Monday 7/13 – Raccoon - This week opens up with a call to open our eyes to the ways in which we are privileged and to be intentional about using that privilege to elevate those around us who may not have access to the same opportunities that we do. This could look like connecting someone with influential people in their desired field of work, giving visibility to someone who might often be overlooked or underrepresented, or sharing resources, whether that be time or money, with someone in a way that helps them have a better chance at success. The key is to make sure that what you’re doing truly empowers the person you’re supporting rather than puts you in a position of “savior”. Keep the spotlight on the person you’re uplifting and know that it is an honor to pay forward the fortune that has been bestowed upon you.
Tuesday 7/14 – Buffalo - Don’t be afraid to ask for help today. From Spirit or from the people around you. Despite cultural fixations on concepts of independence or being “self-made”, the truth is that none of us do anything magnificent without some form of support. This idea may be humbling but it also opens us up to be able to receive and that is vital for living a life of abundance. And don’t be surprised if you get what you asked for in a rather unexpected form. Sometimes our guides show up in the most peculiar ways so keep your eyes and heart open.
Wednesday 7/15 – Fox – We all have the ability to expand or contract our presence or auric field and today we are being asked to be mindful of how we’re choosing to show up. In some instances, it is absolutely our duty and privilege to step forward into the spotlight and to share our gifts in a way that supports those around us. In other moments, it is important to step back and allow someone or something else to take center stage. Take time to tune into the energy both around and within you and ask yourself what best serves in this moment.
Thursday 7/16 – Hawk Reversed – Hawk comes to us again this week in the reversed position reminding us to actively soothe and ground our own energy so that we can free ourselves from obsessive worry and instead direct that energy towards something more productive. A balance of creative expression and movement can offer a great deal of support. Channel whatever is coming up for you into writing, art, or any other means that will allow you to transmute your stress into something tangible that you can choose to hold and then release when the time is right and then utilize somatic work like movement or breathwork to process through any residual or lingering energy. Yes this can feel like a lot of work at times, but anything that we don’t process and release remains stuck inside of us and there’s nothing more valuable than feeling free from energetic baggage that you were never meant to hold on to.
Friday 7/17 – Wild Boar Reversed – Today the task is to find the balance between unapologetically sharing our truth and being compassionate. This applies as much to the way we show up for ourselves as it does to the way we relate to others. Speak from the heart. Avoid shaming and blaming. And keep the focus on your own experience. You can’t control how others receive or perceive you, but as long as you are being honest and kind, you can trust that the chips will fall exactly where they’re meant to.
Saturday 7/18 – Bat Reversed – Change is unavoidable and resisting the shifts that naturally take place in our lives is a recipe for suffering. Practice holding life with a softer grip today and allow people, opportunities, and your own identity to show up, evolve, or fall away as they will. The more you are able to breathe through the experience and stay present, the more you’ll be able to access clarity around how you can move with the currents of your life rather than against them.
Sunday 7/19 – Grouse – Life is such a journey and it’s easy to forget to take time to honor how far we’ve come. Even if you feel like you’re still trying to learn the same lessons you’ve been working on for years or feel that you still have such a long way to go, please know that you are doing so much better than you likely give yourself credit for. The way you side step things that used to trip you up. The way you are less reactive to certain triggers. The way you are more gentle with yourself when you make a mistake. All of this matters. Honor your journey and your growth today, and in doing so, you’ll find that you’ve also integrated the wisdom that will only support you in moving through the world more gracefully in the days ahead.