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september forecast


Weekly Forecast Monday May 25th, 2020

Monday 5/25 – Black Panther Reversed  – You may find yourself confronted with circumstances today that leave you feeling uncertain. Rather than resisting the unknown or trying to force the situation into one direction or another simply to feel a sense of control, embrace the possibility that is held in this moment. Stay curious and open to all outcomes, even and maybe especially the ones you haven’t even been able to imagine yet. If you can channel a sense of adventure and playfulness, you might even find yourself enjoying the process of allowing the mystery to unfold in its own time. 

Tuesday 5/26 – Lynx Reversed - If you have a strong intuitive sense about someone around you today, pause before sharing that with anyone else. Even if you feel compelled to tell the person about your vision or premonition, it’s important to remember that not only may they not be ready to hear that information, it might not be meant for them either. In most cases, we come to our own awareness and understandings about things in our time and not a moment sooner. Focus instead on what messages you can draw from the guidance you’ve received. What does it trigger in you? What does it remind you of? Your subtle senses are trying to tell you something, and your job is to uncover what that is for yourself, not for anyone else.

Wednesday 5/27 – Raccoon – Make a point of looking for ways to support those in your community today, whether that’s by offering your time, energy, or resources that you have an abundance of. Maybe that means helping someone with a task they’re struggling to take care of on their own. Perhaps that looks like connecting someone with people or opportunities that can help them move closer to their dreams. It could even be as simple as just listening deeply to someone and reminding them that their experiences are valid and that their presence is appreciated. Whatever you do, make sure that you are finding ways to shore up those around you, because the world needs more people who are standing in their power and using their gifts for good.

Thursday 5/28 – Bear Reversed  – It’s time to get out of your head and back into action today. While introspection is an important practice in self-development, it doesn’t do anyone very much good if we aren’t embodying the shifts that we envision for ourselves. Decide what it is you wish to create in your time here and get to work! You may never feel fully ready to do the things that both scare you and light you up all at once, but don’t let that stop you. Life is short and time waits for no one. 

Friday 5/29 – Alligator – All of our life experiences mean nothing if we don’t take the time to glean wisdom and grow from them. As we move from spring into summer, there’s no better time to review the lessons of the season we’re preparing to leave behind. What hardships or losses do you need to grieve? What successes deserve to be celebrated? What insights can you take from all that you’ve navigated up until now? Whether you do it through therapy, through writing/journaling, or through sharing with a trusted friend, taking time to process and integrate the lessons from recent weeks and months will only support your ability to move gracefully through all that’s yet to come. Give yourself that gift. 

Saturday 5/30 – Armadillo Reversed – Boundaries are such a big topic in the personal development and healing world and for good reason. Our relationship to boundaries sets the tone for so many aspects of our lives and this includes how we set and honor boundaries with ourselves as much as how we set and honor boundaries in relationships with others. Rigid boundaries can make us inaccessible and limit our ability to develop intimacy and connection with others, while overly soft or non-existent boundaries leave us open to being taken advantage of or devalued. The goal is to find that happy, healthy middle ground in which we can love others without compromising our ability to be loving towards ourselves.

Sunday 5/31 – Salmon – Trust that call that is coming from deep within you today. Even if it doesn’t make logical sense, the heart has a way of knowing what will most support our health and happiness, so listen to it. The more you follow the thread of the things that light you up and spark curiosity or joy, the more you’ll see that these things are not random, but are, in fact, deeply connected to your purpose on this planet at this particular time in history.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday September 16th, 2019

Monday 9/16 – Armadillo Reversed  – When we talk about healthy boundaries, we are so often focused on concerns of boundaries not being strong or clear enough, but the opposite extreme can be just as unhealthy. Are there places in your life where you keep people at a distance by being rigid? Perhaps there’s somewhere you could be just a touch more flexible in a way that creates more space for connection. The lines are drawn in the sand so that we can adjust them as we shift and change. Make sure that you’re checking in regularly to see what is right for the moment at hand.

Tuesday 9/17 – Raccoon Reversed - Helping others out is a beautiful thing, but when you start running around trying to save the day, especially for those who didn’t ask for support, you’re most likely veering into martyrdom territory and that rarely ends well. Try bringing the focus back to your own life and pour all of that loving energy on yourself. If someone does actually ask for your support, make sure that you’re showing up in a way that empowers rather than encourages dependency. This will keep resentments at bay on both sides and creates a circular energy exchange that is mutually enriching rather than depleting. 

Wednesday 9/18 – Horse Reversed – We’re all entitled go deep into our feels from time to time, but watch out today for a tendency to get sucked into a pity party. Wallowing in what’s not going right or pointing fingers will never get you to the place you want to be. Instead, look within. Find the places in your life where you have agency to create positive changes and get to work making shift happen. If you find that you’ve been the architect of your own unhappiness, there’s no need to beat yourself up about it either. Becoming aware of our own self-sabatoging habits is at least half of the battle. Once you know better, you can not only do better, but enjoy the rewards of creating a life that truly feels joyous to you.

Thursday 9/19 – Otter – It’s easy to forget that we humans are really just animals after all. It’s even easier to forget that we come from lineages of communal creatures that spend a lot of time engaged in bonding and connection behaviors. Our modern day society isn’t always set up to encourage lots of community time or deep intimacy, so it’s vital to the wellbeing of all of us that we set aside time just for that. If you don’t feel that there are communities around you that gather or connect in ways that feel supportive and inclusive then seize the opportunity to be the one to create that space. We all need places where we can feel seen and accepted and creating those spaces is a special kind of service that will create so much nourishment for not only those around you, but for yourself as well. 

Friday 9/20 – Owl  – Open to the possibility of learning something new about yourself today. You may have gifts that you haven’t even discovered yet, just waiting to be tapped. Maybe it’s an artistic skill. Perhaps it’s an intuitive capacity. It could even be a passion or dream that you’ve kept hidden away, even from yourself, for some reason. Just because you’ve lived with yourself your whole life doesn’t mean you know everything there is to know about you. Stay curious. Try new things just to see what sticks. You never know what you might find and the ways, both big  and small, in which your life could shift.

Saturday 9/21 – Dragonfly – The self-discovery continues on today as Dragonfly calls us to release our illusions and to clean the lens through which we view the world. What limiting beliefs are you ready to leave behind? What fears no longer hold any power over you, and how high can you soar once you no longer carry the weight of self-doubt and judgement? You’re entire experience of the world can change in an instant; all you have to do is choose to shift your perspective. 

Sunday 9/22 – Lizard – The unconscious mind is so incredibly powerful and holds the keys to our deepest desires and gifts. Notice where you go, both when you dream during sleep and when your mind wanders during the day. Don’t write off your dreams as too big/too small/too silly/ etc. It’s time to give yourself permission to invest in your heart’s quiet callings. Even if that only means speaking them aloud or writing a vision in your journal, it’s a start. The more you create an exchange with your dreamlife, which is so intimately connected to your intuition, the more you will find that life aligns to support you in some truly miraculous ways. Take a chance. What do you have to lose?

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday September 9th, 2019

Monday 9/9 – Crow Reversed  – The week kicks off with an appearance from Crow in the reversed position, reminding us to check in with our hearts and spirits about how we show up in the world. It can be easy to justify certain behaviors or ways of being but deep down we always know the truth. Where in your life have you been playing mind games with yourself in order to mold your morals around what is convenient or easy? No need to be hard on yourself, but it’s time to get honest with yourself and make any adjustments necessary to clear out any incongruence between what you know to be right and how you’re actually showing up.

Tuesday 9/10 – Lynx - We don’t always have to name what we know and today is a day where it might be in everyone’s best interest to just keep your observations to yourself. Timing is everything. If you feel an overwhelming urge to name something, ask yourself where that is coming from. It may be something that you’d do just as well to process and release on your own. Besides, information is often better received when it isn’t accompanied with a heavy charge. There may come a time when it feels truly right to share, but until then, mum’s the word.

Wednesday 9/11 – Jaguar – Integrity is all about walking your talk and it’s something worth checking in with on a regular basis. We all have blind spots but there are always tells that give away the places where we have work to do. Where are you defensive? What would you prefer for others not to see? What parts of your life do you find yourself making excuses for? Sometimes the subtlest shifts can bring us back into alignment. The key is to be both brave and compassionate as we approach our self-inquiry.

Thursday 9/12 – Buffalo – Prayer doesn’t have to look like folded hands and kneeling to be powerful. Maybe it’s writing down a vision that fills your heart up with hope. Perhaps it’s releasing your worries in the form of flowers getting carried down a stream. It could be a dance that embodies gratitude for all that you have. However you choose to offer up your joys and fears, give them over to Spirit today. You were never meant to carry the weight of this human existence all on your own, but it’s up to you to find a way to lighten your load that feels true to you.

Friday 9/13 – Black Panther Reversed  – The unknown can be terrifying or exciting; it’s really all a matter of perspective. For many of us, it comes down to programming and formative experiences around change and uncertainty, but we always have the opportunity to shift the way we relate to the world around us. Save yourself the unnecessary energy drain and choose wonder over worry today.

Saturday 9/14 – Eagle Reversed – It’s important to remember that your breakdowns can lead to breakthroughs. The moments in which we are most humbled and vulnerable are often the ones in which we have the ability to be most open to grace and receiving support from Spirit. This can come in the form of a kind stranger, a moment of potent connection with nature, or an infusion of strength or courage that we didn’t think we had within us. Stay open today, even if it feels uncomfortable. Your challenges are not here to crush you. They are here to strengthen you and open you up. Let them.

Sunday 9/15 – Grouse – It’s been a big week full of some powerful shifts, but the week ends with a call to step into a lighter, more carefree way of being. Set aside your troubles and worries, if only for a matter of hours today, and dance, play outside, savor a delicious meal, or bask in warm sunlight. Allow yourself to remember that even in the hardest of times, life is a blessing. It may seem counter-intuitive or awkward at first, but sometimes simply going through the motions of play triggers a shift from the outside in. Allow yourself to exhale deeply today and you may even find that you experience a perspective shift that makes your challenges feel a bit more manageable.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!
