Monday 3/9 – Moose – Celebrate yourself today. Your gifts. Your accomplishments. And even the small successes that you might usually overlook or minimize. Honoring your efforts and the heart that you’ve put into the things that matter to you is an important part of building a healthy sense of self worth, and in doing so, you model that for others around you. So don’t be afraid to give yourself a little pat on the back or to even name aloud the things that you are proud of yourself for. Someone in your circle just might need to hear that in order to realize that they can do the same!
Tuesday 3/10 – Black Panther - Excitement and fear can feel like very similar energies in the body and the difference between which one we experience often comes down to mindset and how we frame our circumstances. In particular, when we encounter shift, major changes, and the possibility of encountering the unknown, our perspective shapes our perception. Today, ask yourself if you can focus on the potential for positive outcomes, no matter what life brings your way. Work on cultivating trust that you will be able navigate the journey with courage, grace, and maybe even a bit of playfulness. Regardless of how things play out, having a grounded mindset and a willingness to be flexible and optimistic will only work in your favor.
Wednesday 3/11 – Wolf – Keep your eye out for teachers today. They may come in the form of someone you feel naturally drawn to and inspired by, but they can also show up as people who trigger us and show us where we still have healing work to do. Both are valuable and serve to expand our capacity for insight and compassion. It’s always always good to remember that absolutely every interaction can serve as a learning experience if we choose to view them as such, so open your heart to the lessons life seems to be giving you at the moment and make the most out of every opportunity for growth.
Thursday 3/12 – Lynx – If you find yourself receiving intuitive messages that relate to someone in your life today, be mindful about how you manage that information. While it’s certainly important to trust your gut and to listen closely to the signals you receive from your body, more often than not, the messages we receive are for our own guidance rather than for the guidance of others. If you feel you must share an insight with someone else, be sure to ask permission first, and keep in mind that intuitive messages are often steeped in symbolism, so exercise caution around taking them entirely literally or sharing them with others as though they are truth with a capital T.
Friday 3/13 – Blue Heron – When we stay in a constant state of motion and stimulation, it can be hard for some of the more subtle aspects of our experience to make their way to the surface. Create space today for any parts of you that have been pushed down with busyness or bypassing to come forward. If stilling the body helps you still the mind as well, then carve out some time for a seated meditation or breathwork practice. If you tend to struggle with either of these practices, consider engaging in a mindful movement or creativity practice, whether that’s walking, painting, dance, long as you are dropping into presence and allowing yourself to tune into your own experience, there’s really no wrong way to do it!
Saturday 3/14 – Mountain Lion Reversed – Every single one of us has gifts to share with the world. If you’ve been hiding out, dimming your light, or sidestepping opportunities to step into your own power and lead, it’s time to ask yourself why. If the answer has anything to do with not being ready, not feeling good enough, or being afraid of criticism, let those stories go. Most of us will never feel fully ready or good enough. And the truth is that, yes, when we step into leadership roles, we do open ourselves up to criticism. But at the end of the day, we have to prioritize our mission and our responsibility to be of service over our own egos and self image. Of course, we can take into account the perspectives of those we trust about how we’re showing up. But when we stay in our own lane, focus on our sense of purpose, and stay committed to our own integrity, we really can’t go wrong.
Sunday 3/15 – Mouse Reversed – Don’t let yourself get tripped up by tiny details today and instead make a point of keeping the bigger picture in mind. Holding tight to perfectionism is a surefire way to get absolutely nothing done and to creating way more stress for ourselves than is ever necessary. Dig into grounding practices like slow, deep breathing or putting your hands and/or feet on the earth in order to release any frenetic, frazzled energies and trust that, even if you make a mistake, it can be a meaningful part of the process and lead you down wonderful paths that you might not have otherwise found.