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May forecast


Weekly Forecast Monday December 2nd, 2019

Monday 12/2 – Weasel  – The week opens up with a call to bring our energy fields in more tightly around us so that we may move through the world and whatever circumstances are coming up in our lives currently without making big waves. This can be especially useful in complicated social situations that we don’t wish to get tangled up in, but still offer opportunities for learning and growth. The key here is to focus on maintaining a grounded connection to our own energy while observing what’s happening around us with as little attachment to the outcome as possible. This allows heightened perception and clarity and can help us see through any confusion and into the truth of the matters at hand.

Tuesday 12/3 – Bat - Embrace this period of rebirth and start setting your sights on what you wish to step into in the season ahead. This may involve some shedding and possibly some growing pains or contractions as well, but trust that this is a natural part of the process and stay committed to your higher visions and goals. Ask yourself where you can more fully embody authenticity and a grounded sense of empowerment and then roll up your sleeves. Growth isn’t always linear so be gentle with yourself as you navigate your way into a new way of being or offering your gifts to the world.  

Wednesday 12/4 – Deer – The message of deer is a simple but profound one: Love will always be the most powerful force. Like water against rocks, it can soften and smooth even the most jagged energies, and often does so more gracefully than the force of fear or anger. Whether you’re dealing with yourself or others, the best approach today is gentleness. This may look like compassionate boundary-setting, dropping into self-care practices, or simply reconnecting with your heart-center and making choices based on the wisdom that emanates from within. 

Thursday 12/5 – Lizard – Your dreams are the wellspring of your ability to create a life that feels truly nourishing to you, which is why it’s so very important to set aside space for both waking visions and those that come to us when we sleep. Carve out a little time today to dream, whether that means daydreaming, actively brainstorming about what you’d like to manifest and ways to invest in those desires, sitting in meditation, or simply catching some much-needed rest and allowing messages to come through your subconscious. Make sure to stay open to invitations from Spirit as well. Sometimes our destinies are even more magical than we could ever design with our logical minds. 

Friday 12/6 – Otter  – Say yes to any opportunities for partaking in healing, heart-centered gatherings today. It can be easy to slip into the hustle bustle of the season or to lean into over-indulgence and escapism at this time of year, but there’s a special medicine to be found in being present and intentional in our connections with loved ones. If you haven’t received any invites, take the initiative and host a collection of your nearest and dearest in a way that encourages you and yours to slow down, to savor the moments you have with one another, and to do your best to lift each other up. These gifts are far more nourishing than anything that can be wrapped up in paper and a bow.

Saturday 12/7 – Lynx – If you feel called to name something you see in another person, especially if it has the potential to feel like a call-out, pause and ask yourself if what you wish to say will truly serve. It is totally possible to honor your truth and knowing without speaking it out loud. If you feel that what you have to say will actually support the best interests and healing of all involved, then make sure that you share what’s on your heart with as much love and compassion as possible. If, after reflection, you realize that naming it aloud is unnecessary or likely to prove unproductive, you can still release the energy by writing your words down and then burning or burying them. Sometimes these simple rituals can provide powerful shifts within us that ultimately impact everything around us as well.

Sunday 12/8 – Eagle – It is always a good time to come back to our connection with Spirit and with our heart, but today there is a particular call to do so. If you’ve found yourself getting caught up in frenetic holiday energy or the stress of shopping/traveling/over-extending yourself, grounding back in to your values and what truly matters most to you in this life will pave the way for more peace and joy. How you do this will be as unique as your own fingerprint. It could mean time out in nature, gathering with a spiritual community, or a simple ritual that helps you feel connected to something greater than yourself. Whatever you do, make sure that your practice feels authentic and truly nourishing to your soul.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday May 27th, 2019

Monday 5/27 – Raven  – Keep your eyes open for synchronicities today. If you find yourself receiving repeat messages, whether that’s strikingly similar words from different sources, recurring number sequences, unusual encounters with animals, or images that seem to pop up everywhere you go, pay attention. Check in with your gut first to see if you have an intuitive sense of what the meaning behind the messages might be. If you’re not sure, don’t be afraid to ask Spirit for clarification. Sometimes guidance can come from unexpected places. You only need to open your heart and mind to receive it.

Tuesday 5/28 – Turtle Reversed  - If you’ve been feeling disconnected from yourself or a sense of belonging in this world, it’s time to reconnect with Source. Carve out some time to be present with nature today, whether that means a hike in the hills, a walk along the beach, working in your garden, or simply gazing at the sky. Allow yourself to tune into the pulse of nature and remember that the very same force that causes the flowers to open and close and the tides to ebb and flow brings life to your heart. You are not a mistake. You belong here. The question is: What impact do you wish to have in this life? What legacy do you want to leave behind when you return to the earth? Let the answers to those questions fill you with purpose and guide your days.

Wednesday 5/29 – Turkey Reversed  – A consistent gratitude practice can be a powerful way to tap into joy, but when life gets challenging or we’re experiencing pain or struggle, telling ourselves we “should” be grateful can feel inauthentic. Instead of trying to bully yourself into positive feelings, start with simple pleasures. Warm sunlight on your skin or a cool breeze. The smell of fresh flowers, coffee, or clothes right out of the dryer. A song you absolutely love. The softest T shirt. Whatever brings you a pure and uncomplicated joy--focus on that experience and let the sensations of true, visceral gratitude (as opposed to gratitude as a mental concept) fill you up. Rinse and repeat as often as necessary.

Thursday 5/30 – Badger Reversed – Check yourself before you wreck yourself (or someone else) today! Aggressive energies may show up out of nowhere and your best bet for avoiding acting out in regrettable ways is to channel that energy into something more productive. Go for a run. Dance. Make art. Write out any words that you need to express, but are better left unsaid. Scream into pillows. Do whatever you need to do to move that energy up and out in a healthy way so that it doesn’t lead to implosions or explosions. If you’ve already blown your lid, own your mistake, do your best to make amends, and then forgive yourself. We are all human after all and none of us make it out of this life without at least a few missteps. The important thing is to learn from them and make an honest effort to do better moving forward.

Friday 5/31 – Ant Reversed – If you find your patience being tested today, try redirecting your focus. A watched pot never boils as they say so stop tapping your foot and waiting for something to happen, particularly if it’s something you have no control over. Pour your energy into something else that lights you up and trust that anything that’s meant to be will be. If you’re really struggling to let go, a hard reboot in the form of a change of scenery and perspective might be necessary. It’s a big world out there. Don’t limit yourself by staying stubbornly focused on only one route or possibility.

Saturday 6/1 – Hawk – Messages will be coming through for you again today and in order for you to be able to receive them, it’s important that you take good care of your mind and body. Our intuition speaks to us in so many different ways--through the knot in our stomach, the chills that move across our skin, the vision that flashes through our mind, or that tiny voice that speaks to us from within. Making sure that we’re well-rested, nourished, and not over-stimulated will make it easier to pick up on our intuitive signals, so do your best today to tend to your vessel. If you know that your body’s needs are met but it still seems to be calling out to you, that’s something to pay attention to. Listen closely to what it’s trying to say and then honor it as best you can.  

Sunday 6/2 – Dolphin Reversed – If you’re feeling weighed down with heavy energies, it’s a sign that you’re spending too much time in your head. Take a break from your seriousness and set aside your work for a moment. Come back to your body and your breath. Connect with your community. Spend time in nature and feel that you are not separate, but a vibrant piece of this intricate and magical world. Even a little time to replenish and reconnect with your joy can allow you to return to your to-do list with more optimism, energy, and groundedness.  

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday May 20th, 2019

Monday 5/20 – Skunk Reversed  – Are you aware of what  kind of energy you are putting out in the world? In every interaction and even as you simply walk down the street, you are transmitting energy and being very conscious about the quality of that energy can make a big impact on your experience in this life. It is often the case that we get what we give, so if you’re finding yourself feeling challenged or put off by the way others seem to be responding to you, you might check in and see if they are mirroring either your behaviors or your internal state. Becoming a master of your own frequency is one of the most empowering things you can do, so observe from a place of curiosity, calibrate as needed, and and notice how things shift.

Tuesday 5/21 – Moose Reversed  - Acknowledging your strengths and gifts isn’t arrogant; it’s actually the first step in being able to discover your purpose and share your medicine with the world. If you’ve been having trouble honoring your worthiness, it’s time to dig into some self-love practices. Honor your body, your heart, your mind, and the journey that you have made. You are not here by accident and if you’ve been struggling to figure out what your unique contribution to this world could be, look into the areas where you’ve experienced the most challenge. It is often the case the we extract medicine from the very experiences that could have poisoned us. Celebrate that ways that you made it through the difficult times, even if it wasn’t a perfectly pretty process, and then find a way to turn around and help others that are going through something similar.

Wednesday 5/22 – Alligator Reversed  – It’s time to integrate the wisdom of your mind with the deep knowing of your body. You can study and spend time learning about tools for creating a happier, healthier life for yourself but nothing really deepens our understanding and connection to a concept as powerfully as embodied experience. Particularly if you’ve been on a fast-tracked growth trajectory lately, make sure you’re taking the time to fully digest and practice what you’re learning before moving on to your next retreat, workshop, or book.

Thursday 5/23 – Grouse Reversed – As we move through life, we often encounter the same lessons again and again. As frustrating as it can be to feel like you’re finding yourself coming face to face with the same issue repeatedly, it’s a sign that there is a gift for you held within the challenge. The key to unlocking this gift and releasing yourself from the cycle is presence. When we resist what life is bringing our way, we miss the opportunity to grow and expand. When we embrace what is, as if we had asked for it, we are able to engage with our experience from a much more empowered place and one that allows us to receive the lesson and, often, this disarms our trigger around this experience. So go ahead surrender to the wild, magical ride of your life, savor the joyful experiences, and mine the challenging ones for gifts. All of it is happening for you, instead of to you. 

Friday 5/24 – Buffalo – There is power in prayer and today is a wonderful day to tap into that. Ask for support. Ask to be shown the next right step. Ask for grace or strength or courage. And then wait. Look around. You might be surprised by what shows up for you. You most likely have more abundance than you even realize and resources that you weren’t even aware of in the form of relationships, personal skills and gifts, and in the natural world around you. If you are feeling like you’re caught in the struggle today, try turning the outcome over to Spirit. Let go of the need to try to control what’s happening and allow yourself to drop back into flow. Sometimes softness can be much more effective than force, and it definitely requires a whole lot less energy. Give it a try.  

Saturday 5/25 – Dog – For any relationship to be healthy, exchange is vital. This means that the energy in the relationship flows circularly, and that both parties are receiving nourishment from the connection. Take some time today to look at the relationships in your life that leave you feeling supported and lifted up--are you reciprocating the love? If not, check in with your people and ask them how you can best support them. It might be something really unexpected as each and every one of us has our own unique love languages and ways of receiving support from others. While you’re at it, you might also check in with your relationship with yourself. It’s just as important to be loyal to our own hearts and needs as it is to those of our friends and family, chosen or given, so make sure that you’re honoring and nourishing yourself, too.

Sunday 5/26 – Bat Reversed – The only constant in life is change and yet, for so many of us, change can be quite confronting and lead to resistance. We want to turn and cling to what has been, but why? How do we know that what is coming is not even better? Today, do your best to let go with grace. Surrender into the unknown possibilities and walk bravely forward. So much of our experience in this life is shaped by how we frame what we are going through. See if you can choose to simply view the shifts that are taking place as an exciting adventure. Sure, there may be some bumps and missteps along the way, but with a state of awe and curiosity, even the challenges can be met with trust and gratitude.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday May 13th, 2019

Monday 5/13 – Mouse Reversed  – You may be presented with some big opportunities or decisions today and, no matter how enticing something might seem at first glance, take a beat before you respond. This will allow you to check in with your body and your more subtle senses, as well as any additional cues or information from your environment, so that you can be sure that you know what you’re committing to and that it truly feels right in your bones. If you feel any hesitance or something seems a bit off, you might consider passing on the opportunity for the time being or at the very least, taking some additional time to examine your options.

Tuesday 5/14 – Coyote  - Learning to laugh at yourself is one of the greatest skills you can master and you may have an opportunity to get some practice in doing just that today. If you find yourself in challenging circumstances or entangled in a frustrating interaction, try to remember that none of us are getting out of this life alive and that being self-righteous or taking yourself too seriously only robs you of ease, joy, and connection in these precious and limited days. Make things easier on yourself by breathing through any tension and doing your best to adopt a more light-hearted approach to anything that comes your way.

Wednesday 5/15 – Antelope  – There are moments to wait and plan and prepare, and then there are moments to simply jump into action. Today calls for the latter so take the first step towards whatever it is that you wish to create. Don’t allow perfectionism or indecisiveness to paralyze you any longer. You can learn as you go and you will! Focus on the process, allow it to be a playful one, and before you know it, you’ll be checking off milestones. The sooner you start working towards your dreams, the faster you’ll see them come to life!

Thursday 5/16 – Alligator – Life can go by so quickly sometimes that we can breeze right past major transitions, lessons, and accomplishments if we don’t intentionally take the time to honor our journeys. Give yourself that gift today by reflecting on all that you’ve come through in recent weeks and months. Celebrate your successes. Find the gifts that came out of the struggles. Acknowledge yourself for how far you’ve come. You may find that there are new layers of insight and growth that you can glean now that you have the additional perspective that time and distance from experiences can often offer. It is through integrating these lessons that we learn to soften, to trust ourselves, and to embrace the contrast that is inherent in the human experience.

Friday 5/17 – Raven Reversed – If you want to see magic, you have to open your eyes and heart to it. Have you forgotten the wonder and awe you felt as a child over the simplest things? Create space to drop back into that childlike state by doing things that spark your curiosity or humble you. This could be anything from spending time in nature and observing the complex dance of life all around you to learning about a new topic that has always fascinated you. Allow yourself to remember how miraculous this life truly is and let that awareness light you up with a sense of possibility and joy.

Saturday 5/18 – Elk – Pace yourself today, particularly if you’ve been feeling run down or if you know you’ve got any big projects on the horizon. As tempting as it can be to fill our weekends with social engagements and exciting activities, sometimes what’s needed most is proper down time and relaxation. If you really feel like you need to make an appearance somewhere, set up an early exit plan for yourself beforehand that way you don’t overstay and push past your own limits. You’ll thank yourself later on for practicing a little extra self-care in the form of setting boundaries both with yourself and with others.

Sunday 5/19 – Dragonfly – As much as many of us would love to believe we have it all figured out, the truth is that none of us really do. We’re all viewing life through our own unique lens which is very much shaped by our upbringings, the culture that we’re steeped in, life experiences, and biological differences that shape our perception. Don’t be afraid to question your beliefs and what you think you know. In fact, you can even make a game out of being the devil’s advocate in your own mind. Asking yourself if your thoughts are absolutely true is a wonderful way to expand your mind and your worldview and can even support your ability to find creative solutions!

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday May 6th, 2019

Monday 5/6 – Alligator – Slow it down today. Don’t be afraid to take a beat, or multiple beats, so that you can choose your response intentionally rather than simply reacting from an unconscious place. If you can remain in observer mode today, and wait until tomorrow to make a decision on anything major, all the better. You may find that if you spend a little more time digesting the situation at hand, new information will come forward and knowledge is power, as they say. Either way, make sure that you are taking time to consider and integrate every perspective before you make any big moves today.

Tuesday 5/7 – Elk Reversed  - Have you been feeling the burn of Spring fever lately? As exciting as the shift from Spring to Summer can be with festival seasons and longer days full of more warmth and light, it’s important to still carve out time for deep rest. If you have to, block out time in your calendar for proper sleep and unscheduled downtime to curb the temptation to burn the candle at both ends. Even enjoyable activities can run down our energy reserves if we aren’t mindful of maintaining balance, so practice checking in with yourself (and maybe your calendar, too) to see if you actually have the bandwidth for a commitment before you send in your RSVP.

Wednesday 5/8 – Bat  – Shifts are underway today and this is a wonderful thing! Embrace the changes that are taking place in your life as if you had prayed for them and release anything that doesn’t support your growth and fullest light. Trust that you are more than capable of meeting anything that comes your way and that anything that is removed from your life is only creating space for things that are more fully aligned with with who you are and who you are becoming.

Thursday 5/9 – Squirrel Reversed – You get to choose your perspective and how you want to frame your own experiences and this is especially important to remember when we fall into the trap of “not enoughness”. If you’ve been feeling a sense of lack in any area of your life, whether that’s externally or internally, challenge yourself to be a hunter for what is good and beautiful and going right in your life. If you can find even one thing that you are truly grateful for, immerse yourself in the tenderness and fulfillment that you receive from that experience. It is a simple practice, but a powerful one when it comes to shifting out of lack and negativity and into a place of fulfillment and joy.  

Friday 5/10 – Beaver Reversed – Are you protecting your investments--financially, of course, but just as importantly, your time and energy? So often, we set out goals and work towards them, but quietly engage in habits and activities that are counterproductive. A question to ask yourself today (and really, every day) as you make choices about how you spend your time, energy, and money is: Does this support the life I’m trying to create? Bringing that awareness to each of your choices can help you get clearer around places where you might be leaking energy and what shifts you might want to make in order to bring your life into greater alignment with your goals and values.

Saturday 5/11 – Prairie Dog – Invest in rest today, and not just time away from work, but truly deep restoration. Sleep in or take a nap midday. Spend the afternoon alone, with a journal, out in nature and unplugged from screens, or in meditation. Create a DIY spa treatment at home with a long soak in an epsom salt bath and then massage oils or body butter into your skin, really spending time loving up every inch of your body. Make yourself a nourishing meal and eat it in silence, slowly savoring every bite. Self care doesn’t have to be expensive or flashy; more than anything, it’s about the intention you infuse into your practices and the space you create to be truly present with yourself.

Sunday 5/12 – Spider – Close out the weekend with creativity! Dance, paint, write, sing, craft--just whatever you do, do it with joy, a sense of playfulness, and a focus on the process rather than on the end product. In fact, you might even try setting the intention to be sloppy and make a mess just to release yourself from any underlying drive towards perfectionism. If you allow it, your creative practice can be one of deep healing and release as well as a wonderful way to connect with your inner child and the sweet desires of your spirit. So find a medium that speaks to you, and dive in!

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!
