Viewing entries tagged
June forecast


Weekly Forecast Monday June 24th, 2019

Monday 6/24 – Snake Reversed  – So often we move through our days on auto-pilot, missing moment after moment that offers the opportunity to connect with the divine nature of our own existence and that of everything around us. The call here is to shift into a more intentional way of being, to acknowledge the sacred in even the most mundane experiences, and to choose to be present with the beauty in each moment. If you struggle with this, a simple place to start is by creating a ritual out of something you already do. You might choose to bless your food with loving, healing energy as you prepare it. Perhaps you cleanse your energy field along with your body during your shower or bath, releasing any stored experiences that feel heavy or no longer serve you. Even simply taking a few extra minutes in bed in the morning to be present with your breath and your spirit before you begin your day can have a profound impact on your life. Your practices don’t need to be flashy; what matters most is that they are carried out with genuine intention and heart.

Tuesday 6/25 – Crow - Bring extra attention today to your impact. Ask yourself if how you’re showing up in the world is truly in alignment with your values and the legacy you wish to leave when you’re no longer here in physical form. This isn’t about what everyone else things is “good” or “good enough”; it’s about knowing in your heart that the choices you make, from your habits as a consumer to the way you interact with others to the ways that you speak to yourself internally, are truly serving your wellbeing as well as that of the world around you. We are so much more interconnected with everything around us than we will likely ever know and when we keep that in mind, it becomes much clearer that moving through the world kindly and gently creates peace both within and without.

Wednesday 6/26 – Badger  – There are times when we meet resistance and it’s a sign that we should back off, but this is not the message for today. Today calls for a relentless spirit and digging deep. The night is always darkest right before the dawn and you may be on the verge of a breakthrough. Ultimately, trust yourself and your inner knowing about if and when you should pull the plug, but if your heart is really in a goal and you’re questioning whether to continue on or to turn back, considering continuing to feel into your edge just a bit more, as gently as you need to. This will ensure that, no matter what you choose, you can know that you gave it your all.

Thursday 6/27 – Armadillo Reversed – If you find yourself struggling to set clear boundaries with others today or you’re feeling tempted to minimize your needs in order to avoid disappointing or upsetting someone else, remember that by honoring yourself, you implicitly give others permission to do the same. You may even be modeling a form of self-care that is entirely new to them and what a gift that could be, so don’t be afraid to set firm, but kind boundaries and let other people take care of themselves around that however they need to as well.

Friday 6/28 – Alligator – When was the last time you really celebrated yourself? So many of us hold conscious or unconscious beliefs around acknowledging and honoring our own accomplishments as signifying vanity or self-absorption and nothing could be further from the truth. Taking time to reflect on and celebrate challenges we’ve overcome and  goals we’ve met offers a beautiful opportunity to integrate all of the learning and growth that came out of these experiences so that we can carry it forward and share it with others. It’s also only when we allow ourselves to fully receive acknowledgment that we are able to truly offer it to others. So take some time today to reflect on all the ways you’re proud of yourself and be as generous with the self love as you would if you were lavishing that love on someone else.

Saturday 6/29 – Butterfly Reversed – Healthy growth requires a willingness to be present with what is. If we are holding on to the past or clinging to our comfort zones we can’t move forward. If we are trying to skip ahead into a future that hasn’t come to be yet, we miss the steps that prepare us to be able to navigate and sustain our own expansion. Embrace what is present for you in this very moment, both the good and the bad, as if you wouldn’t wish to be anywhere else. Once you’re able to do that, you’ll receive exactly what you need to step into the next phase.

Sunday 6/30 – Horse – Each and every one of us is a living, breathing embodiment of Spirit with massive creative potential. Being aware of this is the essence of empowerment and reminds us of the importance of being intentional about how we choose to channel and direct our precious life force energy. If you knew you could create anything, what would you create? Let the answer to that question inspire and guide your choices today, and if the answer isn’t immediately clear, don’t be afraid to ask Spirit/the cosmos/God/Goddess or whatever name you give to the source of all life to send you a clear message about your purpose. You existence is not an accident. Your work is to find out what gift you have to share with the world and then to share it as generously as possible.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday June 17th, 2019

Monday 6/17 – Bear  – We can seek out teacher after teacher and pour over texts searching for insight and wisdom, but the greatest enlightenment is always found through the journey inward. Take time today to explore the deepest caverns of your inner world. Hold what you find gently. And when it’s time to re-emerge, remember that your vulnerability and trust is a privilege to receive, so be discerning about who you choose to share it with.

Tuesday 6/18 – Armadillo Reversed - If our boundaries are too soft then we risk abandoning our needs, but if they are too rigid, we block ourselves from connection with others and the growth that can come from being in relationship. The key is to find the sweet spot in between and to stay flexible enough to pivot and shift as needed since our boundaries should be as dynamic as both our own growth processes and our ever-evolving relationships. Check in with yourself today. Are there places you can give a little? Or are there places where you need to draw clearer lines? And don’t forget that these questions apply just as much to your relationship with yourself as they do to your relationships with others.

Wednesday 6/19 – Rabbit  – How we relate to our fears also benefits from a balanced approach. Completely disregarding our experience when something triggers overwhelm, worry, or anxiety is a recipe for trouble. Often, our bodies will speak to us in louder and more exaggerated ways until we listen, so it’s best not to wait until we have health issues, physical or mental, before we respond. On the other hand, when we let fear run the show we lose our ability to see and respond to what’s coming up with clarity and groundedness. To release your fears you must hold them with compassion, honor the child within, and encourage him or her to move forward, at their own pace, with loving support.

Thursday 6/20 – Elk – Be very mindful about the commitments you make today, particularly if you know you’re prone to overextending yourself. Your “yes” is only valuable  when you are fully capable of saying “no” to things that are not in alignment with you, and this includes things that you simply don’t have the energy or time for at this moment. Take the time to be honest with yourself about whether or not you can and/or want to do something and then let that awareness guide your choices.

Friday 6/21 – Alligator Reversed – When we react impulsively, we give up our ability to make intentional choices. When we create space to pause, take in our external circumstances as well as our internal experiences, and then respond according to our values and who we wish to be in the world, we empower ourselves. No matter how tempted you are to offer a snap reaction to something today, take a beat, and maybe a deep breath or two, and get clear about what is most important to you. You may even find that no response is the best response for now.

Saturday 6/22 – Beaver Reversed – It doesn’t matter how hard you work towards something if you’re engaging in behaviors that counter all of your efforts. Take a good look at your goals today as well as any ways that you might be “leaking energy” or working against your best interests. If you see a strong pattern of self-sabotage, it might be worth doing some inner work to see if there are underlying self-worth issues at play or if your goals are perhaps not in true alignment with your heart’s deepest desires. If they’re driven by ego, then consider letting them go and setting your sights on a vision that feels more true to you. If you know, however, that your goals truly light you up, a little (tough) self-love in the form of discipline might be in order.

Sunday 6/23 – Weasel Reversed – Every relationship involves some form of exchange, and in healthy relationships, agreements about what that exchange looks like for both parties are clear, even if they aren’t spoken. When we manipulate or operate with ulterior motives, we open the door to unnecessary miscommunication, disappointment, and issues around trust. Save yourself the trouble and be transparent about what you’re seeking from others today. If someone can’t meet you where you’d like them to, wish them well and let them continue on with their journey. You’ll find whatever it is that you’re looking for in another more aligned soul or maybe even within yourself.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book! 

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday June 10th, 2019

Monday 6/10 – Bat Reversed  – If you feel like you’re being pushed out of certain circumstances or ways of being, the best thing you can do is embrace the shift. Trust that any shedding that is happening right now is only serving your growth. Grieve if you must, but let go willingly so that you can open yourself up to new and more aligned opportunities. If you’re really struggling, dig more deeply into your self-care practices and take time to honor any feelings of loss through ritual or release practices. Better things are coming. Welcome them in with open arms.

Tuesday 6/11 – Lynx Reversed - We are all intuitive and this is absolutely a blessing, but it’s so very important that we practice discernment in the way we use our gifts. Not every vision or message we receive is meant to be taken literally or shared for that matter. Practice balance in the way you honor your intuition by making a personal note of the messages you receive, exploring how they are reflected in the world around you, and then only sharing them with others if and when you have explicit permission to do so.

Wednesday 6/12 – Jaguar Reversed  – Today we’re being called to look closely at how our actions are or are not aligned with our values and who we wish to be in the world, and take action around any areas where there are discrepancies. It’s also a good time to examine whether or not we are being transparent in our interpersonal connections and honoring the free will of those around us by being very honest about who we are and what we are seeking. Even subtle forms of manipulation can muddy the waters of our relationships so make sure that you are being clear about your intentions and allowing people to choose their own destinies for themselves.

Thursday 6/13 – Salmon Reversed – If you’ve been feeling disconnected from your own heart, even in small ways, it’s time to come back home to yourself. Over-busyness, fear mindset, and overwhelm can pull us out of our heart space and it’s so important that we intentionally ground and tune back into that inner voice that speaks loving truth. Set aside some time for stillness, even if it’s only a few moments, so that you can move forward with clarity and a deeper sense of alignment.    

Friday 6/14 – Swan – After a week that seemed to be all about deep inner work, today brings a softening and more ease. Allow yourself a deep exhale and trust that, even in the midst of intense life shifts, you are being supported. The more you show up as the most authentic version of yourself, the more you’ll find that the right people, opportunities, and support show up for you, sometimes seemingly out of nowhere. The key is being courageously vulnerable with your heart.

Saturday 6/15 – Hummingbird – So often, joy isn’t so much something that happens to us as it is something we choose. It’s a perspective of gratitude. A willingness to let ourselves become fully absorbed into the simplest pleasures. Warm sunlight. A delicious meal. Comfortable silence with a kindred spirit. Practice choosing joy today and let it nourish and heal you in mind, body, and spirit.

Sunday 6/16 – Squirrel – Most of us have so much more abundance than we usually even acknowledge. Take some time today to really notice what is going right in your life, from the big to the little things. You might also want to consider doing a little prep for the week ahead to ensure that you start out the coming week calm, collected, and with a little extra ease.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday June 3rd, 2019

Monday 6/3 – Black Panther  – If you find yourself on the precipice of a big transition or preparing to move into unknown territory in some area of your life, be extra mindful of your self-talk. The difference between excitement and nervousness is really about what we believe about what’s ahead. Envision yourself succeeding, and even if things don’t go exactly as you had imagined, you will be in a much more centered and positive mindset, which will only support your ability to meet any potential challenges with positivity and creativity. And who knows? Maybe things will be even better than you could ever have imagined.

Tuesday 6/4 – Blue Heron - Carve out some time today to engage in an introspective practice, whether that’s seated meditation, a solo walk in nature, breathwork, or some free association journaling. Our inner worlds are so incredibly vast and every so often, it’s important to journey within and explore the terrain. This isn’t about trying to “fix” anything or make assessments about what is “good” or “bad”. It’s simply to become more intimate with your own being and it’s one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself.

Wednesday 6/5 – Otter Reversed  – We all carry unique balances of masculine and feminine energy with us. This is a beautiful reflection of the duality that we see all throughout nature and should be both cherished and nurtured. If you live in a society that values the qualities of the masculine archetype such as logic, assertiveness, decisiveness, and independence, it can be particularly important to be intentional about honoring the feminine within you as well. Receptivity, creativity, intuition, and interdependent connection are all aspects of the feminine archetype. Practice cultivating these qualities in whatever way feels most aligned for you. We can only honor in others what we first honor in ourselves, so it is in the best interest of both ourselves and the world at large that we honor all aspects of the human experience.

Thursday 6/6 – Hawk Reversed – Don’t let fear and overwhelm send you spinning out today. You have everything you need to navigate what’s in front of you, but you must remember to breathe. Let go of any unnecessary distractions or sources of overstimulation. Get clear about what is actually important right now. Are you safe? Are your basic needs being met? If so, everything else is icing on the cake. Once you are able to take some of the pressure off, you might even be able to enjoy yourself. The difference between an ordeal and an adventure is perspective, after all. And the good news is that you can choose a new perspective at any time.   

Friday 6/7 – Buffalo Reversed – You have a legion of souls supporting you and offering guidance to you at every step. Can you feel them? If not, it’s time to cultivate those connections. So often, we feel that once we have lost someone’s physical presence through death that we can no longer have a relationship with them, but this simply isn’t true. Whether it is someone that you were close to during their life or an ancestor that you’ve never even met, you can always choose to invite in a connection with their spirit. Open yourself up to the possibility of their continued presence. Allow yourself to see them in strangers and animals and clouds. Feel the way you carry them in your heart and let their strength and courage fill you up in moments of hardship.

Saturday 6/8 – Eagle Reversed – When did you forget that you are a living embodiment of the Divine? The conditions and sequences of events that needed to take place for you to be here right now are nothing short of miraculous and when you really allow that knowing to penetrate the depths of your heart, you can no longer pretend that you are anything less than extraordinary. Now, the question is: What are you going to do with the miracle that is your life? What would you do with your time if your every move was an intentional expression of Spirit/Source/God? Do that.

Sunday 6/9 – Mountain Lion Reversed – What is your relationship to the idea of leadership? Do you recoil at the mere thought of being in a position for people to look to you for guidance and support? Do you crave the power of authority? Neither of these perspectives really honors the essence of true leadership, which at its core is about service. If you’ve been offered leadership roles repeatedly but shy away for fear of the responsibility or potential for failure, remember that it isn’t about you being a vision of perfection, but rather an example of someone who is doing their best to elevate those around them. Yes, you will make mistakes along the way, but how you handle those mistakes is what matters. Lead with compassion, transparency, and vulnerable authenticity and even your missteps will ultimately serve to create positive shift. If you find that you’ve been getting high off of being in control, it’s time to take a step back and ask yourself what insecurities you are trying to cover over with the facade of power. If you want to be truly empowered, share your humanity with others. Unveiling your imperfections may be humbling but it paves the way for true connection which yields more loyalty than playing to people’s fears ever will.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!
