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healing ritual


Weekly Forecast Monday July 27th, 2020

Monday 7/27 – Black Panther Reversed - Surrender. You were never in control anyway and all that energy you’ve been spending trying to push and force your will is only leaving you drained. When you let go of how you think things are supposed to be, you open up space for Spirit to come through and show you possibilities you never could have imagined. If you stay present and curious, you’ll be more than capable of handling anything that comes your way, regardless of whether you had a plan in place or not. 

Tuesday 7/28 – Owl - There are some things in life that can’t be solved or figured out with logic. Today you’ll likely encounter an experience that doesn’t quite add up on paper and the more you try to figure it out with your mind, the less you’ll actually understand. Instead, tune into your subtle senses. What is your gut telling you? Sometimes we can feel the truth of a situation before we ever have any sort of concrete proof. Trust your inner knowing, always, but especially today. 

Wednesday 7/29 – Horse Reversed – If you’ve been feeling disconnected from Spirit you’re most likely also disconnected from yourself. We often think of the spirit world and the physical world as two completely separate entities but the truth is that they are absolutely intertwined and much of the way we receive guidance from Spirit is through our bodies. If we are ungrounded or disassociated, it can be much more difficult to tune into our intuition, so take some time today to come back home to your body, your breath, and your steadily beating heart. Lie on the earth. Breathe deeply. Move in ways that feel nourishing. Once you’ve reconnected to your physical experience, you’ll be much more able to receive intuitive messages and the guidance that will most serve you on your journey. 

Thursday 7/30 – Antelope  – That thing that you’ve been thinking about and wanting to do, but just haven’t felt quite ready for yet? No more waiting. Whether you take a tiny first step or dive all the way in, there will never be a better moment to begin than right now. You may not be able to see the full path laid out in front of you, but with each step, the way forward will become illuminated. Make your moves slowly and mindfully if need be, but by all means, make your moves. 

Friday 7/31 – Buffalo Reversed – We can pray all day and all night, but if we don’t also keep our eyes and heart open, we might miss the very blessings that are being sent our way. Today we are asked to both ask for support, either from Spirit or from those around us, and then to also practice being receptive. Sometimes help comes in the most unlikely forms so don’t be surprised if you receive what you’ve been asking for from a stranger, from unusual circumstances, or possibly even from a grace that you experience internally. You may even find that what you’ve been calling in has actually been right under your nose all along and all you had to do was tune into the abundance you already had.

Saturday 8/1 – Armadillo – Boundaries aren’t something we can set once and never tend to again. As beings that (hopefully) are constantly growing and evolving, our relationship with our boundaries should be constantly shifting as well. Take some time today to check in on how your relationship with boundary-setting is or isn’t serving you. Are your boundaries so rigid that they tend to limit your ability to create intimate connections with others? If so, where can you soften them while still honoring your own needs? Or, if you find that you often experience resentment or feelings of being taken advantage of, you might want to look at where you can strengthen your boundaries, not only with your words but with your actions as well. Check in. Tweak as needed. Rinse and repeat often. The more you maintain a steady practice of feeling into what is and isn’t working for you, the easier it will be for you to create happy, healthy, and sustainable relationship dynamics. 

Sunday 8/2 – Opossum – Do your best to stay away from any combative or chaotic energies today. Even if someone is trying to antagonize you, your best bet is to stay non-reactive and let them spin out any energies they’re needing to release. Whatever you do, don’t take the bait. Instead, take some physical space if you can or at least tune inward and focus on your ability to create peace internally through grounding breath practices, mantras, or anything other tools that support you in staying centered. Once the energy settles down, you’ll have a much better change at having a productive conversation and it’s possible that the issue may resolve on its own once the other party has time to sort through their side of things.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday July 6th, 2020

Monday 7/6 – Whale - The call for today is to find your voice and, while that can certainly include speaking your truth more boldly, it’s about much more than what you say. You have unique gifts that you are meant to share during your time on this earth and it’s time for you to offer them up. If you’re not sure what those are, reconnect with the things that brought you joy as a child. The things that light you up and inspire you are not random and are absolutely connected to your purpose and destiny. 

Tuesday 7/7 – Deer Reversed - Compassion for others begins with how we hold our own shadows and wounds. If we’ve found that we’re being hypercritical or unnecessarily harsh towards those around us, it might be time to look within and inquire about whether or not the standards we hold ourselves and others to are actually fair or kind. Forgive yourself and those around you where you can, as much for your own healing as for theirs. If you need to still keep someone at a distance in order to honor your own boundaries and wellbeing, then do so, but make sure that it’s done in the spirit of love.

Wednesday 7/8 – Hawk Reversed – Spirit is speaking to us constantly, but it’s difficult to hear the soft whispers of our intuition when we are feeling frazzled, over-stimulated, and moving at a frenetic pace. Slow down. Catch your breath. Center yourself through grounding practices like meditation, gentle movement, or time in nature. Even a few minutes with your bare feet on the earth can powerfully shift your energetic state and support you in coming back home to your body. Once you are able to tune into the wisdom of your subtle senses again, you’ll be much more able to see your present circumstances with clarity and determine what the next right step is. 

Thursday 7/9 – Lynx Reversed  – Whether you stumbled into some information that wasn’t intended for you or you’re simply a very perceptive person that tends to just know things about people, it’s important to remember that knowledge is power and power needs to be wielded responsibly. Be mindful of any temptation to talk behind others’ backs or to confront people with truths that they may not be ready to receive. Trust that any insights you’ve gained are meant more for your own reflection and healing and that anything that’s meant to come to light will in its own time. 

Friday 7/10 – Salmon Reversed – The messages around tuning more deeply into our inner knowing continue today as Salmon in the reversed position asks us to listen to our desires and to honor their wisdom. It’s important to note that this doesn’t require us to run out and buy a plane ticket to Paris just because we’ve had a vision of the Eiffel Tower. While some people may have intuitive gifts that present in very literal ways, for most of us, the messages are more subtle, layered, and personal. Look for the meaning within the messages you are receiving. Do they remind you of something? What feeling do they leave you with? Do they call forth a part of you that you had forgotten about? And if so, in what way can you start taking steps to bring that part of your inner truth into your day to day life?

Saturday 7/11 – Porcupine  – The world can be a heavy place sometimes and it can be all too easy to become jaded or shut down, but Porcupine reminds us of the importance of staying connected to our inner child. Make time for creativity and play today. Spend time with people who bring out your softness and vulnerability. Do something silly just to make yourself laugh and to loosen up the tension that builds up from the stresses of life. These things may seem simple and even frivolous but they are absolutely vital to our ability to create healthy and fulfilling lives, so make sure that you are honoring the child-like spirit that will always live within you. 

Sunday 7/12 – Turkey Reversed – If you’ve been feeling either that you don’t have enough or that you aren’t enough, the anti-dote might be counter-intuitive--find a way to give back. You always have something to offer the world, even if that is only your time or a simple act of kindness. Find a way to be of service today and notice how the act of giving actually amplifies your experience of abundance. 

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday June 22nd, 2020

Monday 6/22 – Skunk - Notice the relationship between the energy you put out into the world and the reflection of yourself you see in others. If you find that there’s a pattern in the types of dynamics you have in your relationships or that you keep having similar experiences with a variety of people in your life, ask yourself how you are contributing to those circumstances. That’s not to say that you are responsible for how other people show up, but when you realize that aspects of our own shadow can often be mirrored to us by others it’s much easier to uncover the places where we still have healing to do.

Tuesday 6/23 – Bear - Take some time away from any unnecessary stimuli today and drop into stillness. That could be through a 5-10 minute meditation, an afternoon out in nature, or maybe even some time for stream of consciousness writing. Your intuition may have an important message for you right now, but if you don’t create space for quiet, the din of your day to day life might drown out that wise but often soft inner voice. Taking this time to tune in can be especially important if you are struggling with a problem or have been feeling a bit lost. Don’t underestimate the guidance that can come through during dream states as well. If there’s something you’d like clarity around, set that intention before going to sleep tonight and be sure to keep a journal near your bed so you can write down any messages that come through upon waking.

Wednesday 6/24 – Dog – Sometimes it can seem like we have to choose between being true to ourselves and showing up in a way that suits others, but the truth is that the best thing you can do for the people in your life is to be the most authentic version of yourself. It is only when you are truly loyal to your own heart that you can honor the validity of the needs and desires of others in a compassionate way. If you’ve been feeling torn, come back to your own center, uncover what’s true for you, and then care for yourself around that as lovingly as you can, while holding space for the people around you to do the same. 

Thursday 6/25 – Alligator  – A major part of any personal growth or spiritual journey is integration of the lessons we learn as well as the parts of ourselves that we uncover as we gain self awareness. It’s important to remember that, particularly if we are integrating parts of our shadow or experiences that we might feel shame around, compassion is a vital part of the process. Even the most difficult and painful moments in our lives can offer us the gift of wisdom and expansion if we only have the courage to sit with and process our experiences, and then ultimately do the work to heal.

Friday 6/26 – Hummingbird – Joy is a birthright for each and everyone of us, but it is so easy to forget amidst the grief and chaos of the world. Today, come back to yourself through simple, grounding pleasures like getting a good stretch, a delicious meal, snuggles with someone you care about, a relaxing bath or shower, or placing yourself in the presence of beauty. The key here is to really allow yourself to be present to the visceral gratitude you receive from the experience and to let that nourish you from the inside out. 

Saturday 6/27 – Raccoon  – We all need a helping hand from time to time and today it’s your turn to show up and pay it forward. Look around in your community and notice who might be struggling or who could simply benefit from a little extra support. Offer whatever you have in abundance, whether that’s time, money, social capital, or supportive words and energy. Just make sure that you’re helping in a way that serves to empower rather than create a sense of dependence or helplessness.

Sunday 6/28 – Elk Reversed – It’s time to slow down, to rest, and to get realistic about what you're actually capable of doing in a 24 hour period. If you’re running at a frenetic pace and feeling overwhelmed or exhausted, doing more and faster isn’t the answer. Find a pace that allows you to still honor your needs and wellbeing and then focus on being consistent rather than trying to cram as much productivity in as you can. In the long run, you may find that you actually get more done this way and you’ll be much more likely to enjoy your accomplishments if you haven’t broken yourself down, in body or spirit, on the way to achieving your goals.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday June 8th, 2020

Monday 6/8 – Black Panther  – If the only constant is change, then our job is to embrace the shifts that are happening in our lives and all of the unknowns that come along with them. Don’t waste your energy on worry or imagining the worst possible outcomes, but instead allow yourself to get curious about what is possible, to dream about the most ideal outcome, and then to remember that you can actively work to create that. You are so much more powerful than you think. 

Tuesday 6/9 – Otter Reversed - Look out for a tendency today to be competitive or the impulse to lash out at yourself or others. Consider that perhaps a wound is being triggered or some unmet needs are rising to the surface begging to be acknowledged and addressed. Dig into some self care in the form of breathwork, healing movement, and simple pleasures to bring you back to yourself. And don’t be afraid to reach out to the people that know how to love you up and support you; we are not meant to go this journey alone.

Wednesday 6/10 – Ant Reversed – Sometimes the trickiest part about having a vision is staying present with where we’re at now as we try to move towards our desired destination. But major shifts are more often than not a marathon instead of a sprint. In order to stay in the pursuit of what we wish to create it’s vital that we pace ourselves and that requires some measure of patience. Rest assured, this is not the same as apathy or a lack of dedication, but rather a strategic choice about how to take continuous, sustainable action. And again, self care is a big part of this process. Finding moments of true joy and immersing ourselves in things that are meaningful and nourishing is vital for peace of mind when we find ourselves becoming frustrated with how slowly progress seems to take place. 

Thursday 6/11 – Whale Reversed  – Speak your truth boldly today. If certain people and opportunities fall away as a result, know that they are only clearing the way for those that are more truly in alignment for you. If you’ve been hiding out or diluting your message out of fear of being truly seen (and held accountable for your full capabilities) or being targeted by those who are triggered by the mirror that you hold up to their shadows, move forward as gently as you need, but keep. moving. forward. Work at the edge of your comfort zone until one day you find yourself standing in complete unapologetic authenticity and empowerment. 

Friday 6/12 – Swan Reversed – It is so tempting to believe that if we can just do things the right way, look the right way, and, in general, fit in to some idea of what and who we are supposed to be that everything will be easier. But this can never be the path to belonging and security because to be truly accepted, we must be honest about who we are. The faster we stop trying to fit in and start celebrating what makes us different, cultivating our unique gifts, and sharing them openly with the world, the faster we will find our place, our people, and our destiny. When you practice radical acceptance (and celebration) of yourself, you not only create a deep inner sense of worthiness that will serve as a foundation for everything you do in life, you model how to do that for others as well.

Saturday 6/13 – Dragonfly – We don’t know what we don’t know and the only way to uncover our blindspots is to question what we believe to be true. Remind yourself today that there are so many versions of the truth and that you can only view the world from your particular vantage point at any given time. Expand your perspective by taking a step back from the ideas and beliefs that shape the way you look at the world. Perhaps even make a game out of it. You might find that by opening up to other possibilities you unlock powerful insights, awarenesses, and even creative solutions to issues around which you had previously felt stuck. 

Sunday 6/14 – Bat Reversed – We are in a massive process of rebirth, both on the individual level and as a collective. This process is not always going to be easy and will most definitely require the willingness to move through challenging circumstances. Resistance will only delay the inevitable and create more suffering. Instead, we are being called to dig deep, to summon our courage, and to stay as present and centered as possible so that we can meet the moment with full access to our power and gifts. The best way to conquer your fears is by facing them head on.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday May 25th, 2020

Monday 5/25 – Black Panther Reversed  – You may find yourself confronted with circumstances today that leave you feeling uncertain. Rather than resisting the unknown or trying to force the situation into one direction or another simply to feel a sense of control, embrace the possibility that is held in this moment. Stay curious and open to all outcomes, even and maybe especially the ones you haven’t even been able to imagine yet. If you can channel a sense of adventure and playfulness, you might even find yourself enjoying the process of allowing the mystery to unfold in its own time. 

Tuesday 5/26 – Lynx Reversed - If you have a strong intuitive sense about someone around you today, pause before sharing that with anyone else. Even if you feel compelled to tell the person about your vision or premonition, it’s important to remember that not only may they not be ready to hear that information, it might not be meant for them either. In most cases, we come to our own awareness and understandings about things in our time and not a moment sooner. Focus instead on what messages you can draw from the guidance you’ve received. What does it trigger in you? What does it remind you of? Your subtle senses are trying to tell you something, and your job is to uncover what that is for yourself, not for anyone else.

Wednesday 5/27 – Raccoon – Make a point of looking for ways to support those in your community today, whether that’s by offering your time, energy, or resources that you have an abundance of. Maybe that means helping someone with a task they’re struggling to take care of on their own. Perhaps that looks like connecting someone with people or opportunities that can help them move closer to their dreams. It could even be as simple as just listening deeply to someone and reminding them that their experiences are valid and that their presence is appreciated. Whatever you do, make sure that you are finding ways to shore up those around you, because the world needs more people who are standing in their power and using their gifts for good.

Thursday 5/28 – Bear Reversed  – It’s time to get out of your head and back into action today. While introspection is an important practice in self-development, it doesn’t do anyone very much good if we aren’t embodying the shifts that we envision for ourselves. Decide what it is you wish to create in your time here and get to work! You may never feel fully ready to do the things that both scare you and light you up all at once, but don’t let that stop you. Life is short and time waits for no one. 

Friday 5/29 – Alligator – All of our life experiences mean nothing if we don’t take the time to glean wisdom and grow from them. As we move from spring into summer, there’s no better time to review the lessons of the season we’re preparing to leave behind. What hardships or losses do you need to grieve? What successes deserve to be celebrated? What insights can you take from all that you’ve navigated up until now? Whether you do it through therapy, through writing/journaling, or through sharing with a trusted friend, taking time to process and integrate the lessons from recent weeks and months will only support your ability to move gracefully through all that’s yet to come. Give yourself that gift. 

Saturday 5/30 – Armadillo Reversed – Boundaries are such a big topic in the personal development and healing world and for good reason. Our relationship to boundaries sets the tone for so many aspects of our lives and this includes how we set and honor boundaries with ourselves as much as how we set and honor boundaries in relationships with others. Rigid boundaries can make us inaccessible and limit our ability to develop intimacy and connection with others, while overly soft or non-existent boundaries leave us open to being taken advantage of or devalued. The goal is to find that happy, healthy middle ground in which we can love others without compromising our ability to be loving towards ourselves.

Sunday 5/31 – Salmon – Trust that call that is coming from deep within you today. Even if it doesn’t make logical sense, the heart has a way of knowing what will most support our health and happiness, so listen to it. The more you follow the thread of the things that light you up and spark curiosity or joy, the more you’ll see that these things are not random, but are, in fact, deeply connected to your purpose on this planet at this particular time in history.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday May 18th, 2020

Monday 5/18 – Horse  – So often we think of strength and sensitivity as being at odds with one another, but horse medicine shows us that nothing could be further from the truth. After all, sensitivity is essentially the practice of opening our awareness and dropping into a receptive state, in which we are more able to channel the energy and inspiration we need in order to create whatever it is that we wish to in the world. This is how dreams become realities, by bridging matters of the spirit with the material world. This is the balance that is called for today. To allow our intuition to strengthen our ability to empower ourselves and others. 

Tuesday 5/19 – Whale - Whale medicine is also about deep knowings, the inner call that tugs at you and won’t let go, the mission that your soul set out on before you ever even arrived here in human form. But Whale also reminds of the importance of using our voice to connect with others who are here on a similar mission. You can’t find the people who are meant to support you on your journey and who you are meant to support as well if you’re hiding out, playing small, or trying to mold yourself to meet someone else’s preferences. Share yourself. Speak out about what matters to you. Let the ones who are meant to stand beside you know where you are. Together you can create magic. 

Wednesday 5/20 – Dolphin Reversed – Joy is our birthright, but it can be challenging to connect with that energetic state when we are constricted and weighed down by resistance, fear, and overwhelm. Take some time today to bring your body, mind, and spirit back into alignment. Spend time tuning into your breath and cultivating the ability to center your own energy. Soften your body. Relax your mind. Deepen your inhales and exhales. Come back to this practice as many times as you need to today, even if only for a few moments at a time. You might be amazed at how quickly much more easily you’re able to access a flow of uplifting energy once you’ve released all of that tension and heaviness. 

Thursday 5/21 – Lynx  – You’re subtle senses may be extra heightened today and you may find yourself stumbling across some information that wasn’t intended for you. Ultimately it’s up to you to decide what to do with what you’ve learned but Lynx encourages each of us to practice discernment about what insights we choose to share and to make sure that we’re neither participating in a gossip mill nor confronting people who simply aren’t ready to hear what we have to share. It may be worth considering that the information might have fallen into your lap through divine orchestration in order to help you gain clarity or insight for yourself.

Friday 5/22 – Raccoon – We all have something to give. Extra resources. A helping hand. Even a smile can make a world of difference to the person who needed a little warmth in their day. Look around you. Who in your community needs support today? It’s not about fixing all of their problems or taking away all their pain, but rather simply putting a little wind in their sails to help make the journey just a little bit easier. Offer from any area of your life where you have overflow and know that any kindness you send out into the world will only circle back to you in one form or another. 

Saturday 5/23 – Elk – Elk has been showing up a lot in recent weeks and it makes sense given the collective experience of the Corona virus pandemic and the tediousness of trying to figure out how long our lives are going to be altered for. While no one can say for sure when we’ll be able to live free from concern about the impacts of the virus, whether that be physical, mental/emotional, social, or economically, it seems that our best bet at this point is to prepare for a marathon rather than a sprint. Figure out what adaptations you need to make in order for your new normal to be manageable for an extended period of time and then adjust accordingly. Of course, this can also be applied to any other major challenges you’re facing in your life currently. Either way, shifting into a mindset of embracing and working with/through rather than against your current experiences is going to go a long way towards helping you make it through what’s ahead without feeling completely drained on the other side. 

Sunday 5/24 – Eagle – The weekend closes out with a simple message from Eagle: Come back to your connection with Spirit. What that means to you will be personal. Perhaps that means spending time with your spiritual community. Maybe it means dropping into prayer or sacred rituals. It could be as simple as tuning into your own breath and heartbeat or taking some time out in nature. The idea is to tune into what you value most and to replenish your own soul through intentional action so you can end this week with presence and start the new one feeling nourished and ready to serve.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday May 11th, 2020

Monday 5/11 – Raven Reversed  – Keep your eyes and maybe more importantly your heart open to magic today. Pay special attention to synchronicities and ways in which either Spirit or your higher self are trying to speak to you. You guides can send you signs and support all day every day, but whether or not you receive and take them to heart is up to you. 

Tuesday 5/12 – Raccoon Reversed - None of us accomplish anything great completely on our own. There is always a community of cheerleaders and supporters, however small, behind every success. Today, look around you and see who could use a helping hand. Is there someone you know that might benefit from a little encouragement or generosity? If so, share what you can, just make sure that the help you give serves to empower the recipient rather than reinforce any stories about victimhood. If you’re the one in need of support, don’t be afraid to reach out to the people in your life. We walk each other home by taking turns being on each side of the equation; so, figure out where you’re at today and trust that whether your giving or receiving, the energy will come back full circle in the right time. 

Wednesday 5/13 – Owl Reversed – Trust your gut. Always. But especially today. If something feels off, it is. That doesn't have to mean that something nefarious is going on, but know that those pings telling you that this particular situation isn’t for you aren’t steering you wrong. There’s more to the situation at hand than you’re currently seeing so either put any forward movement on pause or at least dig in and ask all of the questions that you need to get clarity and peace of mind. If things are still not feeling quite right, consider exiting gracefully. No need to explain yourself. You always have the right to let someone know that something “doesn’t feel like a right fit at this time” and leave it at that.

Thursday 5/14 – Mountain Lion Reversed  – Today, Mountain Lion asks us to sit with our relationship to leadership. We all have a gift to share with the world and leadership is having the ability to step boldly into your power so that you may live out that purpose. If this is something that comes as a challenge for you, ask yourself why. Are you projecting something from your past onto an imagined future? What magic would you create in the world if you weren’t afraid of or in judgement around shining brightly? If you consider yourself to be a leader, you might take some time asking yourself about your leadership style and how you can operate more from a place of service and less from a place of ego. Don’t be afraid to face your own weaknesses. All truly great leaders not only own up to their shortcomings, but find ways to use them for growth, both their own and that of others.

Friday 5/15 – Blue Heron Reversed – Last week kicked off with a message about getting out of our heads and into our bodies and it seems that that’s the call once again. Self-reflection is a wonderful thing, but it’s important that we balance it with moments of embodied presence. Movement can bring us back. Intentional connection with others can be a route. And good, old-fashioned silliness is a surefire way to turn the volume down on the mind chatter and up on what matters most in this moment. Find what works for you and, even if it’s only for a few moments, allow yourself to just be.

Saturday 5/16 – Spider Reversed – When we block our creative and expressive energies, they need to find some sort of outlet and one of the most common ways they end up showing up is in frustration or jealousy. If you find that either of those experiences are cropping up today, take that as a sign that you need to let move some energy up and out. Sing. Paint. Dance. Write. Scream into a pillow if you need to. Just whatever you do, don't leave that stuff bottled up. 

Sunday 5/17 – Grouse Reversed – Being in a body can be a mixed bag sometimes. Intense experiences of pleasure sit in contrast to equally intense experiences of pain. Because the latter can be so much more jarring, sometimes we focus on that end of the spectrum, but today we are being asked to find ways of connecting with the joys of this physical experience. What senses do you derive the most joy from? Sight? Smell? Sound? Touch? Taste? Mindfully tune into the gifts that you receive from those experiences and let yourself revel in gratitude for the opportunity to live in your unique body. It won’t make the pains of this life disappear, but it will certainly make them so much easier to navigate.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday May 4th, 2020

Monday 5/4 – Blue Heron Reversed  – Yes, self-reflection is a wonderful practice, but as with all things, balance is important. Take some time today to get out of your head and into your body. Paint with your fingers. Dance. Lie down in a patch of grass and feel the warmth of the sun on your skin. Grounding through our sensory experience is a powerful way to release mental tension and to be present with some of the most simple gifts and pleasures that this life has to offer. 

Tuesday 5/5 – Owl - Listen very closely today. Things may not be entirely as they seem at first glance, so it’s important to engage all of your senses today, especially your more subtle sense and intuitive capacities. Don’t just pay attention to what people say, but notice how you feel when they’re speaking and if there seem to be layers of meaning that differ from or contradict the words that are being spoken. This is also a good day to get curious about your own blindspots. We all have them and the biggest clue to where they can be found is in the things that trigger us into fear or anger. Gently work your way into what’s underneath these big initial reactions and see if there is an opportunity to become more honest and intimate with your own heart.

Wednesday 5/6 – Armadillo – Boundary work is the work that never ends. There is always more to explore within how we both set boundaries with ourselves and with others because these practices shift and evolve as frequently as our own needs and environments do! Check in today and ask yourself if you honor the limits you set for yourself, and if not, what is underneath your tendency to push past your own boundaries? How is this reflected in your relationships with others? The goal is not to shame yourself for any missteps you’ve made, but rather to uncover ways to meet your needs that are healthy for you while also honoring the boundaries of others. 

Thursday 5/7 – Coyote Reversed  – It can seem so truly challenging to claim joy within moments of despair or to laugh when we feel like the world is weighing heavily on our shoulders, but those are the exact moments that a bit of lightness is needed most. Not to deny the harder aspects of life, but rather to embrace them fully with an awareness that everything in this life is ultimately fleeting. If you must cry, then do so. But no one said you can’t dance at the same time.

Friday 5/8 – Rabbit – Fear is normal and healthy, despite many cultural messages that tell us we should be fearless always. Without fear, we wouldn’t be cautious while standing on the edge of a cliff or exercise discernment when deciding whether or not to take a big professional risk. Rather than treating fear like an enemy, see if you can honor it as a messenger. This doesn’t mean to let your fear run the show, but instead simply find out what it’s trying to protect you from and what supports you might be able to put in place in order to move forward gently and gracefully, even if the fear remains.  

Saturday 5/9 – Elk– It’s time to reassess your approach to that challenge you’ve been navigating or gearing up for. Treat it like a marathon rather than sprint and put supports (material or mental/emotional) in place so that you can stay healthy and sane for the long haul. If the issue resolves more quickly than you anticipated, then you’ll have energy to spare, but if you end up needing to stay in the game for extended amounts of time, you’ll be more more likely to finish strong if you start pacing yourself now. 

Sunday 5/10 – Beaver – We’re closing out the weekend with a message from Beaver encouraging us to do the patchwork. In our homes. Within our bodies. And if nothing else, then in our mindsets. Where are the energy leaks? What places, both physical and spiritual, can you a little TLC or maybe an upgrade or repair? Whether this looks like digging into the home project that makes your nest a little cozy or getting clear about what beliefs are no longer serving you and releasing them however you can, roll up your sleeves today and make your spaces, both inner and outer, as nourishing as possible. 

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday April 20th, 2020

Monday 4/20 – Fox  – Fox is the master of camouflage and today we are being asked to follow his lead by doing our best to blend in. This skill can come in handy when we are faced with antagonistic energies, either internally or externally, or if we simply wish to go unnoticed while we observe a situation to determine if and how we would like to engage. While foxes have coats that change with seasons and allow them to blend with their surroundings, our practice is in shifting our energy fields. If you’ve always been a natural wallflower, then this will most likely come very easily to you, but if you are someone who tends to have a big presence, then this is your opportunity to learn how to bring your energy field in when you wish to go under the radar. Turn your focus inward, stay on the outskirts of any activity, and don’t engage until you feel that it is safe to do so. 

Tuesday 4/21 – Frog Reversed - So many of us are stuck at home and while the downtime might be welcome in a certain way, it’s important to make sure that we aren’t allowing stagnant energy to build up during this time. Intentional release practices like breathwork and intuitive movement can help us let go of any heavy energies that we’ve been storing. It doesn’t have to look pretty or graceful. In fact, allowing yourself space to let the rawness come up and out is exactly what’s called for right now. So dance, yell, sing, cry, sweat. Do whatever you need to in order to free yourself from anything that’s been weighing you down. 

Wednesday 4/22 – Wild Boar Reversed – If you intended to share your truth with someone, but ended up doing so more harshly than you meant to, be gentle with yourself.  Most of us have been there at one point or another and what’s most important is that you learn from the experience. Spend some time exploring any unmet needs or boundaries that were not being honored so that you can avoid unnecessary fallout in the future and then do your best to make amends. An heartfelt apology paired with changed behavior can go a long way towards healing.

Thursday 4/23 – Swan  – Swan swoops in today to remind us that it is our differences and the very things that makes us unique that hold our most potent gifts. Rather than trying to fit in or follow the crowd, nurture and cultivate the parts of yourself that make you stand out. You may just find that the more authentic you are, the more magnetic you’ll become and both people and opportunities that light you up will flow more easily into your life. 

Friday 4/24 – Otter Reversed – Sometimes the medicine we most need is the one we want the least. Today we are being called to resist any urges to isolate or create separation by reaching out with open, vulnerable hearts. If you’ve been dealing with feelings of jealousy or competitiveness, try doing something incredibly counter-intuitive and offer support to the very person who you are feeling triggered by. Once you realize that they’re just as human as you are, the tendency to compare and place people on pedestals is likely to dissolve. 

Saturday 4/25 – Jaguar Reversed – Are there places in your life where you haven’t been walking your talk? Do you say you believe one thing, but contradict that in your actions and choices? No need to be hard on yourself. Maintaining alignment is a dynamic and never-ending process. Take some time today to assess your own integrity and make shifts as needed. Sometimes the tiniest tweaks can make a world of difference.

Sunday 4/26 – Crow – There’s never been a better time to peer into the depths of our own shadows. The collective pause and the time it’s allowed for stillness and reflection offers us a ripe opportunity for sitting with the parts of ourselves that we’d generally prefer to keep tucked away. Go ahead. Open up that box, sift through its contents, and see if you can find the gifts within the bits and pieces you’ve left in the dark. The key here is to look at all of it through a compassionate lens. Even our most troubling qualities have supported us in some way or another. Honor that. Forgive yourself and others, if necessary. Truly embracing all of yourself is what allows for integration and healing.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday April 13th, 2020

Monday 4/13 – Coyote  – Yes, the world is feeling completely topsy-turvy right now and the air is thick with fear and grief, but that does not mean that we cannot also laugh in the midst of it all. In fact, laughter may be the very medicine that is needed most today. This isn’t about minimizing the pain that exists, but rather surrendering to it as part of the human experience and allowing ourselves an opportunity to release the tension that has been building up in our bodies and spirits. Call a friend who always knows how to get a chuckle out of you. Watch a funny movie. Do something truly ridiculous just to help lighten your mood. All the real world issues will still be waiting there for you when you’re ready to meet them again. But at least this way you can do so with a heart that is just a bit lighter. 

Tuesday 4/14 – Porcupine - Give extra attention to your relationships today and find ways to connect with your loved ones, near or far.. Check in on people that you know might need a little extra support right now or, if you find that you’ve been struggling, let your people know that you could use some love and tenderness right now. These gestures can feel a bit vulnerable, especially if you’re not used to being the one to reach out, but opening ourselves up to give and receive love is one of the bravest things we can do in the life and the rewards are absolutely worth the risks. 

Wednesday 4/15 – Turtle Reversed – The message for today is simple: Ground. Connect with Nature. If not the nature “out there”, then the nature that lives and breathes through your own being. Lie on the ground. Work with your breath. Let the sun fall on your skin. Open a window or take a walk outside and breathe in the fresh air. Tuning into these natural rhythms, which are echoed all throughout the universe, helps remind us that we are part of a much bigger picture, that while the human world is in upheaval, nature is still moving at the same pace it always has, and that harmonizing with that frequency has the potential to offer immense healing, both for individuals and the collective. 

Thursday 4/16 – Mouse  – Mouse medicine is all about the details and practicing discernment. Be very observant today, particularly if you are trying to make a decision. Continue gathering information until you feel you understand all the nuances of the situation at hand. This is not a time for sudden, bold moves, but instead for staying curious, trusting your gut, and making choices that support simplicity and alignment.

Friday 4/17 – Salmon  – You may not feel like a wild creature most of the time, but you still have the gift of deep instinctual knowing, of subtle senses and intuitive capacities, and of an inner wisdom that can serve as a compass for you always. The call today is to listen closely to the messages you receive and to heed the calls of your heart and spirit. No matter how illogical their guidance may seem, trust that by following the things that light you up, you will always land in the very place you are meant to be. 

Saturday 4/18 – Elk Reversed  – It can be tempting to try to push through, but Elk is here to remind us that this journey is a marathon, not a sprint, so it’s vital that we pace ourselves. This can apply to both physical and emotional habits and the key here is to ask ourselves if how we are living would feel sustainable for a month, 3 months, a year, and so on. Sure there will be moments in our lives when we have to dig deep and put mind over matter, but when we make that a way of life, we set ourselves up for a very big crash. Take some time today to do an honest inventory of your lifestyle and put a plan in place that allows you to care for yourself for the long haul. 

Sunday 4/19 – Wild Boar – Confrontation is the name of the game today but that doesn’t mean you need to come out with guns ablazing. Instead, get clear about what is coming up for you, find a way to express your needs in a way that doesn’t involve shaming or blaming, and then share that truth as compassionately as possible. This will help minimize the possibility of resentment and major blow-ups and may even pave the way for deeper, more attuned connections. Oh, and you can do this process with yourself as well, because sometimes the person we need to get really honest with is the one we’re gazing at in themirror.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday April 6th, 2020

Monday 4/5 – Coyote Reversed  – Watch out for a tendency to trip over your own feet today. Whether it’s through self sabotaging behaviors or little habits that simply don’t serve our highest good, we can so often be our own worst enemy. This might be especially likely to show up today in the form of obsessive worry or rumination, so be sure to do things that help you stay present, grounded, and expansive in your perspective on life and your current circumstances. If you’re looking for a short cut to letting go of things that are feeling especially heavy, laughter is truly the key. Do something spontaneous and silly to break through the tension and bring yourself back to a more light-hearted state of being. 

Tuesday 4/6 – Salmon - The message for today is all about coming home. Sure, to familiar physical spaces that will hold us during these strange times. But even more so to our own hearts and spirits. To the wisdom that lives within each of us but is so often drowned out by busyness and lives of constant stimulation. Take some time today to tune inward. Notice any stirrings that have been quietly going on beneath the surface. Are there unmet needs there? Dreams or desires? Or perhaps a guiding message that has been waiting to come through? This collective pause offers a powerful opportunity to deepen our relationship with our subtle senses and to cultivate our intuitive gifts. Take it.

Wednesday 4/7 – Dog Reversed – Tagging off of Salmon’s guidance, Dog invites us to seek out the places in our lives where we can be more authentic. If you were to view this moment as a chance to start anew with a clean slate, what changes would you make? What would you choose to leave behind? What would you wish to invite in or create? Even if you don’t have the bandwidth to make major shifts right now, take note of the visions that come to you during this time, so that you can use them as guideposts in the days ahead.

Thursday 4/8 – Porcupine  – The gift of crisis is the clarity it brings about what is actually important and what is not and what we are realizing amidst the global upheaval around the spread of the Corona Virus is how very fundamental human connection is for wellbeing as individuals and as a collective. Now more than ever, it is vital to reach out to one another. To stay open-hearted and centered in compassion. If you feel like you need support, don’t be afraid to reach out. If you have gifts you’ve been waiting to share with the world, now’s the time! Both take courage and a willingness to be vulnerable, but if there’s anything this moment in history is teaching us, it’s that the only way we are going to overcome the challenges we’re facing is by coming together and supporting one another.

Friday 4/9 – Spider Reversed – There is a little bit of a frustration and angst coming through today and the very best way to work with these energies is to drop into creativity. Move your body. Sing. Make art. Write. Channel every difficult feeling or experience into something tangible. All the better if it’s something that can support the healing of others, too, whether that’s simply from feeling less alone or by being inspired to also turn their pain into something beautiful. 

Saturday 4/10 – Bat Reversed  – It has not slipped my attention that the Corona Virus is believed to have been transmitted to humans via an interaction with a bat. This seems especially poignant given that Bat medicine is all about rebirth and there really couldn’t be a better metaphor for what we are experiencing as a global collective in response to the pandemic. We are being pushed into a new way of existing, with no real clear picture of what lies on the other side of this transition, and experiencing the pains of having so much that felt stable and familiar stripped away quite suddenly. We cannot change what is. What cannot resist the destiny that is already taking shape. We can however choose to embrace the moment fully, with radical acceptance, and a faith that we are being led to the exact place we are meant to be. This will not only allow us more peace and grace as we navigate life in a rapidly shifting world, but will also allow us to be more present so we may move forward with greater clarity, awareness, and empowerment. The world may feel as if it’s been turned upside down right now, but with loss and endings come opportunities for positive change and new beginnings. 

Sunday 4/11 – Raccoon Reversed – With privilege comes responsibility and today we are being called to look at the gifts and blessings we have been given in our lives and to ask ourselves how we can pay that forward to those who are less fortunate. This could look like shifting personal habits in order to live in a way that decreases the harmful impact you might have on others or it could involve finding ways to support a specific person or group that may be marginalized or simply struggling. Either way, make sure that your actions serve to empower others, because no one needs to be saved, but we could all use a helping hand from time to time.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday March 30th, 2020

Monday 3/30 – Squirrel  – Squirrel asks us to gather what we will need for the season ahead. To tend to our nests and make sure that they will provide the warmth and safety we will need in the weeks and months to come. And to prepare for a period of going inward. This isn’t about hoarding and it isn’t only about material needs. Mental and emotional wellbeing is vital in order to navigate life’s most challenging moments. Make sure that you are finding ways to care for your spirit as much as you care for your body. Creative outlets. Simple pleasures. Opportunities for connection and cultivating a sense of purpose. These are the elements that will support our ability to make it through this metaphorical winter and hibernation period. 

Tuesday 3/31 – Buffalo Reversed - If you have noticed that feelings of not having enough or fears around scarcity have been triggered recently, pause, take a deep breath, and then ask yourself what you truly need to feel healthy, happy, and whole. Instead of focusing on what you don’t have, seek out the areas of your life where you experience abundance. Do you live in a place surrounded by natural beauty? Do you have a loving and supporting family, given or chosen? Have you been blessed with physical health or some sort of natural gift or talent? There are so many other resources than money or material things and digging into gratitude for what we have not only creates a deeper sense of peace and contentment but also has a way of magnetizing opportunities. Whether the glass is half empty or half full is all about perspective and luckily that’s something that you always get to choose for yourself. 

Wednesday 4/1 – Turkey Reversed – Right now. More than ever, it is so important that we focus on stepping into service, not only for the sake of supporting our communities and world, but also to remind of ourselves of our own power and the gifts that we hold within. This isn’t about martyring ourselves and giving in a way that leaves us feeling depleted but instead about asking ourselves where we have overflow in our lives from which we can serve? Once you find the answer, share generously. 

Thursday 4/2 – Porcupine  – Some of our greatest lessons and gifts in life come through the experience of being in relationship with others, but in order to truly open to connection and love, we must be willing to be brave and vulnerable with our hearts. Now, more than ever, people are in deep need of one another so don’t be afraid to reach out to that friend you haven’t talked to in a while or to call a loved one to check in on them and see how they’re doing. You never know how much a simple gesture might mean to another. 

Friday 4/3 – Badger – Life will continuously bring us challenges, and the difference between seeing these experience as ordeals and seeing them as an opportunity to grow and test the limits of our capabilities comes down to mindset. Badger calls for us to dig deep. To welcome challenges with the cheekiness of a seasoned warrior who knows that they have overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles before and can do so again. Perseverance isn’t just about “making it through”. It’s about making even the most difficult moments into adventures. Grit and light-heartedness in equal parts is where the magic’s at. Who do you know that embodies these qualities? Channel that spirit and you’ll be just fine. 

Saturday 4/4 – Hawk Reversed  – Fear is healthy. It helps keep us safe and motivates us to take action in moments of threat. Panic, on the other hand, only serves to disorient and disempower us. If you find yourself slipping into the latter, it’s time to ground. Place your bare feet on the earth. Tune into your breath and see if you can both slow and deepen it. Drop into presence with the simplest of pleasures--the smell of a fresh flower, the feeling on sun on your skin, the release of a deep stretch. This is how you come back to yourself and create space to see what’s at hand clearly and then respond in a way that truly serves. 

Sunday 4/5 – Lizard – The world feels topsy-turvy right now. There’s no way around that. But there is so much possibility in the tumult. Rather than focusing on the potential for negative outcomes, spend your energy envisioning the ways that this process might be moving us, both as individuals and collectively, toward a much more harmonious way of being. If you can imagine it then you can create it, so dream big, and then start chipping a way at making that dream a reality. 

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday March 23rd, 2020

Monday 3/23 – Weasel  – As we collectively navigate the challenges brought on by the global spread of the Corona virus, it is perhaps more important than it has ever been to consider our social impact as we move through the world both physically and energetically. Of course, this involves social distancing and doing our best to practice safe habits for ourselves and others when we are out and about, but our being mindful of our energetic presence is also just as important. While it is so very human to find ourselves experiencing fear and uncertainty, dumping that onto others will only amplify that experience for all of us. Tune into your heart center, ground, and dig into self care practices. We can and will move through this challenge, and the more each of us tends to our own energy fields in the process, the more graceful the process will be. 

Tuesday 3/24 – Grouse Reversed - If you are feeling like your body is not a safe place to be or experiencing physical challenges or limitations, self-soothing is your best ally. Stretching, self-massage or physical affection with loved ones, hot baths or showers, exposing your skin to sunlight, and dance can support you in releasing tension. Find what you can do to experience pleasure and focus on that. Even the simplest acts of self-love can be powerfully healing right now.

Wednesday 3/25 – Mountain Lion Reversed – If you find yourself feeling helpless amidst all of the issues of the world right now, the quickest way to find your power again is to be of service. Finding ways to support those around you can infuse your days with meaning, purpose, and hope, even when your life may feel like it’s been turned upside-down. Figure out what your gifts are and how you can offer them to others, and then do so generously. 

Thursday 3/26 – Crow  – Sometimes our greatest challenges are our most powerful teachers. The key is staying open to receiving the lesson that is held within our pain. Don’t be afraid to look at any discomfort or unpleasant feelings that are coming up right now. Hold your hurt gently and, instead of wondering why this is happening, ask yourself what you can learn from this experience, about yourself and about the world. Approach your experience with curiosity and compassion. When you come out on the other side of this, you’ll have gained wisdom and insight that will only support you as you move through the rest of your days. 

Friday 3/27 – Hawk – Now is the time to tune more deeply into your subtle senses. To develop a deeper relationship with your inner voice and the wisdom of your heart. In this pause, check in about what is most true, most important, and what shifts your spirit is calling for. Keep your eyes and heart open to messages from Spirit. They can come in so many forms, but we we have to be still enough to receive them. Create a little space in your day to listen to your Spirit, even if it is only in the form of placing your hand on your heart for a few moments. You might find more guidance there than you ever could have imagined. 

Saturday 3/28 – Dolphin Reversed  – Don’t forget to play. In the midst of your sadness and your fear and overwhelm, creating moments of presence, joy and laughter can be a balm for the soul and a form of self-care. What this looks like for each of us will be unique but find something that you can do that will light you up and remind you that there are still so many reasons to be grateful for this life. 

Sunday 3/29 – Frog Reversed – The weekend closes out with a message from Frog reminding us of the importance of detoxification on all levels. Remove anything from your life that is leaving you feeling weighed down or detracting from your wellbeing. In particular, pay especially close attention to your physical health and make any shifts necessary to create the very best conditions for wellness. Drink lots of water. Get proper rest. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables and throw in some immune-boosters if you can. Your body works so hard for you day in and day out. Make sure that you are showing it as much love as possible in return.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday March 9th, 2020

Monday 3/9 – Moose  – Celebrate yourself today. Your gifts. Your accomplishments. And even the small successes that you might usually overlook or minimize. Honoring your efforts and the heart that you’ve put into the things that matter to you is an important part of building a healthy sense of self worth, and in doing so, you model that for others around you. So don’t be afraid to give yourself a little pat on the back or to even name aloud the things that you are proud of yourself for. Someone in your circle just might need to hear that in order to realize that they can do the same!

Tuesday 3/10 – Black Panther - Excitement and fear can feel like very similar energies in the body and the difference between which one we experience often comes down to mindset and how we frame our circumstances. In particular, when we encounter shift, major changes, and the possibility of encountering the unknown, our perspective shapes our perception. Today, ask yourself if you can focus on the potential for positive outcomes, no matter what life brings your way. Work on cultivating trust that you will be able navigate the journey with courage, grace, and maybe even a bit of playfulness. Regardless of how things play out, having a grounded mindset and a willingness to be flexible and optimistic will only work in your favor. 

Wednesday 3/11 – Wolf – Keep your eye out for teachers today. They may come in the form of someone you feel naturally drawn to and inspired by, but they can also show up as people who trigger us and show us where we still have healing work to do. Both are valuable and serve to expand our capacity for insight and compassion. It’s always always good to remember that absolutely every interaction can serve as a learning experience if we choose to view them as such, so open your heart to the lessons life seems to be giving you at the moment and make the most out of every opportunity for growth. 

Thursday 3/12 – Lynx  – If you find yourself receiving intuitive messages that relate to someone in your life today, be mindful about how you manage that information. While it’s certainly important to trust your gut and to listen closely to the signals you receive from your body, more often than not, the messages we receive are for our own guidance rather than for the guidance of others. If you feel you must share an insight with someone else, be sure to ask permission first, and keep in mind that intuitive messages are often steeped in symbolism, so exercise caution around taking them entirely literally or sharing them with others as though they are truth with a capital T.

Friday 3/13 – Blue Heron – When we stay in a constant state of motion and stimulation, it can be hard for some of the more subtle aspects of our experience to make their way to the surface. Create space today for any parts of you that have been pushed down with busyness or bypassing to come forward. If stilling the body helps you still the mind as well, then carve out some time for a seated meditation or breathwork practice. If you tend to struggle with either of these practices, consider engaging in a mindful movement or creativity practice, whether that’s walking, painting, dance, long as you are dropping into presence and allowing yourself to tune into your own experience, there’s really no wrong way to do it!

Saturday 3/14 – Mountain Lion Reversed  – Every single one of us has gifts to share with the world. If you’ve been hiding out, dimming your light, or sidestepping opportunities to step into your own power and lead, it’s time to ask yourself why. If the answer has anything to do with not being ready, not feeling good enough, or being afraid of criticism, let those stories go. Most of us will never feel fully ready or good enough. And the truth is that, yes, when we step into leadership roles, we do open ourselves up to criticism. But at the end of the day, we have to prioritize our mission and our responsibility to be of service over our own egos and self image. Of course, we can take into account the perspectives of those we trust about how we’re showing up. But when we stay in our own lane, focus on our sense of purpose, and stay committed to our own integrity, we really can’t go wrong. 

Sunday 3/15 – Mouse Reversed – Don’t let yourself get tripped up by tiny details today and instead make a point of keeping the bigger picture in mind. Holding tight to perfectionism is a surefire way to get absolutely nothing done and to creating way more stress for ourselves than is ever necessary. Dig into grounding practices like slow, deep breathing or putting your hands and/or feet on the earth in order to release any frenetic, frazzled energies and trust that, even if you make a mistake, it can be a meaningful part of the process and lead you down wonderful paths that you might not have otherwise found.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday March 2nd, 2020

Monday 3/2 – Whale  – This week kicks off with a message from Whale encourages us to share our frequency, our voice, our gifts, and our truest selves courageously and authentically. This is the fastest path to clarity around what is for us and what is not, so don’t be dismayed if certain things, people, or opportunities fall away when you start speaking and living your truth. New and more aligned energies are waiting to make their way towards you. They only need to be able to see and feel your light so that they know where to find you. 

Tuesday 3/3 – Mountain Lion - Mountain Lion echoes Whale and calls us to step into our own power so that we may be of service and support the empowerment of others. The way each of us does this will be unique but the process will most definitely involve finding the intersection of your strengths, your passions, and the opportunities you see for creating positive shift in the world around you. Don’t hold back. The world needs your magic. 

Wednesday 3/4 – Bear Reversed – After a long winter and a period of deep reflection and shadow work, it is time to welcome in spring and a season of reconnecting with the world outside of ourselves. If you’re experiencing resistance and feeling like you’d prefer to hibernate for a few more months, you might consider easing your way back in by hosting a small, intentional gathering at your home or inviting a friend or two to join you for a walk. It’s important to remember that the point of doing our inner work is not only for our own healing, but to also bring healing into the world, so start slowly and gently if you must, but it’s time to get back out into community so you can put all of the wisdom and growth you gleaned from the winter months into action.

Thursday 3/5 – Raven  – The message for today is simple: Stay open to magic. In random connections with strangers. In signs that show up all around us. In guidance that we receive through our intuitive channels. If you choose to believe that there are no coincidences, your perspective on life starts to shift and you may find yourself noticing synchronicities all around you. The key here is to keep your eyes, mind, and most importantly your heart open. 

Friday 3/6 – Beaver – If there’s something you’ve been dreaming about or wishing to create, today is the day to roll up your sleeves and get to work! You may find that you have a boost of energy, motivation, and ability to drop into creativity and flow states today so capitalize on those energies and channel them into something you’re passionate about. If you don’t succeed on your first attempt, don’t give up. Dedication, perseverance, and the willingness to come back to the drawing board as many times as necessary can be the difference between success and failure. If you can’t stop thinking about it, don’t stop working towards it!

Saturday 3/7 – Lynx Reversed  – Your intuition may be firing on all cylinders today, but it’s important that you are thoughtful about how you use the information you pick up on. Rather than calling anyone out or naming things that you see about others, use any insights or messages you receive as a mirror and self-reflect. 

Sunday 3/8 – Blue Heron – As the weekend closes out, take some time to create stillness. This could look like physical stillness in the form of a seated meditation, but could also be any activity that allows our minds to get quiet so that our spirit may be heard. Mindful walks in nature. Free association writing. Meditative art practices like painting or working with clay. Breathwork. However you choose to do it, allow yourself some space today to simply be present with yourself and any energies that have been quietly waiting for your attention.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday February 24th, 2020

Monday 2/24 – Mountain Lion Reversed  – Today we’re being asked to sit with our relationship to the idea of leadership, and more specifically, how we feel about our own ability to step into that role. Do you think of yourself as a leader? And, if so, what kind of leader are you or do you wish to be? Are you approaching your role as a leader from a place of heart and service or are you getting tripped up in ego and a desire to be exalted or admired? If the idea of leadership repels you, it might be a good time to ask yourself why and consider working at the edge of your comfort zone in this area. Not all leaders have to be front and center. What gifts do you have to offer the world? In what ways do you feel called to serve your community? The answer to these questions are the keys to uncovering your own unique opportunities for stepping into leadership and empowering not only yourself but those around you as well. 

Tuesday 2/25 – Snake Reversed - The quickest way to shift from victim mindset into a more empowered state is to ask yourself how your current problems could be turned into purpose. Whether you’re dealing with deep struggle or a simple frustration, see if you can find the opportunity within your current circumstances today. Maybe that means creating a tool or organizational structure that could make life easier for both you and others. Perhaps it means starting a support group for people who might be navigating similar challenges or making art that inspires the people around you to channel their pain into creative outlets. Either way, uplifting others can be one of the most potent ways to activate your own healing.

Wednesday 2/26 – Mouse Reversed – Pay very close attention today to all of the little details and exercise discernment, particularly when it comes to making agreements, signing contracts, or starting any new venture. Read the fine print. Ask all the questions. And definitely listen to your gut if it’s telling you that something’s amiss. We are in the midst of a mercury retrograde period right now, which means that the risk of miscommunications and technological snafus is heightened, so take a little extra time and caution in all of your ventures today.

Thursday 2/27 – Eagle Reversed  – Eagle swoops in today to remind us that there is sacredness in all things. Allow this truth to infuse your every movement today. The goal isn’t to be perfect in every interaction, but to simply come back, again and again, to the awareness that everything we do has an impact and that we can consciously choose what kind of impact we wish to make. How would you treat the person ringing you up at the grocery store, your child, or the stranger in the car next to you if you knew they were god or divinity incarnate? Act as if this were the case. Notice the way your experience of life shifts. 

Friday 2/28 – Antelope Reversed – If you’ve been feeling stuck in analysis paralysis and indecision, it’s time to let go of the belief that there is “one right way” to go and to trust that your destiny is yours and can’t be missed. Take a step. Any step. Even if it doesn’t lead you to where you want to be, you will learn something along the way and you can always choose to reroute. Allow yourself more room to be lighthearted as you move through life. Making mistakes is always going to be part of the process. Once you embrace imperfection, you’ll have so much more freedom to explore which route you want to take.

Saturday 2/29 – Jaguar Reversed  – The call today is to look closely at our values and our actions and to notice the places where the two may not be in alignment. Are there places in your life where you aren’t practicing what you preach? Where can you be more honest with yourself about how you’re showing up? Again, this isn’t about perfection or being hard on ourselves, but rather about getting curious and gently refining the areas that need a little attention.

Sunday 3/1 – Skunk – Often the relationships in our lives follow certain patterns and noticing this can provide some excellent clues into our part in what shows up for us. This isn’t to say that we’re necessarily “asking for” everything that comes our way, but if we keep having the same experiences in relationships again and again, it’s important to note that we are the common denominator and that we may be unconsciously leaving the door open for certain types of dynamics. If this rings true for you, there’s no need to beat yourself up or shame yourself. Instead, seize the opportunity to take your power back by taking responsibility for what you allow into your life. Your relationship with yourself will set the tone for how others treat you, so start there and work outwards. Sometimes even the smallest shifts can have far-reaching impacts.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday January 27th, 2020

Monday 1/27 – Armadillo Reversed  – Boundary setting has been a hot topic in the self-help and social psychology worlds for years now but we mostly hear discussions about people with a lack of boundaries. What’s less spoken of is the fact that our relationship with boundary setting falls on a spectrum from rigid boundaries to soft or non-existent boundaries, with the healthy approach falling somewhere in the middle of these two poles. Today asks that we take a look at our own relationship to boundary-setting, both with others and with ourselves, and assess for places that we could work to move more towards that healthy middle ground. Could we stand to be clearer about our own needs and what does and doesn’t work for us? Or is our work in being more willing to compromise and to be flexible enough to make space for connection and intimacy? Only you will know what the answer is for you and how much you are willing to work at the edge of your comfort zone. And remember, this work is about progress, not perfection, so be gentle with yourself as you explore.

Tuesday 1/28 – Snake - So many of us have had really rough starts to this new year. The good news? The energy seems to be shifting and we’re finally getting to the place where we can see the gift held within our struggles. It’s time to take that pile of crap and use it to fertilize the garden of your life. What do you want to grow? What have your challenges taught you about what you value in life and what you want to prioritize? Now take any residual charge from the things that have triggered you and channel it into the creation of your highest vision. You’ve got this. 

Wednesday 1/29 – Eagle Reversed – You’re relationship with Spirit, either a higher power or simply your own spirit, is just like any other relationship in your life--it requires consistent tending. If you’ve been feeling disconnected from yourself and/or something greater than you, it’s time to rekindle those connections. Maybe that means spending time with your spiritual community, engaged in ritual or ceremony, or simply praying in whatever way feels true to you. Perhaps your own breath and heartbeat are the rhythms that will tap you back into the interconnectedness of all things and your vital place within the universe. Sometimes just creating space for the experience of awe and wonder can be the key. Either way, your relationship with Spirit is the most vital relationship in your life and the one that will carry you through until the end of your days. Invest in it accordingly. 

Thursday 1/30 – Bat  – Embrace the fresh energy and the shifts that are taking place both around and within you right now. A new phase is being ushered in and you are being invited to step more fully into your truth and power. There may be some shedding during this process and that’s okay. Release anything that is keeping you small or dimming your light. Don’t be afraid to try new things or new ways of being. You may find that you’ll learn something about yourself that has the opportunity to alter the landscape of your life in the most wonderful ways.

Friday 1/31 – Owl – Today offers a special opportunity to tap into your intuitive gifts and subtle senses. Most of us can’t see energy, but with practice, we can learn to fine-tune our ability to feel it. This is such a special gift to develop because, when we are more aware of our own energy and that of others, we can make more informed choices about how we wish to move through the world. Spend time today noticing your own energy field, how it impacts those around you, the energy fields of others, and how the energies of others interplays with your own. Just be mindful of appropriate boundaries and make sure that you are not manipulating or invading the energy of those around you. Simply tuning in with a gentle touch and unconditional positive regard is all it takes to start to cultivate a stronger intuitive abilities.

Saturday 2/1 – Black Panther Reversed  – Where are you afraid to surrender? To welcome in the unknown? To trust in both the universe and yourself? The answers to these questions may arise for you today. If you are feeling ungrounded or uneasy about the future, come back to your breath, place your bare feet on the earth, and feel the warmth of the sun on your face. Remind yourself of every obstacle you have surmounted and know that you have the ability to meet everything that is ahead, both the joyous experiences and the challenging ones, with courage and grace. Exhale your fear and release the desire to control the outcome. There are so many possibilities beyond what you can even imagine. Stay open, in both heart and mind.  

Sunday 2/2 – Otter Reversed – If you find yourself getting caught up in jealousy or competitive tendencies today, take a step back. You only cheat yourself of connection when you put yourself in opposition to others. Instead, do the most counter-intuitive thing and help someone else succeed. It might feel strange at first, especially if you’re in a lack mentality, but this simple act will bring you back to the truth that we rise by lifting others up and that there’s more than enough (money, love, opportunity, etc.) to go around. You might even make a connection that ends up bringing some much-needed nourishment and joy into your life as well. So don’t be stingy with your support, because you get what you give.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday December 30th, 2019

Monday 12/30 – Turtle Reversed  – As we close out the calendar year, it’s important to take some time to tune deeply into yourself, your wild nature or instincts, and your intuition. One of the best ways to do this is to spend some time in nature alone, but if that’s not accessible to you, remember that you are a part of nature as well and that your heartbeat follows the same rhythm of all life. Connect with your own pulse, your own breath, and allow yourself to feel how very connected you are to everything. This will help you have clarity as you close this one chapter and open another. 

Tuesday 12/31 – Rabbitt - On this last day of the year, as you look into the future and a whole new year of possibility, be sure to hold your fears gently. There is no need to pretend that you have no concerns or worries at all. It is so very human to want and wish for things and this sort of attachment to our desires is where fears are born. Rather than feeding them with circular thoughts or visions of the worst coming to be, acknowledge that they are shining a light on what it is you value. Make commitments to yourself to do your very best to create the life you wish. And then surrender to the truth that we have control over very little in this wild and mysterious life. Let that knowing inspire wonder and awe, rather than constriction and anxiety, and you’ll be starting the new year off ready to let life amaze you. 

Wednesday 1/1 – Butterfly – There’s no better time than the first day of a new year to check in on where you are in your transformation process. In all honesty, we’re all in multiple ongoing transformation processes all the time if we’re really stepping up to the plate and working on our own growth and expansion. Spend some time today getting clear about where you’ve been, where you’re truly at in this very moment, and where you’d like to see yourself go in the year ahead. Drop judgement at the door and honor wherever you’re at right now. It’s absolutely perfect and aligned with divine timing. And don’t forget to leave some room in your planning and goal-setting for things to emerge that are even more incredible than you can yet imagine. 

Thursday 1/2 – Whale Reversed  – Release any part of you that feels tempted to stifle your own voice or to hide your light. Letting your most authentic self be seen is the only way to call in both the opportunities and the soul connections that are truly meant for you. This year ahead will be one in which you create much deeper alignment in all areas of your life and it begins now with brave vulnerability. Speak your truth. Share your gifts. The ones who are meant to receive them will find you. 

Friday 1/3 – Wild Boar Reversed  – Watch out for a tendency to point fingers and blame shift today. More often than not, when we’re feeling really defensive or a strong urge to attack someone else, it’s usually because, deep down, we know we bear some of the responsibility too and are trying to sidestep accountability. Instead, look within and be honest with yourself about your part in what’s coming up for you. If you still feel the need to address something with another party, do so, but keep in mind that we are all human and make mistakes and be sure to speak from a place of compassion. No matter how things turn out, keeping your side of the street clean will always help your heart stay light.

Saturday 1/4 – Bat – It’s time to shed old ways of being and to embrace a new version of yourself. During any birth process, both mother and child are born into new lives and identities. No matter which role you find yourself in, the one birthing or the one being birthed (or perhaps even both), approach this new era with a sense of possibility. Allow anything that wants to fall away to do so with ease and step into whatever gifts come with this new incarnation. Yes, change can be a little ungrounding at first, but if you stay present and rooted in trust, it can also be immensely exciting. There’s no need to fear. What lies ahead is far better than anything that’s come before. 

Sunday 1/5 – Badger Reversed – The weekend wraps with a caution against being overly zealous, both in your own personal growth process and in the way you address others about theirs. If you are making changes in your life, do so gently. Even if it is time for you to let go of certain ways of being, there’s no need to reject every bit of who you were or have been. Each part played a role in getting you to where you are today, so be sure to honor that. Also, no matter how much you want others to join you on the journey, people must make those choices for themselves. Rather than prosthelytizing or telling others what they should be doing differently, lead by example and let those around you get inspired to make their own shifts. Besides, you can’t really do your own personal work very thoroughly if you’re constantly getting tangled up in other people’s business. Focus on creating a life that makes you feel nourished and happy. That’s how you’ll have the most positive impact on those around you.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday December 23rd, 2019

Monday 12/23 – Crow  – We may officially be moving towards longer, brighter days, but we are still in the midst of winter and a season of shadow. This is the time to go inward, to explore the parts of yourself that usually stay tucked away. If you’re not sure where to start, begin by looking at the things that most trigger you, whether that shows up in the form of deep rage, overwhelming grief, or intense judgement. If none of that sounds like a walk in the park, you’re right; shadowwork rarely feels warm and fuzzy. But this is where some of the most powerful growth and healing lies. So roll up your sleeves, take a deep breath, and take those first courageous steps towards deepening your own self-awareness.

Tuesday 12/24 – Raven Reversed - Have you forgotten to see the magic in the world around you and also within yourself? It’s time to remember. To notice the synchronicities that are constantly guiding you. To honor the power you have to create what you wish to in the world. If you’ve been feeling overburdened and find yourself dropping into a sense of helplessness, resist! Even the most challenging experiences in our lives can be channeled and transmuted into something wonderful. It’s all about how you choose to use what’s at your fingertips. 

Wednesday 12/25 – Swan Reversed – It can be oh so tempting to try to tweak and adjust ourselves so that we just might fit into the very narrow boxes that society gives us regarding how we should look and be in the world, but I promise you, it’s a trap and you’re never going to receive any true sense of belonging this way. Not to mention that it’s an absolute energy drain. Instead of trying to fit in, fully embrace the very things that make you different. After all, if you don’t allow your freak flag to fly, how are your fellow freaks going to find you? Go ahead, be the very most authentic version of yourself you can possibly be and you’ll be amazed at the perfect-for-you doors that start flying open.

Thursday 12/26 – Snake Reversed  – There’s no sugar-coating it--sometimes life gives us shit. And when that happens, we have two options; we can stand there feeling awful and disgusted by the pile of shit we’re holding or we can plant some seeds and slap that fertilizer on top and then watch beautiful things grow. This is the power of transmutation and it’s always available to you. You simply have to choose to find the opportunities in your challenges, the beauty in your pain, and then get to work creating something wonderful. You’ve got this. Now get to it.

Friday 12/27 – Alligator Reversed  – We’re almost at the end of the year (and the decade!) and in order to glean all the gifts and lessons from the seasons past, it’s absolutely vital that we slow down and take some time to integrate our experiences. Review the past year (or ten) and be sure to both celebrate your successes as well as learn from your struggles. Doing so will only help you enter this new era a little bit wiser and a whole lot clearer about what direction you want to go next. 

Saturday 12/28 – Beaver Reversed – Even though it might seem counterintuitive, the key to being productive and meeting your goals today is to avoid burning yourself out. While keeping your nose to the grindstone might sound like the best way to get a lot done, it also often drops us into tunnel vision and keeps us from picking up on important cues from our body and environment, so much so that we could end up injuring ourselves on the job or working in entirely the wrong direction. Slow, steady, and mindful is the name of the game today and will take you much farther than the fast-and-furious approach will. 

Sunday 12/29 – Prairie Dog Reversed – Feeling run down is not a sign of weakness and definitely not a signal to push harder. Read that again if you need to. Your spirit may be limitless but your human body is not. Take good care of it and listen to what it’s telling you. Rest is an absolutely vital part of any basic self care practice so set aside some time for a nap, a long hot bath, or any other restorative activities that will help you feel refreshed and replenished. A little downtime today could make all the difference in the week ahead.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday December 16th, 2019

Monday 12/16 – Squirrel – While it’s not helpful to get caught up in worries about the future, a little planning and preparation can go a long way. Spend some time today taking an inventory of your resources--monetary, sure, but also energy, time, and anything else that you know you tap into on a regular basis. How are you spending these resources? Is your current approach sustainable? And, if not, what tweaks or adjustments do you need to make so that you can make it, not only through the season, but through many seasons to come, feeling grounded and aligned?

Tuesday 12/17 – Spider - Creativity can be such a powerful healer and it doesn’t even require any skill. At its most basic, being creative is simply about authentic expression and you don’t need anything more than your own body and spirit for that. Sing. Dance. Tell a story. Of course, if you want to bring on other media like paints, clay, film, or instruments, feel free! The goal today is simply to move stagnant energy and to release anything that’s no longer serving you.

Wednesday 12/18 – Beaver Reversed – Watch out for self-sabotaging behaviors today, especially with regard to things that you’ve invested a lot of your time, money, and energy into. Even tiny leaks in a vessel will ultimately mean that it can’t hold what it’s meant to. If you notice that you’ve been spending money frivolously, giving your time to people who only leave you feeling drained, or falling into unhealthy habits that undo any progress you’ve made on your wellness goals, it might be time to do some work around your sense of self worth. You deserve to be successful and it’s time you not only believe that, but that your actions align with that belief as well!

Thursday 12/19 – Salmon Reversed – Those signs that keep showing up all over the place? The funny feeling you had? The vision that seems to just keep popping into your mind? Listen to them! Our intuition speaks to us in so many ways and it’s up to us to tune in and to honor the messages we receive! This doesn’t mean that you need to take every bit of it literally or go making major life changes based on a dream you had--although if you feel compelled to do that, then you absolutely should! More than anything though, cultivating a relationship with our intuitive gifts is about listening closely to our hearts, spirits, and often our guts, and then finding a way to at least explore whatever we find there. The more you practice, the more fine-tuned your gifts will become as will your clarity about what is most important to you in this wild ride of a life.

Friday 12/20 – Owl – For most of us, energy isn’t visible, but that doesn’t mean that it’s doesn’t exist or have very real impacts. Be especially mindful of the energy you are putting out today. We are so much more powerful than we realize and we are constantly casting spells with our thoughts and wishes. We are also inextricably interconnected, so anything you wish on another, you essentially wish on yourself as well. Make sure that you’re calling in things that you want, both for yourself and the world around you.

Saturday 12/21 – Lynx Reversed – If you find yourself wanting to tell someone about something you see in them, make sure what you have to say truly serves the highest good of all. More often than not, when we feel intensely compelled to tell someone something, it’s more about our need to discharge an uncomfortable energy. Instead, find another way to process what’s coming up for you and let your insights inform your decisions about how to move forward. If the person you wanted to share with is ready and willing to receive your feedback, they’ll let you know. Until then, it’s unlikely that sharing your reflections will have the outcome you had been hoping for.

Sunday 12/22 – Rabbit – Fear is part of the human experience and a little bit of fear around certain things can be healthy. It’s all about balance and the way we hold our experience. If you notice that worries or anxieties have been nagging at the edge of your awareness, look them straight in the eye. Honor their presence. Find out how they’re trying to protect or help you. And then wish them well before releasing them to Spirit. This practice will keep you from either running from or being consumed by your fears, both of which are a waste of your precious, divine energy.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!
