Monday 5/11 – Raven Reversed  – Keep your eyes and maybe more importantly your heart open to magic today. Pay special attention to synchronicities and ways in which either Spirit or your higher self are trying to speak to you. You guides can send you signs and support all day every day, but whether or not you receive and take them to heart is up to you. 

Tuesday 5/12 – Raccoon Reversed - None of us accomplish anything great completely on our own. There is always a community of cheerleaders and supporters, however small, behind every success. Today, look around you and see who could use a helping hand. Is there someone you know that might benefit from a little encouragement or generosity? If so, share what you can, just make sure that the help you give serves to empower the recipient rather than reinforce any stories about victimhood. If you’re the one in need of support, don’t be afraid to reach out to the people in your life. We walk each other home by taking turns being on each side of the equation; so, figure out where you’re at today and trust that whether your giving or receiving, the energy will come back full circle in the right time. 

Wednesday 5/13 – Owl Reversed – Trust your gut. Always. But especially today. If something feels off, it is. That doesn't have to mean that something nefarious is going on, but know that those pings telling you that this particular situation isn’t for you aren’t steering you wrong. There’s more to the situation at hand than you’re currently seeing so either put any forward movement on pause or at least dig in and ask all of the questions that you need to get clarity and peace of mind. If things are still not feeling quite right, consider exiting gracefully. No need to explain yourself. You always have the right to let someone know that something “doesn’t feel like a right fit at this time” and leave it at that.

Thursday 5/14 – Mountain Lion Reversed  – Today, Mountain Lion asks us to sit with our relationship to leadership. We all have a gift to share with the world and leadership is having the ability to step boldly into your power so that you may live out that purpose. If this is something that comes as a challenge for you, ask yourself why. Are you projecting something from your past onto an imagined future? What magic would you create in the world if you weren’t afraid of or in judgement around shining brightly? If you consider yourself to be a leader, you might take some time asking yourself about your leadership style and how you can operate more from a place of service and less from a place of ego. Don’t be afraid to face your own weaknesses. All truly great leaders not only own up to their shortcomings, but find ways to use them for growth, both their own and that of others.

Friday 5/15 – Blue Heron Reversed – Last week kicked off with a message about getting out of our heads and into our bodies and it seems that that’s the call once again. Self-reflection is a wonderful thing, but it’s important that we balance it with moments of embodied presence. Movement can bring us back. Intentional connection with others can be a route. And good, old-fashioned silliness is a surefire way to turn the volume down on the mind chatter and up on what matters most in this moment. Find what works for you and, even if it’s only for a few moments, allow yourself to just be.

Saturday 5/16 – Spider Reversed – When we block our creative and expressive energies, they need to find some sort of outlet and one of the most common ways they end up showing up is in frustration or jealousy. If you find that either of those experiences are cropping up today, take that as a sign that you need to let move some energy up and out. Sing. Paint. Dance. Write. Scream into a pillow if you need to. Just whatever you do, don't leave that stuff bottled up. 

Sunday 5/17 – Grouse Reversed – Being in a body can be a mixed bag sometimes. Intense experiences of pleasure sit in contrast to equally intense experiences of pain. Because the latter can be so much more jarring, sometimes we focus on that end of the spectrum, but today we are being asked to find ways of connecting with the joys of this physical experience. What senses do you derive the most joy from? Sight? Smell? Sound? Touch? Taste? Mindfully tune into the gifts that you receive from those experiences and let yourself revel in gratitude for the opportunity to live in your unique body. It won’t make the pains of this life disappear, but it will certainly make them so much easier to navigate.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

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