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Weekly Forecast Monday March 16th, 2020

Monday 3/16 – Opossum  – As the week kicks off Opossum reminds us to stay grounded and connected to our own center, despite any commotion that may be happening around us. It is particularly important to work on protecting our own energy today if we find ourselves engaged with people who seem to be riled up and looking to get others to jump on their wagon. Instead, tune into your breath, a calming visualization, or a mantra that reminds you of who you wish to be from moment to moment. The world can can be a chaotic place sometimes but you can always choose to cultivate and tap into a deep well of inner calm.

Tuesday 3/17 – Weasel - The call to be mindful of our energies fields continues today with Weasel encouraging us to be a bit more discreet as we move through the world. It’s particularly interesting that this card would appear at a time when a pandemic is sweeping the globe and “social distancing” is becoming a vital strategy for minimizing the impacts of the Coronavirus on communities all over the world. This isn’t about being cagey or paranoid but simply moving through public spaces mindfully and gently. If you are able to be out and about in your community today, do your best to take care of your business with as little social engagement as possible. You can hold an intention that your presence remains neutral and doesn’t create shift in the environment around you. This is an invaluable to skill to have in moments when you want to move through social settings without stirring up too much attention and there’s no better time to practice than right now!

Wednesday 3/18 – Jaguar – As we move into the middle of the week, Jaguar asks us to check in with our values and to ask ourselves if we are actively living them in our daily lives. This isn’t about striving for perfection or being harsh or judgmental towards ourselves, but rather an opportunity to find ways where we can create lives that are more authentic and nourishing, because ultimately, our hearts are most at peace when we know we are living honestly. Where can you be better about walking your talk? What shifts can you make, big or small, to step more fully into being the type of person you would like to be? Sit with the answers to those questions and then go work on making yourself proud for all the right reasons.

Thursday 3/19 – Wolf  – If you’ve been running in circles, seeking guidance from everyone around you, but still aren’t sure what the right answers are, try tuning into the wise voice that lives within you. Ultimately, there is no better authority on your own life than you, and if you take the time to be still and go within, you will find that the answers you’ve been seeking were always inside of you. Listen closely. Trust that deep knowing. It’s the most powerful compass and if you let it, it will guide you home. 

Friday 3/20 – Antelope Reversed – Have you been spinning, spinning, spinning your wheels for quite some time now, but find that you haven’t gotten any where? Or maybe that you’ve gone quite a distance, but down the wrong road? Today asks that we pause, assess how we are spending our time and energy, and determine whether our actions are in alignment with our visions for our life. This is an opportunity to bring much more awareness and intention to everything we do and make sure that we are actively creating the life we want, rather than just going through the motions. 

Saturday 3/21 – Armadillo Reversed  – Our ability to create healthy, loving connections with others depends, in great part, on whether or not we are able to create strong, but flexible boundaries. Often, our relationships with boundaries setting can be like a pendulum that swings between the extremes of rigid boundaries that keep people out and soft or non-existent boundaries that leave us open to being taken advantage of or abused. Spend some time today reflecting on your relationships and where you could stand to move back into that healthy middle ground. Soften where you need to in order to allow love in. Be more firm in the places that you must in order to be loving towards yourself. And trust that the people who are truly meant for you will support you as you make these shifts (and perhaps even be inspired to look at their relationship to boundary-setting as well!).

Sunday 3/22 – Dolphin – The weekend comes to a close with a message from Dolphin reminding us of the joy that we can source from simply being alive, from experiencing our breath come in and out of our bodies, and from feeling our connection to all of creation through this universal pulse. Drop into these simple pleasures today and allow yourself to experience the awe of just how miraculous this life is. If you find yourself struggling to find a sense of gratitude, do something to wake your senses up. Dance wildly. Jump up and down. Work with your breath. Stand under a stream of cold water. Scream at the top of your lungs. Feel your heartbeat and remember that you are still here and that alone is a gift. 

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel l to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday February 10th, 2020

Monday 2/10 – Eagle Reversed  – The task at the beginning of the week is to reconnect. To yourself. To the world around you. To a sense of something greater and your place within that. There’s really no wrong way to do this, so long as you’re centered in love and compassion. Prayer, ritual, time out in nature or amongst a spiritual community, or meditative practices are all powerful ways to tune into our own spirits and the truth of our interconnectedness to all things. Take time today to remember both your own sacredness and that of all of creation. 

Tuesday 2/11 – Bear - The call to go inward continues today as Bear asks us to drop into stillness so that we may hear the wisdom of that often quiet inner voice. This is a wonderful day to engage in practices like meditation, free association writing, or vision work. Allow yourself enough time and space to be present with any lessons you’ve navigated over the past season and where your heart is leading you as we move slowly from winter towards spring. You might be surprised by what comes forward when you allow yourself a little time to reflect on your experiences and desires.

Wednesday 2/12 – Owl Reversed – It’s important to remember that if you’re feeling frazzled or off-kilter, your perception of the world around you may be skewed as well. Take time to ground today, in whatever way best supports you. Take a walk, work with your breath, put your bare feet on the ground. Just make sure that you’ve discharged any frenetic energy and come back to a centered, clear state before making any important decisions today. 

Thursday 2/13 – Dog Reversed  – In order to be true to ourselves, we have to know what lives inside of us. And this includes more than the pretty hopes and dreams. Today calls for a bit of shadow work and creating space for all parts of our experience--even the aspects of ourselves that we believe to be bad, shameful, or uncomfortable. Take time today to get in touch with your anger, your grief, your selfishness, or any other heavy feelings that you might be otherwise tempted to push down. Hold it all gently. Learn its stories and dig through it to find the gifts inside. Anything you look directly at is much less likely to sneak up on you. And you might even be able to make an ally out of something you once considered an enemy. 

Friday 2/14 – Grouse Reversed – For many of us, the winter months are often a time of less movement and more rest, but as we move towards spring, we are being called to start to reconnect with our bodies. Slow and gentle is the key here, particularly if you’ve been feeling disconnected from your physical experience or have been struggling with any sort of health issues. Maybe start with some leisurely walks in your neighborhood, some intuitive movement and stretching in your own home, or even just some self-massage to help wake up the senses and stimulate the lymphatic system (this is especially helpful if you got hit with any of those gnarly viruses that have been going around all winter). There’s no need to overpush or throw ourselves in at the deep end. Instead, simply work at what feels comfortable and most nourishing and build from there. 

Saturday 2/15 – Buffalo  – Prayer can be a deeply powerful practice, but it’s less about the asking and more about the willingness to open up and receive. Sometimes our prayers are answered in the most unexpected ways and it’s up to us to cultivate enough humility and faith to be able to notice what is showing up for us in the present moment. The questions to ask yourself today are: What is my relationship to prayer? What am I asking for guidance or support around and am I keeping the channels open so that I may notice when my calls are being answered?

Sunday 2/16 – Wolf Reversed – If you’ve been finding yourself feeling defensive, closed to the perspectives of others, or like no one has anything to offer you, it’s time to soften. These energies can show up in very subtle ways sometimes and can manifest as rigidity, frustration, or even a sense of loneliness and are often the result of feeling let down or overburdened. Can you remember what it was like to be a child? To experience everything as a learning opportunity? To be hungry for growth and to seek it out in each and every moment? This is the task at hand today. Come back to your birthright of curiosity, awe, and wonder. It’s one of the most powerful and transformative shifts you can make and all you have to do is choose it.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday January 20th, 2020

Monday 1/20 – Otter Reversed  – We all need time to ourselves every now and again but at the end of the day we are social creatures and need the support of a loving community around us. Invest in connections with people who nourish your soul today and keep your gatherings intimate and simple. A movie night. Family-style dinner at someone’s home. A stroll in the local park or conversation over a good cup of coffee or tea. These moments have the power to bring us home to ourselves and to remind us of what is most important in life. Make sure you make time for them.

Tuesday 1/21 – Spider Reversed - Don’t stifle your need to express yourself today. There are some many ways to move and release energy and it’s absolutely vital that you discharge what’s coming up for you, whether that’s through movement, song, making art, or writing. Free association writing in particular can serve as a powerful way to release anything that’s felt heavy on your heart and mind lately. Don’t be afraid to pour it all out on paper and then let it go.

Wednesday 1/22 – Coyote Reversed – We humans are such funny creatures especially when we so often are the architects of our own suffering. Coyote reminds us to laugh at ourselves and to notice the ways we are tripping ourselves up. It could be excessive worrying, self-righteousness, or self-sabotaging behaviors. Only you know where you have room to be a bit more gentle with yourself. Get honest about what shifts would most support you and then pour on the compassion as you work on yourself. 

Thursday 1/23 – Antelope  – You may experience a little boost of energy today so ride that wave and dig into any projects that you’ve been wanting to see move forward. Clear away any distractions if you can and let yourself drop completely into the flow of inspiration. When you’re in this zone, you’ll be able to get twice as much done and feel uplifted rather than drained along the way. 

Friday 1/24 – Butterfly Reversed  – Where you are is exactly where you are meant to be in this moment. Can you trust that? Can you look around you and soak up every bit of magic that is currently surrounding you? It’s part of the irony of life that once you are able to fully embrace your present circumstances you are more able to move forward into what’s next with a groundedness and clarity.

Saturday 1/25 – Dragonfly Reversed  – Remind yourself today that you shouldn’t necessarily believe everything you think. That doesn’t mean to spin out in confusion or distrust, but rather to simply leave some space for the possibility that there are other truths. Stay curious and open-minded today, particularly if you’re feeling like digging your heels in. You may find that seeing things from another perspective actually supports your own expansion as well. 

Sunday 1/26 – Jaguar Reversed – Integrity is all about alignment of values and actions and making sure that your life is an embodiment of what you believe. We all have moments in which we blur the lines of what we know to be right or wrong out of convenience or hurt, but it’s important that we do our best to catch ourselves in the act and reroute as frequently as we can. Do a little personal inventory today of where you could be better about walking your talk. No need to be harsh or judgemental. Simply notice the places where you’re not living up to the person you would like to be and create whatever shifts you need to in order to make yourself truly proud of how you show up in the world.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday December 16th, 2019

Monday 12/16 – Squirrel – While it’s not helpful to get caught up in worries about the future, a little planning and preparation can go a long way. Spend some time today taking an inventory of your resources--monetary, sure, but also energy, time, and anything else that you know you tap into on a regular basis. How are you spending these resources? Is your current approach sustainable? And, if not, what tweaks or adjustments do you need to make so that you can make it, not only through the season, but through many seasons to come, feeling grounded and aligned?

Tuesday 12/17 – Spider - Creativity can be such a powerful healer and it doesn’t even require any skill. At its most basic, being creative is simply about authentic expression and you don’t need anything more than your own body and spirit for that. Sing. Dance. Tell a story. Of course, if you want to bring on other media like paints, clay, film, or instruments, feel free! The goal today is simply to move stagnant energy and to release anything that’s no longer serving you.

Wednesday 12/18 – Beaver Reversed – Watch out for self-sabotaging behaviors today, especially with regard to things that you’ve invested a lot of your time, money, and energy into. Even tiny leaks in a vessel will ultimately mean that it can’t hold what it’s meant to. If you notice that you’ve been spending money frivolously, giving your time to people who only leave you feeling drained, or falling into unhealthy habits that undo any progress you’ve made on your wellness goals, it might be time to do some work around your sense of self worth. You deserve to be successful and it’s time you not only believe that, but that your actions align with that belief as well!

Thursday 12/19 – Salmon Reversed – Those signs that keep showing up all over the place? The funny feeling you had? The vision that seems to just keep popping into your mind? Listen to them! Our intuition speaks to us in so many ways and it’s up to us to tune in and to honor the messages we receive! This doesn’t mean that you need to take every bit of it literally or go making major life changes based on a dream you had--although if you feel compelled to do that, then you absolutely should! More than anything though, cultivating a relationship with our intuitive gifts is about listening closely to our hearts, spirits, and often our guts, and then finding a way to at least explore whatever we find there. The more you practice, the more fine-tuned your gifts will become as will your clarity about what is most important to you in this wild ride of a life.

Friday 12/20 – Owl – For most of us, energy isn’t visible, but that doesn’t mean that it’s doesn’t exist or have very real impacts. Be especially mindful of the energy you are putting out today. We are so much more powerful than we realize and we are constantly casting spells with our thoughts and wishes. We are also inextricably interconnected, so anything you wish on another, you essentially wish on yourself as well. Make sure that you’re calling in things that you want, both for yourself and the world around you.

Saturday 12/21 – Lynx Reversed – If you find yourself wanting to tell someone about something you see in them, make sure what you have to say truly serves the highest good of all. More often than not, when we feel intensely compelled to tell someone something, it’s more about our need to discharge an uncomfortable energy. Instead, find another way to process what’s coming up for you and let your insights inform your decisions about how to move forward. If the person you wanted to share with is ready and willing to receive your feedback, they’ll let you know. Until then, it’s unlikely that sharing your reflections will have the outcome you had been hoping for.

Sunday 12/22 – Rabbit – Fear is part of the human experience and a little bit of fear around certain things can be healthy. It’s all about balance and the way we hold our experience. If you notice that worries or anxieties have been nagging at the edge of your awareness, look them straight in the eye. Honor their presence. Find out how they’re trying to protect or help you. And then wish them well before releasing them to Spirit. This practice will keep you from either running from or being consumed by your fears, both of which are a waste of your precious, divine energy.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday December 9th, 2019

Monday 12/9 – Ant Reversed  – Patience is less about being willing to wait for something on the horizon and more about focusing on all of the gifts in the present moment. If you’re struggling with a desire to fast forward to whatever is around the corner, see if you can shift into a space of curiosity. What can you learn from your current circumstances? Sometimes the reason we can’t seem to move forward is because there’s some opportunity for growth or expansion that we need to embrace before we’re ready to meet the next phase of our life.

Tuesday 12/10 – Hummingbird Reversed - Investing time in things that bring us joy isn’t selfish or frivolous; it supports our ability to be our best selves and to share our light with the world. Remember that today, especially if you are feeling frustrated, overburdened, or simply disconnected, and do at least one thing that brings you back into a state of wonder and awe. Maybe that means putting yourself in the way of beauty by watching a sunset or spending time taking in an incredible view. Perhaps it’s being of service to others. It could be as simple as just doing something silly and carefree that makes you laugh from deep within your belly. Whatever you do, make sure that you set your troubles down for a bit and remember what a gift this life truly is.

Wednesday 12/11 – Moose Reversed – The call today is to tune into our intrinsic worth and our ability to positively impact the world with our mere presence. This isn’t about finding ways to “earn’ our place in the world but rather about touching into the truth that our existence is a tiny, but vital part of the universal ecosystem. None of us are here by accident and it’s more than okay to take up space, to celebrate yourself, and, in doing so, to give permission to others to do the same.

Thursday 12/12 – Skunk Reversed  – We can be as “perfect” as we wish and still there will be those that will misunderstand or not like us. We don’t have control over what others think about us and trying to manage other people’s perceptions is an exercise in wasting energy. At the end of the day, what is most important is that you like who you are and that begins with being clear about your values and living with integrity. Let your actions speak for themselves and trust that the ones who are meant for you will see the truth of who you are. 

Friday 12/13 – Buffalo Reversed  – If you are feeling overwhelmed or that the weight upon your shoulders is too much to bear on your own, ask for help. From friends or family. From your community. From Spirit. Reaching out can be a deeply humbling experience but it is one that cracks us open to receive and to experience abundance that we may not have even realized was present in our lives. None of us were meant to navigate this life alone. Be brave with your heart and allow yourself to be supported. 

Saturday 12/14 – Fox – Learning to expand or contract your own energy field is a powerful practice and today, in particular, is a good time to play with bringing your field in more closely. Fox’s coat changes with the seasons so it can blend into its surroundings, both for protection and for stealthiness when hunting. Whether you are trying to move through a social situation without getting tangled up in unpleasant interactions or are simply on a personal mission and don’t want to get sidelined by someone with their own agenda, try your best to stay low profile today. You might find that being able to be a wallflower (when it suits you) can have its perks.

Sunday 12/15 – Eagle – Connecting with Spirit isn’t only about staring into the skies and seeking answers from beyond. It is often about tuning deeply into our own hearts, grounding into our own experience, and cultivating trust in ourselves. We are, after all, living embodiments of the divine and therefore always have access to the love and wisdom of Source. Take some time today to really be present with yourself and listen to that quiet voice within. If it has a message to share, listen. If it makes a request, meet it, in whatever way you can. This relationship, above all others, is what will nourish and support you most throughout your days. Invest in it lovingly. 

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday November 18th, 2019

Monday 11/18 – Ant Reversed  – We’re in the tail end of the retrograde so it’s very likely that we’re still experiencing delays and setbacks at the beginning of the week. Don’t fret and definitely don’t try to force things to move along any faster. Patience isn’t just a virtue, it can also be a practice in searching for opportunities in the in-between times, the redirections, and the stall outs. If you’re stuck in one place, it most likely means that there’s a gift there that you haven’t discovered yet. Instead of working yourself into a frustrated frenzy, try approaching the present moment with curiosity and wonder. Sometimes divine timing shows up in disguise and what initially felt like a scheduling disaster turns out to be a blessing.

Tuesday 11/19 – Alligator Reversed - Slow down and take some time to take stock of both where you are and where you’ve been. When we speed through life we miss the beauty of the landscape flying by. We also miss the lessons that come from intentionally integrating our experiences. Wisdom doesn’t come from the number of years we’ve been here in this body; it comes from sitting with our successes and our failures, being honest with ourselves about our gifts and our struggles, and continuously reorienting with the help of our internal compass. This requires moments of stillness and also the courage to be with ourselves, but the more we actively undertake our own growth, the gentler the lessons tend to be as time goes on. 

Wednesday 11/20 – Antelope – The questions to ask yourself (as many times as you need to) today are: What is the next right step? What most serves? Me? My community? The world? And then allow the answers to guide you into inspired action. If the answers don’t arrive, make the move that you feel in your heart to be right, and then check in. Rinse and repeat. Today is not a day for sitting in indecision and sometimes the only way to know whether something is a fit or not is to simply try it. Let go of any need for perfection. Be willing to make mistakes and humbly recalibrate as necessary. No venture can ever be a failure so long as you learn something from it.

Thursday 11/21 – Elk Reversed – Don’t underestimate the importance of pace. Too fast and furious and we burn ourselves out before we ever make it to the finish line. Too slow and the result is essentially the same, though we may have saved ourselves some energy. Balance is the key. Figure out what’s most important to you, clear away or deprioritize everything else, and then make a plan that allows for consistent and sustainable efforts towards your goals. It’s a surefire recipe for success.

Friday 11/22 – Buffalo  – The point of prayer is not to receive everything we ask for exactly the way we want it; it’s to humble ourselves in a way that opens us up to the abundance that already surrounds us. Find the places within where you’re gripping so very tightly and then slowly surrender. Sometimes when we let go of what we thought we wanted, we get what we actually needed, and often in the most unexpected of ways. Leave room for Spirit to surprise you and you may just experience magic. 

Saturday 11/23 – Opossum Reversed – There are times when it makes sense to “play dead” so to speak, but it’s important that we don’t begin to believe our own act. If we hide out or stay inactive too long we can find ourselves tangled up in the tendrils of inertia, wondering why nothing is moving forward in our lives. Where have you been asleep for too long? Our dreams are meant to inspire us into action upon waking, so open your eyes and get to creating the life you envision. No more waiting. The time is now. 

Sunday 10/24 – Frog Reversed – Cleansing our lives of toxins, on all levels, is most certainly important, but if we do so from a place of fear we’re only trading one pollutant for another. Stress is just as toxic to the body as chemicals or processed foods and sometimes the most healing thing we can do is to simply cut ourselves a little slack. Let your hair down today and maybe even indulge a little. Focus on letting go of guilt and the “shoulds” and embrace a carefree spirit. You might even find that the energy with which you consume certain things you once thought were toxic was actually more the culprit than the thing you were avoiding. Either way, a little lightheartedness and pleasure can go a long way today, so gift yourself a little bit of both.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday September 23rd, 2019

Monday 9/23 – Skunk Reversed  – We can say and do all the “right” things and there may still be someone out there who finds a reason to criticize us. If we live in the reflection of other’s eyes we give all of our power away and spend our days chasing external validation. Let go of your concerns about what others think of you and focus more on what you think of yourself. As long as you are living in alignment with your own values, that’s all that matters. 

Tuesday 9/24 – Crow Reversed - The darkest parts of our souls don’t have to trip us up, but the keys to allowing them to inform our behavior rather than control it are awareness and integration. Take time today to explore the parts of yourself that you feel shame around. Search for the gift within that experience and find ways to channel those energies into something positive. You may find that the very parts of your being that you’ve been running from could turn out to be directly linked to some of your most potent gifts. 

Wednesday 9/25 – Eagle Reversed – If you’re feeling disconnected from yourself or from Spirit, it’s time to slow down, tune in, and ask what is needed. Perhaps some time in nature or dropping into service. Maybe a ritual or simply prayer. Our relationships with ourselves and with something greater than us are deeply personal and only you will know what is needed to cultivate and nurture that connection. It may take some time to figure out what most supports you in feeling both grounded and expansive, but it will be one of the best investments you could ever make.

Thursday 9/26 – Salmon Reversed – We all feel lost from time to time and the temptation to give the reins to someone else can be so very real, but the truth is that no one can tell you which path is yours. Listen closely to your body. Notice the visions that pass through your mind. Honor the feelings in your gut. These are truly the best guidance systems you will ever find in your life and the more you practice working with them, the more fine-tuned they will become. It’s also worth noting that resistance doesn’t always mean that we’re going in the wrong direction. Salmon swim against the rushing river currents year after year to return to their birthplace and the place in which they will create new life. It’s not an easy trek, but they are pulled by the call of their instincts. It’s time to reconnect with your own inner knowing and follow it wherever it may lead. 

Friday 9/27 – Mouse  – Discernment isn’t about judgment or labeling anything as “bad” or “wrong”; it’s simply the process of deciding if something is or is not for us in this moment and it’s a vital part of healthy boundary-setting, both with others and with ourselves. Take time to notice today what supports your visions and dreams and what either detracts from them or is simply taking up space in your life. Don’t be afraid to release anything that is no longer serving you. It is, after all, the season of shedding, so let go and trust that something beautiful will bloom in the place of everything that falls away.

Saturday 9/28 – Coyote – You may be met with some contrarian energy today and you’re best bet is to soften rather than stiffen against it. In fact, laughing at yourself and all of the ways our egos can convince us that our way is the right way may be just what the doctor ordered today. Remember that we are all operating from different frameworks constructed from layers upon layers of experience. There’s no need to invalidate someone else’s perspective just because it doesn’t align with yours. If you need to create more distance between yourself and someone who is triggering challenging feelings within you then do so, but don’t forget to look at what is coming up for you and where you may have some healing to do around that.

Sunday 9/29 – Horse – The weekend ends on an uplifting note with Horse reminding us of our own power and agency. This is a grounded energy that is ideal for creating real and lasting change. What do you want your life to look like? What about the world around you? Your visions will come through clearly today and it’s up to you to do the work to bring them to life. You’ve have everything you need within you. Consistent effort will take you where you want to go.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday August 19th, 2019

Monday 8/19 – Grouse  – The mind is powerful but living life constantly in your head keeps you from enjoying the beautiful gift that is your physical experience. Each of our bodies is unique so what you most celebrate and cherish will be individual to you, but find a way today to drop into your body and really be present with your senses in a way that feels truly nourishing.

Tuesday 8/20 – Opossum - No matter how hard someone tries to antagonize you or loop you into a conflict, do not take the bait. You’ll reach a much happier resolution to whatever is at hand if you take some space and allow any charge around the issue to subside. If you’re struggling to walk away, ask yourself why and if it is really worth losing your peace over. 

Wednesday 8/21 – Salmon Reversed  – When we’re feeling uncertain or perhaps even as though we can’t trust ourselves, it can be tempting to try to seek out the answers in others, but at the end of the day, you’re the only one who can determine which path is yours. Tune deeply into your own intuition for guidance instead. Ask whatever questions you need to ask and then listen closely to the cues from your body and mind and honor their wisdom. These senses are often more subtle than the five that we usually notice so creating enough stillness to really notice and receive them will be a vital part of honing your intuitive capacities. 

Thursday 8/22 – Skunk Reversed – We are all responsible for our own energetic states and also for the impact we have on those around us. Particularly when we don’t receive the responses we want or find ourselves entangled in a less than desirable interpersonal dynamic, it can be easy to point fingers in every direction but our own. We become empowered however when we seek out the ways that we have contributed to the circumstances around us. Be extra mindful today of how you’re showing up with others, not just in overt actions, but also energetically. Ask yourself if you are carrying yourself with full integrity and if the answer is no, make the appropriate shifts necessary. Anything that you put out into the universe will eventually return to you in one form or another so if you want to get good, make sure you’re giving good. 

Friday 8/23 – Lizard Reversed  – Get out of your own way today by clearing away fears, limiting beliefs, bad habits, and anything else that is keeping you from being a clear channel for visions and dreams. This could mean letting go of people that tend to leave you doubting yourself, any “shoulds” that keep you from pursuing what you truly want, or an addiction to busyness that keeps you from being able to connect to your inner world and creativity. The faster you release anything that is clouding your vision, the sooner you’ll find yourself on a path that feels full of authentic joy and meaning.   

Saturday 8/24 – Snake Reversed – Don’t let yourself get swallowed up by your own emotions today. Yes, it’s important to feel your feelings, but that doesn’t mean you have to allow them to tear you apart as they move through you. No matter how challenging your current circumstances are or how deep your pain is, you can always choose to seek out the gift within all of it. There’s also nothing more healing than finding ways to support others who are navigating similar struggles so do your best to broaden your perspective and channel all of your energies towards creating something positive out of whatever hand you’ve been dealt. 

Sunday 8/25 – Swan – Grace comes in the most unexpected moments. A kind gesture from a stranger. Finding ourselves in the presence of something truly beautiful. A quiet moment in which we receive an infusion of faith or power, from seemingly nowhere at all. These things can take place at any time but we must first be open to receiving the blessing. See if you can lean just a little further into trust. It’s often when we are on the verge of giving up that we turn a corner and find ourselves face to face with an incredible opportunity. Keep your head up and your eyes, heart, and mind open.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday August 12th, 2019

Monday 8/12 – Otter Reversed  – It can be frustrating when we can’t see eye to eye with someone we love or even someone we just need to be in contact with, whether that’s a coworker or co-parent, but forcing our worldview on others is not only ineffective, it can be destructive to trust and connection. Try to see if you can hold space for the other person’s point of view, even if you don’t understand it. Accepting people as they are, even when they fall short of our own expectations is a practice of compassion and one we can all stand to lean more fully into. Sometimes simply considering what it feels like to walk in another’s shoes can rekindle connection, but if you find that the chasm is too deep to be bridged, make sure that you release the attachment with love in your heart.

Tuesday 8/13 – Badger Reversed - Temper any tendencies towards aggressive or coercive behavior today, especially when it comes to trying to complete projects or doing any self-healing work. Today calls for a softer approach that takes regular, measured steps towards the desired outcome. Rushing and being forceful often leads to overshooting and sometimes even results in big mistakes. Slow and steady wins the race today.

Wednesday 8/14 – Turkey  – What gifts do you have to offer the world today? Really, that’s a wonderful question to ask ourselves everyday but today, in particular, calls for each of us to look through the lens of abundance and to search for the ways in which we can share from the overflow in our lives. Looks for ways, big or small, you can show up in a spirit of service. That could mean donating money or time, peppering your day with random acts of kindness, or finding a way to use your talents to help others. You may find that the experience is just as nourishing for you as it is for those you support and that you gain some powerful perspective along the way. 

Thursday 8/15 – Skunk – We don’t have control over much in this life, but the one thing we do get to choose is our own vibration, the energy with which we move through the world, and the impact we have along the way--if we’re conscious of it that is. We all have blind spots around how we show up, but relationships are powerful mirrors that offer clues about the places that we might have more work to do. If you notice certain patterns cropping up again and again in relationships around you, do some personal inquiry around how you might be feeding into that dynamic, even in subtle ways. The more you take responsibility for the energy you put out into the world, the more empowered you’ll be with regard to creating the life you truly desire.

Friday 8/16 – Dolphin Reversed  – If you’re feeling overwhelmed, weighed dowd, or simply disconnected from yourself and/or the world around you, it might be time to press pause and get still. If you can spend some time connecting with your own breath, do that. If that doesn’t feel accessible to you, then do something that pulls you out of your mind and back into your sensory perception--watch the branches of a tree sway in the breeze, soak in cold or hot water depending on your preference, put your face in the most fragrant rose blossom and inhale deeply...whatever you do, make sure that you find a way to remember what a gift this life is, and then repeat that as many times as needed.  

Saturday 8/17 – Whale – Don’t hold back. If there’s something you need to say, then say it, even if that means you write it on a piece of paper only to burn it. The point is to get it out, to move the energy, and to release anything that keeps you from fully authentic self-expression. If you feel like you’re in need of a little extra support in this area, practice simply humming or singing to yourself as a way to open up the throat chakra and become more familiar with your own voice and the power of using it. Before you know it, you may find that speaking your truth becomes easier and there are few things more freeing. 

Sunday 8/18 – Salmon – Trust your inner compass above all else today. No one else can tell you what path is yours or how to navigate it, as much as we might wish for that to be so at times. The good news is that the more you connect with your own intuitive capacities, the more fine-tuned your inner guidance system will become. One of the simplest ways to do this is to simply ask for guidance and then listen. The response may come in the form of physical sensations, visions, or a strong sense of knowing. However it appears, do your best to honor it and then notice the magic that happens as you align your actions with your deepest desires.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday July 22nd, 2019

Monday 7/22 – Grouse  – Spend some time today dropping into your body and your senses. How often do you really celebrate all the blessings your physical form brings you? Gratitude is an active practice and one of the best ways to honor a gift is to be fully present with it. Bring mindfulness to your sensory experiences of taste, touch, hearing, sight, and smell. If you catch yourself getting tangled up in judgement, shift your focus to curiosity and wonder and notice the difference in how you feel. If you’re really struggling to get out of your head then it’s time to play. Dance. Run through the hills. Jump into the ocean. Whatever you need to do to remind yourself that you are alive in this moment in time that you will never experience again. Be here now. Enjoy it.

Tuesday 7/23 – Owl Reversed - It’s time to come clean. What have you been hiding from yourself? What have you been trying to convince yourself of even though you know better? We can want something to be true with all our hearts but that won’t make it so. Stop trying to fit square pegs into round holes and get honest with yourself. Once you let go of what you thought should have been, you open yourself up to a whole world of possibility.

Wednesday 7/24 – Wolf Reversed  – When we put people up on pedestals we set both them and ourselves up for a big fall. It’s time to pluck the stars from your own eyes and remember that everyone, no matter how gifted or wise, is still human, makes mistakes, and can only speak from their own experience. Whatever magic you’re seeking in others is only a sign that it’s time to acknowledge your own gifts and power. The greatest guides you will ever have in your life is your own heart and spirit. Trust their wisdom.

Thursday 7/25 – Turtle – Don’t underestimate the healing power of connection with nature today. Whether you have five minutes to tend to some houseplants or snuggle with a pet or a full afternoon to spend outside, make sure to carve out a little time to drop back into the rhythms of the natural world. Slow down. Let your tensions fall away. Allow yourself to feel the way that you are a vital, albeit tiny, part of an intricate and beautiful universe. Let the magic of that fill your heart and spill out into everything you do.

Friday 7/26 – Elk  – Do your best to pace yourself today. If you’ve got a lot on the agenda, work out a plan of attack that accounts for regular breaks. You can get everything you need to do done, but not all at once and not at the expense of your wellbeing. Making sure that your body is properly cared for as you move through your day will help you keep balanced energy levels and you’re less likely to make careless mistakes from being hangry or rushed. Slowing it down a little may actually save you time in the long run, so take those deep breaths and maybe a few stretch breaks here and there if needed.

Saturday 7/27 – Deer – Be extra gentle with yourself today. Sometimes we need to push ourselves a little but today is more about nurturing and tenderness. Self-care and self-love are less about doing elaborate rituals and more about being attuned to your needs. Listen closely to what your body is asking for today and tend to its requests as lovingly as you can. 

Sunday 7/28 – Racoon Reversed – If you find yourself tempted to play savior today, don’t do it! You may have the best of intentions, but fixing other people’s problems doesn’t allow them to navigate the journey that will help them find their own power and agency. Ask yourself if the person or people in question actually need your help or if you are simply looking for a way to feel valuable or perhaps even distract from your own inner work. If neither of those things are true, then ask if and how you can best support the person. The key to avoiding codependent dynamics is to make sure that, however you choose to support, you’re empowering the other party to find their own solutions rather than just swooping in with a magic wand. 

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday June 17th, 2019

Monday 6/17 – Bear  – We can seek out teacher after teacher and pour over texts searching for insight and wisdom, but the greatest enlightenment is always found through the journey inward. Take time today to explore the deepest caverns of your inner world. Hold what you find gently. And when it’s time to re-emerge, remember that your vulnerability and trust is a privilege to receive, so be discerning about who you choose to share it with.

Tuesday 6/18 – Armadillo Reversed - If our boundaries are too soft then we risk abandoning our needs, but if they are too rigid, we block ourselves from connection with others and the growth that can come from being in relationship. The key is to find the sweet spot in between and to stay flexible enough to pivot and shift as needed since our boundaries should be as dynamic as both our own growth processes and our ever-evolving relationships. Check in with yourself today. Are there places you can give a little? Or are there places where you need to draw clearer lines? And don’t forget that these questions apply just as much to your relationship with yourself as they do to your relationships with others.

Wednesday 6/19 – Rabbit  – How we relate to our fears also benefits from a balanced approach. Completely disregarding our experience when something triggers overwhelm, worry, or anxiety is a recipe for trouble. Often, our bodies will speak to us in louder and more exaggerated ways until we listen, so it’s best not to wait until we have health issues, physical or mental, before we respond. On the other hand, when we let fear run the show we lose our ability to see and respond to what’s coming up with clarity and groundedness. To release your fears you must hold them with compassion, honor the child within, and encourage him or her to move forward, at their own pace, with loving support.

Thursday 6/20 – Elk – Be very mindful about the commitments you make today, particularly if you know you’re prone to overextending yourself. Your “yes” is only valuable  when you are fully capable of saying “no” to things that are not in alignment with you, and this includes things that you simply don’t have the energy or time for at this moment. Take the time to be honest with yourself about whether or not you can and/or want to do something and then let that awareness guide your choices.

Friday 6/21 – Alligator Reversed – When we react impulsively, we give up our ability to make intentional choices. When we create space to pause, take in our external circumstances as well as our internal experiences, and then respond according to our values and who we wish to be in the world, we empower ourselves. No matter how tempted you are to offer a snap reaction to something today, take a beat, and maybe a deep breath or two, and get clear about what is most important to you. You may even find that no response is the best response for now.

Saturday 6/22 – Beaver Reversed – It doesn’t matter how hard you work towards something if you’re engaging in behaviors that counter all of your efforts. Take a good look at your goals today as well as any ways that you might be “leaking energy” or working against your best interests. If you see a strong pattern of self-sabotage, it might be worth doing some inner work to see if there are underlying self-worth issues at play or if your goals are perhaps not in true alignment with your heart’s deepest desires. If they’re driven by ego, then consider letting them go and setting your sights on a vision that feels more true to you. If you know, however, that your goals truly light you up, a little (tough) self-love in the form of discipline might be in order.

Sunday 6/23 – Weasel Reversed – Every relationship involves some form of exchange, and in healthy relationships, agreements about what that exchange looks like for both parties are clear, even if they aren’t spoken. When we manipulate or operate with ulterior motives, we open the door to unnecessary miscommunication, disappointment, and issues around trust. Save yourself the trouble and be transparent about what you’re seeking from others today. If someone can’t meet you where you’d like them to, wish them well and let them continue on with their journey. You’ll find whatever it is that you’re looking for in another more aligned soul or maybe even within yourself.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book! 

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday May 27th, 2019

Monday 5/27 – Raven  – Keep your eyes open for synchronicities today. If you find yourself receiving repeat messages, whether that’s strikingly similar words from different sources, recurring number sequences, unusual encounters with animals, or images that seem to pop up everywhere you go, pay attention. Check in with your gut first to see if you have an intuitive sense of what the meaning behind the messages might be. If you’re not sure, don’t be afraid to ask Spirit for clarification. Sometimes guidance can come from unexpected places. You only need to open your heart and mind to receive it.

Tuesday 5/28 – Turtle Reversed  - If you’ve been feeling disconnected from yourself or a sense of belonging in this world, it’s time to reconnect with Source. Carve out some time to be present with nature today, whether that means a hike in the hills, a walk along the beach, working in your garden, or simply gazing at the sky. Allow yourself to tune into the pulse of nature and remember that the very same force that causes the flowers to open and close and the tides to ebb and flow brings life to your heart. You are not a mistake. You belong here. The question is: What impact do you wish to have in this life? What legacy do you want to leave behind when you return to the earth? Let the answers to those questions fill you with purpose and guide your days.

Wednesday 5/29 – Turkey Reversed  – A consistent gratitude practice can be a powerful way to tap into joy, but when life gets challenging or we’re experiencing pain or struggle, telling ourselves we “should” be grateful can feel inauthentic. Instead of trying to bully yourself into positive feelings, start with simple pleasures. Warm sunlight on your skin or a cool breeze. The smell of fresh flowers, coffee, or clothes right out of the dryer. A song you absolutely love. The softest T shirt. Whatever brings you a pure and uncomplicated joy--focus on that experience and let the sensations of true, visceral gratitude (as opposed to gratitude as a mental concept) fill you up. Rinse and repeat as often as necessary.

Thursday 5/30 – Badger Reversed – Check yourself before you wreck yourself (or someone else) today! Aggressive energies may show up out of nowhere and your best bet for avoiding acting out in regrettable ways is to channel that energy into something more productive. Go for a run. Dance. Make art. Write out any words that you need to express, but are better left unsaid. Scream into pillows. Do whatever you need to do to move that energy up and out in a healthy way so that it doesn’t lead to implosions or explosions. If you’ve already blown your lid, own your mistake, do your best to make amends, and then forgive yourself. We are all human after all and none of us make it out of this life without at least a few missteps. The important thing is to learn from them and make an honest effort to do better moving forward.

Friday 5/31 – Ant Reversed – If you find your patience being tested today, try redirecting your focus. A watched pot never boils as they say so stop tapping your foot and waiting for something to happen, particularly if it’s something you have no control over. Pour your energy into something else that lights you up and trust that anything that’s meant to be will be. If you’re really struggling to let go, a hard reboot in the form of a change of scenery and perspective might be necessary. It’s a big world out there. Don’t limit yourself by staying stubbornly focused on only one route or possibility.

Saturday 6/1 – Hawk – Messages will be coming through for you again today and in order for you to be able to receive them, it’s important that you take good care of your mind and body. Our intuition speaks to us in so many different ways--through the knot in our stomach, the chills that move across our skin, the vision that flashes through our mind, or that tiny voice that speaks to us from within. Making sure that we’re well-rested, nourished, and not over-stimulated will make it easier to pick up on our intuitive signals, so do your best today to tend to your vessel. If you know that your body’s needs are met but it still seems to be calling out to you, that’s something to pay attention to. Listen closely to what it’s trying to say and then honor it as best you can.  

Sunday 6/2 – Dolphin Reversed – If you’re feeling weighed down with heavy energies, it’s a sign that you’re spending too much time in your head. Take a break from your seriousness and set aside your work for a moment. Come back to your body and your breath. Connect with your community. Spend time in nature and feel that you are not separate, but a vibrant piece of this intricate and magical world. Even a little time to replenish and reconnect with your joy can allow you to return to your to-do list with more optimism, energy, and groundedness.  

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday April 29th, 2019

Monday 4/29 – Alligator Reversed - You can go through life lesson after life lesson but if you don’t take time to pause and take stock of your experiences then you miss the opportunity to celebrate your successes and to learn from your challenges. Allow yourself some time for stillness today so that you can process and integrate all that life has offered you. Also, if you’re confronted with a situation that brings up a big emotional response, take a beat and a deep breath before acting. Ask yourself how much of what you’re feeling is about what’s immediately in front of you and how much of what’s coming up for you is tied to an old wound. Does this situation feel uncannily similar to a painful experience from your past? If so then you’re being presented with an opportunity to heal it through feeling it. Once you’ve sorted out what’s old and what’s new, you’ll be able to respond from a much more grounded and wise place.

Tuesday 4/30 – Salmon - It’s time to return home, whatever that means to you. Maybe that’s a geographical location or maybe that’s simply your body and your heart space. Either way, we’re definitely being called to tune more deeply into our inner knowing and to honor its wisdom. If you are feeling drawn to a certain path but you find that you’re experiencing a lot of resistance on your journey, don’t worry. Pace yourself but keep going as long as your direction still feels aligned with the core of your being. You may be closer to your destination than you think. You came into this body at this particular time on this planet for a purpose. Only you can know what that is and only you can bring it to light. If you know what legacy you wish to leave behind when your days are done, make sure that you are allowing that knowing to guide you every single day. If you’re still trying to uncover that deeper purpose, ask yourself how you would spend your time if you had only one year left to live. Let the answers shape how you move through your days.

Wednesday 5/1 – Swan Reversed - Standing out can be uncomfortable for many of us, especially those of us who have experienced any sort of unkindness or mistreatment around the ways in which we are different, but it’s only through radical self-acceptance and authenticity that we are able to share our unique gifts with those around us. In fact, it is often our quirks and self-perceived “flaws” that hold the very medicine we are meant to bring into the world. If you’re struggling to embrace all of who you are and share it courageously with others, remember that by doing so, you give permission to those around you to do the same.

Thursday 5/2 – Butterfly – Life is made up of countless birth-death-birth cycles for each of us and it’s important to honor where we find ourselves in the present moment. What gifts does your particular phase of life hold? Perhaps you are even in different phases in different areas of your life! Your transformation is inevitable, so there’s no need to rush the process. Celebrate where you are at right now, knowing that it will shift in time.

Friday 5/3 – Antelope Reversed – Have you been feeling unmotivated, stalled out, or stuck in a place of indecision today? If so, the solution is to simply take action. A single step, no matter how small or uncertain can help you break through the inertia and get moving in the right direction. If you’re feeling trapped or disempowered, it’s time to get curious about where you might have more agency than you previously realized. At the very least, you get to be in choice around what perspective you hold and how you speak to yourself about your circumstances so start from the inside if you feel like you can’t change what’s going on externally.

Saturday 5/4 – Weasel Reversed – Check your intentions today and do your best to make sure that you’re bringing clear energy and integrity to everything you do. Even subtle forms of manipulation tend to have a boomerang effect and often come back around in the form of stress, complications, and entanglements. To avoid setting up a trap for yourself, simply be as straightforward and transparent as possible today. Even if you don’t get the response you were hoping for, you’ll know that you’re only receiving the things that were truly meant for you and you can rest easy knowing that you honored the free will of those around you. Nothing brings quite as much peace as a clear conscience.

Sunday 5/5 – Snake – Today is an especially ripe moment for any and all creative pursuits. If your chosen forms of expression have the added benefit of bringing more light and healing into the world then all the better! Don’t worry about whether your art is “good enough”; simply create for the pure joy of the process and as a way of opening yourself up to be a channel for Spirit. You might be surprised at what comes through you if you really allow yourself to drop in, let go of expectations, and move from a place of tenderness and honesty. No one else has your unique combination of gifts and perspective. Share them with the world generously today!

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday April 22nd, 2019

Monday 4/22 – Moose - Healthy self esteem is the foundation for a healthy life, from the types of relationships we choose, to how we treat our bodies, and everything in between. And it’s not just about loving the parts of ourselves that we believe to be “good” or “acceptable”, but about embracing all of who we are, both the light and the shadow. What parts of yourself do you tend to hide away or minimize for fear of being rejected or judged? We make room for true acceptance and belonging when we share ourselves vulnerably, so be brave and let it hang out a little today. When you’re proud of the person you are, you won’t need anyone else to validate your worthiness.

Tuesday 4/23 – Otter Reversed - Expressiveness. Creativity. Flow. Interdepence. Patience. Empathy. Receptivity. These are the gifts of the feminine and qualities that all of us, no matter how we identify, can celebrate and honor. Which of these gifts do you have room to cultivate within yourself and in your life? How can you honor these qualities in those around you? Where can you listen more deeply, without a need to fix or solve? Are there places you can soften and make more space for tenderness? In what relationships could you express your love more openly? These are questions worth sitting with today.

Wednesday 4/24 – Snake - Life isn’t so much about what you’ve got as it is about what you do with what you’ve got. Our greatest struggles hold the possibility for the deepest healing, not only for yourself but for others as well. See if you can turn your problems or complaints into purpose today. Channel and release any difficult emotions into art, a passion project, or (a) movement. This will help you shift into a more empowered perspective at the very least and may even yield some unexpected solutions to the issues at hand. The key here is to ground any overwhelming energies first so that you’re taking action from a clear and aligned place.

Thursday 4/25 – Beaver – If there’s something you’re wanting to build then you have to be willing to roll up your sleeves and do the work. You can have a magnificent vision, but without action, it’s only a wistful dream. If you’re struggling to motivate, maybe it’s time to ask yourself where you’re leaking energy. Are you participating in relationship dynamics that leave you drained or whiling away the hours aimlessly scrolling social media seeking a fulfillment that might be better found in more meaningful pursuits? No need to be hard on yourself, as perfectionism and self-criticism are also sneaky ways to avoid stepping into our purpose. Simply get clear about what you value most and let your choices reflect that.

Friday 4/26 – Hawk Reversed – Both your environment and your body are speaking to you all the time. Are you listening? If you’re staying so busy that you never have a moment of stillness or you’re constantly projecting your fears onto the future, it can be challenging to connect with your intuition and the signs and synchronicities that are presenting themselves. Slow down. Breathe. Ground. Come back into your body so that you can be more available to receive intuitive messages. There’s no better source of guidance than your own vessel with all of its unique gifts and senses, so tune into it, listen closely, and then honor its wisdom.

Saturday 4/27 – Dolphin – When you’re feeling disconnected, uncertain, or frazzled, you can always come back to your breath. It is the purest manifestation of life force, along with your tender beating heart, and both move in rhythm with all of nature. If you’re chest is tight and breathing deeply feels challenging, then you know it’s time to play, to connect with nature, and to engage in experiences that offer you an opportunity to bring your full presence to the moment at hand. Fill your heart up, so that you can remember what a gift this life truly is.

Sunday 4/28 – Black Panther – There is so little in this life that we have any real control over and we have to choose whether we respond to that truth with anxiety and fear or with joy and trust. Which will you choose today? Can you embody the belief that life is happening for you instead of to you? Even if things don’t appear to be going your way? Life is so very full of surprises and unexpected gifts and even the most frustrating or painful detours often ultimately land us on the doorstep of something truly wonderful. Look for the lessons and growth in every circumstance that you’re handed and keep your heart open to the possibility of beauty and magic. Let go of how you thought things should be and you might just find yourself in a full embrace of what actually is.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday March 18th, 2019

Monday 3/18 – Bat Reversed – Sometimes we are evolving in ways that we aren’t even fully aware of. We don’t notice until we begin to find that our comfort zones aren’t feeling so comfortable anymore. That group of friends we’ve had forever don’t feel uplifting or expansive to us any longer. That job that you were so excited about all those years back starts to leave you uninspired and checked out. The routines that have been just fine for years don’t seem to be doing the trick anymore. You might almost miss the shift if you weren’t paying attention. And this is exactly why it’s important that you do pay attention. Take an inventory of your life, across all areas. Ask yourself what’s working, what isn’t, and what changes or shifts you can embrace to support your evolution into your highest and best self.

Tuesday 3/19 – Dolphin  - It can be easy to forget that we are nature, just as much as the flowers and the rocks and the animals. The energy that causes buds to burst into blossoms and the tides to ebb and flow is the very same as the one that causes your heart to beat, minute after minute, day after day. This life force is nothing short of miraculous, and yet, how often to we even notice it let alone honor it? Create a little space today to connect with your breath, with your heart, and with nature, outside of you, but within as well. Allow yourself to be dropped into awe at the magic of your own body and the innumerable amount of coincidences, or divine synchronicities depending on how you choose to view it, that brought you here to this very moment. Allow yourself to be bathed in the beauty of that, even if only for a few moments today. All the better if you can make a habit out of living in that place.

Wednesday 3/20 – Eagle Reversed  – At one point or another, each of us must confront a crisis of confidence, whether in ourselves or in something greater. As disconcerting as it can be to look around and question something you were certain of, something that felt grounding, this process is vital for ensuring that your foundation is built on truly solid ground. It’s only once we’ve done a critical assessment of our belief systems that we are able to find the holes and then seek out the information or experiences we need to cultivate a deeper sense of wisdom and faith. If you feel like you’re really being tested right now, ask what lessons are present in your current circumstances. Our greatest challenges can usher in some of the richest opportunities for growth.

Thursday 3/21 – Prairie Dog – Our modern culture is highly achievement focused and encourages us to stay on the go and focused almost constantly. Even our time away from working hard is supposed to be taken up with playing even harder, but every creature needs down time in some form or another. For restoration. To integrate. To uncover those quiet parts of our experience that only come forward in moments of deep stillness. Create some space for that today, whether that’s a five minute meditation or a full day spent in the wilderness with nothing but the sounds of nature and your own breath. You can get back into the hustle tomorrow, but for today, allow yourself to take life a little slower.

Friday 3/22 – Badger Reversed – Watch out for falling into the trap of becoming overly aggressive today, not only in interactions with others, but in the way you treat yourself as well. You can’t bully yourself into wellness, whether that’s physical, mental, or emotional, so be mindful of the energy with which you approach your goals, personal practices, and self care. Even “healthy” activities, like eating cleanly or exercise, can become toxic if we carry them out with an energy of self-punishment or self-loathing. Check in with your thoughts and your heart to make sure that everything you do, you do from a place of self-love and compassion. As your cultivate this capacity for yourself, you’ll find that holding others with that same gentleness will come so much more easily.

Saturday 3/23 – Black Panther Reversed – If you’ve been coming up against fears around the future, it’s time to stop focusing on what could go wrong and start envisioning what could go right. Yes, there may be challenges on the horizon, and no, you may not surmount every single one with ease, but that doesn’t mean you can’t rise to the occasion with a sense of playfulness and adventure. What’s far more important than the circumstances in front of you is the attitude you bring to them. Life can be a game if you choose to look at it as such. Celebrate your wins. Learn from your losses. And always do your best to find the joy in every situation because that’s where true empowerment lies.

Sunday 3/24 – Armadillo Reversed – Boundary medicine is coming in strong today so spend a little time feeling into whether or not yours are in the right place, if any adjustments need to be made in how you’re expressing them to others, and also how you’re holding space for others to communicate their boundaries with you. Make an extra effort today to let people around you know that their boundaries matter to you and consider even having an open dialogue around how you can each honor one another’s boundaries more compassionately. This isn’t about becoming more rigid or guarded. It’s about creating an opportunity to develop deeper intimacy through being authentic and open about what makes us feel safe and most loved in relationships.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!
