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Weekly Forecast Monday December 30th, 2019

Monday 12/30 – Turtle Reversed  – As we close out the calendar year, it’s important to take some time to tune deeply into yourself, your wild nature or instincts, and your intuition. One of the best ways to do this is to spend some time in nature alone, but if that’s not accessible to you, remember that you are a part of nature as well and that your heartbeat follows the same rhythm of all life. Connect with your own pulse, your own breath, and allow yourself to feel how very connected you are to everything. This will help you have clarity as you close this one chapter and open another. 

Tuesday 12/31 – Rabbitt - On this last day of the year, as you look into the future and a whole new year of possibility, be sure to hold your fears gently. There is no need to pretend that you have no concerns or worries at all. It is so very human to want and wish for things and this sort of attachment to our desires is where fears are born. Rather than feeding them with circular thoughts or visions of the worst coming to be, acknowledge that they are shining a light on what it is you value. Make commitments to yourself to do your very best to create the life you wish. And then surrender to the truth that we have control over very little in this wild and mysterious life. Let that knowing inspire wonder and awe, rather than constriction and anxiety, and you’ll be starting the new year off ready to let life amaze you. 

Wednesday 1/1 – Butterfly – There’s no better time than the first day of a new year to check in on where you are in your transformation process. In all honesty, we’re all in multiple ongoing transformation processes all the time if we’re really stepping up to the plate and working on our own growth and expansion. Spend some time today getting clear about where you’ve been, where you’re truly at in this very moment, and where you’d like to see yourself go in the year ahead. Drop judgement at the door and honor wherever you’re at right now. It’s absolutely perfect and aligned with divine timing. And don’t forget to leave some room in your planning and goal-setting for things to emerge that are even more incredible than you can yet imagine. 

Thursday 1/2 – Whale Reversed  – Release any part of you that feels tempted to stifle your own voice or to hide your light. Letting your most authentic self be seen is the only way to call in both the opportunities and the soul connections that are truly meant for you. This year ahead will be one in which you create much deeper alignment in all areas of your life and it begins now with brave vulnerability. Speak your truth. Share your gifts. The ones who are meant to receive them will find you. 

Friday 1/3 – Wild Boar Reversed  – Watch out for a tendency to point fingers and blame shift today. More often than not, when we’re feeling really defensive or a strong urge to attack someone else, it’s usually because, deep down, we know we bear some of the responsibility too and are trying to sidestep accountability. Instead, look within and be honest with yourself about your part in what’s coming up for you. If you still feel the need to address something with another party, do so, but keep in mind that we are all human and make mistakes and be sure to speak from a place of compassion. No matter how things turn out, keeping your side of the street clean will always help your heart stay light.

Saturday 1/4 – Bat – It’s time to shed old ways of being and to embrace a new version of yourself. During any birth process, both mother and child are born into new lives and identities. No matter which role you find yourself in, the one birthing or the one being birthed (or perhaps even both), approach this new era with a sense of possibility. Allow anything that wants to fall away to do so with ease and step into whatever gifts come with this new incarnation. Yes, change can be a little ungrounding at first, but if you stay present and rooted in trust, it can also be immensely exciting. There’s no need to fear. What lies ahead is far better than anything that’s come before. 

Sunday 1/5 – Badger Reversed – The weekend wraps with a caution against being overly zealous, both in your own personal growth process and in the way you address others about theirs. If you are making changes in your life, do so gently. Even if it is time for you to let go of certain ways of being, there’s no need to reject every bit of who you were or have been. Each part played a role in getting you to where you are today, so be sure to honor that. Also, no matter how much you want others to join you on the journey, people must make those choices for themselves. Rather than prosthelytizing or telling others what they should be doing differently, lead by example and let those around you get inspired to make their own shifts. Besides, you can’t really do your own personal work very thoroughly if you’re constantly getting tangled up in other people’s business. Focus on creating a life that makes you feel nourished and happy. That’s how you’ll have the most positive impact on those around you.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!
