Frog Reversed – The weekend closes out with a message from Frog reminding us of the importance of detoxification on all levels. Remove anything from your life that is leaving you feeling weighed down or detracting from your wellbeing. In particular, pay especially close attention to your physical health and make any shifts necessary to create the very best conditions for wellness. Drink lots of water. Get proper rest. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables and throw in some immune-boosters if you can. Your body works so hard for you day in and day out. Make sure that you are showing it as much love as possible in return.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!
