Monday 5/4 – Blue Heron Reversed – Yes, self-reflection is a wonderful practice, but as with all things, balance is important. Take some time today to get out of your head and into your body. Paint with your fingers. Dance. Lie down in a patch of grass and feel the warmth of the sun on your skin. Grounding through our sensory experience is a powerful way to release mental tension and to be present with some of the most simple gifts and pleasures that this life has to offer.
Tuesday 5/5 – Owl - Listen very closely today. Things may not be entirely as they seem at first glance, so it’s important to engage all of your senses today, especially your more subtle sense and intuitive capacities. Don’t just pay attention to what people say, but notice how you feel when they’re speaking and if there seem to be layers of meaning that differ from or contradict the words that are being spoken. This is also a good day to get curious about your own blindspots. We all have them and the biggest clue to where they can be found is in the things that trigger us into fear or anger. Gently work your way into what’s underneath these big initial reactions and see if there is an opportunity to become more honest and intimate with your own heart.
Wednesday 5/6 – Armadillo – Boundary work is the work that never ends. There is always more to explore within how we both set boundaries with ourselves and with others because these practices shift and evolve as frequently as our own needs and environments do! Check in today and ask yourself if you honor the limits you set for yourself, and if not, what is underneath your tendency to push past your own boundaries? How is this reflected in your relationships with others? The goal is not to shame yourself for any missteps you’ve made, but rather to uncover ways to meet your needs that are healthy for you while also honoring the boundaries of others.
Thursday 5/7 – Coyote Reversed – It can seem so truly challenging to claim joy within moments of despair or to laugh when we feel like the world is weighing heavily on our shoulders, but those are the exact moments that a bit of lightness is needed most. Not to deny the harder aspects of life, but rather to embrace them fully with an awareness that everything in this life is ultimately fleeting. If you must cry, then do so. But no one said you can’t dance at the same time.
Friday 5/8 – Rabbit – Fear is normal and healthy, despite many cultural messages that tell us we should be fearless always. Without fear, we wouldn’t be cautious while standing on the edge of a cliff or exercise discernment when deciding whether or not to take a big professional risk. Rather than treating fear like an enemy, see if you can honor it as a messenger. This doesn’t mean to let your fear run the show, but instead simply find out what it’s trying to protect you from and what supports you might be able to put in place in order to move forward gently and gracefully, even if the fear remains.
Saturday 5/9 – Elk– It’s time to reassess your approach to that challenge you’ve been navigating or gearing up for. Treat it like a marathon rather than sprint and put supports (material or mental/emotional) in place so that you can stay healthy and sane for the long haul. If the issue resolves more quickly than you anticipated, then you’ll have energy to spare, but if you end up needing to stay in the game for extended amounts of time, you’ll be more more likely to finish strong if you start pacing yourself now.
Sunday 5/10 – Beaver – We’re closing out the weekend with a message from Beaver encouraging us to do the patchwork. In our homes. Within our bodies. And if nothing else, then in our mindsets. Where are the energy leaks? What places, both physical and spiritual, can you a little TLC or maybe an upgrade or repair? Whether this looks like digging into the home project that makes your nest a little cozy or getting clear about what beliefs are no longer serving you and releasing them however you can, roll up your sleeves today and make your spaces, both inner and outer, as nourishing as possible.