Monday 1/27 – Armadillo Reversed – Boundary setting has been a hot topic in the self-help and social psychology worlds for years now but we mostly hear discussions about people with a lack of boundaries. What’s less spoken of is the fact that our relationship with boundary setting falls on a spectrum from rigid boundaries to soft or non-existent boundaries, with the healthy approach falling somewhere in the middle of these two poles. Today asks that we take a look at our own relationship to boundary-setting, both with others and with ourselves, and assess for places that we could work to move more towards that healthy middle ground. Could we stand to be clearer about our own needs and what does and doesn’t work for us? Or is our work in being more willing to compromise and to be flexible enough to make space for connection and intimacy? Only you will know what the answer is for you and how much you are willing to work at the edge of your comfort zone. And remember, this work is about progress, not perfection, so be gentle with yourself as you explore.
Tuesday 1/28 – Snake - So many of us have had really rough starts to this new year. The good news? The energy seems to be shifting and we’re finally getting to the place where we can see the gift held within our struggles. It’s time to take that pile of crap and use it to fertilize the garden of your life. What do you want to grow? What have your challenges taught you about what you value in life and what you want to prioritize? Now take any residual charge from the things that have triggered you and channel it into the creation of your highest vision. You’ve got this.
Wednesday 1/29 – Eagle Reversed – You’re relationship with Spirit, either a higher power or simply your own spirit, is just like any other relationship in your life--it requires consistent tending. If you’ve been feeling disconnected from yourself and/or something greater than you, it’s time to rekindle those connections. Maybe that means spending time with your spiritual community, engaged in ritual or ceremony, or simply praying in whatever way feels true to you. Perhaps your own breath and heartbeat are the rhythms that will tap you back into the interconnectedness of all things and your vital place within the universe. Sometimes just creating space for the experience of awe and wonder can be the key. Either way, your relationship with Spirit is the most vital relationship in your life and the one that will carry you through until the end of your days. Invest in it accordingly.
Thursday 1/30 – Bat – Embrace the fresh energy and the shifts that are taking place both around and within you right now. A new phase is being ushered in and you are being invited to step more fully into your truth and power. There may be some shedding during this process and that’s okay. Release anything that is keeping you small or dimming your light. Don’t be afraid to try new things or new ways of being. You may find that you’ll learn something about yourself that has the opportunity to alter the landscape of your life in the most wonderful ways.
Friday 1/31 – Owl – Today offers a special opportunity to tap into your intuitive gifts and subtle senses. Most of us can’t see energy, but with practice, we can learn to fine-tune our ability to feel it. This is such a special gift to develop because, when we are more aware of our own energy and that of others, we can make more informed choices about how we wish to move through the world. Spend time today noticing your own energy field, how it impacts those around you, the energy fields of others, and how the energies of others interplays with your own. Just be mindful of appropriate boundaries and make sure that you are not manipulating or invading the energy of those around you. Simply tuning in with a gentle touch and unconditional positive regard is all it takes to start to cultivate a stronger intuitive abilities.
Saturday 2/1 – Black Panther Reversed – Where are you afraid to surrender? To welcome in the unknown? To trust in both the universe and yourself? The answers to these questions may arise for you today. If you are feeling ungrounded or uneasy about the future, come back to your breath, place your bare feet on the earth, and feel the warmth of the sun on your face. Remind yourself of every obstacle you have surmounted and know that you have the ability to meet everything that is ahead, both the joyous experiences and the challenging ones, with courage and grace. Exhale your fear and release the desire to control the outcome. There are so many possibilities beyond what you can even imagine. Stay open, in both heart and mind.
Sunday 2/2 – Otter Reversed – If you find yourself getting caught up in jealousy or competitive tendencies today, take a step back. You only cheat yourself of connection when you put yourself in opposition to others. Instead, do the most counter-intuitive thing and help someone else succeed. It might feel strange at first, especially if you’re in a lack mentality, but this simple act will bring you back to the truth that we rise by lifting others up and that there’s more than enough (money, love, opportunity, etc.) to go around. You might even make a connection that ends up bringing some much-needed nourishment and joy into your life as well. So don’t be stingy with your support, because you get what you give.