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Your Best Will Always Be Enough

Usually at the outset of a new month I have a big burst of energy. There is something about turning the page on the calendar that feels refreshing and uplifting and while I won’t say that none of that new month optimism is present for me at the moment, it would be dishonest of me to pretend that it is not coupled with a great deal of weariness. The cumulative strain and grief of a full year of navigating a pandemic, some recent news from a doctor that was not devastating, but certainly left me shaken, and the uncertainty about what lies ahead for me and for us finds me arriving at this new month with a little less vigor and pep than is typical for me. And I’ve decided that that’s okay.

As someone who, more than anything, wants my legacy to be one of uplifting others who are struggling, I often find myself walking a fine line with what I share with my community here online. I, of course, want my words and images to bring hope, inspiration, and nourishment to anyone who comes across them, but I am also committed to being real and honoring the full spectrum of my/the human experience. If you’ve been following me for any length of time you know that I do not have any interest in bypassing or toxic positivity. 

And so, my message for the beginning of this month is a tempered one and draws from a lesson that my father gifted me with when I was in 6th grade. It was a tough year for me. Up until this last year I would have said it was the toughest year of my life. My home life was chaotic and overwhelming that year and for the first time in my academic career, my grades suffered to the point that my report card required a parent’s signature. As I handed the report to my father, my hands shook. I was ashamed and also scared of what his reaction might be.

He reviewed my grades and then looked at me and calmly asked, “Did you do your best?”

I answered “yes” honestly as tears welled up in my eyes and then he placed his giant bear paw hands on my shoulders and said, “Then, I’m proud of you.”

I broke down into sobs of relief and some other feeling that I still can’t quite name.

To know that it was enough, that I was enough, despite the ways I felt I had fallen short, shattered me.

I have thought about that moment so much over the past year and especially in the past handful of months, none of which has looked anything like I would have hoped. 

There have been days where I have been able to create meaning and purpose out of these odd times, but there have also been days where I have struggled to hold myself together or do anything of substance at all. On the days where I’m in the latter experience, I have noticed the voice of my inner bully piping up, telling me I should be doing more, or that I should be handling things better. And then, I remember the question my father asked me and I ask it of myself: Am I doing my best? 

And as long as the answer is yes, I take a deep exhale and begin the practice of releasing myself from the grips of shame and not-enoughness. 

Some days, our best is what we envision it to be. For me that looks like taking good care of my mind and body, showing up in my power and light, and engaging in meaningful work that serves both myself and others. 

But some days, our best just looks like making it through. And whatever that looks like for you, please know that you deserve grace on those days, too.

As I look to this new month ahead, in this wildly strange time, I don’t feel the need to set any big goals or place high expectations on myself. The only thing that I am asking of myself in this moment is that I do my best. And my hope for myself, is that I truly know in my heart that it’s enough, that I am enough. I hope you know that you are, too.



Weekly Forecast Monday July 22nd, 2019

Monday 7/22 – Grouse  – Spend some time today dropping into your body and your senses. How often do you really celebrate all the blessings your physical form brings you? Gratitude is an active practice and one of the best ways to honor a gift is to be fully present with it. Bring mindfulness to your sensory experiences of taste, touch, hearing, sight, and smell. If you catch yourself getting tangled up in judgement, shift your focus to curiosity and wonder and notice the difference in how you feel. If you’re really struggling to get out of your head then it’s time to play. Dance. Run through the hills. Jump into the ocean. Whatever you need to do to remind yourself that you are alive in this moment in time that you will never experience again. Be here now. Enjoy it.

Tuesday 7/23 – Owl Reversed - It’s time to come clean. What have you been hiding from yourself? What have you been trying to convince yourself of even though you know better? We can want something to be true with all our hearts but that won’t make it so. Stop trying to fit square pegs into round holes and get honest with yourself. Once you let go of what you thought should have been, you open yourself up to a whole world of possibility.

Wednesday 7/24 – Wolf Reversed  – When we put people up on pedestals we set both them and ourselves up for a big fall. It’s time to pluck the stars from your own eyes and remember that everyone, no matter how gifted or wise, is still human, makes mistakes, and can only speak from their own experience. Whatever magic you’re seeking in others is only a sign that it’s time to acknowledge your own gifts and power. The greatest guides you will ever have in your life is your own heart and spirit. Trust their wisdom.

Thursday 7/25 – Turtle – Don’t underestimate the healing power of connection with nature today. Whether you have five minutes to tend to some houseplants or snuggle with a pet or a full afternoon to spend outside, make sure to carve out a little time to drop back into the rhythms of the natural world. Slow down. Let your tensions fall away. Allow yourself to feel the way that you are a vital, albeit tiny, part of an intricate and beautiful universe. Let the magic of that fill your heart and spill out into everything you do.

Friday 7/26 – Elk  – Do your best to pace yourself today. If you’ve got a lot on the agenda, work out a plan of attack that accounts for regular breaks. You can get everything you need to do done, but not all at once and not at the expense of your wellbeing. Making sure that your body is properly cared for as you move through your day will help you keep balanced energy levels and you’re less likely to make careless mistakes from being hangry or rushed. Slowing it down a little may actually save you time in the long run, so take those deep breaths and maybe a few stretch breaks here and there if needed.

Saturday 7/27 – Deer – Be extra gentle with yourself today. Sometimes we need to push ourselves a little but today is more about nurturing and tenderness. Self-care and self-love are less about doing elaborate rituals and more about being attuned to your needs. Listen closely to what your body is asking for today and tend to its requests as lovingly as you can. 

Sunday 7/28 – Racoon Reversed – If you find yourself tempted to play savior today, don’t do it! You may have the best of intentions, but fixing other people’s problems doesn’t allow them to navigate the journey that will help them find their own power and agency. Ask yourself if the person or people in question actually need your help or if you are simply looking for a way to feel valuable or perhaps even distract from your own inner work. If neither of those things are true, then ask if and how you can best support the person. The key to avoiding codependent dynamics is to make sure that, however you choose to support, you’re empowering the other party to find their own solutions rather than just swooping in with a magic wand. 

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday July 1st, 2019

Monday 7/1 – Turtle Reversed  – It is so easy to take the mother and home we have in our planet for granted; we’ve only ever known life here and it’s hard to imagine it not being viable any longer, but the impacts human societies are having on the ecosystems that nurture and support us are becoming impossible to ignore. Take time to connect with nature today, in whatever way you can, and remember that you are not separate from the world that you were born into. Investigate ways in which you can be a proponent for positive change, both in big and small ways, so that the generations that come after us can also know the joy of fresh air, clean waters, and vibrant natural spaces full of plant and animal life. Little changes in your life can add up and build momentum towards impactful lifestyle shifts, so find the way that feels right and do-able for you, whether that’s ditching plastic, eating more plant-based meals, or advocating for ecologically-sound industrial practices. Love is also a verb so put your love for the planet into action today.

Tuesday 7/2 – Dog - We all crave connection, community, and a sense of belonging. We are wired for it; so much so that we are sometimes tempted to compromise or hide who we are in order to feel accepted. But the key to finding true belonging actually requires the vulnerability of deep authenticity. When we allow people to see all of who we are, with all of our gifts and all of our flaws, only then can we know who is truly for us and who is not meant to join us on our journey, for at least this moment anyway. The call today is to be even truer to ourselves and more open with those around us so that we may develop connections based on honesty and mutual love and respect. 

Wednesday 7/3 – Coyote  – Laughter truly is the best medicine and sometimes there’s really nothing else that can be done when things are simply not going our way. If you’re feeling frustrated today, take a deep breath, acknowledge that you actually have control over very little in your life, and then do your best to let whatever is troubling you go. Stepping away to do something playful and even a bit silly can be a powerful antidote to any built up negative charge. Enlist a friend if you need to and remind yourself that life doesn’t always have to be so serious.

Thursday 7/4 – Butterfly Reversed – Where you are at right now, at this very moment in your life, has so much to offer you, even if you feel like you’re in limbo or don’t know what you’re doing or would prefer to fast-forward through this particular period. You would not be going through the things that you are if there weren’t lessons and gifts and opportunities for you to expand in the exact ways that most serve you embedded in the experiences at hand. So do your best to embrace this moment. It will be gone before you know it. Make sure you get every bit of juice out of it that you can. 

Friday 7/5 – Horse Reversed – If you find yourself tripping over your own feet or getting caught up in disempowered thoughts today, invite Spirit in to guide you. Release the ego’s concerns about what other people will think and replace them with a commitment to being of service as best you can in each moment. When we focus on how to support those around us, we drop into a frequency of love and inspired action, which is one of the most powerful ways to dispel fear and self-doubt. 

Saturday 7/6 – Bat Reversed – Growth is and should be a constant across our lives. Sometimes the pace is slower and others it feels like we’re evolving at warp-speed, but consistent, forward movement is vital to avoid stagnation and atrophy. This isn’t always easy and there are certainly times when it would be oh so tempting to stay in our comfort zones. In these moments, the way we speak to ourselves can make all the difference. Be a gentle encourager of your own growth, the way you might encourage a small child to join a new group of friends on the playground. Hold the fears that come up gently and remind yourself that you are so much more capable than you might feel in this moment. Continue to work at the edge and take as many baby steps as you need to. You’ll get there in time and you’ll have gained so much inner strength along the way. 

Sunday 7/7 – Beaver Reversed – When we repeatedly sabotage our attempts to meet a goal, we need to stop and ask ourselves if what we are seeking is truly in alignment with our hearts and spirits. If the answer is no, then it’s time to get back to the drawing board and get clear about what we truly want our lives to look like and what we are willing to do to create that. If the answer is yes, however, then some inner work, particularly in the arena of self-worth and self-love, is in order. Only you can know what is true for you so get honest with yourself and then do your best to build a life that reflects your true desires and gifts, rather than who you think you “should” be.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Happy Birthday, Dad

Today would have been my father’s 73rd birthday. It’s always strange trying to imagine what life would have been like if he had decided to stay. Would he still be alive? What would our relationship be like? These are questions that I’ll never know the answer to.

Only weeks before what would have been his 51st birthday, he took his own life.

While this came as a shock to many, I knew it had been coming for quite some time.

I was 14 and I had moved my younger sister and myself from his home in Houston to my mother and step-father’s home in Los Angeles a year and a half earlier.

My father was undiagnosed but struggled with an absolutely textbook case of Bipolar Disorder. His swings from manic highs to deeply depressed lows narrated much of my childhood and I have spent much of my adult life trying to heal the scars left from growing up in a household that was often steeped in chaos and unpredictability.

My father was a complicated man. Brilliant, charismatic, and playful, but also at times violent and terrifyingly reckless. He was an exceptional doctor--he worked in the Emergency Room, but many of his patients requested that he be their personal physician. He had an incredible ability to connect with absolutely anyone regardless of their age or background and he was deeply moved by nature and art.

When he died, people from all over showed up to honor him. There were three memorials and the words people left in the guest books all echoed the same sentiments. That he was one of the most alive people that they had ever known. That he was a loyal friend. That he would be so deeply missed.

I often think that one of the most insidious parts of his illness was his inability to feel loved.

I know he was deeply lonely.

I know he struggled immensely with his own darkness.

Even as a child, I could see the pain flash across his eyes, in between fits of rage, and maybe some fear, too. I think he knew he was out of control. But the tricky thing with Bipolar, in particular, is the promise of the high. The delicious sense of power and euphoria that would also be wiped away if he were to receive treatment.

So he suffered. And we suffered. And honestly, the waves of that suffering still continue to extend outward, albeit more gently these days, I think, for most of us who were impacted by his wild and wondrous life that was laced with so much tragedy.

I am doing my best to heal the parts that I carry. For myself. For the world around me. But also for him.

The last time that I spoke to him, he had already made his decision that he was done struggling. Some part of me knew when he told me that my sister and I were “his legacy” that he was saying goodbye.

I think about that often. That I am his legacy. That my time here on this planet and what I choose to do with it is inextricably linked to him. That I carry pieces of both his light and his shadow, and that I also get to choose how I use both.

I talk to my father frequently, often out loud. His body may have died, but I know his soul is ever-present and our relationship lives on. Sometimes I can almost feel the way he has softened. The way death has brought him a peace I don’t think he ever had during his life. I miss him in moments. In others I am still angry with him. I’m okay with it being both.

We are dynamic beings. It only makes sense that our relationships would be as well. I can love him and not always like he who was. I can honor the beauty he brought into my life and still be honest about the pain that came along with it. And I do. Every single day. Happy birthday, Dad, wherever you are. I hope that if you’re watching, and I believe that you are in some unexplainable way, that somehow my healing is supporting yours. Because you deserve it. We all do.