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Your Best Will Always Be Enough

Usually at the outset of a new month I have a big burst of energy. There is something about turning the page on the calendar that feels refreshing and uplifting and while I won’t say that none of that new month optimism is present for me at the moment, it would be dishonest of me to pretend that it is not coupled with a great deal of weariness. The cumulative strain and grief of a full year of navigating a pandemic, some recent news from a doctor that was not devastating, but certainly left me shaken, and the uncertainty about what lies ahead for me and for us finds me arriving at this new month with a little less vigor and pep than is typical for me. And I’ve decided that that’s okay.

As someone who, more than anything, wants my legacy to be one of uplifting others who are struggling, I often find myself walking a fine line with what I share with my community here online. I, of course, want my words and images to bring hope, inspiration, and nourishment to anyone who comes across them, but I am also committed to being real and honoring the full spectrum of my/the human experience. If you’ve been following me for any length of time you know that I do not have any interest in bypassing or toxic positivity. 

And so, my message for the beginning of this month is a tempered one and draws from a lesson that my father gifted me with when I was in 6th grade. It was a tough year for me. Up until this last year I would have said it was the toughest year of my life. My home life was chaotic and overwhelming that year and for the first time in my academic career, my grades suffered to the point that my report card required a parent’s signature. As I handed the report to my father, my hands shook. I was ashamed and also scared of what his reaction might be.

He reviewed my grades and then looked at me and calmly asked, “Did you do your best?”

I answered “yes” honestly as tears welled up in my eyes and then he placed his giant bear paw hands on my shoulders and said, “Then, I’m proud of you.”

I broke down into sobs of relief and some other feeling that I still can’t quite name.

To know that it was enough, that I was enough, despite the ways I felt I had fallen short, shattered me.

I have thought about that moment so much over the past year and especially in the past handful of months, none of which has looked anything like I would have hoped. 

There have been days where I have been able to create meaning and purpose out of these odd times, but there have also been days where I have struggled to hold myself together or do anything of substance at all. On the days where I’m in the latter experience, I have noticed the voice of my inner bully piping up, telling me I should be doing more, or that I should be handling things better. And then, I remember the question my father asked me and I ask it of myself: Am I doing my best? 

And as long as the answer is yes, I take a deep exhale and begin the practice of releasing myself from the grips of shame and not-enoughness. 

Some days, our best is what we envision it to be. For me that looks like taking good care of my mind and body, showing up in my power and light, and engaging in meaningful work that serves both myself and others. 

But some days, our best just looks like making it through. And whatever that looks like for you, please know that you deserve grace on those days, too.

As I look to this new month ahead, in this wildly strange time, I don’t feel the need to set any big goals or place high expectations on myself. The only thing that I am asking of myself in this moment is that I do my best. And my hope for myself, is that I truly know in my heart that it’s enough, that I am enough. I hope you know that you are, too.



Weekly Forecast Monday July 13th, 2020

Monday 7/13 – Raccoon - This week opens up with a call to open our eyes to the ways in which we are privileged and to be intentional about using that privilege to elevate those around us who may not have access to the same opportunities that we do. This could look like connecting someone with influential people in their desired field of work, giving visibility to someone who might often be overlooked or underrepresented, or sharing resources, whether that be time or money, with someone in a way that helps them have a better chance at success. The key is to make sure that what you’re doing truly empowers the person you’re supporting rather than puts you in a position of “savior”. Keep the spotlight on the person you’re uplifting and know that it is an honor to pay forward the fortune that has been bestowed upon you. 

Tuesday 7/14 – Buffalo - Don’t be afraid to ask for help today. From Spirit or from the people around you. Despite cultural fixations on concepts of independence or being “self-made”, the truth is that none of us do anything magnificent without some form of support. This idea may be humbling but it also opens us up to be able to receive and that is vital for living a life of abundance. And don’t be surprised if you get what you asked for in a rather unexpected form. Sometimes our guides show up in the most peculiar ways so keep your eyes and heart open.

Wednesday 7/15 – Fox – We all have the ability to expand or contract our presence or auric field and today we are being asked to be mindful of how we’re choosing to show up. In some instances, it is absolutely our duty and privilege to step forward into the spotlight and to share our gifts in a way that supports those around us. In other moments, it is important to step back and allow someone or something else to take center stage. Take time to tune into the energy both around and within you and ask yourself what best serves in this moment. 

Thursday 7/16 – Hawk Reversed  – Hawk comes to us again this week in the reversed position reminding us to actively soothe and ground our own energy so that we can free ourselves from obsessive worry and instead direct that energy towards something more productive. A balance of creative expression and movement can offer a great deal of support. Channel whatever is coming up for you into writing, art, or any other means that will allow you to transmute your stress into something tangible that you can choose to hold and then release when the time is right and then utilize somatic work like movement or breathwork to process through any residual or lingering energy. Yes this can feel like a lot of work at times, but anything that we don’t process and release remains stuck inside of us and there’s nothing more valuable than feeling free from energetic baggage that you were never meant to hold on to. 

Friday 7/17 – Wild Boar Reversed – Today the task is to find the balance between unapologetically sharing our truth and being compassionate. This applies as much to the way we show up for ourselves as it does to the way we relate to others. Speak from the heart. Avoid shaming and blaming. And keep the focus on your own experience. You can’t control how others receive or perceive you, but as long as you are being honest and kind, you can trust that the chips will fall exactly where they’re meant to. 

Saturday 7/18 – Bat Reversed  – Change is unavoidable and resisting the shifts that naturally take place in our lives is a recipe for suffering. Practice holding life with a softer grip today and allow people, opportunities, and your own identity to show up, evolve, or fall away as they will. The more you are able to breathe through the experience and stay present, the more you’ll be able to access clarity around how you can move with the currents of your life rather than against them.

Sunday 7/19 – Grouse – Life is such a journey and it’s easy to forget to take time to honor how far we’ve come. Even if you feel like you’re still trying to learn the same lessons you’ve been working on for years or feel that you still have such a long way to go, please know that you are doing so much better than you likely give yourself credit for. The way you side step things that used to trip you up. The way you are less reactive to certain triggers. The way you are more gentle with yourself when you make a mistake. All of this matters. Honor your journey and your growth today, and in doing so, you’ll find that you’ve also integrated the wisdom that will only support you in moving through the world more gracefully in the days ahead.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday July 6th, 2020

Monday 7/6 – Whale - The call for today is to find your voice and, while that can certainly include speaking your truth more boldly, it’s about much more than what you say. You have unique gifts that you are meant to share during your time on this earth and it’s time for you to offer them up. If you’re not sure what those are, reconnect with the things that brought you joy as a child. The things that light you up and inspire you are not random and are absolutely connected to your purpose and destiny. 

Tuesday 7/7 – Deer Reversed - Compassion for others begins with how we hold our own shadows and wounds. If we’ve found that we’re being hypercritical or unnecessarily harsh towards those around us, it might be time to look within and inquire about whether or not the standards we hold ourselves and others to are actually fair or kind. Forgive yourself and those around you where you can, as much for your own healing as for theirs. If you need to still keep someone at a distance in order to honor your own boundaries and wellbeing, then do so, but make sure that it’s done in the spirit of love.

Wednesday 7/8 – Hawk Reversed – Spirit is speaking to us constantly, but it’s difficult to hear the soft whispers of our intuition when we are feeling frazzled, over-stimulated, and moving at a frenetic pace. Slow down. Catch your breath. Center yourself through grounding practices like meditation, gentle movement, or time in nature. Even a few minutes with your bare feet on the earth can powerfully shift your energetic state and support you in coming back home to your body. Once you are able to tune into the wisdom of your subtle senses again, you’ll be much more able to see your present circumstances with clarity and determine what the next right step is. 

Thursday 7/9 – Lynx Reversed  – Whether you stumbled into some information that wasn’t intended for you or you’re simply a very perceptive person that tends to just know things about people, it’s important to remember that knowledge is power and power needs to be wielded responsibly. Be mindful of any temptation to talk behind others’ backs or to confront people with truths that they may not be ready to receive. Trust that any insights you’ve gained are meant more for your own reflection and healing and that anything that’s meant to come to light will in its own time. 

Friday 7/10 – Salmon Reversed – The messages around tuning more deeply into our inner knowing continue today as Salmon in the reversed position asks us to listen to our desires and to honor their wisdom. It’s important to note that this doesn’t require us to run out and buy a plane ticket to Paris just because we’ve had a vision of the Eiffel Tower. While some people may have intuitive gifts that present in very literal ways, for most of us, the messages are more subtle, layered, and personal. Look for the meaning within the messages you are receiving. Do they remind you of something? What feeling do they leave you with? Do they call forth a part of you that you had forgotten about? And if so, in what way can you start taking steps to bring that part of your inner truth into your day to day life?

Saturday 7/11 – Porcupine  – The world can be a heavy place sometimes and it can be all too easy to become jaded or shut down, but Porcupine reminds us of the importance of staying connected to our inner child. Make time for creativity and play today. Spend time with people who bring out your softness and vulnerability. Do something silly just to make yourself laugh and to loosen up the tension that builds up from the stresses of life. These things may seem simple and even frivolous but they are absolutely vital to our ability to create healthy and fulfilling lives, so make sure that you are honoring the child-like spirit that will always live within you. 

Sunday 7/12 – Turkey Reversed – If you’ve been feeling either that you don’t have enough or that you aren’t enough, the anti-dote might be counter-intuitive--find a way to give back. You always have something to offer the world, even if that is only your time or a simple act of kindness. Find a way to be of service today and notice how the act of giving actually amplifies your experience of abundance. 

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday June 29th, 2020

Monday 6/29 – Moose - You say you love yourself but are your habits and actions showing that as well? We all have little ways where we treat ourselves as less worthy than we truly are and today is a wonderful day to look lovingly at the way we can be kinder and more nourishing to ourselves. Are you eating like you love yourself? Are you moving like you love yourself? Are you choosing to surround yourself with people that reflect your intrinsic worth and beauty? Are you speaking kind words to and about yourself both internally and out loud? Self-love is an inside job but sometimes working from the outside in helps us embody a truth that we may have believed in our minds, but didn’t feel in our core. 

Tuesday 6/30 – Owl - Do your best to stay in “beginner’s mind” today and question what you think you know. Get curious about anything that leaves you feeling confused and allow your intuition to guide you to the truth that may be held just beneath the surface of the circumstances at hand. Trust your gut, but also watch out for a desire to attach literal interpretations to what you sense. Your feelings don’t need to be logical to honor them, and sometimes their essence and message can get lost when we get wrapped up in a loop of intellectualization and analysis. 

Wednesday 7/1 – Armadillo Reversed – If you are feeling resentful, angry, used, or hurt, there’s a good chance that your boundaries have been crossed, either by yourself or by someone else. Instead of repressing these feelings, allow them to serve as a map for what you need in order to feel safe and respected in your relationships. If the trespass took place in a relationship with another person, it might be worth examining whether or not you were clear about your boundaries in both your words and actions. We can’t expect others to know how we would like to be loved if we don’t express that clearly. If you are certain that your boundaries had been stated and were simply ignored, it’s a good time to consider the nature of the relationship, whether the other party is capable of honoring your needs, and how much access you would like for them to have to you as you move forward. Compassion for others starts with compassion towards yourself, so make sure that you are treating yourself with loving kindness and if others can’t meet you on that bridge, then it’s okay to release them with love. 

Thursday 7/2 – Elk  – It would seem that Elk isn’t quite done with us yet and is showing up for the third week in a row to remind us to take care of ourselves and to be mindful of how much we’re taking on. Of course, there will be days where we burn the candle at both ends but if this is becoming more the norm than the exception it may be time to reassess your priorities and commitments. No matter how noble your mission is in this world, you can’t carry it out if your vessel is falling apart; so take care of yourself, mind, body, and spirit.

Friday 7/3 – Salmon Reversed – Listen closely to those calls and desires that are coming from deep within your heart and spirit. Even, and maybe especially, if they don’t make sense. Your heart has its own wisdom and is always trying to guide you into deeper alignment with your soul’s purpose. If there is something that you are feeling passionate about or inexplicably drawn towards, acknowledge and honor that! 

Saturday 7/4 – Mouse Reversed  – Today the message is about practicing discernment and tuning into our senses, both our standard visceral senses but also our subtle senses as well, and allowing them to inform us as we move throughout our days. Check in with your gut, your breath, your heart, and any other place in your experience where you tend to open or close in response to things around you. Notice what leaves you feeling softer, safer, and more expansive. Notice what causes you to stiffen and contract. This practice alone can be one of the most empowering ways we can cultivate self awareness and clarity around what truly serves and supports us and what may not.

Sunday 7/5 – Antelope – If you’ve been holding back or feeling paralyzed lately, it’s time to take a deep breath and then move into action. There are certain things in our lives that we will never feel fully ready for, but that doesn’t mean we aren’t meant to go forward. Whether you choose to leap fully or to start by dipping a toe in, take that first step. You might be surprised how much tension you release just by breaking out of the cycle of indecision. Also, it’s important to remember that, if you start making your way down a path and find that it’s not leading you where you want to go, you can always turn around and reroute. Instead of beating yourself up, focus on the fact that you gained a little more experience and perspective to take into the next leg of your journey. There’s no such thing as failure. Only opportunities to learn.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday June 22nd, 2020

Monday 6/22 – Skunk - Notice the relationship between the energy you put out into the world and the reflection of yourself you see in others. If you find that there’s a pattern in the types of dynamics you have in your relationships or that you keep having similar experiences with a variety of people in your life, ask yourself how you are contributing to those circumstances. That’s not to say that you are responsible for how other people show up, but when you realize that aspects of our own shadow can often be mirrored to us by others it’s much easier to uncover the places where we still have healing to do.

Tuesday 6/23 – Bear - Take some time away from any unnecessary stimuli today and drop into stillness. That could be through a 5-10 minute meditation, an afternoon out in nature, or maybe even some time for stream of consciousness writing. Your intuition may have an important message for you right now, but if you don’t create space for quiet, the din of your day to day life might drown out that wise but often soft inner voice. Taking this time to tune in can be especially important if you are struggling with a problem or have been feeling a bit lost. Don’t underestimate the guidance that can come through during dream states as well. If there’s something you’d like clarity around, set that intention before going to sleep tonight and be sure to keep a journal near your bed so you can write down any messages that come through upon waking.

Wednesday 6/24 – Dog – Sometimes it can seem like we have to choose between being true to ourselves and showing up in a way that suits others, but the truth is that the best thing you can do for the people in your life is to be the most authentic version of yourself. It is only when you are truly loyal to your own heart that you can honor the validity of the needs and desires of others in a compassionate way. If you’ve been feeling torn, come back to your own center, uncover what’s true for you, and then care for yourself around that as lovingly as you can, while holding space for the people around you to do the same. 

Thursday 6/25 – Alligator  – A major part of any personal growth or spiritual journey is integration of the lessons we learn as well as the parts of ourselves that we uncover as we gain self awareness. It’s important to remember that, particularly if we are integrating parts of our shadow or experiences that we might feel shame around, compassion is a vital part of the process. Even the most difficult and painful moments in our lives can offer us the gift of wisdom and expansion if we only have the courage to sit with and process our experiences, and then ultimately do the work to heal.

Friday 6/26 – Hummingbird – Joy is a birthright for each and everyone of us, but it is so easy to forget amidst the grief and chaos of the world. Today, come back to yourself through simple, grounding pleasures like getting a good stretch, a delicious meal, snuggles with someone you care about, a relaxing bath or shower, or placing yourself in the presence of beauty. The key here is to really allow yourself to be present to the visceral gratitude you receive from the experience and to let that nourish you from the inside out. 

Saturday 6/27 – Raccoon  – We all need a helping hand from time to time and today it’s your turn to show up and pay it forward. Look around in your community and notice who might be struggling or who could simply benefit from a little extra support. Offer whatever you have in abundance, whether that’s time, money, social capital, or supportive words and energy. Just make sure that you’re helping in a way that serves to empower rather than create a sense of dependence or helplessness.

Sunday 6/28 – Elk Reversed – It’s time to slow down, to rest, and to get realistic about what you're actually capable of doing in a 24 hour period. If you’re running at a frenetic pace and feeling overwhelmed or exhausted, doing more and faster isn’t the answer. Find a pace that allows you to still honor your needs and wellbeing and then focus on being consistent rather than trying to cram as much productivity in as you can. In the long run, you may find that you actually get more done this way and you’ll be much more likely to enjoy your accomplishments if you haven’t broken yourself down, in body or spirit, on the way to achieving your goals.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!
