Monday 1/20 – Otter Reversed  – We all need time to ourselves every now and again but at the end of the day we are social creatures and need the support of a loving community around us. Invest in connections with people who nourish your soul today and keep your gatherings intimate and simple. A movie night. Family-style dinner at someone’s home. A stroll in the local park or conversation over a good cup of coffee or tea. These moments have the power to bring us home to ourselves and to remind us of what is most important in life. Make sure you make time for them.

Tuesday 1/21 – Spider Reversed - Don’t stifle your need to express yourself today. There are some many ways to move and release energy and it’s absolutely vital that you discharge what’s coming up for you, whether that’s through movement, song, making art, or writing. Free association writing in particular can serve as a powerful way to release anything that’s felt heavy on your heart and mind lately. Don’t be afraid to pour it all out on paper and then let it go.

Wednesday 1/22 – Coyote Reversed – We humans are such funny creatures especially when we so often are the architects of our own suffering. Coyote reminds us to laugh at ourselves and to notice the ways we are tripping ourselves up. It could be excessive worrying, self-righteousness, or self-sabotaging behaviors. Only you know where you have room to be a bit more gentle with yourself. Get honest about what shifts would most support you and then pour on the compassion as you work on yourself. 

Thursday 1/23 – Antelope  – You may experience a little boost of energy today so ride that wave and dig into any projects that you’ve been wanting to see move forward. Clear away any distractions if you can and let yourself drop completely into the flow of inspiration. When you’re in this zone, you’ll be able to get twice as much done and feel uplifted rather than drained along the way. 

Friday 1/24 – Butterfly Reversed  – Where you are is exactly where you are meant to be in this moment. Can you trust that? Can you look around you and soak up every bit of magic that is currently surrounding you? It’s part of the irony of life that once you are able to fully embrace your present circumstances you are more able to move forward into what’s next with a groundedness and clarity.

Saturday 1/25 – Dragonfly Reversed  – Remind yourself today that you shouldn’t necessarily believe everything you think. That doesn’t mean to spin out in confusion or distrust, but rather to simply leave some space for the possibility that there are other truths. Stay curious and open-minded today, particularly if you’re feeling like digging your heels in. You may find that seeing things from another perspective actually supports your own expansion as well. 

Sunday 1/26 – Jaguar Reversed – Integrity is all about alignment of values and actions and making sure that your life is an embodiment of what you believe. We all have moments in which we blur the lines of what we know to be right or wrong out of convenience or hurt, but it’s important that we do our best to catch ourselves in the act and reroute as frequently as we can. Do a little personal inventory today of where you could be better about walking your talk. No need to be harsh or judgemental. Simply notice the places where you’re not living up to the person you would like to be and create whatever shifts you need to in order to make yourself truly proud of how you show up in the world.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!
