Monday 4/29 – Alligator Reversed - You can go through life lesson after life lesson but if you don’t take time to pause and take stock of your experiences then you miss the opportunity to celebrate your successes and to learn from your challenges. Allow yourself some time for stillness today so that you can process and integrate all that life has offered you. Also, if you’re confronted with a situation that brings up a big emotional response, take a beat and a deep breath before acting. Ask yourself how much of what you’re feeling is about what’s immediately in front of you and how much of what’s coming up for you is tied to an old wound. Does this situation feel uncannily similar to a painful experience from your past? If so then you’re being presented with an opportunity to heal it through feeling it. Once you’ve sorted out what’s old and what’s new, you’ll be able to respond from a much more grounded and wise place.

Tuesday 4/30 – Salmon - It’s time to return home, whatever that means to you. Maybe that’s a geographical location or maybe that’s simply your body and your heart space. Either way, we’re definitely being called to tune more deeply into our inner knowing and to honor its wisdom. If you are feeling drawn to a certain path but you find that you’re experiencing a lot of resistance on your journey, don’t worry. Pace yourself but keep going as long as your direction still feels aligned with the core of your being. You may be closer to your destination than you think. You came into this body at this particular time on this planet for a purpose. Only you can know what that is and only you can bring it to light. If you know what legacy you wish to leave behind when your days are done, make sure that you are allowing that knowing to guide you every single day. If you’re still trying to uncover that deeper purpose, ask yourself how you would spend your time if you had only one year left to live. Let the answers shape how you move through your days.

Wednesday 5/1 – Swan Reversed - Standing out can be uncomfortable for many of us, especially those of us who have experienced any sort of unkindness or mistreatment around the ways in which we are different, but it’s only through radical self-acceptance and authenticity that we are able to share our unique gifts with those around us. In fact, it is often our quirks and self-perceived “flaws” that hold the very medicine we are meant to bring into the world. If you’re struggling to embrace all of who you are and share it courageously with others, remember that by doing so, you give permission to those around you to do the same.

Thursday 5/2 – Butterfly – Life is made up of countless birth-death-birth cycles for each of us and it’s important to honor where we find ourselves in the present moment. What gifts does your particular phase of life hold? Perhaps you are even in different phases in different areas of your life! Your transformation is inevitable, so there’s no need to rush the process. Celebrate where you are at right now, knowing that it will shift in time.

Friday 5/3 – Antelope Reversed – Have you been feeling unmotivated, stalled out, or stuck in a place of indecision today? If so, the solution is to simply take action. A single step, no matter how small or uncertain can help you break through the inertia and get moving in the right direction. If you’re feeling trapped or disempowered, it’s time to get curious about where you might have more agency than you previously realized. At the very least, you get to be in choice around what perspective you hold and how you speak to yourself about your circumstances so start from the inside if you feel like you can’t change what’s going on externally.

Saturday 5/4 – Weasel Reversed – Check your intentions today and do your best to make sure that you’re bringing clear energy and integrity to everything you do. Even subtle forms of manipulation tend to have a boomerang effect and often come back around in the form of stress, complications, and entanglements. To avoid setting up a trap for yourself, simply be as straightforward and transparent as possible today. Even if you don’t get the response you were hoping for, you’ll know that you’re only receiving the things that were truly meant for you and you can rest easy knowing that you honored the free will of those around you. Nothing brings quite as much peace as a clear conscience.

Sunday 5/5 – Snake – Today is an especially ripe moment for any and all creative pursuits. If your chosen forms of expression have the added benefit of bringing more light and healing into the world then all the better! Don’t worry about whether your art is “good enough”; simply create for the pure joy of the process and as a way of opening yourself up to be a channel for Spirit. You might be surprised at what comes through you if you really allow yourself to drop in, let go of expectations, and move from a place of tenderness and honesty. No one else has your unique combination of gifts and perspective. Share them with the world generously today!

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!
