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energy healer


Weekly Forecast Monday July 6th, 2020

Monday 7/6 – Whale - The call for today is to find your voice and, while that can certainly include speaking your truth more boldly, it’s about much more than what you say. You have unique gifts that you are meant to share during your time on this earth and it’s time for you to offer them up. If you’re not sure what those are, reconnect with the things that brought you joy as a child. The things that light you up and inspire you are not random and are absolutely connected to your purpose and destiny. 

Tuesday 7/7 – Deer Reversed - Compassion for others begins with how we hold our own shadows and wounds. If we’ve found that we’re being hypercritical or unnecessarily harsh towards those around us, it might be time to look within and inquire about whether or not the standards we hold ourselves and others to are actually fair or kind. Forgive yourself and those around you where you can, as much for your own healing as for theirs. If you need to still keep someone at a distance in order to honor your own boundaries and wellbeing, then do so, but make sure that it’s done in the spirit of love.

Wednesday 7/8 – Hawk Reversed – Spirit is speaking to us constantly, but it’s difficult to hear the soft whispers of our intuition when we are feeling frazzled, over-stimulated, and moving at a frenetic pace. Slow down. Catch your breath. Center yourself through grounding practices like meditation, gentle movement, or time in nature. Even a few minutes with your bare feet on the earth can powerfully shift your energetic state and support you in coming back home to your body. Once you are able to tune into the wisdom of your subtle senses again, you’ll be much more able to see your present circumstances with clarity and determine what the next right step is. 

Thursday 7/9 – Lynx Reversed  – Whether you stumbled into some information that wasn’t intended for you or you’re simply a very perceptive person that tends to just know things about people, it’s important to remember that knowledge is power and power needs to be wielded responsibly. Be mindful of any temptation to talk behind others’ backs or to confront people with truths that they may not be ready to receive. Trust that any insights you’ve gained are meant more for your own reflection and healing and that anything that’s meant to come to light will in its own time. 

Friday 7/10 – Salmon Reversed – The messages around tuning more deeply into our inner knowing continue today as Salmon in the reversed position asks us to listen to our desires and to honor their wisdom. It’s important to note that this doesn’t require us to run out and buy a plane ticket to Paris just because we’ve had a vision of the Eiffel Tower. While some people may have intuitive gifts that present in very literal ways, for most of us, the messages are more subtle, layered, and personal. Look for the meaning within the messages you are receiving. Do they remind you of something? What feeling do they leave you with? Do they call forth a part of you that you had forgotten about? And if so, in what way can you start taking steps to bring that part of your inner truth into your day to day life?

Saturday 7/11 – Porcupine  – The world can be a heavy place sometimes and it can be all too easy to become jaded or shut down, but Porcupine reminds us of the importance of staying connected to our inner child. Make time for creativity and play today. Spend time with people who bring out your softness and vulnerability. Do something silly just to make yourself laugh and to loosen up the tension that builds up from the stresses of life. These things may seem simple and even frivolous but they are absolutely vital to our ability to create healthy and fulfilling lives, so make sure that you are honoring the child-like spirit that will always live within you. 

Sunday 7/12 – Turkey Reversed – If you’ve been feeling either that you don’t have enough or that you aren’t enough, the anti-dote might be counter-intuitive--find a way to give back. You always have something to offer the world, even if that is only your time or a simple act of kindness. Find a way to be of service today and notice how the act of giving actually amplifies your experience of abundance. 

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday June 8th, 2020

Monday 6/8 – Black Panther  – If the only constant is change, then our job is to embrace the shifts that are happening in our lives and all of the unknowns that come along with them. Don’t waste your energy on worry or imagining the worst possible outcomes, but instead allow yourself to get curious about what is possible, to dream about the most ideal outcome, and then to remember that you can actively work to create that. You are so much more powerful than you think. 

Tuesday 6/9 – Otter Reversed - Look out for a tendency today to be competitive or the impulse to lash out at yourself or others. Consider that perhaps a wound is being triggered or some unmet needs are rising to the surface begging to be acknowledged and addressed. Dig into some self care in the form of breathwork, healing movement, and simple pleasures to bring you back to yourself. And don’t be afraid to reach out to the people that know how to love you up and support you; we are not meant to go this journey alone.

Wednesday 6/10 – Ant Reversed – Sometimes the trickiest part about having a vision is staying present with where we’re at now as we try to move towards our desired destination. But major shifts are more often than not a marathon instead of a sprint. In order to stay in the pursuit of what we wish to create it’s vital that we pace ourselves and that requires some measure of patience. Rest assured, this is not the same as apathy or a lack of dedication, but rather a strategic choice about how to take continuous, sustainable action. And again, self care is a big part of this process. Finding moments of true joy and immersing ourselves in things that are meaningful and nourishing is vital for peace of mind when we find ourselves becoming frustrated with how slowly progress seems to take place. 

Thursday 6/11 – Whale Reversed  – Speak your truth boldly today. If certain people and opportunities fall away as a result, know that they are only clearing the way for those that are more truly in alignment for you. If you’ve been hiding out or diluting your message out of fear of being truly seen (and held accountable for your full capabilities) or being targeted by those who are triggered by the mirror that you hold up to their shadows, move forward as gently as you need, but keep. moving. forward. Work at the edge of your comfort zone until one day you find yourself standing in complete unapologetic authenticity and empowerment. 

Friday 6/12 – Swan Reversed – It is so tempting to believe that if we can just do things the right way, look the right way, and, in general, fit in to some idea of what and who we are supposed to be that everything will be easier. But this can never be the path to belonging and security because to be truly accepted, we must be honest about who we are. The faster we stop trying to fit in and start celebrating what makes us different, cultivating our unique gifts, and sharing them openly with the world, the faster we will find our place, our people, and our destiny. When you practice radical acceptance (and celebration) of yourself, you not only create a deep inner sense of worthiness that will serve as a foundation for everything you do in life, you model how to do that for others as well.

Saturday 6/13 – Dragonfly – We don’t know what we don’t know and the only way to uncover our blindspots is to question what we believe to be true. Remind yourself today that there are so many versions of the truth and that you can only view the world from your particular vantage point at any given time. Expand your perspective by taking a step back from the ideas and beliefs that shape the way you look at the world. Perhaps even make a game out of it. You might find that by opening up to other possibilities you unlock powerful insights, awarenesses, and even creative solutions to issues around which you had previously felt stuck. 

Sunday 6/14 – Bat Reversed – We are in a massive process of rebirth, both on the individual level and as a collective. This process is not always going to be easy and will most definitely require the willingness to move through challenging circumstances. Resistance will only delay the inevitable and create more suffering. Instead, we are being called to dig deep, to summon our courage, and to stay as present and centered as possible so that we can meet the moment with full access to our power and gifts. The best way to conquer your fears is by facing them head on.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday May 11th, 2020

Monday 5/11 – Raven Reversed  – Keep your eyes and maybe more importantly your heart open to magic today. Pay special attention to synchronicities and ways in which either Spirit or your higher self are trying to speak to you. You guides can send you signs and support all day every day, but whether or not you receive and take them to heart is up to you. 

Tuesday 5/12 – Raccoon Reversed - None of us accomplish anything great completely on our own. There is always a community of cheerleaders and supporters, however small, behind every success. Today, look around you and see who could use a helping hand. Is there someone you know that might benefit from a little encouragement or generosity? If so, share what you can, just make sure that the help you give serves to empower the recipient rather than reinforce any stories about victimhood. If you’re the one in need of support, don’t be afraid to reach out to the people in your life. We walk each other home by taking turns being on each side of the equation; so, figure out where you’re at today and trust that whether your giving or receiving, the energy will come back full circle in the right time. 

Wednesday 5/13 – Owl Reversed – Trust your gut. Always. But especially today. If something feels off, it is. That doesn't have to mean that something nefarious is going on, but know that those pings telling you that this particular situation isn’t for you aren’t steering you wrong. There’s more to the situation at hand than you’re currently seeing so either put any forward movement on pause or at least dig in and ask all of the questions that you need to get clarity and peace of mind. If things are still not feeling quite right, consider exiting gracefully. No need to explain yourself. You always have the right to let someone know that something “doesn’t feel like a right fit at this time” and leave it at that.

Thursday 5/14 – Mountain Lion Reversed  – Today, Mountain Lion asks us to sit with our relationship to leadership. We all have a gift to share with the world and leadership is having the ability to step boldly into your power so that you may live out that purpose. If this is something that comes as a challenge for you, ask yourself why. Are you projecting something from your past onto an imagined future? What magic would you create in the world if you weren’t afraid of or in judgement around shining brightly? If you consider yourself to be a leader, you might take some time asking yourself about your leadership style and how you can operate more from a place of service and less from a place of ego. Don’t be afraid to face your own weaknesses. All truly great leaders not only own up to their shortcomings, but find ways to use them for growth, both their own and that of others.

Friday 5/15 – Blue Heron Reversed – Last week kicked off with a message about getting out of our heads and into our bodies and it seems that that’s the call once again. Self-reflection is a wonderful thing, but it’s important that we balance it with moments of embodied presence. Movement can bring us back. Intentional connection with others can be a route. And good, old-fashioned silliness is a surefire way to turn the volume down on the mind chatter and up on what matters most in this moment. Find what works for you and, even if it’s only for a few moments, allow yourself to just be.

Saturday 5/16 – Spider Reversed – When we block our creative and expressive energies, they need to find some sort of outlet and one of the most common ways they end up showing up is in frustration or jealousy. If you find that either of those experiences are cropping up today, take that as a sign that you need to let move some energy up and out. Sing. Paint. Dance. Write. Scream into a pillow if you need to. Just whatever you do, don't leave that stuff bottled up. 

Sunday 5/17 – Grouse Reversed – Being in a body can be a mixed bag sometimes. Intense experiences of pleasure sit in contrast to equally intense experiences of pain. Because the latter can be so much more jarring, sometimes we focus on that end of the spectrum, but today we are being asked to find ways of connecting with the joys of this physical experience. What senses do you derive the most joy from? Sight? Smell? Sound? Touch? Taste? Mindfully tune into the gifts that you receive from those experiences and let yourself revel in gratitude for the opportunity to live in your unique body. It won’t make the pains of this life disappear, but it will certainly make them so much easier to navigate.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday April 27th, 2020

Monday 4/27 – Fox Reversed  – The week begins with Fox in the reversed position encouraging us to come out of hiding. Share your gifts with the world and don’t be afraid of shining too brightly. Yes, there are times when it makes sense to hang out in the background but this is not one of them. If you have some big goals that feel intimidating, try bringing a sense of light-heartedness to the tasks at hand. The energy you bring to any venture determines whether it feels like play or an ordeal. 

Tuesday 4/28 – Weasel Reversed - Check your intentions today. Have you been engaging in subtle forms of manipulation? Any time we try to get something from someone else without being direct, we create sticky situations energetically. The best bet is always to be as honest and transparent as possible. This ensures that we don’t take anything from anyone that they wouldn’t willingly give and keeps us from getting tangled up in a web of deception and resentment. If your honesty doesn’t yield the results you were hoping for, trust the reroute and know that nothing that is meant for you will miss you.

Wednesday 4/29 – Wild Boar Reversed – If you find yourself feeling the urge to lash out, it’s a sign that you have not been honoring your own boundaries. First things first, discharge the built up energy in a healthy way, whether that looks like going for a run, writing a completely uncensored letter and then burning it, channeling your feelings into art, or dropping into a cleansing breathwork practice. Once you’re grounded, you should be able to gain a little more clarity around what is triggering you and where your agency is in the situation. Speak your truth and re-establish any boundaries as necessary, just make sure that you are doing so from a compassionate place. If your emotions ran away with you and you already unleashed your frustration in a way that left you feeling shame or regret, know that we are all human and that none of us get through life without at least a few missteps. Do your best to make amends, learn what you can from the experience, and then forgive yourself. Being kinder with others starts with being kinder to ourselves. 

Thursday 4/30 – Squirrel Reversed  – Making an effort to prepare for the future can be a good thing, but even good things have their limits. If our planning turns into a desperate attempt to control the future, it becomes more of a disability than a boon. The questions to ask yourself today are: What am I afraid of? In what ways am I scared that I won’t have enough? Hold the answer gently. Honor the truth of those feelings. And come back to the truth of the present. Right now, in this moment, are you safe? Are your needs being met? Identify what is truly in your control, and then begin the practice of surrendering everything else. Cultivate trust in your ability to meet whatever comes your way. You’ve made through every challenging day thus far. Remind yourself of that as often as you need to. 

Friday 5/1 – Otter Reversed – Some of the greatest joy we can receive in life comes through our connection with others, but it’s hard to create healthy, thriving relationships when we’re wracked with insecurity, jealousy, or low self worth. Allow yourself to take the risk of being vulnerable today. Open up to those around you. Reach out and, if you have the opportunity to, offer support to others. You may find that these practices not only bring more love into your life, but also open the channels for creativity and inspiration as well. 

Saturday 5/2 – Ant Reversed – Patience isn’t about how long we can force ourselves to wait for something to happen. It’s about the energy we embody while we are waiting. We can’t control time or make things happen any faster than they are destined to. If you experience delays and find yourself feeling frustrated today, make a game out of your present circumstances. See how much beauty you can find around you wherever you are at. Find a productive way to use your time and see how much magic you can create during the pause. Before you know it, what you have been waiting for will arrive, and when you meet it, you’ll be that much more nourished and fulfilled thanks to the slow down.

Sunday 5/3 – Dog Reversed – Balancing loyalty to ourselves and to those around us is a constant and dynamic process. Most of us have a natural tendency to lean a bit more towards one than the other. Dog asks us to examine that and to create more balance in our relationships. If we’ve been playing the role of martyr and looking out for everyone but ourselves, it’s time to come back home to our own hearts and to honor our own needs with the same attentiveness we’ve shown to others. If we have a tendency to put ourselves first and often forget to check on those we care about, turn the tables and ask your loved ones if there is anything you can do to support them. Even if the answer is no, the gesture can go a long way towards letting someone know that you care. 

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday March 30th, 2020

Monday 3/30 – Squirrel  – Squirrel asks us to gather what we will need for the season ahead. To tend to our nests and make sure that they will provide the warmth and safety we will need in the weeks and months to come. And to prepare for a period of going inward. This isn’t about hoarding and it isn’t only about material needs. Mental and emotional wellbeing is vital in order to navigate life’s most challenging moments. Make sure that you are finding ways to care for your spirit as much as you care for your body. Creative outlets. Simple pleasures. Opportunities for connection and cultivating a sense of purpose. These are the elements that will support our ability to make it through this metaphorical winter and hibernation period. 

Tuesday 3/31 – Buffalo Reversed - If you have noticed that feelings of not having enough or fears around scarcity have been triggered recently, pause, take a deep breath, and then ask yourself what you truly need to feel healthy, happy, and whole. Instead of focusing on what you don’t have, seek out the areas of your life where you experience abundance. Do you live in a place surrounded by natural beauty? Do you have a loving and supporting family, given or chosen? Have you been blessed with physical health or some sort of natural gift or talent? There are so many other resources than money or material things and digging into gratitude for what we have not only creates a deeper sense of peace and contentment but also has a way of magnetizing opportunities. Whether the glass is half empty or half full is all about perspective and luckily that’s something that you always get to choose for yourself. 

Wednesday 4/1 – Turkey Reversed – Right now. More than ever, it is so important that we focus on stepping into service, not only for the sake of supporting our communities and world, but also to remind of ourselves of our own power and the gifts that we hold within. This isn’t about martyring ourselves and giving in a way that leaves us feeling depleted but instead about asking ourselves where we have overflow in our lives from which we can serve? Once you find the answer, share generously. 

Thursday 4/2 – Porcupine  – Some of our greatest lessons and gifts in life come through the experience of being in relationship with others, but in order to truly open to connection and love, we must be willing to be brave and vulnerable with our hearts. Now, more than ever, people are in deep need of one another so don’t be afraid to reach out to that friend you haven’t talked to in a while or to call a loved one to check in on them and see how they’re doing. You never know how much a simple gesture might mean to another. 

Friday 4/3 – Badger – Life will continuously bring us challenges, and the difference between seeing these experience as ordeals and seeing them as an opportunity to grow and test the limits of our capabilities comes down to mindset. Badger calls for us to dig deep. To welcome challenges with the cheekiness of a seasoned warrior who knows that they have overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles before and can do so again. Perseverance isn’t just about “making it through”. It’s about making even the most difficult moments into adventures. Grit and light-heartedness in equal parts is where the magic’s at. Who do you know that embodies these qualities? Channel that spirit and you’ll be just fine. 

Saturday 4/4 – Hawk Reversed  – Fear is healthy. It helps keep us safe and motivates us to take action in moments of threat. Panic, on the other hand, only serves to disorient and disempower us. If you find yourself slipping into the latter, it’s time to ground. Place your bare feet on the earth. Tune into your breath and see if you can both slow and deepen it. Drop into presence with the simplest of pleasures--the smell of a fresh flower, the feeling on sun on your skin, the release of a deep stretch. This is how you come back to yourself and create space to see what’s at hand clearly and then respond in a way that truly serves. 

Sunday 4/5 – Lizard – The world feels topsy-turvy right now. There’s no way around that. But there is so much possibility in the tumult. Rather than focusing on the potential for negative outcomes, spend your energy envisioning the ways that this process might be moving us, both as individuals and collectively, toward a much more harmonious way of being. If you can imagine it then you can create it, so dream big, and then start chipping a way at making that dream a reality. 

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday March 23rd, 2020

Monday 3/23 – Weasel  – As we collectively navigate the challenges brought on by the global spread of the Corona virus, it is perhaps more important than it has ever been to consider our social impact as we move through the world both physically and energetically. Of course, this involves social distancing and doing our best to practice safe habits for ourselves and others when we are out and about, but our being mindful of our energetic presence is also just as important. While it is so very human to find ourselves experiencing fear and uncertainty, dumping that onto others will only amplify that experience for all of us. Tune into your heart center, ground, and dig into self care practices. We can and will move through this challenge, and the more each of us tends to our own energy fields in the process, the more graceful the process will be. 

Tuesday 3/24 – Grouse Reversed - If you are feeling like your body is not a safe place to be or experiencing physical challenges or limitations, self-soothing is your best ally. Stretching, self-massage or physical affection with loved ones, hot baths or showers, exposing your skin to sunlight, and dance can support you in releasing tension. Find what you can do to experience pleasure and focus on that. Even the simplest acts of self-love can be powerfully healing right now.

Wednesday 3/25 – Mountain Lion Reversed – If you find yourself feeling helpless amidst all of the issues of the world right now, the quickest way to find your power again is to be of service. Finding ways to support those around you can infuse your days with meaning, purpose, and hope, even when your life may feel like it’s been turned upside-down. Figure out what your gifts are and how you can offer them to others, and then do so generously. 

Thursday 3/26 – Crow  – Sometimes our greatest challenges are our most powerful teachers. The key is staying open to receiving the lesson that is held within our pain. Don’t be afraid to look at any discomfort or unpleasant feelings that are coming up right now. Hold your hurt gently and, instead of wondering why this is happening, ask yourself what you can learn from this experience, about yourself and about the world. Approach your experience with curiosity and compassion. When you come out on the other side of this, you’ll have gained wisdom and insight that will only support you as you move through the rest of your days. 

Friday 3/27 – Hawk – Now is the time to tune more deeply into your subtle senses. To develop a deeper relationship with your inner voice and the wisdom of your heart. In this pause, check in about what is most true, most important, and what shifts your spirit is calling for. Keep your eyes and heart open to messages from Spirit. They can come in so many forms, but we we have to be still enough to receive them. Create a little space in your day to listen to your Spirit, even if it is only in the form of placing your hand on your heart for a few moments. You might find more guidance there than you ever could have imagined. 

Saturday 3/28 – Dolphin Reversed  – Don’t forget to play. In the midst of your sadness and your fear and overwhelm, creating moments of presence, joy and laughter can be a balm for the soul and a form of self-care. What this looks like for each of us will be unique but find something that you can do that will light you up and remind you that there are still so many reasons to be grateful for this life. 

Sunday 3/29 – Frog Reversed – The weekend closes out with a message from Frog reminding us of the importance of detoxification on all levels. Remove anything from your life that is leaving you feeling weighed down or detracting from your wellbeing. In particular, pay especially close attention to your physical health and make any shifts necessary to create the very best conditions for wellness. Drink lots of water. Get proper rest. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables and throw in some immune-boosters if you can. Your body works so hard for you day in and day out. Make sure that you are showing it as much love as possible in return.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday March 16th, 2020

Monday 3/16 – Opossum  – As the week kicks off Opossum reminds us to stay grounded and connected to our own center, despite any commotion that may be happening around us. It is particularly important to work on protecting our own energy today if we find ourselves engaged with people who seem to be riled up and looking to get others to jump on their wagon. Instead, tune into your breath, a calming visualization, or a mantra that reminds you of who you wish to be from moment to moment. The world can can be a chaotic place sometimes but you can always choose to cultivate and tap into a deep well of inner calm.

Tuesday 3/17 – Weasel - The call to be mindful of our energies fields continues today with Weasel encouraging us to be a bit more discreet as we move through the world. It’s particularly interesting that this card would appear at a time when a pandemic is sweeping the globe and “social distancing” is becoming a vital strategy for minimizing the impacts of the Coronavirus on communities all over the world. This isn’t about being cagey or paranoid but simply moving through public spaces mindfully and gently. If you are able to be out and about in your community today, do your best to take care of your business with as little social engagement as possible. You can hold an intention that your presence remains neutral and doesn’t create shift in the environment around you. This is an invaluable to skill to have in moments when you want to move through social settings without stirring up too much attention and there’s no better time to practice than right now!

Wednesday 3/18 – Jaguar – As we move into the middle of the week, Jaguar asks us to check in with our values and to ask ourselves if we are actively living them in our daily lives. This isn’t about striving for perfection or being harsh or judgmental towards ourselves, but rather an opportunity to find ways where we can create lives that are more authentic and nourishing, because ultimately, our hearts are most at peace when we know we are living honestly. Where can you be better about walking your talk? What shifts can you make, big or small, to step more fully into being the type of person you would like to be? Sit with the answers to those questions and then go work on making yourself proud for all the right reasons.

Thursday 3/19 – Wolf  – If you’ve been running in circles, seeking guidance from everyone around you, but still aren’t sure what the right answers are, try tuning into the wise voice that lives within you. Ultimately, there is no better authority on your own life than you, and if you take the time to be still and go within, you will find that the answers you’ve been seeking were always inside of you. Listen closely. Trust that deep knowing. It’s the most powerful compass and if you let it, it will guide you home. 

Friday 3/20 – Antelope Reversed – Have you been spinning, spinning, spinning your wheels for quite some time now, but find that you haven’t gotten any where? Or maybe that you’ve gone quite a distance, but down the wrong road? Today asks that we pause, assess how we are spending our time and energy, and determine whether our actions are in alignment with our visions for our life. This is an opportunity to bring much more awareness and intention to everything we do and make sure that we are actively creating the life we want, rather than just going through the motions. 

Saturday 3/21 – Armadillo Reversed  – Our ability to create healthy, loving connections with others depends, in great part, on whether or not we are able to create strong, but flexible boundaries. Often, our relationships with boundaries setting can be like a pendulum that swings between the extremes of rigid boundaries that keep people out and soft or non-existent boundaries that leave us open to being taken advantage of or abused. Spend some time today reflecting on your relationships and where you could stand to move back into that healthy middle ground. Soften where you need to in order to allow love in. Be more firm in the places that you must in order to be loving towards yourself. And trust that the people who are truly meant for you will support you as you make these shifts (and perhaps even be inspired to look at their relationship to boundary-setting as well!).

Sunday 3/22 – Dolphin – The weekend comes to a close with a message from Dolphin reminding us of the joy that we can source from simply being alive, from experiencing our breath come in and out of our bodies, and from feeling our connection to all of creation through this universal pulse. Drop into these simple pleasures today and allow yourself to experience the awe of just how miraculous this life is. If you find yourself struggling to find a sense of gratitude, do something to wake your senses up. Dance wildly. Jump up and down. Work with your breath. Stand under a stream of cold water. Scream at the top of your lungs. Feel your heartbeat and remember that you are still here and that alone is a gift. 

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel l to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday March 2nd, 2020

Monday 3/2 – Whale  – This week kicks off with a message from Whale encourages us to share our frequency, our voice, our gifts, and our truest selves courageously and authentically. This is the fastest path to clarity around what is for us and what is not, so don’t be dismayed if certain things, people, or opportunities fall away when you start speaking and living your truth. New and more aligned energies are waiting to make their way towards you. They only need to be able to see and feel your light so that they know where to find you. 

Tuesday 3/3 – Mountain Lion - Mountain Lion echoes Whale and calls us to step into our own power so that we may be of service and support the empowerment of others. The way each of us does this will be unique but the process will most definitely involve finding the intersection of your strengths, your passions, and the opportunities you see for creating positive shift in the world around you. Don’t hold back. The world needs your magic. 

Wednesday 3/4 – Bear Reversed – After a long winter and a period of deep reflection and shadow work, it is time to welcome in spring and a season of reconnecting with the world outside of ourselves. If you’re experiencing resistance and feeling like you’d prefer to hibernate for a few more months, you might consider easing your way back in by hosting a small, intentional gathering at your home or inviting a friend or two to join you for a walk. It’s important to remember that the point of doing our inner work is not only for our own healing, but to also bring healing into the world, so start slowly and gently if you must, but it’s time to get back out into community so you can put all of the wisdom and growth you gleaned from the winter months into action.

Thursday 3/5 – Raven  – The message for today is simple: Stay open to magic. In random connections with strangers. In signs that show up all around us. In guidance that we receive through our intuitive channels. If you choose to believe that there are no coincidences, your perspective on life starts to shift and you may find yourself noticing synchronicities all around you. The key here is to keep your eyes, mind, and most importantly your heart open. 

Friday 3/6 – Beaver – If there’s something you’ve been dreaming about or wishing to create, today is the day to roll up your sleeves and get to work! You may find that you have a boost of energy, motivation, and ability to drop into creativity and flow states today so capitalize on those energies and channel them into something you’re passionate about. If you don’t succeed on your first attempt, don’t give up. Dedication, perseverance, and the willingness to come back to the drawing board as many times as necessary can be the difference between success and failure. If you can’t stop thinking about it, don’t stop working towards it!

Saturday 3/7 – Lynx Reversed  – Your intuition may be firing on all cylinders today, but it’s important that you are thoughtful about how you use the information you pick up on. Rather than calling anyone out or naming things that you see about others, use any insights or messages you receive as a mirror and self-reflect. 

Sunday 3/8 – Blue Heron – As the weekend closes out, take some time to create stillness. This could look like physical stillness in the form of a seated meditation, but could also be any activity that allows our minds to get quiet so that our spirit may be heard. Mindful walks in nature. Free association writing. Meditative art practices like painting or working with clay. Breathwork. However you choose to do it, allow yourself some space today to simply be present with yourself and any energies that have been quietly waiting for your attention.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday February 10th, 2020

Monday 2/10 – Eagle Reversed  – The task at the beginning of the week is to reconnect. To yourself. To the world around you. To a sense of something greater and your place within that. There’s really no wrong way to do this, so long as you’re centered in love and compassion. Prayer, ritual, time out in nature or amongst a spiritual community, or meditative practices are all powerful ways to tune into our own spirits and the truth of our interconnectedness to all things. Take time today to remember both your own sacredness and that of all of creation. 

Tuesday 2/11 – Bear - The call to go inward continues today as Bear asks us to drop into stillness so that we may hear the wisdom of that often quiet inner voice. This is a wonderful day to engage in practices like meditation, free association writing, or vision work. Allow yourself enough time and space to be present with any lessons you’ve navigated over the past season and where your heart is leading you as we move slowly from winter towards spring. You might be surprised by what comes forward when you allow yourself a little time to reflect on your experiences and desires.

Wednesday 2/12 – Owl Reversed – It’s important to remember that if you’re feeling frazzled or off-kilter, your perception of the world around you may be skewed as well. Take time to ground today, in whatever way best supports you. Take a walk, work with your breath, put your bare feet on the ground. Just make sure that you’ve discharged any frenetic energy and come back to a centered, clear state before making any important decisions today. 

Thursday 2/13 – Dog Reversed  – In order to be true to ourselves, we have to know what lives inside of us. And this includes more than the pretty hopes and dreams. Today calls for a bit of shadow work and creating space for all parts of our experience--even the aspects of ourselves that we believe to be bad, shameful, or uncomfortable. Take time today to get in touch with your anger, your grief, your selfishness, or any other heavy feelings that you might be otherwise tempted to push down. Hold it all gently. Learn its stories and dig through it to find the gifts inside. Anything you look directly at is much less likely to sneak up on you. And you might even be able to make an ally out of something you once considered an enemy. 

Friday 2/14 – Grouse Reversed – For many of us, the winter months are often a time of less movement and more rest, but as we move towards spring, we are being called to start to reconnect with our bodies. Slow and gentle is the key here, particularly if you’ve been feeling disconnected from your physical experience or have been struggling with any sort of health issues. Maybe start with some leisurely walks in your neighborhood, some intuitive movement and stretching in your own home, or even just some self-massage to help wake up the senses and stimulate the lymphatic system (this is especially helpful if you got hit with any of those gnarly viruses that have been going around all winter). There’s no need to overpush or throw ourselves in at the deep end. Instead, simply work at what feels comfortable and most nourishing and build from there. 

Saturday 2/15 – Buffalo  – Prayer can be a deeply powerful practice, but it’s less about the asking and more about the willingness to open up and receive. Sometimes our prayers are answered in the most unexpected ways and it’s up to us to cultivate enough humility and faith to be able to notice what is showing up for us in the present moment. The questions to ask yourself today are: What is my relationship to prayer? What am I asking for guidance or support around and am I keeping the channels open so that I may notice when my calls are being answered?

Sunday 2/16 – Wolf Reversed – If you’ve been finding yourself feeling defensive, closed to the perspectives of others, or like no one has anything to offer you, it’s time to soften. These energies can show up in very subtle ways sometimes and can manifest as rigidity, frustration, or even a sense of loneliness and are often the result of feeling let down or overburdened. Can you remember what it was like to be a child? To experience everything as a learning opportunity? To be hungry for growth and to seek it out in each and every moment? This is the task at hand today. Come back to your birthright of curiosity, awe, and wonder. It’s one of the most powerful and transformative shifts you can make and all you have to do is choose it.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday December 16th, 2019

Monday 12/16 – Squirrel – While it’s not helpful to get caught up in worries about the future, a little planning and preparation can go a long way. Spend some time today taking an inventory of your resources--monetary, sure, but also energy, time, and anything else that you know you tap into on a regular basis. How are you spending these resources? Is your current approach sustainable? And, if not, what tweaks or adjustments do you need to make so that you can make it, not only through the season, but through many seasons to come, feeling grounded and aligned?

Tuesday 12/17 – Spider - Creativity can be such a powerful healer and it doesn’t even require any skill. At its most basic, being creative is simply about authentic expression and you don’t need anything more than your own body and spirit for that. Sing. Dance. Tell a story. Of course, if you want to bring on other media like paints, clay, film, or instruments, feel free! The goal today is simply to move stagnant energy and to release anything that’s no longer serving you.

Wednesday 12/18 – Beaver Reversed – Watch out for self-sabotaging behaviors today, especially with regard to things that you’ve invested a lot of your time, money, and energy into. Even tiny leaks in a vessel will ultimately mean that it can’t hold what it’s meant to. If you notice that you’ve been spending money frivolously, giving your time to people who only leave you feeling drained, or falling into unhealthy habits that undo any progress you’ve made on your wellness goals, it might be time to do some work around your sense of self worth. You deserve to be successful and it’s time you not only believe that, but that your actions align with that belief as well!

Thursday 12/19 – Salmon Reversed – Those signs that keep showing up all over the place? The funny feeling you had? The vision that seems to just keep popping into your mind? Listen to them! Our intuition speaks to us in so many ways and it’s up to us to tune in and to honor the messages we receive! This doesn’t mean that you need to take every bit of it literally or go making major life changes based on a dream you had--although if you feel compelled to do that, then you absolutely should! More than anything though, cultivating a relationship with our intuitive gifts is about listening closely to our hearts, spirits, and often our guts, and then finding a way to at least explore whatever we find there. The more you practice, the more fine-tuned your gifts will become as will your clarity about what is most important to you in this wild ride of a life.

Friday 12/20 – Owl – For most of us, energy isn’t visible, but that doesn’t mean that it’s doesn’t exist or have very real impacts. Be especially mindful of the energy you are putting out today. We are so much more powerful than we realize and we are constantly casting spells with our thoughts and wishes. We are also inextricably interconnected, so anything you wish on another, you essentially wish on yourself as well. Make sure that you’re calling in things that you want, both for yourself and the world around you.

Saturday 12/21 – Lynx Reversed – If you find yourself wanting to tell someone about something you see in them, make sure what you have to say truly serves the highest good of all. More often than not, when we feel intensely compelled to tell someone something, it’s more about our need to discharge an uncomfortable energy. Instead, find another way to process what’s coming up for you and let your insights inform your decisions about how to move forward. If the person you wanted to share with is ready and willing to receive your feedback, they’ll let you know. Until then, it’s unlikely that sharing your reflections will have the outcome you had been hoping for.

Sunday 12/22 – Rabbit – Fear is part of the human experience and a little bit of fear around certain things can be healthy. It’s all about balance and the way we hold our experience. If you notice that worries or anxieties have been nagging at the edge of your awareness, look them straight in the eye. Honor their presence. Find out how they’re trying to protect or help you. And then wish them well before releasing them to Spirit. This practice will keep you from either running from or being consumed by your fears, both of which are a waste of your precious, divine energy.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!
