Monday 6/22 – Skunk - Notice the relationship between the energy you put out into the world and the reflection of yourself you see in others. If you find that there’s a pattern in the types of dynamics you have in your relationships or that you keep having similar experiences with a variety of people in your life, ask yourself how you are contributing to those circumstances. That’s not to say that you are responsible for how other people show up, but when you realize that aspects of our own shadow can often be mirrored to us by others it’s much easier to uncover the places where we still have healing to do.

Tuesday 6/23 – Bear - Take some time away from any unnecessary stimuli today and drop into stillness. That could be through a 5-10 minute meditation, an afternoon out in nature, or maybe even some time for stream of consciousness writing. Your intuition may have an important message for you right now, but if you don’t create space for quiet, the din of your day to day life might drown out that wise but often soft inner voice. Taking this time to tune in can be especially important if you are struggling with a problem or have been feeling a bit lost. Don’t underestimate the guidance that can come through during dream states as well. If there’s something you’d like clarity around, set that intention before going to sleep tonight and be sure to keep a journal near your bed so you can write down any messages that come through upon waking.

Wednesday 6/24 – Dog – Sometimes it can seem like we have to choose between being true to ourselves and showing up in a way that suits others, but the truth is that the best thing you can do for the people in your life is to be the most authentic version of yourself. It is only when you are truly loyal to your own heart that you can honor the validity of the needs and desires of others in a compassionate way. If you’ve been feeling torn, come back to your own center, uncover what’s true for you, and then care for yourself around that as lovingly as you can, while holding space for the people around you to do the same. 

Thursday 6/25 – Alligator  – A major part of any personal growth or spiritual journey is integration of the lessons we learn as well as the parts of ourselves that we uncover as we gain self awareness. It’s important to remember that, particularly if we are integrating parts of our shadow or experiences that we might feel shame around, compassion is a vital part of the process. Even the most difficult and painful moments in our lives can offer us the gift of wisdom and expansion if we only have the courage to sit with and process our experiences, and then ultimately do the work to heal.

Friday 6/26 – Hummingbird – Joy is a birthright for each and everyone of us, but it is so easy to forget amidst the grief and chaos of the world. Today, come back to yourself through simple, grounding pleasures like getting a good stretch, a delicious meal, snuggles with someone you care about, a relaxing bath or shower, or placing yourself in the presence of beauty. The key here is to really allow yourself to be present to the visceral gratitude you receive from the experience and to let that nourish you from the inside out. 

Saturday 6/27 – Raccoon  – We all need a helping hand from time to time and today it’s your turn to show up and pay it forward. Look around in your community and notice who might be struggling or who could simply benefit from a little extra support. Offer whatever you have in abundance, whether that’s time, money, social capital, or supportive words and energy. Just make sure that you’re helping in a way that serves to empower rather than create a sense of dependence or helplessness.

Sunday 6/28 – Elk Reversed – It’s time to slow down, to rest, and to get realistic about what you're actually capable of doing in a 24 hour period. If you’re running at a frenetic pace and feeling overwhelmed or exhausted, doing more and faster isn’t the answer. Find a pace that allows you to still honor your needs and wellbeing and then focus on being consistent rather than trying to cram as much productivity in as you can. In the long run, you may find that you actually get more done this way and you’ll be much more likely to enjoy your accomplishments if you haven’t broken yourself down, in body or spirit, on the way to achieving your goals.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!
