Monday 3/25 – Hummingbird Reversed – Joy is magnetic and choosing to live within that frequency is one of the most empowering shifts we can make. Regardless of our circumstances we can always decide to orient towards gratitude, wonder, and awe. This doesn’t mean slapping on a fake smile when we’re sad or struggling, but rather maintaining a perspective of curiosity, an openness to the possibility that everything is happening for, instead of to, us, and a willingness to seek out the beauty in absolutely every experience. Yes, life can have its fair share of challenges and heaviness, but it’s up to each of us to decide how we carry the load. Make things easier on yourself today by releasing the weight of bitterness and fear and allow the spaces left behind to be filled with love and the simplest pleasures, which are the truest forms of nourishment we can ever have in this life.
Tuesday 3/26 – Skunk Reversed - Relationships can be some of the most powerful mirrors in our lives and often reflect the ways that we show up in the world. If you’ve been repeatedly finding yourself tangled up in interpersonal dynamics that don’t feel good to you, it might be a good time to ask yourself where your responsibility in that is. While we can’t control other people’s behavior, we are constantly sending out messages, consciously and not, about what we have to offer and what we are willing to accept, and this plays a big role in the types of relationships we find ourselves in. If you don’t like what’s been showing up for you, take some time to reflect on what you’ve been putting out in the world and make the necessary adjustments so that you can call in the connections and experiences that you actually desire.
Wednesday 3/27 – Badger – There’s a time and a place for everything and today it’s time to tap into and harness those aggressive energies that may have been bubbling under the surface for a while. Channel them into any projects or ventures that seem to have stalled out during the retrograde season that just ended and don’t be afraid to go after what you want with intensity. Just be sure that you are grounding with lots of self care and proper down time to avoid getting burned out or falling into the trap of tunnel vision. And don’t forget to check in regularly to make sure that your actions are aligned with your values so that anything you create is built on a foundation of integrity.
Thursday 3/28 – Spider – Your entire life is a masterpiece that you create moment by moment, and when you’re intentional about what it is you’re creating, you have the opportunity to make it something that is healing, both for you and for the world. What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind when you take your last breath? What impact do you wish to have on people and the world around you? Allow the answer to those questions infuse each breath, each word you speak or write, how and where you spend your time and energy, and the way in which you move through the world.
Friday 3/29 – Weasel – Sometimes when we encounter challenging circumstances, it can be incredibly helpful to consider different perspectives. There’s multiple sides to every story, conflict, and situation. Being able to at least consider each side allows us to have a more dynamic understanding of what is in front of us, and therefore a more informed, creative, and nuanced approach to addressing it. Brining a playful attitude to this sort of investigation and keeping it centered in tenderness and curiosity will also ensure that we don’t fall into manipulation, which has a tendency to backfire and yield undesired results anyway. The goal here is to try to figure out how to work with what we’ve got in the most constructive way.
Saturday 3/30 – Mouse – Take a little time today to really focus in on the details. Take inventory of the various areas of your life and really ask yourself what is in alignment and what is not. Make sure that all of your systems, both internally and externally, are functioning at their most optimal and if they’re not, start the work of figuring out what needs to shift so that you can create the conditions for the most vibrant, healthy, and joyful life you can possibly live. This may involve letting go of things, habits, relationships, and circumstances that no longer serve your vision of your best life. Do what you need to do to gain closure, so that you can move forward in a way that is more fully aligned with your highest self.
Sunday 3/31 – Opossum – If you feel like you’ve been backed into a corner in some part of your life, rather than trying to fight your way out, you might consider just “playing dead” for a bit. Disengage from the conflict and give the entire issue some breathing room. You might find that it resolves on its own without you having to expend unnecessary energy trying to defend yourself. If there’s someone in your orbit who seems to be trying to get a reaction out of you, whatever you do, don’t take the bait. You’ll be able to stay much more conscious and intentional about your own choices when you don’t allow others to manipulate you into playing a game where the odds are already stacked against you. Keep your power by remaining neutral and centered. Even if the issue doesn’t completely dissolve on its own, a little space might help some of the charge around it settle down so that you can re-engage from a place of calm and grounded awareness.