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medicine cards


Weekly Forecast Monday April 1st, 2019

Monday 4/1 – Butterfly Reversed – We are all constantly undergoing cycles of transformation and, as part of this process, we must also undergo destruction to a certain extent. The caterpillar doesn’t know that it is on its way to becoming a butterfly when it wraps itself up in a chrysalis and begins to completely break down into something completely unrecognizable. It is only relying on instinct. A call that is so compelling that it can’t be resisted. We too hear these calls from our hearts and souls, and sometimes, the journey we must go on to answer that call involves surrendering, allowing ourselves to unravel, and then embracing the process of becoming something entirely new. This requires courage and a faith in your own inner knowing. Today you have the choice. Remain as the caterpillar and stay comfortably on the ground. Or answer the call, allow yourself to dissolve and disintegrate, and release anything that might be holding you back, so that you can emerge with wings. What will you choose?

Tuesday 4/2 – Elk Reversed  - It can feel safer to hide out and not share who you are fully and authentically, but, while that might protect you from rejection, it keeps you from ever really feeling a sense of true belonging. Share your voice, your message, and your unique way of seeing the world bravely. Allow people to truly see who you are and let the chips fall where they may. Your authenticity is the best litmus test for who is meant for you and who is not. Let those who don’t resonate with you go with nothing but love in your heart so that your energy and attention can be reserved for those with whom you can connect in a much deeper and more nourishing way. And the more you put yourself out there, the more your people will be able to find you. So no more playing small or muting your frequency. Shine brightly and true.

Wednesday 4/3 – Lizard Reversed  – Your dreams are not frivolous. They are some of the greatest clues to your deepest desires and your soul’s purpose, so do your best to make proper space for them to come through. Be sure to get proper rest, eat nourishing foods, and release unnecessary sources of stress from your life. Your body is the vessel through which you connect to your intuition so taking care of it is one of the most potent ways to open yourself up to receive the wisdom it holds. You might also want to set aside some time to be alone and, if possible, to drop into a meditative practice. It’s in stillness and quiet that we are often most able to hear the whispers of our hearts.

Thursday 4/4 – Crow – We can’t live in the light without casting a shadow and it is so absolutely vital that we accept and acknowledge this truth. Every quality we have, both the ones that we deem as “good” and the ones we deem as “bad”, is a double-sided coin. Today we are being called to look at the parts of ourselves that we struggle to accept, to explore them with curiosity, and to uncover their gifts. It is only through compassionate self-acceptance that we are able to bring the parts of ourselves that we find challenging into the light and integrate them in a way that can serve both our own healing and that of the world.

Friday 4/5 – Otter Reversed – We all carry feminine and masculine energies and the message today is about embodying the gifts of femininity in a healthy way. This means cultivating our capacities for being receptive, open-hearted, intuitive, expressive, creative, and patient. We are being asked to soften and to allow ourselves to surrender more fully into loving connection with others. If you find yourself tempted to act out in petty, jealous, or aggressive ways today, place your hand on your heart, breathe deeply into that tender place in your chest, and ask yourself how you can meet the moment or circumstances at hand from a place of love.

Saturday 4/6 – Squirrel Reversed – The art of preparation is a delicate one and finding the balance between being lackadaisical and being neurotic can take some finesse sometimes. Ask yourself where you’re landing on that spectrum today and adjust accordingly. Could you put a little more care and energy into laying the foundation for the things you’re wishing to create in your life or is it time to practice surrendering and invite in a little more flexibility and flow? What resources do you really need to carry you through the season ahead and what can you let go of to make room for expansion? Our needs are dynamic and ever-changing so taking regular inventories of what is truly serving and adding joy to our lives (and releasing anything that isn’t) can help us live in authentic alignment with our values and visions.

Sunday 4/7 – Frog Reversed – If you’ve been thinking about doing a Spring detox, now’s the time! And don’t limit it only to your dietary choices; we are constantly consuming things with our minds, bodies, and spirits and it’s important to cleanse each aspect of our beings regularly to avoid accumulating toxic, stagnant, or blocked energies. Whether you choose to reboot your eating habits, take some time away from the digital world, or explore practices that help you move and release energy, take good care of yourself along the way. It’s common to experiencing a little detox hangover or discomfort when changing our habits and some extra self care can help you stay the course so you that can come out on the other side feeling lighter, more radiant, and healthier.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday March 25th, 2019

Monday 3/25 – Hummingbird Reversed – Joy is magnetic and choosing to live within that frequency is one of the most empowering shifts we can make. Regardless of our circumstances we can always decide to orient towards gratitude, wonder, and awe. This doesn’t mean slapping on a fake smile when we’re sad or struggling, but rather maintaining a perspective of curiosity, an openness to the possibility that everything is happening for, instead of to, us, and a willingness to seek out the beauty in absolutely every experience. Yes, life can have its fair share of challenges and heaviness, but it’s up to each of us to decide how we carry the load. Make things easier on yourself  today by releasing the weight of bitterness and fear and allow the spaces left behind to be filled with love and the simplest pleasures, which are the truest forms of nourishment we can ever have in this life.

Tuesday 3/26 – Skunk Reversed  - Relationships can be some of the most powerful mirrors in our lives and often reflect the ways that we show up in the world. If you’ve been repeatedly finding yourself tangled up in interpersonal dynamics that don’t feel good to you, it might be a good time to ask yourself where your responsibility in that is. While we can’t control other people’s behavior, we are constantly sending out messages, consciously and not, about what we have to offer and what we are willing to accept, and this plays a big role in the types of relationships we find ourselves in. If you don’t like what’s been showing up for you, take some time to reflect on what you’ve been putting out in the world and make the necessary adjustments so that you can call in the connections and experiences that you actually desire.

Wednesday 3/27 – Badger  – There’s a time and a place for everything and today it’s time to tap into and harness those aggressive energies that may have been bubbling under the surface for a while. Channel them into any projects or ventures that seem to have stalled out during the retrograde season that just ended and don’t be afraid to go after what you want with intensity. Just be sure that you are grounding with lots of self care and proper down time to avoid getting burned out or falling into the trap of tunnel vision. And don’t forget to check in regularly to make sure that your actions are aligned with your values so that anything you create is built on a foundation of integrity.

Thursday 3/28 – Spider – Your entire life is a masterpiece that you create moment by moment, and when you’re intentional about what it is you’re creating, you have the opportunity to make it something that is healing, both for you and for the world. What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind when you take your last breath? What impact do you wish to have on people and the world around you? Allow the answer to those questions infuse each breath, each word you speak or write, how and where you spend your time and energy, and the way in which you move through the world.

Friday 3/29 – Weasel – Sometimes when we encounter challenging circumstances, it can be incredibly helpful to consider different perspectives. There’s multiple sides to every story, conflict, and situation. Being able to at least consider each side allows us to have a more dynamic understanding of what is in front of us, and therefore a more informed, creative, and nuanced approach to addressing it. Brining a playful attitude to this sort of investigation and keeping it centered in tenderness and curiosity will also ensure that we don’t fall into manipulation, which has a tendency to backfire and yield undesired results anyway. The goal here is to try to figure out how to work with what we’ve got in the most constructive way.

Saturday 3/30 – Mouse – Take a little time today to really focus in on the details. Take inventory of the various areas of your life and really ask yourself what is in alignment and what is not. Make sure that all of your systems, both internally and externally, are functioning at their most optimal and if they’re not, start the work of figuring out what needs to shift so that you can create the conditions for the most vibrant, healthy, and joyful life you can possibly live. This may involve letting go of things, habits, relationships, and circumstances that no longer serve your vision of your best life. Do what you need to do to gain closure, so that you can move forward in a way that is more fully aligned with your highest self.

Sunday 3/31 – Opossum – If you feel like you’ve been backed into a corner in some part of your life, rather than trying to fight your way out, you might consider just “playing dead” for a bit. Disengage from the conflict and give the entire issue some breathing room. You might find that it resolves on its own without you having to expend unnecessary energy trying to defend yourself. If there’s someone in your orbit who seems to be trying to get a reaction out of you, whatever you do, don’t take the bait. You’ll be able to stay much more conscious and intentional about your own choices when you don’t allow others to manipulate you into playing a game where the odds are already stacked against you. Keep your power by remaining neutral and centered. Even if the issue doesn’t completely dissolve on its own, a little space might help some of the charge around it settle down so that you can re-engage from a place of calm and grounded awareness.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday March 18th, 2019

Monday 3/18 – Bat Reversed – Sometimes we are evolving in ways that we aren’t even fully aware of. We don’t notice until we begin to find that our comfort zones aren’t feeling so comfortable anymore. That group of friends we’ve had forever don’t feel uplifting or expansive to us any longer. That job that you were so excited about all those years back starts to leave you uninspired and checked out. The routines that have been just fine for years don’t seem to be doing the trick anymore. You might almost miss the shift if you weren’t paying attention. And this is exactly why it’s important that you do pay attention. Take an inventory of your life, across all areas. Ask yourself what’s working, what isn’t, and what changes or shifts you can embrace to support your evolution into your highest and best self.

Tuesday 3/19 – Dolphin  - It can be easy to forget that we are nature, just as much as the flowers and the rocks and the animals. The energy that causes buds to burst into blossoms and the tides to ebb and flow is the very same as the one that causes your heart to beat, minute after minute, day after day. This life force is nothing short of miraculous, and yet, how often to we even notice it let alone honor it? Create a little space today to connect with your breath, with your heart, and with nature, outside of you, but within as well. Allow yourself to be dropped into awe at the magic of your own body and the innumerable amount of coincidences, or divine synchronicities depending on how you choose to view it, that brought you here to this very moment. Allow yourself to be bathed in the beauty of that, even if only for a few moments today. All the better if you can make a habit out of living in that place.

Wednesday 3/20 – Eagle Reversed  – At one point or another, each of us must confront a crisis of confidence, whether in ourselves or in something greater. As disconcerting as it can be to look around and question something you were certain of, something that felt grounding, this process is vital for ensuring that your foundation is built on truly solid ground. It’s only once we’ve done a critical assessment of our belief systems that we are able to find the holes and then seek out the information or experiences we need to cultivate a deeper sense of wisdom and faith. If you feel like you’re really being tested right now, ask what lessons are present in your current circumstances. Our greatest challenges can usher in some of the richest opportunities for growth.

Thursday 3/21 – Prairie Dog – Our modern culture is highly achievement focused and encourages us to stay on the go and focused almost constantly. Even our time away from working hard is supposed to be taken up with playing even harder, but every creature needs down time in some form or another. For restoration. To integrate. To uncover those quiet parts of our experience that only come forward in moments of deep stillness. Create some space for that today, whether that’s a five minute meditation or a full day spent in the wilderness with nothing but the sounds of nature and your own breath. You can get back into the hustle tomorrow, but for today, allow yourself to take life a little slower.

Friday 3/22 – Badger Reversed – Watch out for falling into the trap of becoming overly aggressive today, not only in interactions with others, but in the way you treat yourself as well. You can’t bully yourself into wellness, whether that’s physical, mental, or emotional, so be mindful of the energy with which you approach your goals, personal practices, and self care. Even “healthy” activities, like eating cleanly or exercise, can become toxic if we carry them out with an energy of self-punishment or self-loathing. Check in with your thoughts and your heart to make sure that everything you do, you do from a place of self-love and compassion. As your cultivate this capacity for yourself, you’ll find that holding others with that same gentleness will come so much more easily.

Saturday 3/23 – Black Panther Reversed – If you’ve been coming up against fears around the future, it’s time to stop focusing on what could go wrong and start envisioning what could go right. Yes, there may be challenges on the horizon, and no, you may not surmount every single one with ease, but that doesn’t mean you can’t rise to the occasion with a sense of playfulness and adventure. What’s far more important than the circumstances in front of you is the attitude you bring to them. Life can be a game if you choose to look at it as such. Celebrate your wins. Learn from your losses. And always do your best to find the joy in every situation because that’s where true empowerment lies.

Sunday 3/24 – Armadillo Reversed – Boundary medicine is coming in strong today so spend a little time feeling into whether or not yours are in the right place, if any adjustments need to be made in how you’re expressing them to others, and also how you’re holding space for others to communicate their boundaries with you. Make an extra effort today to let people around you know that their boundaries matter to you and consider even having an open dialogue around how you can each honor one another’s boundaries more compassionately. This isn’t about becoming more rigid or guarded. It’s about creating an opportunity to develop deeper intimacy through being authentic and open about what makes us feel safe and most loved in relationships.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday March 11th, 2019

Monday 3/11 – Frog Reversed – As we move into a new week and a new season (hello, longer, warmer days), it’s time to shed any stagnation or excess that we’ve accumulated throughout the slower winter months. This can happen on a variety of levels--detoxing the mind through meditation, time away from screens, and intentional release of stories that no longer serve, cleansing the body through dietary shifts, sweating, either from movement or sauna sessions, and clearing heavy energy from your spirit through breathwork, time in nature, and proper doses of downtime and play. Whatever you need to do to meet this next chapter of your life feeling renewed, vibrant, and healthy, do it!

Tuesday 3/12 – Porcupine Reversed  - Never underestimate the power of a light spirit! Yes, life can be fraught with challenges and obstacles, but when we tense againsts these experiences and respond with bitterness, anger, or a closed heart, our struggles are only multiplied. Approach life with curiosity, a sense of wonder, a willingness to let the little things go, and a commitment to staying tender, even in the midst of the fire, and you will be so much more open to receive the beauty and growth that is available to you in each and every moment. If you are having an incredibly hard time finding this perspective, go in search of laughter. It is some of the simplest and most profound medicine and will bring you back to the inherent joy that is your birthright, if you let it.

Wednesday 3/13 – Wild Boar – Sometimes confrontation is unavoidable, but that doesn’t mean you have to approach it with aggressiveness or a lack of compassion. Do your best to make sure that any conflict you are navigating has a productive outcome rather than a destructive one, and start by creating space for both sides to feel seen, heard, and valued. You can honor and uphold your own needs and boundaries, while being kind. The key is to focus more on coming from a place of self-love and directness, than from one of judgment and passivity, which can often lead to a build up of resentment and much bigger blow-outs down the road. Say what you need to say, create space for the other party to take in your perspective, and then do your best to not take the response personally, but as information on how to proceed.

Thursday 3/14 – Mouse  – With Mercury in the midst of its retrograde transit, it’s especially important to pay close attention to the details. Of your day-to-day habits. Of the words you choose. And most definitely of any contracts or agreements you are considering signing. Take a personal inventory of all of the areas of your life, from work to home to relationships to self care practices, and assess for places where you may be leaking energy or working against yourself. Some tiny tweaks could mean the difference between spinning your wheels and actually bringing your dreams and visions to life.

Friday 3/15 – Turkey – Nothing attracts opportunities and abundance like a generous spirit and today is a beautiful day to cultivate that within yourself. Ask yourself where you might be able to be of service to those within your community, be that local or more globally. Sharing your time and money resources with those less fortunate can be a beautiful way to give back, but more than anything, it’s about the energy with which you move through the world. See if you can find even the smallest opportunities to uplift each person you encounter today so that they walk away with a sense o. You may find that some just how special they are. Some of that good energy you’re putting out into the world may even come back around and leave you feeling more abundant and grateful than you did at the outset of the day.

Saturday 3/16 – Bat Reversed – The only constant in this life is change and yet so many of us resist the shifts and evolutions that we inevitably must move through. If this is coming up for you today, first and foremost, know that you are not alone. That this is so very human. And also, that you are only being presented with the challenges at hand so that you can grow and step more fully into your power, gifts, and light. Ask yourself if you could simply embrace each moment as if you had chosen it, and then milk it for every bit of learning and healing you possibly can receive. You are stronger than you think and you’ve got what it takes to make it through to the gifts on the other side. Simply take it breath by breath, be as present as possible, and make the choice to view your circumstances as an adventure, even if they might also sometimes feel like an ordeal.

Sunday 3/17 – Jaguar Reversed – Your relationship to integrity is one of the strongest influences on what kind of frequency you are putting out in the world and what you are calling into your own life. You can talk about the visions you wish to manifest all day long, but if your actions aren’t backing up your words, you’re sending mixed messages ot the universe, and probably to everyone around you as well. It’s time to bring your life into alignment by making sure that it’s a vibrant embodiment of your values and an authentic expression of who you are and who you wish to become. Once you start walking your talk, you’ll begin to develop a deeper sense of trust in yourself and an ability to radiate the confidence of someone who is living from a place of empowerment. And there’s really nothing quite as magnetic as that.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday March 4th, 2019

Monday 3/4 – Coyote – Some say that the ones who we find most challenging to connect with are our greatest teachers, and today we are being called to embrace this possibility. If you find that there is someone in your sphere who seems to be testing you, pushing against your boundaries, or stirring up some tension for you internally, take a deep breath and then ask yourself what you can learn from this situation. Are parts of your own shadow being triggered? Have you been taking yourself too seriously? Is there room to be more flexible and forgiving with others? Once you’re able to view the dynamic from this perspective, you may find that there is less charge around it, that you are able to engage with much more ease, and you may even walk away with some powerful insights about yourself.

Tuesday 3/5 – Dog - All relationships involve some degree of exchange, and in order for a connection to be a healthy one, it’s important that the exchange is circular. This doesn’t mean that you have to be even-steven on everything or keep a tally of who does what for whom, but it is important to keep the energy flowing and one way of doing that is to offer support to the ones who have done so for you. Take some time today to give back, in whatever way you can, and don’t be afraid to think outside of the box. Taking someone out for lunch is lovely, but maybe they’d be just as happy to receive some word-of-mouth support for a venture they’re trying to get off the ground, help with a home renovation task, or even just a safe place to sound off on some things that they’ve been struggling with. If you’re not sure how best to support them, ask. A little generosity of spirit can go a long way towards strengthening a connection.

Wednesday 3/6 – Lynx – “If you see something, say something” doesn’t apply when it comes to making commentary on other people’s lives and personal choices. For empaths and intuitives, this can be especially tricky as it can be oh so tempting to call people out on things that they may be trying to hide from others or even from themselves. In general, people confront the truth when they are ready and not a moment sooner so exercise some restraint today and hold your tongue. Particularly with Mercury in retrograde, even well-intentioned statements can come out the wrong way and cause more harm than good. If you really need to get it off your chest, write a letter to the person you’d like to have words with, burn it, and then send them prayers. They’ll receive the benefit of your energetic support much more than they would your attempts to guide them.

Thursday 3/7 – Armadillo – Healthy boundaries make for healthy relationships and the medicine coming forward today is all about checking in on what that looks like for you. What are your bottom lines and what are you absolutely not willing to tolerate? What do you need to feel safe, secure, and loved? And this doesn’t only apply to your relationships with others. Setting boundaries with yourself and being consistent about honoring them is foundational for your ability to do so with others. Are you able to make and keep commitments to yourself? If not, how can you expect others to show up in that way for you? Work from the inside out to create the conditions that support you in being the very best version of yourself. As you treat yourself more lovingly, you’ll notice that others follow suit and that you’ll be more able to lovingly release the ones who don’t.

Friday 3/8 – Crow – Watch out today for the tendency to think in absolutes about what is right and wrong. Sure, there are some universal codes of morality that most of us can agree on, but most of our day-to-day interactions and choices fall within a multitude of shades of grey. Our moralities can’t be constructed inside of a vacuum and should instead be informed by the many layers of context present in any given circumstance. If you find yourself clinging to judgment and feeling compelled to point a finger at another, it might be an indicator that you hold similar qualities in your shadow and have room to do some internal work around that particular issue. Focus on healing your own wounds and lead by example rather than by proselytizing.

Saturday 3/9 – Raccoon – Empowered people empower people and today may present you with an opportunity to do just that. If you see someone around you who seems to be struggling and feeling like the underdog, lend a little bit of your strength to them in the form of encouraging words, sharing from the overflow in areas where you’re feeling abundant, or offering some other form of support. Just make sure that you’re helping that person to tap into their own power rather than simply swooping in and saving the day, otherwise you may actually end up feeding into their sense of being a victim and creating a sense of dependence on you.

Sunday 3/10 – Beaver – Invest in the things you wish to build today. If you have any projects or ventures that are especially important to you, get a head start on your workload. With Mercury retrograde in play, things may take a little longer than expected and tech could end up being a little glitchy so you may really thank yourself in the week ahead for starting early. Also, be sure to back up all of your tech devices regularly. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure as they say, so protect your work by making sure it’s stored! This should have you starting off the new week tomorrow feeling more grounded and with a bit more breathing room should anything unexpected come up.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday February 25th, 2019

Monday 2/25 – Grouse Reversed – It can be easy to forget what a gift it is to get to live life in a human body. We can forget how magical our very own heartbeat is, the way our lungs expand and contract, all the systems inside of us that are constantly working to achieve homeostasis so that we can wake up and greet the day. Spend some time today reconnecting with the blessings of your physical form and express your gratitude by using what you’ve got. If you can run or dance or jump in the ocean, do it! If you can move your fingers across your own skin or simply feel the cool breeze or warm sunlight caress your body, let yourself soak that in. Our time here is limited, and the awareness of that can be a call to be more present with the beauty that’s right in front of us in this very moment, the only one we’re promised.

Tuesday 2/26 – Black Panther - The more that scientists study our planet and the universe, the more we see that absolutely everything is interconnected, moving in rhythm, a giant and unfathomably intricate cosmic dance. You don’t have to believe in a traditional idea of a god to see the divinity within that or to understand that you are playing your own tiny, but important part within the greater picture. Remember that today, when you encounter circumstances that leave you uncertain about your future or what your place is in this world. Trust yourself, your ability to meet whatever comes your way, and in the natural order that is guiding you through the seasons just as much as it is the plants and animals and elements.

Wednesday 2/27 – Swan Reversed – Sometimes to find a true sense of belonging, we have to first let go of the desire to fit in and that’s what’s called for today. You can’t uncover your own gifts if you’re too busy watching what everyone else is doing and getting mired in comparison mode. Get back in your own lane and while you’re there, start paying attention to what makes you unique because that is where your soul purpose lives. You’ll also be much more likely to attract in people and opportunities that truly align with and complement you once you start emitting your own authentic frequency, so go ahead and shine in the way that only you can.

Thursday 2/28 – Dragonfly Reversed – Release the illusion that your current perspective is the only way to view things or is Truth in an absolute sense. We all see the world and our experiences through unique filters or lenses that are created through the complex interplay of our upbringings, our biological makeup, social conditioning, and so many other more subtle influences. The goal isn’t to rid ourselves of this lens but to maintain an awareness of it and to consider the possibility of other perspectives being just as true or valid as our own. Open your mind and you may just find a well of creativity you’ve not tapped into previously, a heightened awareness of opportunities that are available to you, and the ability to connect more deeply with people who have ways of viewing the world that are refreshingly different than your own.

Friday 3/1 – Blue Heron – Our inner worlds are so vast; we rarely even scratch the surface of what lives within our hearts and minds. Creating time for stillness and reflection is vital if we want to develop an intimate relationship with our own spirit and today is an especially potent day to do so. If you struggle with sitting meditation, try a movement meditation like mindful walking or expressive free-form movement. Allow yourself to really drop into your own experience and be present as the layers come up, one by one. There’s no goal here other than to become more attuned to the quieter parts of your experience that may often get buried under the busyness and distractions of day to day life. There’s really no greater power than knowing yourself deeply, so empower yourself and spend some time exploring the wilderness within today.

Saturday 3/2 Bear – The call to go inward continues today. Nearly everything in nature has a season of dormancy even if only briefly or in a subtle way. Humans have created structures that allow us to continue our fast pace and outward focus on productivity even through the winter months, but that doesn’t mean our very nature doesn’t still call for a time of deep restoration. Our bodies undergo certain healing processes only when we allow ourselves to drop into the deepest stages of sleep and our hearts, minds, and spirits need regular periods of rest and quiet as well, so tend to your being today by taking time to get cozy, let go of the need to “do”, and simply just “be”.

Sunday 3/3 – Porcupine – Many of us don’t often think of vulnerability as a sign of strength but it absolutely requires courage, deep self-awareness, and an ability to set clear, but compassionate boundaries—none of which is for the faint of heart. And yet, without allowing ourselves to be vulnerable with others, we never experience the full beauty and power of true intimacy, one of the greatest gifts in this human experience. The one caveat here is that is important to be discerning when choosing to whom you offer up your tenderness. If you don’t have people in your life who you can trust with the softest parts of your heart, ask yourself why that is. If it is simply your own fear getting in the way of healing connections, it’s time to get brave. If you’ve chosen to surround yourself with people who don’t honor all of who you are, then it’s time to look at your own relationship with self-love, cultivate a connection to your intrinsic worth, and then find people who can reflect that back to you. And don’t forget that while this is deep work, it doesn’t have to be heavy. Laughter and play are some of the most powerful medicines on our healing journeys so be sure to engage in both regularly.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!

And be sure to Subscribe to the HelloAshleyBerry YouTube Channel to get notified when weekly forecast videos are posted!



Weekly Forecast Monday, January 21st, 2019

weekly forecast 1.21.19.jpg

Monday 1/21 - Horse Reversed - Have you been struggling to stand in your power in a balanced way lately? Swinging like a pendulum between the extremes of not standing up for yourself or others at all and then using excessive force, either physically or energetically? If so, it’s time to ground, reclaim your authentic power, and exercise it mindfully and compassionately. This begins with self-awareness and appropriate boundary setting and is supported by taking the time you need, on a regular basis, to check in with yourself and your own needs and then tending to them so that you don’t end up feeling stretched too thin, only to snap. When you are attuned to your inner world, you can engage with your outer world in a much more effective and empowered way. Cultivate this ability and you are sure to see waves of positive shift across all areas of your life.

Tuesday 1/22 - Spider Reversed - There’s a risk today of saying or doing something from a place of frustration unless you find appropriate outlets for expressing yourself, so get creative. It doesn’t matter what medium you choose but it’s vital that you find a way to channel your energy into something positive. Draw, paint, make music, build something, dance, and as you do, envision any heavy or intense energy flowing right out of you and into your creation. It’s not so much about creating a masterpiece as it is about funneling your pain, anger, or frustration into something else so that it’s no longer binding you or weighing you down.

Wednesday 1/23 - Wild Boar - The message for today came through loud and clear and it’s that today is not a day to be meek. Most of us do our best to avoid conflict, but sometimes it’s absolutely necessary to fight for yourself, the ones you love, and for what you believe in. This doesn’t mean you have to pull out all the weapons or resort to aggressive attacks, however; remain calm and dignified, but stand your ground. Those who oppose you will either yield or remove themselves from the equation entirely, and either way, you’ll be happy that you didn’t compromise your integrity or your well being just to avoid rocking the boat. Being liked isn’t the same as being valued or respected, and if you have to choose between the two, the latter is far less likely to leave you feeling like a doormat.

Thursday 1/24 - Prairie Dog - With all of the heightened energy of this week, it’s important that you set aside a little time to relax and restore your body, mind, and spirit. Today would be an especially good day to schedule in some solo self-care in the form of time in nature, a meditation session, a cozy afternoon curled up with a book or some soothing music, or a visit to a bodyworker if that’s in your budget. Whatever you do, make sure that you really allow yourself the space to properly unwind because you’ve got some big opportunities on the horizon and you want to make sure that you don’t burn out before you get there. If you have a hard time slowing down and feel guilty for taking time away from the grind, just remember, slow and steady wins the race. Play the long game and take the down time now so you can cross the finish line with enough energy to enjoy your accomplishments.

Friday 1/25 - Raven - The week seems to end on a magical note, or at least, it can if you stay open to the possibility. When we’re children, we see magic all around us, in puddles and rainbows and even in the darkness beneath our own beds. But somewhere along the way, many of us lose connection with that way of seeing the world. We tack logical explanations onto everything and dismiss synchronicities as mere coincidence. It doesn’t have to be this way, though. You can know the reasons why and still hold space for wonder, curiosity, and awe. Allow yourself those gifts today. Focus in on all the little sources of magic that present themselves to you. Be present with beauty, the way you were as a child. You might just find that there’s a whole world of magic that’s been right under your nose for quite some time, only waiting for you to notice it.

Saturday 1/26 - Butterfly Reversed - If you’ve been hesitant to embrace changes that seem to be sweeping through your life, it’s time to surrender. Yes, you may experience loss, growing pains, or fear of the unknown but this is all part of the process of transformation. Just as the caterpillar has no idea that it is destined to become a butterfly, you cannot even begin to imagine all of the beauty that awaits you on the other side of the shifts that are taking place. Hang tight, even if it feels like you are coming undone. There is a brand new you that is preparing to emerge and your only job right now is to trust that you are only ever becoming what you were always meant to be.

Sunday 1/27 - Snake - One of the most powerful ways to heal is to turn your pain into purpose and that is exactly what is called for today. Share your story. Help someone out who struggles with the same issues you have had to face. Turn the tables on your troubles by fully owning them and then scouring them for treasure, and the treasure is always there; finding it simply requires a willingness to trade out self-pity for a commitment to learning and growth. If the lessons are feeling particularly tough, lean into any practices that you find to be healing, whether that’s mindful movement, working with your breath, or intentional creativity. A little extra self-care can go a long way towards supporting your ability to alchemize your struggles into something that not only makes you stronger, but offers healing to the world around you as well.

If you’d like to book a private card reading for more in-depth and personalized messages around what the days and weeks ahead hold for you or to gain clarity around specific issues or areas of your life, check out my Intuitive Card Readings page for more information on my card reading offerings, rates, and how to book!



Weekly Forecast - Monday July 30th

Weekly Forecast 7.30.18.jpg

Monday 7/30 - Wild Boar is all about radical honesty and confronting the truth with wide open eyes. This may mean looking your own demons in the eyes and calling them by name or it could also indicate that it’s time to speak your truth to someone in your life. If there’s something that needs to be said, but the other party is not available for a heartfelt discussion, either physically or emotionally, perhaps write a letter airing all of the thoughts and feelings that you have been holding and burn it to release the energy.

Tuesday 7/31 - When Raven swoops into your cards there’s bound to be magic afoot. You may notice patterns of synchronicity presenting themselves today or find that your intuitive abilities or state of consciousness is heightened today. This is an especially good day for intention setting, energy work, or taking extra time to connect deeply with Spirit.

Wednesday 8/1 - Jaguar Reversed indicates that it might be time to take a little inventory of how your actions are aligning with your values. Are there places where your integrity has been compromised? In the work you do? In how you’re showing up in relationships? In how you treat yourself? If so, acknowledge the issue, offer yourself some compassion and forgiveness, and do your best to bring your mind, body, and spirit back into true alignment.

Thursday 8/2 - Squirrel Medicine is all about gathering, preparation, and planning ahead. What can you do now to make your life a little easier for the upcoming weeks ahead. This could mean saving your energy or resources up in anticipation of a period of high output or doing a little bit of cleaning and streamlining in your inner and outer spaces so that you can meet life and any shifts that are headed your way with groundedness and clarity. Either way, a little work to prepare yourself for what’s ahead can go a long way today!

Friday 8/3 - While Raccoon may look like a little bandit, it happens to have a very strong natural tendency to be a protector and a provider for others, particularly for those who may be less fortunate. Are there people in your life who may need a little support? How might you be able to tap into your own sense of generosity? Are there places in your life where your cup is overflowing and you have the ability to share? These are the questions to ask yourself today.

Saturday 8/4 - It is certainly always interesting to see Turkey Reversed follow Raccoon as the turkey is all about generosity and the idea of “give away” and when it shows up in the reversed position, it usually means that there is some challenge around scarcity mindset and an inability to trust that there is enough for all. If you notice these feelings coming up today, ask yourself where the story is coming from. If you need support shifting this mindset, spending time in a gratitude practice can be a very powerful way to connect with the abundance in your own life.

Sunday 8/5 - Moose medicine is in order on this day which means it’s time to acknowledge your recent successes and allow yourself to be filled up with the joy and pride of your own accomplishments. In our achievement oriented society, it’s so easy to complete one thing and be on to the next before we’ve even had a chance to celebrate the milestone. But taking stock of where we’ve come and what we’ve learned along the way helps hone our wisdom as well as our sense of self worth, so today, take some time to love yourself up for all that you do.
