weekly card reading 12.10.18.jpg

Monday 12/10 - Blue Heron Reversed -. Choosing the path of awareness and growth is beautifully courageous, but it’s important to not develop tunnel vision in your pursuit to become “enlightened”. Even the greatest sages and gurus know that being able to take life a little less seriously and laugh at yourself every once in a while is vital to becoming a balanced and whole human. Sometimes, dropping back into the body or connecting with community can bring just as much insight as spending hours in meditation so make sure that any self-reflection you’ve undertaken is coupled with a healthy dose of light-hearted activity, connection with others, and an understanding that perfection only exists in the mind.

Tuesday 12/11 - Antelope Reversed -  It’s time to get moving. It doesn’t matter which direction you choose, but choose you must. If you’ve recently found yourself stuck in analysis paralysis, it might help to remember that there are no wrong paths and that, as long as you follow the wisdom of your heart, you will always be led to the exact place you are meant to be. And, if you find yourself down a road that you no longer wish to traverse, you can always turn around or re-route. So relieve some of the pressure you’ve placed upon yourself and just take action.

Wednesday 12/12 - Eagle Reversed - Have you been feeling disconnected? From yourself? From your sense of purpose? From the world around you? It is normal to feel cut off from the flow of source energy when we are discouraged or depleted--mentally, physically, or spiritually, but it is also up to us to re-establish the connection. Take some time today to remind yourself of the bigger picture and just how magical this life truly is. Hike to a beautiful vista and take in the view. Try something new. Drop into deep conversation with a stranger. Whatever you do, make sure to shake your life up a little bit so some of those stagnant energies and thoughts can clear out and make room for a fresh perspective.

Thursday 12/13 - Spider Reversed - When we don’t find intentional ways to express ourselves, we are likely to end up doing so in ways that are not only unconscious, but often a bit destructive as well. This is why it is so important to not bottle up or push down your thoughts, feelings, and dreams. If you have something that you need to get out of your system but aren’t quite ready to share it with the world, purge that energy onto a canvas, a notebook, or an voice memo and then destroy it if you need to. Keep creating and outletting until your heart and body feel light again.

Friday 12/14 - Black Panther - In order to step into the unknown, you must first trust. In yourself and ultimately in something greater than yourself as well. When in your life have you been seemingly assisted by unseen forces? Have you ever experienced a time where unexpected help showed up at the exact moment you need it most? Maybe it was even just a sudden burst of courage that came out of nowhere and helped you make your way through something challenging. Call on those experiences today to help you embrace the parts of your path that are not yet illuminated. We all eventually meet a day where we must walk in the dark. Stay connected to the energy of your own precious heart and you will not have to worry about where your next step will take you.

Saturday 12/15 - Bat Reversed - Transitions can challenge even the most grounded of us all, but it is only when we resist change that we truly suffer. If life seems to be pushing you into something new, don’t fight it. Allow yourself to drop into the flow of the current and you’ll be more able to make choices about what opportunities you wish to take and which ones you prefer to let float on by. It may feel like you are losing parts of yourself or your life that you aren’t quite yet ready to let go of, but rest assured that more aligned possibilities are on their way to you. You only need to let go of the past so that you can be open and ready to receive them.

Sunday 12/16 - Deer - Gentleness may be one of the most underrated qualities, but it has a power all its own. Our very masculine-oriented world often rewards fire and assertiveness, even aggression, and there is a time and place for making things happen by sheer force of will. However, there are also moments when dropping into tenderness and the energy of pure, innocent love is called for and today is one of those days. Where can you soften? Where can you drop the need to push and shove your way through others or even through yourself? Cultivate a deeper sense of patience and compassion, offer it freely to yourself and those around, and watch previously impenetrable barriers crumble all around you.
