Monday 6/15 – Elk – Take a beat today and check in with your body, your mind, and your spirit. Are you feeling frenzied and frenetic? Overwhelmed? Or simply worn out? If so, it’s time to slow things down. Incessant grinding has been over-glorified in our modern culture and it’s leading many of us to place achievement over our basic needs and wellbeing. Are you going to enjoy crossing whatever finish line you’re running so quickly towards if you’re broken down physically or emotionally by the time you get there? Most likely not. So take a deep breath and recalibrate in whatever ways you need to so that you can move towards your goals in a more sustainable way. 

Tuesday 6/16 – Weasel Reversed - We humans are trucky creatures and can get ourselves tangled up in our own messes if we’re not thoughtful about how we move through the world. This can be especially true in relationship dynamics and is why it’s important to check ourselves regularly on why we’re doing the things we do and saying the things we say. Watch out for the tendency to be manipulative today. While we often think of manipulation as a malicious tendency, the truth is we all do it from time to time when we want something but don’t want to have to ask for that thing directly. It can seem oh so innocent to try to guide someone into giving us what we want but that is a subtle way of operating without consent. Instead, be straight-forward and transparent and make any requests you have in a clear way. This will help sidestep any risks of confusion, resentment, or breaches of trust and if you end up getting your wishes granted, then you can sleep easier at night knowing that you didn’t take anything that wasn’t truly offered to you.

Wednesday 6/17 – Porcupine Reversed – Of course it’s important to be discerning and to protect yourself in the face of harm, but has your fight or flight mechanism gone into overdrive? Rather than picking and choosing who can get close to you, have you created a spiky aura that blocks you from any and all connection? This might make you feel a bit safer for a short time, but staying constantly on guard will drain you and depriving yourself of loving connections will leave you feeling empty. Work at the edge of your comfort zone today. Tune into your energy field and see if you can soften into a more receptive and open-hearted state of being. Use your breath to relax your body and mind, release any resentments that have kept you bitter, and take whatever brave steps you can, no matter how small, to start to allow love into your life. 

Thursday 6/18 – Ant Reversed  – Patience isn’t just about waiting; it’s about how we carry ourselves while we wait. Rather than stewing in frustration, future-tripping, and angst, focus on what you can do during the delay. Maybe that means digging into another project or working on other aspects of the goal that you’re currently feeling stalled on. Perhaps it simply means taking a momentary break to dive into some self care and simple pleasures. Either way, there are treasures to be found in the present moment and releasing the desire to be anywhere else but right here, right now is the key to finding them. 

Friday 6/19 – Badger – Just because a lot of messages are coming through this week around pacing ourselves and patience doesn’t mean that we should give up on any of our dreams or goals. Stay committed to your pursuits by showing up for consistent and sustainable action and remind yourself often why you started. If you need to step back and assess the potential to approach your goals from a different angle, do it! Just whatever you do, don’t give up on the things that truly matter to you!

Saturday 6/20 – Armadillo  – When Armadillo shows up, it’s a reminder to check in with our boundaries and to look at where we fall on the spectrum between overly rigid boundaries and overly soft or non-existent boundaries. And don't forget that just because a certain boundary worked for you yesterday or last week that it is still exactly where it should be. We are shifting and changing all the time and our boundaries need to be as dynamic and ever-evolving as we are! Know that you always have the right to shift your boundaries as needed. And be sure that your actions back up your words so that the boundaries you speak are not empty promises to yourself. 

Sunday 6/21 – Dragonfly – We are all viewing the world through our own unique lenses and it’s important to remember to question what we think we see and know from time to time. In particular, the idea that we are separate from anything else in the universe is a distorted perspective and today the call is to notice all the ways we are actually connected to absolutely everything around us. Ask yourself again and again today, how am I impacting the world around me? How am I impacted by my environment, both my immediate environment and my broader global or universal environment? How do my actions circle back like a boomerang and ultimately show up in my own experience? This is a reminder of how truly powerful we actually are. And when we are aware of and own our power, we move through the world with a deeper sense of responsibility and grace.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

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