Monday 3/16 – Opossum – As the week kicks off Opossum reminds us to stay grounded and connected to our own center, despite any commotion that may be happening around us. It is particularly important to work on protecting our own energy today if we find ourselves engaged with people who seem to be riled up and looking to get others to jump on their wagon. Instead, tune into your breath, a calming visualization, or a mantra that reminds you of who you wish to be from moment to moment. The world can can be a chaotic place sometimes but you can always choose to cultivate and tap into a deep well of inner calm.
Tuesday 3/17 – Weasel - The call to be mindful of our energies fields continues today with Weasel encouraging us to be a bit more discreet as we move through the world. It’s particularly interesting that this card would appear at a time when a pandemic is sweeping the globe and “social distancing” is becoming a vital strategy for minimizing the impacts of the Coronavirus on communities all over the world. This isn’t about being cagey or paranoid but simply moving through public spaces mindfully and gently. If you are able to be out and about in your community today, do your best to take care of your business with as little social engagement as possible. You can hold an intention that your presence remains neutral and doesn’t create shift in the environment around you. This is an invaluable to skill to have in moments when you want to move through social settings without stirring up too much attention and there’s no better time to practice than right now!
Wednesday 3/18 – Jaguar – As we move into the middle of the week, Jaguar asks us to check in with our values and to ask ourselves if we are actively living them in our daily lives. This isn’t about striving for perfection or being harsh or judgmental towards ourselves, but rather an opportunity to find ways where we can create lives that are more authentic and nourishing, because ultimately, our hearts are most at peace when we know we are living honestly. Where can you be better about walking your talk? What shifts can you make, big or small, to step more fully into being the type of person you would like to be? Sit with the answers to those questions and then go work on making yourself proud for all the right reasons.
Thursday 3/19 – Wolf – If you’ve been running in circles, seeking guidance from everyone around you, but still aren’t sure what the right answers are, try tuning into the wise voice that lives within you. Ultimately, there is no better authority on your own life than you, and if you take the time to be still and go within, you will find that the answers you’ve been seeking were always inside of you. Listen closely. Trust that deep knowing. It’s the most powerful compass and if you let it, it will guide you home.
Friday 3/20 – Antelope Reversed – Have you been spinning, spinning, spinning your wheels for quite some time now, but find that you haven’t gotten any where? Or maybe that you’ve gone quite a distance, but down the wrong road? Today asks that we pause, assess how we are spending our time and energy, and determine whether our actions are in alignment with our visions for our life. This is an opportunity to bring much more awareness and intention to everything we do and make sure that we are actively creating the life we want, rather than just going through the motions.
Saturday 3/21 – Armadillo Reversed – Our ability to create healthy, loving connections with others depends, in great part, on whether or not we are able to create strong, but flexible boundaries. Often, our relationships with boundaries setting can be like a pendulum that swings between the extremes of rigid boundaries that keep people out and soft or non-existent boundaries that leave us open to being taken advantage of or abused. Spend some time today reflecting on your relationships and where you could stand to move back into that healthy middle ground. Soften where you need to in order to allow love in. Be more firm in the places that you must in order to be loving towards yourself. And trust that the people who are truly meant for you will support you as you make these shifts (and perhaps even be inspired to look at their relationship to boundary-setting as well!).
Sunday 3/22 – Dolphin – The weekend comes to a close with a message from Dolphin reminding us of the joy that we can source from simply being alive, from experiencing our breath come in and out of our bodies, and from feeling our connection to all of creation through this universal pulse. Drop into these simple pleasures today and allow yourself to experience the awe of just how miraculous this life is. If you find yourself struggling to find a sense of gratitude, do something to wake your senses up. Dance wildly. Jump up and down. Work with your breath. Stand under a stream of cold water. Scream at the top of your lungs. Feel your heartbeat and remember that you are still here and that alone is a gift.