Monday 4/27 – Fox Reversed  – The week begins with Fox in the reversed position encouraging us to come out of hiding. Share your gifts with the world and don’t be afraid of shining too brightly. Yes, there are times when it makes sense to hang out in the background but this is not one of them. If you have some big goals that feel intimidating, try bringing a sense of light-heartedness to the tasks at hand. The energy you bring to any venture determines whether it feels like play or an ordeal. 

Tuesday 4/28 – Weasel Reversed - Check your intentions today. Have you been engaging in subtle forms of manipulation? Any time we try to get something from someone else without being direct, we create sticky situations energetically. The best bet is always to be as honest and transparent as possible. This ensures that we don’t take anything from anyone that they wouldn’t willingly give and keeps us from getting tangled up in a web of deception and resentment. If your honesty doesn’t yield the results you were hoping for, trust the reroute and know that nothing that is meant for you will miss you.

Wednesday 4/29 – Wild Boar Reversed – If you find yourself feeling the urge to lash out, it’s a sign that you have not been honoring your own boundaries. First things first, discharge the built up energy in a healthy way, whether that looks like going for a run, writing a completely uncensored letter and then burning it, channeling your feelings into art, or dropping into a cleansing breathwork practice. Once you’re grounded, you should be able to gain a little more clarity around what is triggering you and where your agency is in the situation. Speak your truth and re-establish any boundaries as necessary, just make sure that you are doing so from a compassionate place. If your emotions ran away with you and you already unleashed your frustration in a way that left you feeling shame or regret, know that we are all human and that none of us get through life without at least a few missteps. Do your best to make amends, learn what you can from the experience, and then forgive yourself. Being kinder with others starts with being kinder to ourselves. 

Thursday 4/30 – Squirrel Reversed  – Making an effort to prepare for the future can be a good thing, but even good things have their limits. If our planning turns into a desperate attempt to control the future, it becomes more of a disability than a boon. The questions to ask yourself today are: What am I afraid of? In what ways am I scared that I won’t have enough? Hold the answer gently. Honor the truth of those feelings. And come back to the truth of the present. Right now, in this moment, are you safe? Are your needs being met? Identify what is truly in your control, and then begin the practice of surrendering everything else. Cultivate trust in your ability to meet whatever comes your way. You’ve made through every challenging day thus far. Remind yourself of that as often as you need to. 

Friday 5/1 – Otter Reversed – Some of the greatest joy we can receive in life comes through our connection with others, but it’s hard to create healthy, thriving relationships when we’re wracked with insecurity, jealousy, or low self worth. Allow yourself to take the risk of being vulnerable today. Open up to those around you. Reach out and, if you have the opportunity to, offer support to others. You may find that these practices not only bring more love into your life, but also open the channels for creativity and inspiration as well. 

Saturday 5/2 – Ant Reversed – Patience isn’t about how long we can force ourselves to wait for something to happen. It’s about the energy we embody while we are waiting. We can’t control time or make things happen any faster than they are destined to. If you experience delays and find yourself feeling frustrated today, make a game out of your present circumstances. See how much beauty you can find around you wherever you are at. Find a productive way to use your time and see how much magic you can create during the pause. Before you know it, what you have been waiting for will arrive, and when you meet it, you’ll be that much more nourished and fulfilled thanks to the slow down.

Sunday 5/3 – Dog Reversed – Balancing loyalty to ourselves and to those around us is a constant and dynamic process. Most of us have a natural tendency to lean a bit more towards one than the other. Dog asks us to examine that and to create more balance in our relationships. If we’ve been playing the role of martyr and looking out for everyone but ourselves, it’s time to come back home to our own hearts and to honor our own needs with the same attentiveness we’ve shown to others. If we have a tendency to put ourselves first and often forget to check on those we care about, turn the tables and ask your loved ones if there is anything you can do to support them. Even if the answer is no, the gesture can go a long way towards letting someone know that you care. 

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

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