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plant medicine


Weekly Forecast Monday December 23rd, 2019

Monday 12/23 – Crow  – We may officially be moving towards longer, brighter days, but we are still in the midst of winter and a season of shadow. This is the time to go inward, to explore the parts of yourself that usually stay tucked away. If you’re not sure where to start, begin by looking at the things that most trigger you, whether that shows up in the form of deep rage, overwhelming grief, or intense judgement. If none of that sounds like a walk in the park, you’re right; shadowwork rarely feels warm and fuzzy. But this is where some of the most powerful growth and healing lies. So roll up your sleeves, take a deep breath, and take those first courageous steps towards deepening your own self-awareness.

Tuesday 12/24 – Raven Reversed - Have you forgotten to see the magic in the world around you and also within yourself? It’s time to remember. To notice the synchronicities that are constantly guiding you. To honor the power you have to create what you wish to in the world. If you’ve been feeling overburdened and find yourself dropping into a sense of helplessness, resist! Even the most challenging experiences in our lives can be channeled and transmuted into something wonderful. It’s all about how you choose to use what’s at your fingertips. 

Wednesday 12/25 – Swan Reversed – It can be oh so tempting to try to tweak and adjust ourselves so that we just might fit into the very narrow boxes that society gives us regarding how we should look and be in the world, but I promise you, it’s a trap and you’re never going to receive any true sense of belonging this way. Not to mention that it’s an absolute energy drain. Instead of trying to fit in, fully embrace the very things that make you different. After all, if you don’t allow your freak flag to fly, how are your fellow freaks going to find you? Go ahead, be the very most authentic version of yourself you can possibly be and you’ll be amazed at the perfect-for-you doors that start flying open.

Thursday 12/26 – Snake Reversed  – There’s no sugar-coating it--sometimes life gives us shit. And when that happens, we have two options; we can stand there feeling awful and disgusted by the pile of shit we’re holding or we can plant some seeds and slap that fertilizer on top and then watch beautiful things grow. This is the power of transmutation and it’s always available to you. You simply have to choose to find the opportunities in your challenges, the beauty in your pain, and then get to work creating something wonderful. You’ve got this. Now get to it.

Friday 12/27 – Alligator Reversed  – We’re almost at the end of the year (and the decade!) and in order to glean all the gifts and lessons from the seasons past, it’s absolutely vital that we slow down and take some time to integrate our experiences. Review the past year (or ten) and be sure to both celebrate your successes as well as learn from your struggles. Doing so will only help you enter this new era a little bit wiser and a whole lot clearer about what direction you want to go next. 

Saturday 12/28 – Beaver Reversed – Even though it might seem counterintuitive, the key to being productive and meeting your goals today is to avoid burning yourself out. While keeping your nose to the grindstone might sound like the best way to get a lot done, it also often drops us into tunnel vision and keeps us from picking up on important cues from our body and environment, so much so that we could end up injuring ourselves on the job or working in entirely the wrong direction. Slow, steady, and mindful is the name of the game today and will take you much farther than the fast-and-furious approach will. 

Sunday 12/29 – Prairie Dog Reversed – Feeling run down is not a sign of weakness and definitely not a signal to push harder. Read that again if you need to. Your spirit may be limitless but your human body is not. Take good care of it and listen to what it’s telling you. Rest is an absolutely vital part of any basic self care practice so set aside some time for a nap, a long hot bath, or any other restorative activities that will help you feel refreshed and replenished. A little downtime today could make all the difference in the week ahead.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday August 19th, 2019

Monday 8/19 – Grouse  – The mind is powerful but living life constantly in your head keeps you from enjoying the beautiful gift that is your physical experience. Each of our bodies is unique so what you most celebrate and cherish will be individual to you, but find a way today to drop into your body and really be present with your senses in a way that feels truly nourishing.

Tuesday 8/20 – Opossum - No matter how hard someone tries to antagonize you or loop you into a conflict, do not take the bait. You’ll reach a much happier resolution to whatever is at hand if you take some space and allow any charge around the issue to subside. If you’re struggling to walk away, ask yourself why and if it is really worth losing your peace over. 

Wednesday 8/21 – Salmon Reversed  – When we’re feeling uncertain or perhaps even as though we can’t trust ourselves, it can be tempting to try to seek out the answers in others, but at the end of the day, you’re the only one who can determine which path is yours. Tune deeply into your own intuition for guidance instead. Ask whatever questions you need to ask and then listen closely to the cues from your body and mind and honor their wisdom. These senses are often more subtle than the five that we usually notice so creating enough stillness to really notice and receive them will be a vital part of honing your intuitive capacities. 

Thursday 8/22 – Skunk Reversed – We are all responsible for our own energetic states and also for the impact we have on those around us. Particularly when we don’t receive the responses we want or find ourselves entangled in a less than desirable interpersonal dynamic, it can be easy to point fingers in every direction but our own. We become empowered however when we seek out the ways that we have contributed to the circumstances around us. Be extra mindful today of how you’re showing up with others, not just in overt actions, but also energetically. Ask yourself if you are carrying yourself with full integrity and if the answer is no, make the appropriate shifts necessary. Anything that you put out into the universe will eventually return to you in one form or another so if you want to get good, make sure you’re giving good. 

Friday 8/23 – Lizard Reversed  – Get out of your own way today by clearing away fears, limiting beliefs, bad habits, and anything else that is keeping you from being a clear channel for visions and dreams. This could mean letting go of people that tend to leave you doubting yourself, any “shoulds” that keep you from pursuing what you truly want, or an addiction to busyness that keeps you from being able to connect to your inner world and creativity. The faster you release anything that is clouding your vision, the sooner you’ll find yourself on a path that feels full of authentic joy and meaning.   

Saturday 8/24 – Snake Reversed – Don’t let yourself get swallowed up by your own emotions today. Yes, it’s important to feel your feelings, but that doesn’t mean you have to allow them to tear you apart as they move through you. No matter how challenging your current circumstances are or how deep your pain is, you can always choose to seek out the gift within all of it. There’s also nothing more healing than finding ways to support others who are navigating similar struggles so do your best to broaden your perspective and channel all of your energies towards creating something positive out of whatever hand you’ve been dealt. 

Sunday 8/25 – Swan – Grace comes in the most unexpected moments. A kind gesture from a stranger. Finding ourselves in the presence of something truly beautiful. A quiet moment in which we receive an infusion of faith or power, from seemingly nowhere at all. These things can take place at any time but we must first be open to receiving the blessing. See if you can lean just a little further into trust. It’s often when we are on the verge of giving up that we turn a corner and find ourselves face to face with an incredible opportunity. Keep your head up and your eyes, heart, and mind open.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday May 20th, 2019

Monday 5/20 – Skunk Reversed  – Are you aware of what  kind of energy you are putting out in the world? In every interaction and even as you simply walk down the street, you are transmitting energy and being very conscious about the quality of that energy can make a big impact on your experience in this life. It is often the case that we get what we give, so if you’re finding yourself feeling challenged or put off by the way others seem to be responding to you, you might check in and see if they are mirroring either your behaviors or your internal state. Becoming a master of your own frequency is one of the most empowering things you can do, so observe from a place of curiosity, calibrate as needed, and and notice how things shift.

Tuesday 5/21 – Moose Reversed  - Acknowledging your strengths and gifts isn’t arrogant; it’s actually the first step in being able to discover your purpose and share your medicine with the world. If you’ve been having trouble honoring your worthiness, it’s time to dig into some self-love practices. Honor your body, your heart, your mind, and the journey that you have made. You are not here by accident and if you’ve been struggling to figure out what your unique contribution to this world could be, look into the areas where you’ve experienced the most challenge. It is often the case the we extract medicine from the very experiences that could have poisoned us. Celebrate that ways that you made it through the difficult times, even if it wasn’t a perfectly pretty process, and then find a way to turn around and help others that are going through something similar.

Wednesday 5/22 – Alligator Reversed  – It’s time to integrate the wisdom of your mind with the deep knowing of your body. You can study and spend time learning about tools for creating a happier, healthier life for yourself but nothing really deepens our understanding and connection to a concept as powerfully as embodied experience. Particularly if you’ve been on a fast-tracked growth trajectory lately, make sure you’re taking the time to fully digest and practice what you’re learning before moving on to your next retreat, workshop, or book.

Thursday 5/23 – Grouse Reversed – As we move through life, we often encounter the same lessons again and again. As frustrating as it can be to feel like you’re finding yourself coming face to face with the same issue repeatedly, it’s a sign that there is a gift for you held within the challenge. The key to unlocking this gift and releasing yourself from the cycle is presence. When we resist what life is bringing our way, we miss the opportunity to grow and expand. When we embrace what is, as if we had asked for it, we are able to engage with our experience from a much more empowered place and one that allows us to receive the lesson and, often, this disarms our trigger around this experience. So go ahead surrender to the wild, magical ride of your life, savor the joyful experiences, and mine the challenging ones for gifts. All of it is happening for you, instead of to you. 

Friday 5/24 – Buffalo – There is power in prayer and today is a wonderful day to tap into that. Ask for support. Ask to be shown the next right step. Ask for grace or strength or courage. And then wait. Look around. You might be surprised by what shows up for you. You most likely have more abundance than you even realize and resources that you weren’t even aware of in the form of relationships, personal skills and gifts, and in the natural world around you. If you are feeling like you’re caught in the struggle today, try turning the outcome over to Spirit. Let go of the need to try to control what’s happening and allow yourself to drop back into flow. Sometimes softness can be much more effective than force, and it definitely requires a whole lot less energy. Give it a try.  

Saturday 5/25 – Dog – For any relationship to be healthy, exchange is vital. This means that the energy in the relationship flows circularly, and that both parties are receiving nourishment from the connection. Take some time today to look at the relationships in your life that leave you feeling supported and lifted up--are you reciprocating the love? If not, check in with your people and ask them how you can best support them. It might be something really unexpected as each and every one of us has our own unique love languages and ways of receiving support from others. While you’re at it, you might also check in with your relationship with yourself. It’s just as important to be loyal to our own hearts and needs as it is to those of our friends and family, chosen or given, so make sure that you’re honoring and nourishing yourself, too.

Sunday 5/26 – Bat Reversed – The only constant in life is change and yet, for so many of us, change can be quite confronting and lead to resistance. We want to turn and cling to what has been, but why? How do we know that what is coming is not even better? Today, do your best to let go with grace. Surrender into the unknown possibilities and walk bravely forward. So much of our experience in this life is shaped by how we frame what we are going through. See if you can choose to simply view the shifts that are taking place as an exciting adventure. Sure, there may be some bumps and missteps along the way, but with a state of awe and curiosity, even the challenges can be met with trust and gratitude.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



For the Love of Tea and Healing through Ritual

During the summer between my freshman and sophomore years in high school, my mother, stepfather, younger sister, and I spent some time in Barbados. My father had just committed suicide and we were all processing that in our own ways. Like my relationship with my father had been, my emotions around his death were complicated. I needed space from my family to move through the layers that were coming up for me on my own terms, so I spent a good amount of the trip by myself, hopping on buses into town to explore and roaming the vast and lush grounds of the property we were staying on.

One of the remnants of the colonial history of Barbados is that many of the hotels and resorts offer high tea every afternoon, and during my stay, I found myself spending many of my afternoons sitting by myself on an outdoor patio, drinking tea and taking in the natural beauty that surrounded me. I didn’t realize it at the time, but this was my entry point into the world of ritual and the healing that can come from practices that encourage stillness, presence, and simplicity.

When I returned to LA with my family, I continued to make tea for myself almost daily. I would boil the water, drop a tea bag or two into a teapot, and watch the steam pour out of it as I filled it with water. I would wait a handful of minutes and then pour my fresh brew into a mug with a little raw sugar and cream, just as I had enjoyed it during my time in Barbados.

My family thought it was kind of silly, but for me, it was a way to create sacred time for myself. The whole process was meditative; it dropped me into my body and my sensory experience and allowed space and quiet so the more subtle aspects of my inner world could come forward. I savored those moments. They were healing in ways that I didn’t even understand at the time. But I could feel it. Even if I wasn’t consciously engaging in a practice of self-care, I was doing something that was nourishing for me on so many levels. And so, I continued.

Over the years my tastes have shifted. Black teas to greens to florals and herbal infusions, but the practice is the same. Heat the water. Steep the tea. Drop in to the experience.

These days, it’s become a very intentional practice. I choose the ingredients that I’ll be using with care and often choose a plant or a blend of plants based on what I’m needing support around. Rose for opening the heart. Thyme for immune support. Ginger root to cleanse. I’ll set aside time to really be present with the ingredients, both as I prepare them and as I sip the infusion, and I’ve come to notice that each ingredient seems to have an energy of its own, a medicine, not just for the physical body, but for the mind and spirit as well.

The element of water is present, too. The source of all life and the universal renewer. Few things are quite as soothing as perfectly warm water, the simplest of all healing balms for weary bodies and souls.

Each of these pieces comes together to create something greater than the sum of its parts. Plants, water, time, all infused with intention. None of it has to be fussy or complicated. Honestly, it could be as simple as a little bit of fresh lemon juice in warm water, but used as a way to hold space for yourself, to connect more deeply with the parts of you that so rarely get heard above the din of everyday life, it becomes a ritual. A practice in healing. A way to make even the tiniest moment sacred.

And while tea is my healing ritual, the truth is that it could be anything. Watering your plants. Dancing in your living room. Taking a bath. Massaging oil into your skin. Preparing a meal for yourself with so much love.

So many people seem to be seeking heightened spiritual experiences these days. A connection to something greater, something ancient, perhaps. And while there’s nothing wrong with exploring different practices to find what supports you most, I think what so many people don’t realize is that profound connection to Spirit doesn’t require elaborate ceremonies or a bunch of fanfare. It can be found in the seemingly mundane, everyday rituals that we create for ourselves. In moments of quiet, enjoying the simplest pleasures, like watching the steam rise and swirl above a freshly poured cup of tea.
