Monday 6/8 – Black Panther  – If the only constant is change, then our job is to embrace the shifts that are happening in our lives and all of the unknowns that come along with them. Don’t waste your energy on worry or imagining the worst possible outcomes, but instead allow yourself to get curious about what is possible, to dream about the most ideal outcome, and then to remember that you can actively work to create that. You are so much more powerful than you think. 

Tuesday 6/9 – Otter Reversed - Look out for a tendency today to be competitive or the impulse to lash out at yourself or others. Consider that perhaps a wound is being triggered or some unmet needs are rising to the surface begging to be acknowledged and addressed. Dig into some self care in the form of breathwork, healing movement, and simple pleasures to bring you back to yourself. And don’t be afraid to reach out to the people that know how to love you up and support you; we are not meant to go this journey alone.

Wednesday 6/10 – Ant Reversed – Sometimes the trickiest part about having a vision is staying present with where we’re at now as we try to move towards our desired destination. But major shifts are more often than not a marathon instead of a sprint. In order to stay in the pursuit of what we wish to create it’s vital that we pace ourselves and that requires some measure of patience. Rest assured, this is not the same as apathy or a lack of dedication, but rather a strategic choice about how to take continuous, sustainable action. And again, self care is a big part of this process. Finding moments of true joy and immersing ourselves in things that are meaningful and nourishing is vital for peace of mind when we find ourselves becoming frustrated with how slowly progress seems to take place. 

Thursday 6/11 – Whale Reversed  – Speak your truth boldly today. If certain people and opportunities fall away as a result, know that they are only clearing the way for those that are more truly in alignment for you. If you’ve been hiding out or diluting your message out of fear of being truly seen (and held accountable for your full capabilities) or being targeted by those who are triggered by the mirror that you hold up to their shadows, move forward as gently as you need, but keep. moving. forward. Work at the edge of your comfort zone until one day you find yourself standing in complete unapologetic authenticity and empowerment. 

Friday 6/12 – Swan Reversed – It is so tempting to believe that if we can just do things the right way, look the right way, and, in general, fit in to some idea of what and who we are supposed to be that everything will be easier. But this can never be the path to belonging and security because to be truly accepted, we must be honest about who we are. The faster we stop trying to fit in and start celebrating what makes us different, cultivating our unique gifts, and sharing them openly with the world, the faster we will find our place, our people, and our destiny. When you practice radical acceptance (and celebration) of yourself, you not only create a deep inner sense of worthiness that will serve as a foundation for everything you do in life, you model how to do that for others as well.

Saturday 6/13 – Dragonfly – We don’t know what we don’t know and the only way to uncover our blindspots is to question what we believe to be true. Remind yourself today that there are so many versions of the truth and that you can only view the world from your particular vantage point at any given time. Expand your perspective by taking a step back from the ideas and beliefs that shape the way you look at the world. Perhaps even make a game out of it. You might find that by opening up to other possibilities you unlock powerful insights, awarenesses, and even creative solutions to issues around which you had previously felt stuck. 

Sunday 6/14 – Bat Reversed – We are in a massive process of rebirth, both on the individual level and as a collective. This process is not always going to be easy and will most definitely require the willingness to move through challenging circumstances. Resistance will only delay the inevitable and create more suffering. Instead, we are being called to dig deep, to summon our courage, and to stay as present and centered as possible so that we can meet the moment with full access to our power and gifts. The best way to conquer your fears is by facing them head on.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!
