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november 2019 forecast


Weekly Forecast Monday November 4th, 2019

Monday 11/4 – Weasel Reversed  – The week begins with a message from Weasel asking us to be more mindful of what lies beneath our words and our actions. Even subtle forms of manipulation can lead into karmic cycles in which we’ve made an agreement without realizing it. Transparency and remaining rooted in integrity are the keys to avoiding energetic entanglements and misunderstandings. Being direct about your intentions with others honors their free will and is a powerful practice of vulnerable authenticity.

Tuesday 11/5 – Turtle - Turtle showed up in last week’s spread as well and it appears that we’re still in a period of needing extra grounding, and if possible, time spent specifically connecting with nature. This makes sense, in particular, with Mercury currently in retrograde, heightening the potential for miscommunications and mishaps. If you don’t have the opportunity to spend time outside, connect with an indoor plant or sunlight coming through your windows. And of course don’t forget that you are a part of nature, too. Your own breath can connect you to the rhythm of all of life. Tune into that frequency and allow it to simultaneously ground and expand you.

Wednesday 11/6 – Blue Heron – The call to center ourselves continues into the middle of the week as Blue Heron asks us to practice stillness. Meditation, mindfulness practices, and time spent unplugged and away from unnecessary stimulation can support a much deeper drop into our inner spaces and bring clarity around the state of our hearts and spirits. Even just taking time during the first few moments after waking to simply be present with yourself, before the hustle begins, can go a long way towards cultivating a more intimate relationship with yourself and empowering you to move through the hours and days ahead with more self-awareness and peace. 

Thursday 11/7 – Spider – Creative expression is one of the most potent healers and today is a beautiful time to pour your heart and soul into a project. It could be an impromptu art session or some dedicated space in your day to flesh out a venture you’ve already been working on, so long as you are being truly lit up by the experience. Stay present and curious, release any expectations, and simply allow whatever wishes to come forth to flow. You might even be surprised by what makes its way through.

Friday 11/8 – Prairie Dog Reversed  – You may find that you are feeling depleted or run down today, and as tempting as it might be to push through a little bit more work or to show up for social engagements, listen to your body and take a break. Our spirits may be infinite but our bodies have their limitations and it’s important that we honor them. Do your best to carve out time to rest today or this evening so that you can continue to show up and say yes to the things that matter most to you.

Saturday 11/9 – Mountain Lion – What is your relationship with the concept of leadership? Does it inspire and excite you? Or do you find yourself recoiling at the thought of being sought out for guidance and support? It’s important to remember that leadership doesn’t always look the same. Sometimes it’s standing up, taking charge, and creating organization amidst chaos, but more often than not, it’s more subtle. Seeing and encouraging people’s gifts, elevating the community around you by being a living example of integrity, and making sacrifices for the good of the whole are all marks of an exceptional leader. Where in your life do you already show up as a model for those around you? Where is there room for you to step further into your own power in order to empower others? These are the questions to ask yourself today.

Sunday 10/10 – Rabbit Reversed – The task for today is to find balance in the way that we hold our fears. Neither denying them completely nor steeping ourselves in terror is healthy. The middle way of acknowledging, attending to, and ultimately releasing our fears is what will create the most freedom and expansion in our lives. If you need to create a practice to support yourself then do so! Writing your fears down on paper to burn, blowing them into flowers, sticks, or stones and offering them up to a stream or the ocean to be carried away, or simply transmuting your worries into art are all beautiful ways of surrendering to the magic and mystery of life. Release what’s not serving you as many times as you need until you can once again breathe with ease.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!
